Unmatched Dominance/C1639 The Name of the Ether Void
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Unmatched Dominance/C1639 The Name of the Ether Void
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C1639 The Name of the Ether Void

The Chaos Roc suddenly felt a surge of worry.

When he spoke of humans, the three alien beasts from the Gray Domain seemed quite dismissive.

He pondered how to persuade these alien beasts that Yu Yuan possessed the capability to help them break through their current bloodline limitations.

After all, they were alien beasts from beyond, kin to the mighty Demon Phoenix.

Yet Yu Yuan was human, a different species in their eyes.

The Demon Phoenix's formidable reputation was widely known, and beasts like them held a mix of awe and adoration for it.

In the past, the Demon Phoenix had scorned them, unwilling to accept their fawning. They could grovel all they wanted, but the Demon Phoenix wouldn't even give them the time of day.

But when the Demon Phoenix was ready to lower itself, to embrace them and show them a new path, how could they possibly resist?

With this in mind, the Chaos Roc's headache only intensified.

He was concerned that even with Yu Yuan's more complete understanding of the essence of life, his lesser-known reputation and status outside the alien beast community might not be enough to sway the three alien beasts.

It was uncertain whether he could recruit them into the Divine Soul Sect's ranks to bolster its immediate combat strength.


A short time after the Great Demon God Greco departed, Yu Yuan gracefully arrived at the Dragon Slash Platform.

As he approached, Yu Yuan wondered if he should immediately call upon the Yang God, using its profound life essence to convince the three top-tier alien beasts.

Otherwise, he doubted his words alone would swiftly earn their recognition.

He, too, felt the beginnings of a headache.

"Speak to them yourself," the Chaos Roc suggested, spotting Yu Yuan's arrival and quickly gesturing towards the three alien beasts. "To communicate, you must glean their thoughts from their roars. You've interacted with the Violent Bear before; this should be within your wheelhouse. They'll understand you, so..."

Before the Chaos Roc could finish, he stopped short, his expression one of utter astonishment.

Yu Yuan paused, taken aback.

The Ash Divine Crocodile, the Raymon Beast, and the Three-legged Golden Crow each grew increasingly agitated at his presence.

With a powerful flap of its wings, the Golden Crow transformed into a bolt of golden light, zipping straight to Yu Yuan's side.

Beneath its golden feet, the miniature sun had been left behind, forgotten.

The Raymon Beast's fur crackled as it emitted a flurry of slender lightning bolts. Its eyes, imbued with the essence of thunder, sparkled with surprise and eager anticipation.

It approached Yu Yuan with a shaky, somewhat clumsy pounce.

To Yu Yuan, its actions and demeanor appeared endearingly simple and innocent.

For some reason, upon encountering the Raymon Beast, Yu Yuan was reminded of the Cold Domain Bear.

There were striking similarities between the two, leading Yu Yuan to suspect that the Raymon Beast might belong to the bear family as well.

The gaze of the most formidable Ash Divine Crocodile, once fixated on the mysterious abyss, now excitedly panted as it intently watched Yu Yuan, as though trying to ascertain something.

It was determined to confirm whether Yu Yuan was indeed the one it had been waiting for.

"Dragon Slash Platform?"

Yu Yuan swiftly deduced that the Three-legged Golden Crow, the Raymon Beast, and the Ash Divine Crocodile were not actually concentrating on him.

Their attention was directed at the Dragon Slash Platform at his feet!

Could it be...

Yu Yuan pondered whether his former self had once traversed the Gray Domain on the Dragon Slash Platform, encountering these three beasts along the way.

Perhaps they held no recollection of him in his current form, yet the memory of the Dragon Slash Platform lingered?

That seemed unlikely.

Whether in his memories or his intuition, there was no trace of these three alien beasts.

He was convinced that he had never before made contact with these creatures, nor had any dealings with them.

"You guys..."

He decided to simply ask.

Chirp chirp! Wuu wuu! Howl!

The Three-legged Golden Crow, Raymon Beast, and Ash Divine Crocodile, sensing his confusion, voluntarily emitted low cries and fierce roars.

Yu Yuan immediately grasped the meaning behind their sounds.

The Void!

It was indeed the Void Divine King!

All three alien beasts hidden within the Gray Domain recognized the Void Divine King, and they had managed to capture a young star beast with his assistance.

Not long ago, the Void Divine King had visited the Gray Domain, bringing news that stirred their very beastly hearts.

The master of the Dragon Slash Platform was deeply engrossed in unraveling the ultimate mysteries of life, hopeful to assist in their metamorphosis and advancement to the Tenth Level—much like the Demon Phoenix.

