Unmatched Dominance/C1642 The Trapped Star Race Team
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Unmatched Dominance/C1642 The Trapped Star Race Team
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C1642 The Trapped Star Race Team

Tentacles burst forth from within the star, ensnaring the altar before yanking it back with force.

The broad, luminous crystal tentacles, intermingled with the dense energy of the starry void and the remains of numerous alien warriors, appeared as vivid speckles from a distance.

Upon closer inspection, these speckles were revealed to be corpses.

The moment the tentacles emerged, the vitality of flesh and blood was exposed, and Yang God Yu Yuan's sensory abilities surged dramatically.

What was once a vague and turbid scene snapped into focus, granting him a clearer view.

He immediately realized that to maximize his perception through the Dragon Slash Platform, he had two options:

Either his soul could lock onto that particular star, navigating through the powerful soul magnetic field, or his Yang God could detect the rich vitality, using the essence of flesh and blood to seek out the desired vision.

Before the Starry Behemoth's tentacles reached out, Yu Yuan couldn't detect the wild blood energy that should be present, rendering everything indistinct from afar.

"I can't discern whether the behemoth has devoured the star or if it resides within it!" exclaimed Yu Yuan, as he witnessed the Life Altar being torn down, revealing not only Leo but also Beru, Gheirat, and three unfamiliar members of the Star Race.

They were all of the Ninth Level lineage!

The Star Race had deployed a cadre of Ninth Level powerhouses, encircling Leo, seemingly plotting to claim the dazzling star.

Yu Yuan surmised that their intent was to refine the star, transforming it into a formidable pillar of support for Leo's future battles.

Yet, they had not anticipated the presence of a behemoth within the star, and their actions had roused the slumbering creature.

Sensing danger, they promptly withdrew, abandoning their efforts to refine the star and desperately seeking escape.

The behemoth, now fully awakened, was further enraged by their retreat.

With a thunderous crash, the Life Altar innate to Leo shattered upon impact, fracturing into countless shards.

Each shard ascended from the ground, soaring into the sky.

To Yu Yuan and his companions, it resembled a condensed starry river, unfolding above the star.

Each shard, akin to an actual star, traced mesmerizing paths across the sky, depicting the celestial orbits in a spectacular array.

The enigmatic starlight, emanating from Leo's Star Altar, bathed the luminous star where the behemoth lay hidden.

As the starlight reached its destination, the star, forged and refined by the blood of the Starry Behemoth, began to crack and loosen the rigid earth beneath it. Pure starlight burst forth with intensity.


Within the starlight, traces of the behemoth's blood could still be seen!

In extracting the starlight, he inadvertently drew out the behemoth's blood as well, inflicting harm upon the creature.

Currently, he possessed only a Ninth Level bloodline and had not yet ascended to the Tenth Level like Barol.

Leo, revered as the Son of the Stars and the darling of the celestial bodies, wielded his bloodline power to sever the bond between the behemoth and the stars, staining the void with its blood.

At that moment, Yu Yuan observed Beru, Gheirat, and three other Ninth Level members of the Star Race, each wielding their magical instruments and invoking the subtleties of their bloodlines.

One by one, they transformed into stars, suspended in the firmament.

In this instant, they became stars at Leo's command, integral to his vast constellation.

They willingly served Leo, placing their trust in him, convinced that only through his leadership and their stellar formation could they contend with the enigmatic Starry Behemoth below.

Woo! Woo!

The Raymon Beast let out a subdued roar, its eyes betraying a hint of trepidation, seemingly reluctant to draw near the resplendent star. It, too, harbored fear of the unfamiliar behemoth lurking within.

The gaze of the Ash Divine Crocodile was solemn, devoid of the awe that the mysterious celestial pit usually inspired.

The Three-legged Golden Crow remained silent, its golden talons gripping the flaming Sun Gold Ball, as it softly chirped, seeking guidance from Yu Yuan.

The Golden Crow appeared ready to seize the Sun Gold Ball and take flight should the circumstances demand it.

"What's your take?" Yu Yuan asked, turning to the expectant Chaos Roc.

"Leo's companions, aren't they your friends?" The Chaos Roc grinned, its ferocious nature laid bare, "That odd kin of ours doesn't seem to belong to our time. Where is he from? He must have evolved from a juvenile form, growing step by step in the Gray Domain."

