Unmatched Dominance/C1621 Understanding the Truth
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Unmatched Dominance/C1621 Understanding the Truth
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C1621 Understanding the Truth

"She's searching for me."

Within the Water Foreign Domain, the Chaos Roc abruptly shifted the conversation to the Demon Phoenix, a distinct apprehension in its gaze.

"I've got a bad feeling this time. If she finds me again, it might not be to imprison me, but... perhaps to kill me!"

The Chaos Roc was clueless about what had caused the Demon Phoenix's change in demeanor, yet the threat emanating from her was palpable, instilling panic despite the vast expanse of the galaxy.

The scent of death was in the air, prompting him to seek refuge. That's why he had ventured to the border, a place the Starry Behemoth typically avoided.

Though unfriendly to the Starry Behemoth, it was one of the few places he could think of to escape the Demon Phoenix's domain.

"It's incredibly frustrating. The Deep Sky Lizard is lurking nearby, dodging the Great Demon God Beilstein. And here I am, forced into this godforsaken spot to avoid the Demon Phoenix," the Chaos Roc spat out with vehemence.

His tone and demeanor were laden with terror at the thought of the Demon Phoenix, for he was aware that this time was different—this time, the Demon Phoenix was out for his life.

"Deep Sky Lizard? Shouldn't it be the Abyss Goanna?" Yu Yuan asked, taken aback.

"That fellow was originally called the Deep Sky Lizard. He's just explored the Chaos Abyss and can move freely within it, picking up some peculiar energies, so he decided to rename himself."

At this, the Chaos Roc sneered, "Just because he wanted to glorify himself, he changed his name from Deep Sky Lizard to Abyss Goanna, and that's what drew the attention of the Great Demon God Beilstein."

"Beilstein wanted to subdue him, to make him a mount for exploring the abyss."

"Once he caught wind of the Demon God's intentions, he began to evade capture out of fear of the abyss."

As a fellow rare Starry Behemoth, the Chaos Roc was clearly well-acquainted with the Abyss Goanna.

For the first time, Taishi's face showed a look of surprise, seemingly unaware of such intricacies.

"Why are you telling me all this?" Yu Yuan inquired nonchalantly.

Beilstein's pursuit of the Abyss Goanna was of no concern to him. The Chaos Roc's mention of its kin seemed like idle chatter, as if it were merely buying time.

"You and I, along with the source of the Yang Meridian, are all targets for the Demon Phoenix," the Chaos Roc remarked, noticing his lack of interest. After a brief pause, it continued, "Currently, we are both at a disadvantage. Although you've earned the favor of the origin blood, you haven't had the chance to grow stronger. Moreover, you're not fully aware of many things, so you could use my assistance."

"I disagree," Taishi interjected.

Shaking his head with a smile, he added, "To me, you're just another ordinary alien beast. Among the Starry Behemoths, you're an anomaly, but unfortunately, you haven't managed to become powerful."

Taishi surmised that the Demon Phoenix, emboldened by acquiring a Spinosaurus youth, had resolved to boldly invade the Dim Starfield.

The Demon Phoenix's intent to locate the Chaos Roc might also be to nurture the young creature.

He aimed to suppress or eliminate the Chaos Roc out of concern that the Demon Phoenix could learn through it about the complete life essence within Yu Yuan's body.

He didn't want the Demon Phoenix and the source of the Yang Meridian to set their sights on Yu Yuan before their confrontation with the Blood Devil Clan.

"The Great Demon God Grec and the entire Blood Devil Clan may also be searching for you. The source of the Yang Meridian is likely eager to find you before the Demon Phoenix does. Unless it perishes, it will never expose your secrets. As far as the Yang Meridian is concerned, I'm already expendable and no longer of any significance," lamented the Chaos Roc, his expression somber.

A portion of Ann Ziqing's bloodline holds the marvel of his life, transformed by her evolution and integration with the Yang Meridian, which may have been deciphered by it.

Now, the source of the Yang Meridian has grown even more potent and is nearing completion.

It should possess the capacity to propel Grec and the entire Blood Devil Clan to greater heights.

Thus, within its own domain of the Dim Starfield, it dares to confront the alien beasts and formidable demons led by the Demon Phoenix.

It's uncertain who will fall to the Demon Phoenix.

"Grec? Do you really think Grec can still chase me down as he did in the vast expanses?" Yu Yuan chuckled to himself. He believed that if Grec were to actually show up, here at the border of the Starfield, with the Dragon Slash Platform in his grasp, he wouldn't need Taishi's help to engage in an open battle.

