Unmatched Dominance/C1610 A Disaster That Has yet to be Brewed
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Unmatched Dominance/C1610 A Disaster That Has yet to be Brewed
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C1610 A Disaster That Has yet to be Brewed

Reid, who had assimilated a human form, wore an expression of profound distaste.


From the depths of the shattered Silvery Land, an object began to emerge slowly.

It was a massive altar with an odd design.

Crafted from lustrous moonstone, the octagonal altar spanned hundreds of acres.

Within the vast and luminous altar, thousands of corpses were entombed like insects in amber.

Among them were members of the Dark Elfkind, the Star Race, as well as female demons and Asura Clan warriors.

More than a dozen bodies of the Void Spirit Succubus and Mondnacht Clan were also encased, their final expressions eerily serene with smiles of bliss.

It was as though they had embraced their demise with open hearts, offering their souls and blood as a sacrifice to their deity.

Hovering above the altar, the Origin Realm Gate opened wide, fluttering like butterfly wings and casting waves of iridescent halos.

Before the gate, a figure sat cross-legged, who had been chanting with fervent devotion moments earlier.

As Yu Yuan cleaved the waning moon and revealed the altar, the chant was abruptly cut off.

His once vacant eyes gradually filled with life, his soul seemingly drawn back through the Origin Realm Gate bit by bit.

"Pei Yuling!"

Yu Yuan, gripping his Divine Sword, bellowed from high above the Silvery Land.

It was none other than Pei Yuling of the Lissom Realm, who had long allied with the Void Spirit Succubus, the Fallen Divine Tree, and Diggs, pledging allegiance to the Origin Realm God.

Perched atop the grand altar, Pei Yuling sat with the Origin Realm Gate fanning out behind him like the wings of a butterfly.

Though he bore a human visage, his veins pulsed with the essence of the Void Spirit Succubus!

It was as if his human shell had been infused with the blood of the Void Spirit Succubus!

This very deception had led both Yu Yuan and Reid to initially mistake him for an elder of the Void Spirit Succubus.

Possessing the Unrestrained Stage of cultivation, his inner Yang God was saturated with the blood of the Void Spirit Succubus.

This transformation rendered Pei Yuling an eerie figure, neither fully human nor specter, yet his prowess in battle appeared to have surged tremendously.

His soul had been in the enigmatic Origin Realm just moments before, seemingly in communion with the Origin Realm God.

Startled awake when the refuge of the fractured moon was cleaved open, he hastily reeled his soul back into his body. Upon regaining his senses, he discovered Yu Yuan, a figure he knew well, standing amidst the somber celestial expanse overhead.

"Origin Realm Gate!"

On the outskirts of the Plover Realm's boundary, the Oracle Divine King's formidable frame jolted, poised to strike at the fragmented moon.

"Hold off for now."

The composure on the Primordial Divine King's face shattered as he glimpsed the malevolent altar exposed at the base of the moon. Drawing a sharp breath, he gravely inquired of Yuv Qian, "Before I awoke from the bronze coffin, before Tianqi and Guixu returned, did the Mondnacht Clan intend to anchor this broken moon within the Plover Realm?"

His question sent a shiver through all beings beyond the boundary.

Without delay, Yuv Qian confirmed, "Indeed they did!"

"Thank goodness Tianqi and Guixu rushed back the moment they learned of my grave injuries. Had they not been swifter, had this crescent moon settled in the Plover Realm first, everyone..."

Taishi turned to Rebecca and the envoys of the Star Race, the Bright Clan, and the Silver Scale Clan, explaining, "The Origin Realm Gate was already secure, capable of rapidly engulfing vast amounts of energy to metamorphose into the Chaos Abyss! Their early return, fearing detection, was the only reason they didn't desperately force their way in."


Taishi's voice grew strained, "Otherwise, the Plover Realm might have suffered the same fate as the Lissom Realm. And the Oblivion Starfield might have been transformed into the Deep Starfield."

The Lissom Realm and the Oblivion Starfield had been utterly nullified, their worlds plunged into silence.

Not a trace of life remained.

Contemplating the potential aftermath, the various race emissaries who had previously chastised Yu Yuan were now rendered mute.

At that time, neither Rebecca, Brie, nor Reid had received an invitation to the Plover Realm.

Tianqi and Guixu had yet to return. If the crescent moon lingered in the Plover Realm, the Origin Realm Gate would unleash its malevolence, potentially wreaking havoc.

"Why has this happened?"

The Demon Gods exclaimed in horror.

Reid composed himself. Only when Pei Yuling's eyes sparkled with life could he sense the stirrings of Pei Yuling's soul.

This implied that if Pei Yuling anchored his soul within the Origin Realm, none of the powers within or beyond the Plover Realm could detect his soul's essence.