The Chaos Roc cast a glance at the Ash Divine Crocodile, the Raymon Beast, and the Three-legged Golden Crow, and scoffed, "You lot sure know how to play it safe."

The three Ninth Level alien beasts had once slain a youngling with the aid of the Void Divine King, feasting on it and thereby gaining strength beyond their peers.

Yet, even for the young of the Starry Behemoth, they required the Void Divine King's assistance.

A mature Starry Behemoth was beyond the trio's ability to confront.

Upon discovering that an adult behemoth lurked within the star, they were stricken with fear, seeking to distance themselves as far as possible.

"Let's go and witness the true power of a fully grown Starry Behemoth," Yu Yuan declared, leading the way.

He was no stranger to the Starry Behemoth, having encountered the Chaos Roc and the Secular Bird Queen.

Both were unique; one perpetually wounded, never fully healed, and the other, though growing stronger post-phoenix-like rebirth, had yet to reach its zenith.

Thus, Yu Yuan was curious to see how a mature Starry Behemoth would measure up against the Tenth Level powerhouses from beyond the heavens and the formidable Demon God.

The behemoth concealed within the star had the cunning to contain its blood energy, eluding detection by Yu Yuan's Yang God until it chose to unfurl its tendrils.

If Yu Yuan's Yang God was oblivious, then Leo, Beru, and the rest were utterly in the dark atop the star.

It was akin to Chung Jinbo of the Red Devil Sect, who had teleported to a fiery mountain range to heal his wounds and advanced to the Middle Period of the Unrestrained Stage.

Chung Jinbo had then unearthed a stream of blood within the mountain's core...

It seemed Leo and his companions, in their attempt to refine and claim the star, had inadvertently disturbed the slumbering giant.

Yu Yuan couldn't help but smirk at the thought of Leo, Beru, and the others' astonishment upon realizing they were excavating atop a Starry Behemoth.

"Dragon Slash Platform!"

"Yu Yuan!"

From hundreds of miles away, "Son of the Stars" Leo bellowed, alerting Beru and Gheirat, "I see the Dragon Slash Platform! Yu Yuan is heading our way!"

"And look, the Chaos Roc! Yet another behemoth!"

With a groan in his voice, Leo uttered the name of the Chaos Roc, only to witness the bright star underfoot suddenly tremble.

The Starry Behemoth concealed within had never heard of Yu Yuan, but it was familiar with the name Chaos Roc.


A dazzling star trembled violently, as if the behemoth within had stirred.

Suddenly, a bright star that had been stationary began to shoot across the sky.

The Starry Behemoth, upon hearing the name of the Chaos Roc and sensing its approach, chose not to attack Leo and the others.

Instead, it fled from the Chaos Roc at the first opportunity!

"It's surprising that you, who aren't particularly renowned among the peak warriors of the various races, the Boundless Human Race, and the Demon Race, actually command a certain respect among the behemoths," someone remarked.

Yu Yuan, maneuvering the Dragon Slash Platform, swiftly closed in on the Chaos Roc, aware of the extraordinary event unfolding.

The hidden behemoth's reaction to the Chaos Roc's proximity—its evident fear—made Yu Yuan wonder if the Chaos Roc had been a formidable adversary in ancient times.

Why else would the behemoth, nurtured in the Gray Domain, flee upon hearing the name of the Chaos Roc?

Clearly, the fledgling behemoth had inherited tales of the Chaos Roc's might from its ancestors!

"Before my fortuitous encounter, I was an emerging talent among the behemoths, akin to Yu Qian who plummeted into the Gray Domain. Regrettably, that encounter didn't lead to a breakthrough for me; instead, it brought trouble upon me," the Chaos Roc said, its gaze turning sorrowful. Each time it recalled that painful memory, it seethed with rage towards the Origin Blood.

If only it had been given something truly beneficial, something it lacked, instead of being hunted across the world. It would have been better to receive nothing at all!

Yu Yuan was taken aback. "Yu Qian..."

Before Yu Qian was confined in the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, even Beilstein held him in high esteem, confident he would ascend to become a Great Demon God. If the Chaos Roc was akin to Yu Qian's stature among the ancient behemoths, then it was indeed a formidable entity.

As Yu Yuan turned back to regard the Chaos Roc, his expression grew solemn, and he reminded himself to stay vigilant.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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