Unmatched Dominance/C1641 The Tracks of the Giant Beast
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Unmatched Dominance/C1641 The Tracks of the Giant Beast
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C1641 The Tracks of the Giant Beast

"How did it go?"

As Yu Yuan and the Three-legged Golden Crow emerged from the Dragon Slash Platform, the Chaos Roc immediately inquired.

"There's something missing."

Yu Yuan was candid, having refrained from speaking inside so that both the Ash Divine Crocodile and the Raymon Beast would be informed upon exiting. "I'm not sure if your hearts are lacking the same element. It feels as though there's a piece missing, as if a part of some grand path is incomplete."

"As to what exactly is missing, since I haven't yet broken through the bottleneck, I can't discern it at the moment."

"What I can tell you is that until what's missing is restored, it's likely that neither it nor you will be able to advance to the Tenth Level."

The Demon Phoenix, having lived for an untold number of years and contemplated for ages, seemed to have encountered a turning point upon acquiring a young Spinosaurus.

Previously, the Demon Phoenix might have only been able to manipulate Hao Ran's Demonic Beast to induce its transformation.

Yet, Hao Ran's Demonic Beast, having consumed the blood of the exalted Spinosaurus, differed from the alien beasts of the outside world.

"Could the answer lie with the Spinosaurus?"

Yu Yuan mused deeply.

Chirp chirp!

The Golden Crow, having departed from the Dragon Slash Platform, perched once more before the fiery sun. It called out to the Ash Divine Crocodile and the Raymon Beast.

It relayed to the other two alien beasts that it had indeed encountered the Void Divine King within the Dragon Slash Platform.

It also revealed that the Void Divine King was in the process of assimilating the body of a Great Demon God from the Blood Devil Clan, soon to possess flesh and blood in an unprecedented manner.

Moreover, it stressed to the Ash Divine Crocodile and the Raymon Beast that Yu Yuan's Yang God was shrouded in mystery.

Like the Void Divine King, having visited the Dragon Slash Platform, it was convinced that their future breakthroughs hinged on Yu Yuan.

The two alien beasts were taken aback by the news, and their gaze upon Yu Yuan shifted.

"They'd best avoid encountering the Demon Phoenix or venturing out, or else..." the Chaos Roc muttered to itself.

Yu Yuan could only identify the shortcomings of the alien beasts, aware that something crucial was absent from the core of their hearts.

Therefore, they remained trapped at the Peak of Ninth Level, never able to cross that insurmountable divide.

Yu Yuan was aware of the issue, yet he was unable to resolve it at present.

The Demon Phoenix, however, not only understood the specific flaws but had also discovered a solution.

What would happen if these three alien beasts came into contact with the Demon Phoenix, and it presented a substantial solution to elevate them to the Tenth Level?

Or what if they left the Gray Domain and learned that other Ninth Level alien beasts had ascended to the Tenth Level thanks to the Demon Phoenix?

What would their reaction be?

Seized by this thought, Chaos Roc felt the pressure of time. If Yu Yuan truly intended to intercept and recruit the three top-tier alien beasts for the Divine Soul Sect, he needed to act swiftly.

He had to ensure that the alien beasts underwent their transformation before they learned of the Demon Phoenix's solution.

Any delay could result in a loss of patience, and they might ultimately join the ranks of the Demon Phoenix.

Chaos Roc exchanged a knowing glance with Yu Yuan and discreetly communicated with him, urging him to keep the alien beasts close and prevent them from encountering the Demon Phoenix.

Once Yu Yuan nodded in agreement, Chaos Roc inquired, "Has there been a significant event in the depths of the Gray Domain?"

He directed his question at the alien beasts.

The three top-tier alien beasts responded with a mix of head shakes and nods, seemingly unable to articulate clearly.

They appeared to sense a remarkable change within the Gray Domain, yet they couldn't be certain.

In the presence of Chaos Roc, they showed a cool detachment and remained subtly on guard.

Conversely, they were quite warm towards Yu Yuan, showing a keen interest in getting closer to him.

"Join me, and let's explore the depths of the Gray Domain together," Yu Yuan proposed. "I'd like to see if there's a way to break the chains of your bloodline limitations."

The three alien beasts eagerly nodded in agreement.

Soon after, one man and four extraordinary creatures set off together, venturing deeper into the Gray Domain.

Along the way, the Raymon Beast and the Ash Divine Crocodile shrank their forms and entered the Dragon Slash Platform, where they encountered the slumbering Void Divine King.