Yu Yuan had discovered Pei Yuling's subterranean hideout, not by sensing anomalies in his soul, but through the blood of the Void Spirit Succubus!

Reid, aware of the enigmatic nature of Yang God Yu, surmised the truth. He believed that Pei Yuling's body, saturated with the blood of the Void Spirit Succubus, had alerted Yu Yuan.

"What is happening here?"

Hathaway of the Mondnacht Clan, who had been vociferously confronting Yu Yuan, turned pale upon witnessing the moon's rupture and the emergence of a colossal, sinister altar from the earth's depths. Confronted by thousands of corpses bearing eerie grins, she shuddered. "I have no idea what's going on! Stop looking at me like that; I'm not responsible!"

She loudly proclaimed her innocence to the occupants of the Galaxy Ancient Starship where Reid stood.

Lau Ying, previously ignored and now terrified by the subterranean spectacle, had harbored doubts about Yu Yuan. Filled with remorse, she swiftly joined him.

"Brother Yu..."

Her voice carried a hint of embarrassment.

"Lord Reid, would you kindly look after her?" Yu Yuan requested, his expression grave as he grasped Lau Ying's arm with his free hand and flung her toward the Galaxy Ancient Starship where the Devaputra Race stood.

"It's no trouble at all," Reid responded, his voice resonating with the rich power of darkness. Lau Ying, enveloped in shadow, descended gently onto the deck of his warship.

"Yu Yuan, to think we'd meet again here after our farewell in the Lissom Realm," remarked Pei Yuling, who had just returned from the Origin Realm. Despite being exposed, he took note of Reid, Taishi, and the other Divine Kings of the Plover Realm, showing no sign of fear.

He rose slowly from his seated position, the Origin Realm Gate yawning open behind him.

"I must admit, I'm quite surprised you can detect my presence..."

Pei Yuling massaged his brow with a finger, his consciousness a tad sluggish as his soul had only just returned. "The Mondnacht Clan members have lost their value to us, thanks to your meddling."

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Five Mondnacht Clan members, tasked with overseeing the waning moon, had dark green flames flickering in their eyes.

Shockingly, it was their souls that were ablaze!

One by one, their burning souls leapt toward the altar concealed within the Crescent Moon Land.

As they made contact with the altar, they became one with it, their faces alight with smiles, as if joyfully offering their bodies and souls in sacrifice.

They were giving themselves to a deity on the other side of the Origin Realm Gate.

"You've got quite the nerve."

Yu Yuan, with sword in hand, slowly lowered it and gestured to Reid and Taishi not to approach Pei Yuling.

He could see that Pei Yuling could vanish from their sight by retreating through the Origin Realm Gate.

Pei Yuling's confidence stemmed from knowing that Yan Qiling was missing, Zhong Chichen had encountered trouble in the Dark Domain, and his own combat strength had surged after being infused with the blood of the Void Spirit Succubus.

Though not a deity or a Tenth Level warrior like Rovi, his adventures had granted him spatial powers surpassing both Yan Qiling and the others, and he had the support of the Origin Realm Gate.

If he chose to flee, it was doubtful they could stop him.

"Don't try to deceive me. They're not the only ones seduced by the Origin Realm Gate." Yu Yuan's gaze was icy as he observed the three demonic shadows symbolizing the ancient Moon Demon. "Do you need me to intervene?"

"You've discerned that?" Pei Yuling was genuinely astonished. He nodded, not denying it, and began to chant in an eerie tone.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Above the shattered moon, the three demonic shadows harboring the ancient Moon Demon joyously surged into the Origin Realm Gate behind Pei Yuling and vanished from sight.

Apparently, entering the Origin Realm with their souls was their ultimate pursuit, their very source of bliss.

First the Mondnacht Clan, then the ancient Moon Demons—whether willingly entering the altar to sacrifice themselves or delving into the Origin Realm with their souls, they all did so eagerly, with hearts full of joy.

This eerie tableau pressed heavily on the hearts of those who witnessed it, leaving them feeling oppressed and uneasy.

Some who had previously encountered similar altars recognized at once that the "Origin Realm God" had become even more fearsome than in the past.

Brie, in particular, was profoundly affected.

Back in the Lissom Realm, when he was resolute in his quest to eradicate Diggs, he had come across an altar of this kind.

He had also witnessed the ghastly rituals of sacrifice, but the expressions of his dying kinsmen were etched with terror and despair, as if they had endured the most horrific trials imaginable, suffering immense pain before succumbing to death.

Yet now, the deceased at the altar appeared jubilant, their faces brimming with bliss.

From this, Brie understood that the enigmatic "Origin Realm God" had significantly increased in power, eroding the souls of the living and exerting a stronger influence over the human spirit.

It was clear that the "Origin Realm God" had indeed grown more powerful.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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