Unmatched Dominance/C1609 Yu Yuan Slash Moon!
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Unmatched Dominance/C1609 Yu Yuan Slash Moon!
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C1609 Yu Yuan Slash Moon!

"Optimus Sword!"

"How did that kid manage to summon the Optimus Sword?"

"The Mondnacht Clan's methods may have been somewhat improper, but surely it doesn't warrant this response?"

The Oracle Divine King, along with Green Incubus, White Ghost, and the up-and-comer Jiaang Miaojie, all stared in bewilderment at Taishi, who appeared equally astonished.

Zhu Peining of the Babel Chamber of Commerce cried out, "Primordial Divine King, surely there's no need for him to wield that Divine Sword, is there?"

Zhu Peining had some knowledge of the Divine Soul Sect and the grievances that arose following Lee Sha's death from the Mondnacht Clan.

The Primordial Divine King had instructed Yu Yuan to address the Mondnacht Clan's grievances. Was he actually sanctioning a bloodbath?

Consider that the Plover Realm is currently home to a vast array of different races, including envoys from the Star Race, Dark Elfkind, Silver Scale Clan, and Bright Clan.

What would they think if showing even a hint of dissatisfaction led to Yu Yuan's wrath?

"Has Yu Yuan lost his mind?"

Rebecca, poised to return to the Banshee Clan, was also startled by the presence of the Divine Sword. She halted her departure, propelled herself skyward, and headed out to see what was happening beyond the Plover Realm.

"High Priestess!"

Mitts was horrified at the sight of the Optimus Sword emerging from the Epitaxial Realm. The rainbow light, brimming with formidable sword energy, made her Devil Soul shudder.

This legendary Divine Sword, hidden in the Dark Domain for years, had last caused a stir in the Firefly Starfield, capturing the world's attention.

Was it possible that the Divine Sword's brilliance was about to emerge once more?

"Something's not right. Everyone, stay put. Yu Yuan isn't the type to act without reason. The Mondnacht Clan's actions might be questionable, but they don't warrant a death sentence."

Reid's expression was grave as numerous little devils peeked out from his dark robe.

The enigmatic little devils chattered away, seemingly speaking to him in an arcane language that only he could decipher.

"Do not interfere with Yu Yuan, regardless of his intentions!"

A burst of black flame erupted from the depths of Reid's purple Demonic Pupil, as if he had somehow communicated with a strand of Beilstein's Devil Soul through some arcane secret method.

The Great Demon God Beilstein has issued his decree!

Yu Yuan shall have free rein in his actions, and the Devaputra Race must not interfere. In fact, they should consider offering assistance when appropriate...

Even if Yu Yuan truly intends to eradicate the Mondnacht Clan and the remnants of the ancient Moon Demons, Reid will stand by him!

"Yu Yuan!"

Lau Ying, in her Yang God form, blanched with shock as the Fallen Star Eyes pendant transformed into a suit of gleaming silver armor, enveloping her moonlit, ethereal figure.

"Don't be rash, please don't act recklessly. The Mondnacht Clan and our Silver Moon Sect share a deep connection. I don't want to..."

She hurriedly tried to reason with him.

"Is this how the Divine Soul Sect treats its allies?"

Sheer, a delicate member of the Mondnacht Clan, ascended from the Silvery Land, her body radiating a luminous glow for all to see.

"Our clan's matriarch, Lee Sha, broke through to the Tenth Level with the aid of the Divine Soul Sect. She didn't commit any grave offenses; she merely failed to announce her return to the Great Expanse. Now she's dead, slain by Lin Daoke, and the Divine Soul Sect has shown no response. Worse yet, they now turn against us..."

Sheer had left the crescent moon behind, her form shining conspicuously against the dark cosmos. Her voice echoed, reaching the ears of nearby races in their own tongues.

From afar, the Optimus Sword blazed as a radiant streak of light, visible to all with sufficient cultivation.

This display from the Divine Sword gave everyone a hint of what Yu Yuan might do next.

"Primordial Divine King!"

The Oracle Divine King, Green Incubus, and Brie from the Dark Elfkind couldn't contain their alarm.

At that moment, they, like Taishi, had gathered beyond the Plover Realm, alongside Rebecca and the formidable representatives from various clans and the Babel Chamber of Commerce, all gazing at the waning moon.

"Taishi, what exactly does Yu Yuan of the Divine Soul Sect plan to do to the Mondnacht Clan?"

