Unmatched Dominance/C1619 Life Rekindled
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Unmatched Dominance/C1619 Life Rekindled
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C1619 Life Rekindled

Regardless of whether it was Taishi or the Chaos Roc, neither could discern what was transpiring within the Dragon Slash Platform.

Yet Yu Yuan, stationed within the Dragon Slash Platform, was privy to the events unfolding in the outside world.

The Dragon Slash Platform served as his divine eye...

Streams of life essence flowed ceaselessly into Yu Yuan's withered heart, though it appeared to be in vain.

The heart of the Blood Devil Clan's inaugural Great Demon God remained devoid of vitality, the spark of life unlit.

"Life essence alone seems insufficient to work miracles. I need to consider other options."

Yu Yuan ceased his efforts and fell into contemplation.

Abruptly, he furrowed his brow and declared, "The Chaos Roc has arrived and has engaged in battle with Taishi."

"He's no match for Taishi."

The Void Divine King, whose soul was busy crafting an exquisite sea of consciousness within Andre's mind, had yet to perceive any significant shifts and maintained his patience.

His gaze and voice remained steady and composed.

"Taishi's power amplifies in the presence of land and meteorites. He can brand the Realm and the stars with the Earth Law, transforming them into his divine weapons. Moreover, Taishi's Primordial Spirit is formidable. Among us, his Primordial Spirit ranks just below... yours from the past."

Void exuded an air of nonchalance, unconcerned about the possibility of Taishi being overpowered by the Chaos Roc.

"After all, he has only just awakened," Yu Yuan remarked, a hint of concern in his eyes.

The Void Divine King, with dark red pupils, lay there gazing at him, "We both are aware that his injuries weren't grave. In fact..."

The Void Divine King paused briefly, then continued, "Before his swift retreat to the Plover Realm, only six Realms had collapsed. Once I learned that merely six Realms had inexplicably fallen, I was certain he hadn't suffered greatly."

"Six Realms..." Yu Yuan mused, then inquired with curiosity, "Did he redirect the Demon Phoenix's assault onto those six Realms?"


The Void Divine King confirmed with assurance, "In that moment, the six Realms that collapsed and were destroyed became his six avatars. The force of the Demon Phoenix, once concentrated on him, was divided by the power within the bronze coffin into six parts, each borne by those six Realms. And his threshold is nine!"

In the place where he vanished, there were numerous desolate realms, far more than just six.

"If it didn't reach nine, it means that the annihilation of six realms was sufficient to dissipate the Demon Phoenix's overwhelming assault. There was no need to shatter an additional three realms."

As Taishi's longtime companion, he was well aware of Taishi's formidable strength. He deduced that Taishi was unharmed based solely on the destruction of six realms, rather than nine.

In other words, Taishi, who was currently clashing with the Chaos Roc in the external world, had regained his full power upon awakening.

As for the Chaos Roc...

He had encountered the Chaos Roc at the fringes of the Dim Starfield and engaged in a brief skirmish.

Thus, he was aware that the Starry Behemoth was still recovering from severe wounds.

"It looks like I was worried for nothing."

Yu Yuan shifted his concern away from Taishi and directed his attention to the heart before him, remarking, "The life essence I've infused into this heart is insufficient to rekindle its vital flame."

This time, the Void Divine King remained silent.

He knew he couldn't match Yu Yuan's understanding of life's mysteries. In areas beyond his expertise, he chose to keep quiet and let Yu Yuan ponder the enigma.

"I'll try something else."

Yu Yuan's Yang God emerged from his chest cavity. Within the small universe of the Dragon Slash Platform, the Yang God did not manifest in its typical form.

Instead, it took on the appearance of magnificent stalactites.

The crystals varied in size, thickness, and color, their grandeur and vibrancy striking to behold.