At the time the Void Divine King relayed this message, he had only recently arrived in Hao Xu, having stealthily glimpsed Yu Yuan in the Iridescent Cloud Miasma Sea. That brief encounter revealed the wonders within Yu Yuan's Yang God, though they seemed but an illusion.

Back then, Yu Yuan hadn't yet reached the fringes of the Dim Starfield, nor had he been favored by the Origin Blood, undergone the purification of his Yang God, or achieved a breakthrough to the Unrestrained Stage. Nevertheless, the Void Divine King was convinced that Yu Yuan's Yang God was on the cusp of a significant breakthrough and would eventually lead the three alien beasts to a new path of existence.

Such unwavering faith he had in himself!

Listening to the alien beasts' low growls and howls, Yu Yuan was tempted to rouse the Void Divine King concealed within the Dragon Slash Platform and question his blind and irrational trust.

"The Void Divine King himself!" exclaimed the Chaos Roc, his expression turning peculiar as he licked his lips. He had been concerned about Yu Yuan's ability to persuade the three alien beasts, but to his surprise, their excitement was palpable at the mere presence of the Dragon Slash Platform.

The Void Divine King had been convinced of Yu Yuan's potential to aid in their transformation ever since his first clandestine observation upon returning to Hao Xu. It's possible that at that time, a part of the Void Divine King was also roaming the Gray Domain.

The three alien beasts put their faith in the Void Divine King's judgment and words, believing that the steward of the Dragon Slash Platform was their beacon, capable of guiding them through their transformation.

Thus, Yu Yuan found no need to exert himself in persuasion, offer explanations, or demonstrate the power of his Yang God.

The Void believed in Yu Yuan, and they believed in the Void. That was sufficient.

"The Void is within, soon to emerge anew," Yu Yuan declared, gesturing towards the Dragon Slash Platform to the three alien beasts. "Why not wait for his awakening and then let him communicate with you?"

The three alien beasts grew increasingly agitated upon hearing that the Void Divine King was present at the Dragon Slash Platform.

They let out low whimpers and gazed longingly at the platform, seemingly desperate to burst in and be greeted by the Void Divine King.

They were eager for him to confirm the hope they had clung to for countless years had at last materialized today!

"Yu Yuan, would you like to... test your skills against one of them?" the Chaos Roc suggested. "If the Gray Domain isn't suitable, you can bring them into the Dragon Slash Platform. Inside, no one can see you, and you're free to act without anyone knowing what you're up to."

At those words, Yu Yuan's eyebrows quirked in interest.

Inside the Dragon Slash Platform, there were three peculiar mini-worlds, including the one where the Titan spinosaurus's purple-gold dragon egg resided, created by the Golden Giant Dragon.

He had the power to completely isolate these small worlds or to allow access as he saw fit.

Enticing the three alien beasts into one of these mini-worlds and then summoning his Yang God to assess the potential for their advancement was indeed a viable plan.

"Really now?"

Yu Yuan's gaze lingered on the Ash Divine Crocodile, the Raymon Beast, and the Three-legged Golden Crow.

The Sun Flame power hidden deep within the Three-legged Golden Crow's bloodline seemed relatively manageable.

This was because the intense cold of the Frost Dragon's world could effortlessly snuff out all traces of solar essence, subduing the bloodline abilities of the Three-legged Golden Crow.

"Do you wish to visit the Dragon Slash Platform and meet the Void Divine King?"

He posed the question earnestly to the Three-legged Golden Crow.

As he spoke, the slumbering Void Divine King had been shifted by the Yin God to the resting place of the Space-time Dragon's remains.

The barriers between the three worlds were swiftly erected with the Yin God's presence.

The Golden Crow, however, showed a moment's hesitation.

Its true allegiance was to the Void Divine King alone, yet it hadn't seen him in some time, despite assurances that their chance for advancement lay with the master of the Dragon Slash Platform.

After all, they had no prior dealings.

The Raymon Beast let out a low growl, indicating its willingness to take the Golden Crow's place and venture into the Dragon Slash Platform to encounter the Void Divine King.

Provoked by this, the previously indecisive Golden Crow emitted an irritated chirp and retracted the fierce mini-sun beneath its feet, beginning to consolidate its form.

Before long, it had diminished to a mere fraction of its original size, assuming the form of the Three-legged Golden Crow as depicted in ancient tomes.

Once ready, it fixed its gaze on Yu Yuan, eyes ablaze with golden flames, as if to signal its readiness.

"Please, enter," Yu Yuan beckoned, gesturing toward a spot on the Dragon Slash Platform for it to alight.

Transforming into a streak of light, the Three-legged Golden Crow descended gracefully onto the designated position.

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