Yu Yuan examined their beast hearts, much like he had observed the Three-legged Golden Crow.

The sensation was consistent.

Both the Raymon Beast and the Ash Divine Crocodile seemed to lack something, akin to the Three-legged Golden Crow.

It was as if an invisible force was at work, constraining the alien beasts from beyond, preventing them from reaching their ultimate potential.

Yu Yuan's thoughts inevitably drifted to the Dragon Slash Platform.

Following the Nagas' defeat and the downfall of the Ghost Wizard Sect and the Earth Demon, the Divine Soul Sect forged the Dragon Slash Platform.

Positioned within the vast expanse of the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, the Dragon Slash Platform suppressed the Dao of the Nagas, the Ghost Wizard Sect, and the Earth Demon.

It barred the Nagas from ascending to the Dragon God and kept the mightiest of the Ghost Wizard Sect and Earth Demon lineage from ever achieving the highest echelons.

Could the celestial beasts be under a similar suppression?

Perhaps by the exalted Titan spinosaurus?

A myriad of thoughts and speculations tangled and accumulated in Yu Yuan's mind like a knotted mess.

Suddenly, a star of dazzling brilliance emerged amidst the distant grey haze.

Though the Gray Domain was part of the Starry Forbidden Ground, it was fundamentally a galaxy. Yet, until now, Yu Yuan had only encountered shattered meteorites and expansive landmasses.

This was his first glimpse of an actual star, shining so luminously!

Thump! Thump! Thump!

Deep within the Dragon Slash Platform, the heartbeat of the juvenile spinosaurus intensified.

The Chaos Roc, with a somber expression in his gaunt human guise, inhaled deeply and declared, "One of my kin resides upon that star."

His kin, of course, referred to the Starry Behemoth!

Yu Yuan, wielding control over the Dragon Slash Platform, gazed at the star, feeling shrouded in a veil of chaos, unable to discern anything extraordinary.

As he was about to harness the power of the Yang God, the Chaos Roc added, "It's an adult, an unfamiliar one at that."

"An adult!"

Yu Yuan's focus sharpened, and he remained vigilant.

No wonder the youngling within the Dragon Slash Platform had been so abruptly startled.

Familiar with the Chaos Roc and having interacted on numerous occasions, the juvenile Titan spinosaurus recognized their special connection. Thus, it remained notably well-behaved whenever the Chaos Roc visited.

A mysterious beast emerged, one that was neither the Chaos Roc nor the Secular Bird, sparking a surge of excitement within it.

As an offspring of the supreme overlord, its veins pulsed with a violent lineage, and it was in the midst of strengthening itself. The sudden encounter with a mature beast awakened its bloodthirsty craving.

"Further ahead, deep within the Gray Domain, it seems to have been the hunting grounds of the Titan Spinosaurus. After its fall, as intelligent beings rose to prominence, Beilstein rallied the pinnacle of various races to hunt down the Starry Behemoth clans. That's why many descendants of these giant beasts have taken refuge deep within the Gray Domain."

"There must be a young beast that, after tens of thousands of years, has finally grown."

The Chaos Roc licked its lips. Once it sensed the presence of its own kind, its interest in the Ash Divine Crocodile, the Raymon Beast, and the Three-legged Golden Crow waned.

To it, these three alien beasts, no matter their strength, were inferior beings until they ascended to the Tenth Level.

If it could slay and consume a beast that had matured like itself, it would greatly enhance its power!

Not only would it heal its wounds, but by assimilating the other's bloodline, it could achieve a transformative evolution.

In the era of the Bloody Great Beasts, their might and breakthroughs were forged through such primal carnage and the demise of their kin.

Suddenly, a blindingly bright altar that stung his eyes soared from the star and hurriedly departed.

Yu Yuan recognized a few silhouettes atop the altar as familiar, yet due to the vast distance and the peculiar nature of the Gray Domain, he couldn't immediately discern who they were.

"Leo! It's the prodigy of the Star Race, Leo's Life Altar!" Yu Yuan exclaimed, astounded.

Though the figures on the altar remained indistinct, he could identify the unique Life Altar.

Upon seeing the Life Altar, he realized that Leo of the Star Race must be at the helm, attempting to navigate away from the dazzling star.

In an instant, cascades of crystalline light, thick as waterfalls, coiled around the suspended Life Altar, yanking it back with the life force of flesh and blood, as perceived by Yang God Yu.

It appeared to be the tentacles of a colossal creature!


Libre Baskerville
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