The Void Divine King, inhabiting Andre's demonic form, his dark red eyes suddenly flaring with intense crimson light, exclaimed in astonishment as he gazed upon the cluster of hanging crystals, "There are several red prisms that resonate with me!"

Within these red prisms appeared to be blood-colored lightning, resembling delicate Bloodline Crystal Chains.

As the Void Divine King focused on them, Yu Yuan understood that these red prisms were intimately connected to the Blood Devil Clan, having been formed from the crystallized blood of the Great Demon God, Grec.

Hidden within were the Blood Devil Clan's many secrets of blood essence, also imbued with the marvels of life.

This aspect of life's wonder originated from the primordial blood deep underground. After his contemplation, it was branded onto the beings of the Blood Devil Clan he had fashioned.

The Great Demon God Andre was brought into existence by him, and thus, it was only natural that there was a resonance with this extraordinary aspect of life.

"Given this, I'll attempt to extract a fragment and see if I can work a miracle for you!"


Yu Yuan clenched his jaw and from the crimson prisma, he managed to break off several small fragments.

These fragments bore an uncanny resemblance to those he had previously acquired from Grec.


The fragments of the crimson prisma, no larger than a fingernail, shone like the most brilliant red stars. Guided by his will, they descended upon the withered heart.

The heart of the deceased Great Demon God Andre!

Boom! Boom!

Inside the heart, the tiny red crystals unleashed millions of strands of crimson lightning, igniting the heart like sparks igniting a blaze.

A burgeoning life force within the depths of Andre's heart suddenly burst forth.


The soul of the Void Divine King surged from his mind into the heart with a commanding shout.

He employed the secret arts he had mastered and a myriad of other mystical techniques to forcefully meld his soul with the heart.

The blood essence that had been consumed by the heart years ago seemed to be reawakened.

Within the heart, through the devoured blood, he rediscovered himself...


Yu Yuan groaned, a sense of profound weakness washing over him. It felt as though a portion of the Yang God's essence had been siphoned away.

He was overcome with fatigue and dizziness, as if he were ill and unable to summon any energy.

He instantly realized that detaching even a small piece from the Crimson Prisma that constituted the Yang God was a significant drain, causing a severe loss of his power.

Yet, to his amazement, he watched as Andre's desiccated heart gradually plumped up, becoming vibrant and flush with life and vitality.

As the heart expanded slowly, the delicate soul strands of the Void wove their way into every Bloodline Crystal Chain nestled within, securing his grasp on the elements he had already mastered and merged.

"Now, all I require is time," the voice of the Void emanated from within the heart.

Yu Yuan knew that once he had assimilated the revitalized heart, along with all the innate Bloodline Crystal Chains that belonged to Andre...

The Void would be resurrected in truth.

Andre, created by the Yang Meridian, would cease to be, and the Void Divine King of the Divine Soul Sect would, through this vessel, experience a complete rebirth.

With a sizzle, Yu Yuan suddenly noticed numerous tiny blood-red fragments interweaving within the swelling heart, forming a small Life Altar.

The first generation Great Demon God, Andre, wasn't born with a "Life Altar," so the one that materialized out of nowhere was a result of his own gifting!

It was reminiscent of how he once used the Giant Beast Amber of the Chaos Roc to forge a Life Altar within himself.

Now, some of the blood-colored shards that had split from his Yang God were even aiding the Void Divine King in forming a Life Altar through Andre's heart.

Wouldn't the resurrected Void Divine King be drawn to and able to merge with the Great Demon God, just like Grec?

Yu Yuan was astounded.

He felt as though he had become a creator, bestowing upon the Void Divine King a peculiar Life Altar during his revival, effectively turning him into a follower.

This was due to the extraordinary blood connection between himself, this fleshly body, and the small Life Altar.

It appeared that no matter where the Void Divine King might be, as long as this body existed, he could discern the Divine King's whereabouts through the small Life Altar.

Yu Yuan could sense the wondrous methods once wielded by the Chaos Roc.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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