Unmatched Dominance/C1607 The Wood Has Already Become a Boat
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Unmatched Dominance/C1607 The Wood Has Already Become a Boat
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C1607 The Wood Has Already Become a Boat

The Primordial Yang Sect had fallen into silence and obscurity, while the Thunder Sect seized the opportunity to ascend.

The twists of fate are unpredictable. The Spirit Void Sect, once deeply rooted with a multitude of powerful experts, was poised to challenge the upper sects. The Spirit Void Taoist was once hailed as the preeminent figure on the Heavenly Source Continent.

Yet, who could have foreseen the Spirit Void Sect, the foremost among the seven lower sects, plummeting so drastically within mere decades?

Overtaken by the Silver Moon Sect and the Thunder Sect, the Spirit Void Sect had declined to a point where it was even outshone by the Ancient Desolate Sect.

Lee Sha, ruling over the Mondnacht Clan and the ancient Moon Demon from the Outer Star River, along with the formidable Tan Junshan, led many to believe that the Silver Moon Sect was poised to become the next upper sect.

But it was Lin Daoke's sword strike that changed everything...

That single strike seemed to extinguish the fate of the Silver Moon Sect, severing their ascension.

In contrast, the Thunder Sect and Wai Zhuo, who had long remained inconspicuous, suddenly received Han Miaoyuan's favor at this pivotal moment.

With cunning strategy, he capitalized on the gods' departure and the assumption that the divine seat was reserved for Zhong Chichen, elevating Wai Zhuo in the process.

Wai Zhuo, now deified and self-styled as the Thunderbolt Tyrant, swiftly unified the internal Clouds Sect and the external Thunder Sect with the force of a thunderclap.

Overnight, the Thunder Sect rose from a lower sect to an upper sect, shining as brightly as the Red Devil Sect.

"Xie Binn, Lee Yu, Rong Xun, Qiao Yuling..."

Upon hearing the news, Yu Yuan's lips curled into a bittersweet smile as he let out a silent sigh.

He had always seen great potential in Xie Binn, even personally crafting numerous spirit pills for him, and Xie Binn had shown him great respect in return.

Their bond had carried over into Yu Yuan's current life, where he had assisted Xie Binn in reconstructing the Yang God.

And it was through his endorsement that Lee Yu had garnered the attention of the Small Clouds Sect, allowing him to pursue his cultivation there.

Little did he know that Wai Zhuo's rise to divinity and his intent to integrate the true practitioners of the Thunder Sect would sweep away these individuals, obliterating their physical forms both in the vast expanse and the celestial realm.

The struggle among practitioners is brutally harsh and utterly unpredictable. In the wake of Xie Binn and Lee Yu's deaths, a somber Yu Yuan looked up to find the High Priest Reid, shrouded in a pitch-black cloak, his twin purple Devil Souls burning without a flicker of disturbance.

Observing the others, Dark Elfkind's Brie, Tianqi, and Guixu, encased within the dual-faced stone statue, each displayed varying degrees of intense emotion triggered by the news about Zhu Peining. Surprisingly, the most dramatic reaction came from Rebecca, the matriarch of the Banshee Clan.

Upon learning of Wei Zhuo's ascension within the Thunder Sect, the cushion beneath Rebecca burst into flames. Amidst the sprouting green fire, slender spirit snakes writhed furiously, as if attempting to escape the emerald blaze and penetrate the vastness to shatter Wei Zhuo's newly acquired divine status.

"Damn it!" Rebecca swore vehemently.

It took a moment for Yu Yuan to realize that, in the starry expanse beyond the Vast Ocean, aside from the Outland Devaputra Race, the Banshee Clan was the most adept and reliant on soul power. The majority of the Banshee Clan had mastered the art of soul-based attacks to an exceptional degree, with Rebecca being a standout among them.

It is well-known that when the Banshee Clan from beyond the stars engages in fierce battles with the Vast Ocean, their main adversaries are often those from the Vast Ocean who have cultivated the power of lightning, predominantly members of the Thunder Sect and formerly of the Clouds Sect.

With Wei Zhuo's sudden deification and his consolidation of the Thunder Sect and the Clouds Sect, the Banshee Clan would be at a distinct disadvantage in any future conflicts with the Vast Ocean. Rebecca, possessing a Tenth Level bloodline, would inevitably find herself at Wei Zhuo's mercy now that he had ascended to godhood. Her frustration and loud cursing were, under the circumstances, quite understandable.

"Try to keep your cool," Taishi advised with his usual serenity, attempting to soothe her before addressing Guixu and Tianqi, "I suspect Han Miaoyuan, that crafty old fox, orchestrated Wei Zhuo's rise to divinity specifically to counter the Ghost Wizard Sect and the Earth Demon. Both Youyu and Yu Zhu are bound to feel uneasy with Wei Zhuo's newfound godhood."

