Unmatched Dominance/C1638 A Step In!
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Unmatched Dominance/C1638 A Step In!
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C1638 A Step In!

The Chaos Roc vanished without a trace in no time.

Meanwhile, the downsized Dragon Slash Platform, still targeting the Great Demon God Grec, clearly displayed the battlefield.

"I can see him and sense him, but Grec can't detect me."

Yu Yuan understood that his Yang God, having been forged and refined by Origin Blood, was on a much higher plane of existence than Grec. With the Dragon Slash Platform at his disposal, he could spy on Grec from a distance.

Grec, despite being a member of the Outland Devaputra Race, had a weaker Devil Soul and thus could not perceive Yu Yuan's presence.

"Grec's unawareness of my presence in the Gray Domain means he won't be able to respond promptly. This gives me ample time to devise a way to domesticate those three alien beasts."

"Should the Divine Soul Sect acquire three Tenth Level alien beasts, we'll have the upper hand in future conflicts with the forces of Hao Yu, no longer at a disadvantage."

"If feasible, the Violent Bear could also ascend to the Tenth Level through my influence."


As Yu Yuan mused, the Dragon Slash Platform continued to roar, though not yet at its maximum speed.

Since the Chaos Roc had not reached Grec's location, it was not projected by the Dragon Slash Platform.

But when Yu Yuan quietly harnessed the power of the Yang God, he could still approximate the Chaos Roc's whereabouts, due to its blood energy being overwhelmingly more potent than that of the three Ninth Level alien beasts.

Time passed, and then abruptly, the Dragon Slash Platform came to a halt. Yu Yuan glanced down to see a crimson and a pearly orb of light, like the sun and moon shining together, bursting forth from the surface of the platform.

The Chaos Roc's fiery red eyes blazed with the tumultuous solar flames, dwarfing the eyes of the Three-legged Golden Crow beneath it.

Startled, the Three-legged Golden Crow let out shrill cries as its golden wings stirred up a fiery maelstrom.

Within this inferno, numerous sparkling fire sprites seemed to momentarily spring forth from its lineage.

The massive firestorm moved away from the Great Demon God Grec's position, surging towards the confluence of the sun and moon.

The Three-legged Golden Crow was eager to investigate the creature that had managed to transmute such an immense sun into a single ruddy eye.


A colossal sphere of lightning, spanning a hundred acres, erupted from the Raymon Beast's maw. It tumbled toward the still-concealed Chaos Roc, like a monstrous boulder thundering down from the Holy Mountain.

Even the Ash Divine Crocodile, the largest of its kind, engrossed in battling Grec, was taken aback.

The arrival of the Chaos Roc sent the three top-tier Ninth Level alien beasts into a frenzy, a stark contrast to their composed demeanor while confronting the Great Demon God Grec.

"Chaos Roc!"

Grec, transformed into a vast crimson blood sea atop the immense scarlet Life Altar, wielded the mystical altar to dissolve the relentless assaults of the Three-legged Golden Crow and the Raymon Beast.

Lightning, storms, Sun Essence Fire, and the sheer force of the explosions failed to impact the blood sea or the Life Altar, both of Grec's own making.

Instead, the myriad energies that pelted down were silently absorbed by the altar and covertly channeled to the Yang Meridian in the Dim Starfield.

The Yang Meridian had already imprinted the intricate essence of the Dao hidden within the bloodlines of the Raymon Beast and the Three-legged Golden Crow.

The only real challenge for Grec was the Ash Divine Crocodile. Despite his resistance, he was irresistibly drawn to the twin abysses within the creature's eyes, preventing his power from reaching its zenith.

Yet, as the Chaos Roc drew near, this behemoth, with a heart etched with fragments of life's truth, had its identity laid bare by Grec.

With a thunderous roar, the Chaos Roc materialized on the Dragon Slash Platform beneath Yu Yuan's feet.

Next to the Chaos Roc's vastness, the Ash Divine Crocodile, the largest of its kind, seemed trivial in comparison.

The Raymon Beast and the smaller alien beast, the Three-legged Golden Crow, paled in significance next to the grandeur of an adult Starry Behemoth.


The Chaos Roc, its maw bristling with razor-sharp fangs, unleashed a gleaming stellar river. The fireball and the massive lightning sphere were obliterated in the void.