Even at a disadvantage, he could easily escape using the temporal powers of the Dragon Slash Platform. Yet, in the Oblivion Starfield, devoid of external influence, he was convinced that Grec would be defeated. Without the Yang Meridian leaving the Dim Starfield, neither the Blood Devil Clan nor Grec posed any threat to him.

"You..." The Chaos Roc seemed to have a sudden revelation, its gaze towards Yu Yuan flickering uncertainly.

"Back in the Firefly Starfield, I glimpsed into your soul and saw something. That vision is what drove me into a berserk rage." He had kept this to himself, never sharing it with anyone else. Even when they had recently met again in the Dim Starfield and conversed in the Fallen Realm, he had not breathed a word of it. Yet now, he was openly discussing the vision that had triggered his fury...

"His rampage wasn't out of desperation or triggered by the Sky Opening Array?" Taishi, upon hearing the Chaos Roc's words, abruptly lost his composure, his expression turning grave. "Chaos Roc, exactly what did you witness within Yu Yuan's mind?"

With a swift motion, a fragment of Taishi's soul thought was sent from a tiny spatial array within the enigmatic palace below. The Dragon Slash Platform, still within the palace, effortlessly decoded the soul thought. Taishi had dispatched this soul thought to two separate regions simultaneously. The recipients were none other than Tianqi and the enigmatic Soul Divine King!

Taishi's actions were a clear signal for Tianqi and the still-concealed Soul Divine King to be on alert, ready to join forces with him at a critical moment to strike down the Chaos Roc.

"I saw an extraordinary sea of souls, or maybe it was just a projection, yet..." The Chaos Roc, unaware of Taishi's murderous intent, continued to lay out its plans in the shadows, preparing for a confrontation at the Starry Border. It was still recounting the bizarre spectacle it had witnessed deep within Yu Yuan's primary soul before its berserk episode in the Firefly Starfield.

That sea... He had heard the Demon Phoenix mention it time and again. He surmised that this sea was the Origin Soul, long concealed deep within the Boundless Underground, accessible only by traversing the Geocentric Fire. In Yu Yuan's mind, there lay a true reflection of the Origin Soul deep within his primary soul.

At that moment, driven by immense terror and a fear of the unknown, he triggered his bloodline's self-defense mechanism. In a frenzied state, he unleashed all the latent potential deep within his bloodline.

Despite suffering severe wounds, he managed to survive.

"He knows far too much."

Taishi manipulated a small meteorite, swiftly moving towards the Water Foreign Domain. The enigmatic Matrix Diagram materialized once more, emanating an overwhelming celestial authority.

Thousands of meteorites operated in a mesmerizing fashion, warping the gravitational field and laying out additional Dao Laws of the Earth.

The sealing power encircled the Water Foreign Domain, trapping the Chaos Roc and preventing its escape for a brief time.

"You should call forth the Dragon Slash Platform as well. Together, let's bind the heavens and the earth, just as we did with the Qilin," Taishi instructed.

As he spoke, land composed of meteorites unfolded beneath the Water Foreign Domain in the starry expanse.

More meteorites lay scattered before the enigmatic waters, creating additional layers of confinement.

"Tianqi and Shehun can cross over using the Galaxy Crossing. There's no need to alert Taixu; let him remain inside the Dragon Slash Platform. We can swiftly end the Chaos Roc." Taishi's intent to kill was unmistakable.

He openly discussed his strategy and tactics with Yu Yuan in the presence of the Chaos Roc, convinced that the creature had no means of escape and would soon meet its end here.

"The sea I glimpsed... could it truly be the Origin Soul?"

The Chaos Roc, realizing its blunder, was filled with deep remorse. It cast a rueful glance at Taishi, then suddenly turned to Yu Yuan, demanding, "Who are you, really? You can't be the Great Demon God Beilstein. I deliberately mentioned the Abyss Goanna earlier, and you seemed uninterested!"

"If you were Beilstein, or if he had taken over your soul, you would have pressed the matter further!"

"Since you're not Beilstein, yet there's a true reflection of the Origin Soul within the depths of your spirit, then..."

"I understand now, you are the Lunar Divine King! You are still among the living, you haven't perished!"

The Chaos Roc let out an involuntary cry.

Following Youyu and Zhong Chichen, this Starry Behemoth from beyond had also unraveled the truth.

"I get it now! It all makes sense! No wonder the mark of the Yang Meridian Origins on the Life Altar could be so easily wiped away! It was you, the Lunar Divine King, all along! You're still alive! With the Sky Opening Array and the Dragon Slash Platform at your disposal, I should have realized it sooner!"

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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