"Of course, that includes us as well."

Taishi's profound gaze settled on the dark cloak of High Priest Reid after he finished speaking. He remained silent, simply watching Reid as if anticipating a response.

Brie from the Dark Elfkind trembled slightly, hesitating before speaking, "Lord Reid, I've heard of a forbidden region in the Outland Star River, perpetually storming with lightning. This place, being exceedingly hostile to Devaputras, has been sealed by your kind for ages, its exact location unknown to all."

At these words, Rebecca, Tianqi, Guixu, along with Yuv Qian and Green Incubus, all regarded him with skepticism.

Those in the know were aware that the formidable Great Demon God Beilstein had personally sealed that sacred land of thunder. They also recognized that Beilstein feared no entity that walked the path of the Lightning Dao, having reached the pinnacle of such power.

Whether it was the vast supreme lightning or the unique bloodline of other races imbued with lightning, none who dared challenge Beilstein survived.

Without exception, they all perished!

"Wai Zhuo has indeed visited that place. The old patriarch believes our expansive starry sea is overdue for a supreme lightning wielder. Apart from Zhong Chichen, only Wai Zhuo can constrain the Origin Realm God. It was he who sanctioned Wai Zhuo's ascension to godhood..." Reid openly admitted when he noticed Taishi's suspicion.

"There's no need to fret over Wai Zhuo. Once the threat of the Origin Realm God is neutralized, the old patriarch can erase him at any moment if deemed unnecessary," Reid explained nonchalantly, his Devil Soul enshrouded by his black cloak. "With Taishi awakened, I am at ease. Farewell."

The High Priest of the Devaputra Race transformed into a swath of black mist and elegantly dispersed into the void.

The onlookers watched him depart, openly admitting the truth yet uncertain of their next move.

For he was the representative of the Great Demon God Beilstein, the High Priest of the Devaputra Race...

Once Beilstein's name was invoked, a hush fell over the crowd, and even the usually outspoken Rebecca held her tongue.

"Well then, since he too believes we need a supreme lightning cultivator, let us proceed accordingly."

Taishi remained composed, not overly fixated on the situation. "Furthermore, Han Miaoyuan wouldn't dare to orchestrate Wai Zhuo's ascension to godhood without being absolutely certain. I'm convinced that a new divine seat is about to materialize."

"I need to return to the Banshee Clan to regroup!" Rebecca exclaimed.

Unlike Reid, who had chosen to depart from the Plover Realm, she headed to the Galaxy Crossing managed by the guild. Her intention was to use the Crossing to reach the territory of the Banshee Clan.

"Yu Yuan, handle this..." Taishi's brow furrowed, a look of displeasure crossing his face as he gestured with his hand.

The barrier of the Plover Realm became translucent. A dim crescent moon hung in the distant, dark expanse of space. "Since Lee Sha's death, the Mondnacht Clan and the ancient Moon Demon groups have been adamant that we owe them an explanation."

Yu Yuan's mind raced as he tapped into the power of the Dragon Slash Platform, squinting for a closer look.

Atop the crescent moon, numerous gleaming Galaxy Warships and palaces, akin to the material of Fallen Star Eyes, were visible.

Several Ninth Level warriors from the Mondnacht Clan, along with clusters of Moon Demon figures, stood upon the moon, casting icy glares at the Plover Realm.

They had come to seek answers from the Divine Soul Sect, driven by the death of Lee Sha, seemingly eager to vent their dissatisfaction.

"They learned of my grave injuries at the hands of the Demon Phoenix, uncertain of my fate, and that's when they brought the crescent moon into the Oblivion Starfield," Taishi said with a hint of frost in his tone.

His discontent stemmed from his constant presence in the Plover Realm, while Lee Sha had long been dead, and the Mondnacht Clan had yet to show up.

He had only just been critically wounded, and it seemed as though the crescent moon had arrived before Tianqi and Guixu could return...

Had Tianqi and Guixu not arrived promptly, the Mondnacht Clan members might not have remained as composed.

Yu Yuan, momentarily taken aback, quickly grasped the situation. He nodded and responded, "I'll deal with it."

Following Reid's lead, he soared into the skies beyond the Plover Realm.

Crossing the realm barrier with ease, he found himself at the heart of the starry void.

Emerging into space, he was greeted by an array of Galaxy Ancient Starships and Demon Gods, including those from the Outland Devaputra, as well as numerous Devaputras, all awaiting the arrival of High Priest Reid.

Reid, poised to depart on the Galaxy Warship, along with the Devaputras, unexpectedly turned their gaze to Yu Yuan.

"Could he be here to hold us accountable?" Mitts exclaimed in astonishment.


Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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