"Does the Divine Soul Sect really treat its allies this way?"

"If this is how your Divine Soul Sect operates, we need to seriously reconsider our alliances. This is far too authoritarian!"

Outside the barrier of the realm, numerous Ninth Level warriors from various races were seething with anger. Yu Yuan's show of dominance and the Mondnacht Clan's response left them feeling somewhat disheartened. Fundamentally, they were no different from the Mondnacht Clan, being allies of both the Divine Soul Sect and the Babel Chamber of Commerce. Sharing a sense of commiseration, they were all quite stirred up.

"Yu Yuan can handle this, and since I've entrusted it to him, I trust him," Taishi stated calmly, addressing the doubts and concerns of those around him. "I will take responsibility for all outcomes."

He turned a deaf ear to Heather's shouting and the astonished murmurs of the guests from various races. Decades of friendship and trust meant he harbored not a shred of doubt about Yu Yuan. He was convinced there was a reason for everything, and he believed that even if Yu Yuan hadn't awakened yet, he wouldn't act without cause.

"I want to see why he's done this!"

"If he doesn't provide an explanation, we'll break our alliance with the Divine Soul Sect!"

"We shall see what happens!"

Many powerful beings from different races shouted in outrage.


The Divine Sword, which had been submerged in the Epitaxial Realm, finally settled into Yu Yuan's palm. Clasping the hilt, he experienced a profound sense of fulfillment, as if he had grasped the entirety of heaven and earth. The sword soul's jubilation and excitement resonated clearly within the blade.

After many years, the Divine Sword, now reunited with its hilt and sword soul, was once again in his possession. Yu Yuan inhaled deeply, silencing Heather's every syllable.

On the Silvery Land, members of the Mondnacht Clan, along with three shadows representing the ancient Moon Demon, looked up in terror at Yu Yuan, who floated above them just like Heather.

"Fallen Moon Slash!"

With a slight twist of his wrist, Yu Yuan announced the name of the first sword spell he had mastered. From his position in the sky, he began to swing his sword downward.

A piercing crimson sword light descended from the heavens, aiming straight for the fragmented moon. As the sword light plummeted, the fierce sword intent that seemed capable of cleaving everything in its path caused the Mondnacht Clan members and the three ancient Moon Demons, fearful of not escaping in time, to scatter in all directions.

They had every intention of blocking it...

But when they recognized the incoming strike as the legendary "Fallen Moon Slash," and sensed the sword intent potent enough to obliterate their very souls, they found themselves with no choice but to flee as it nearly pierced through their spirit.

This sword, this particular sword spell, instilled in them a profound and ingrained fear.

Thus, the broad, crimson glow of the sword light unimpededly struck the Silvery Land.


The land was cleft asunder, a vast chasm hundreds of miles long ripped open amidst the cacophony of bursting rock and metal.

"Fallen Moon Slash!"

With Yu Yuan's cry, another streak of scarlet sword light plummeted from the heavens.

This fresh onslaught of sword light struck the ever-widening chasm, deepening the gash as if determined to cleave the Silvery Land in twain.

It aimed to split the crescent moon right down the center.

Several silver warships were shattered by the stone shrapnel erupting from the fractured earth, their weaker-blooded Mondnacht Clan occupants screaming as they scrambled to escape.

Lau Ying, left unattended, enveloped the Yang God with her Fallen Star Eyes, standing isolated in the sky, utterly bewildered.

This version of Yu Yuan felt alien to her, as though she had never known him.

Why resort to this?

Why not clarify things before resorting to violence?

Had his return to the Divine Soul Sect and the backing of the Divine Kings made him so irrational?

When had he become so utterly intractable?

In her heart, Lau Ying still harbored some fondness for the Mondnacht Clan, bolstered by Tan Junshan's praises of them.

Lee Sha's death weighed on her conscience; she felt that the Silver Moon Sect had failed the Mondnacht Clan, that Lee Sha met her fate while aiding Tan Junshan's ascension to divinity.

Yet now, Yu Yuan's stance seemed hell-bent on the annihilation of the Mondnacht Clan.

Her heart ached with discomfort, struggling to come to terms with it.

"There's something inside the waning moon! There's... an elder from the Void Spirit Succubus Clan!" Reid, the High Priest, fixed his gaze on the crescent moon, the first to detect the anomaly. "No! That's not all! There's even an Origin Realm Gate!"


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