Above, the sky lit up with a spectacular display of fireworks, a fleeting yet magnificent burst of light.

A dazzling river of stars, thousands of feet in width, seemed to encompass the wonders of every ocean in the heavens, teeming with innumerable sea creatures, seaweed, and marine life.

Gazing upon this radiant stellar river, the three alien beasts appeared to witness the emergence of all things from the sea, one by one, ascending to land to undergo transformation.

It was as though they could see oceans, bodies of water, lakes, and streams—primordial traces of life weaving through numerous realms and domains.

The profound Dao of Water and the genesis of life, these two mystical forces, seemed to be embodied within that resplendent river of stars, unfolding their magic in full splendor.

With a whoosh, the river of stars, dazzling to behold, swept away the crimson sea of blood conjured by the Great Demon God Grec, along with the colossal scarlet Life Altar, propelling them thousands of miles distant.

Grec snorted, "Chaos Roc, you'd best keep out of my affairs!"

"That majestic purple Demon Phoenix seems to be close by; I can even hear her cries. You've unleashed your supreme power thrice now, surely drawing her attention."

The ominous voice of the Chaos Roc echoed everywhere, beside the three alien beasts, and within the still-churning river of stars, "Grec, you'd better run, or it might be too late to escape."

At these words, Grec instantly reverted to the standard form of the Blood Devil Clan, taking his place upon the vast, endless blood-hued altar.

Fear flickered in the depths of his blood-red eyes, as he sensed the presence of a higher being lurking in the shadows.

Unbeknownst to him, it was Yu Yuan, employing his Yang God to wield the power of the Dragon Slash Platform, observing the fierce battle between him and the three alien beasts from afar.

Grec mistakenly believed that the Demon Phoenix had anticipated the strategy for the Yang Meridian and was aware of the presence of the Ash Divine Crocodile, Raymon Beast, and Three-legged Golden Crow in the Gray Domain—prime candidates for guidance and potential rapid advancement to the Tenth Level.

He was convinced the Demon Phoenix was nearby!

"Hao Yun, Demon Phoenix!"

Grec was truly in a state of panic, not daring to question the veracity of the information. When he realized that the Chaos Roc had intervened and thwarted his attempt to slay the three alien beasts, the impulse to flee finally took hold.

"You're the most cowardly and unprincipled Starry Behemoth I've ever encountered, Chaos Roc! It's truly pathetic. You've been oppressed in the Ember Waters for years, and instead of seeking vengeance, you've become her lapdog, pledging loyalty to her!"

Grec and the blood-colored altar beneath him sped off in a different direction, abandoning their initial plan.


The Chaos Roc, initially wanting to offer an explanation, could only utter a surprised grunt before losing sight of Grec.

Grec had misunderstood him, thinking he had stopped Grec from slaying the three top-tier alien beasts to curry favor with the Demon Phoenix and avoid his own demise.

"It's not like that," the Chaos Roc murmured to itself as it gradually shrank in size. Seeing the enormous Ash Divine Crocodile about to perform secret arts to tear open the sky, it bellowed, "If you value your life, keep quiet."

Its commanding shout caused the Ash Divine Crocodile to pause, holding back its attack.

"Just wait. I'll introduce someone to you."

Transforming back into a gaunt old man, the Chaos Roc stood next to the Raymon Beast. It twitched its prominent hooked nose and mumbled, "Fortunately, you three have previously shared the flesh of a youngling, staying close and forming an alliance. Otherwise, Grec would've picked you off one by one, and none of you would have survived."

The alien beasts, unlike the Demon Clan, couldn't articulate words and could only convey their emotions through their souls.

The Raymon Beast let out a low growl, inquiring who the Chaos Roc was bringing.

"A human, from the Gray Domain."

Upon hearing this, the Chaos Roc noticed a look of bewilderment and incomprehension in the eyes of the three peak alien beasts.

Humans were often oppressed throughout the Gray Domain unless they were Supreme Beings. Given the harsh conditions of the Gray Domain and the fall of a Primordial Spirit, it had been ages since such a being had emerged.

The three alien beasts, long accustomed to hiding in the Gray Domain, were skeptical of the humans from the Vast Expanse. No matter how formidable humans might be elsewhere, the rules were different within the confines of the Gray Domain.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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