Unmatched Dominance/C1646 The Familiar Aura
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Unmatched Dominance/C1646 The Familiar Aura
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C1646 The Familiar Aura

Yu Yuan's consciousness momentarily lapsed into a daze. His ephemeral spirit instantly assumed the form of the Yin God, which was meant to be at the Dragon Slash Platform. He felt as though he had been granted clemency, exceptionally allowed passage by the heart clam beast.

The connection between the Yin God, his corporeal form, the Yang God, and the Dragon Slash Platform was temporarily severed. Gazing into the distance as the Yin God, he noticed nearby soul spirits and consciousnesses equally bewildered, seemingly unable to grasp how they had abruptly found themselves in this place.

President Lyi and Grec were a considerable distance from him. These two perilous individuals appeared unable to see him or detect his presence.

Leo, Beru, and the esteemed General Gheirat had turned into indistinct soul spirits, with the three kindred warriors gradually drawing together.

Beyond them, Yu Yuan observed an increasing number of powerful soul spirits, or fragments of their consciousness, brought into the Sea of Hearts by the heart clam beast.

The Chaos Roc fell silent, its bluefish form seemingly contemplating the enigmas of this realm.

Yu Yuan continued his covert sensing, focusing on the extraterrestrial beings, the Ash Divine Crocodile, the Raymon Beast, and the Three-legged Golden Crow. He quickly surmised that those brought into the Sea of Hearts by the heart clam beast might not encompass the entirety of their souls.

He was merely a Yin God, with neither the Yang God nor the primary soul accompanying him.

The Great Demon God, Grec, represented only a segment of the Devil Soul, feeling incomplete and less formidable.

President Lyi was not even a fragment of a soul, merely a cluster of consciousness.

The other distant alien races and alien beasts also seemed incomplete. Some appeared to have detected a hidden fissure, sending forth either a probing consciousness or a portion of their soul.

The entities that entered the Sea of Hearts were manifested accordingly. Those who released a part of their soul were revealed as such, while a mere tendril of investigative thought materialized as a wisp of soul energy within the Sea of Hearts.

The heart clam beast likely lacked the power to draw in all nearby souls entirely. Instead, she seemed to employ a subtle allure, revealing just enough mystery to entice those beings to venture forth and explore.

However, as long as one releases a portion of their soul or consciousness, they would be bound by her influence.

"The Sea of Hearts sounds intriguing; it's certainly not an actual ocean."

The Chaos Roc, transformed into a green fish, swayed its tail in this enigmatic world. It gradually shifted, taking on the form of a gaunt elderly human.

Yet, it was merely an ethereal spirit.

"Do you understand now? I am not like my ancestors. I have no need for you, the sovereign of these waters, to offer me refuge. Having spent so much time in the Gray Domain, I prefer not to entangle myself in your disputes with the other leviathans. I'm aware that the Secular Bird Queen has stealthily infiltrated this place. I..."

The heart clam beast's voice, alternating between male and female tones, echoed from various corners of this realm, audible only to Yu Yuan and the Chaos Roc.

As she spoke, Yu Yuan sensed her scrutinizing gaze upon him from the shadows.

The enigmatic heart clam beast initially enticed a fragment of Yu Yuan's soul into the Sea of Hearts. Detecting a unique essence, it actively manipulated its power to transport him further.

Consequently, Yu Yuan's Yin God was drawn in.

Upon the arrival of Yu Yuan's Yin God in the Sea of Hearts, the heart clam beast felt an even stronger connection. She engaged in conversation with the Chaos Roc while simultaneously probing for more information.

"Are you practicing the Ghosting Arts?"

Out of nowhere, a voice reached out to Yu Yuan, ethereal and elusive.

As the voice emerged, Yu Yuan beheld a mystical soul shadow materialize before him.

The soul shadow resided within a shell aglow with starlight.

The shell appeared to be an extension of her being. Her soul shadow, composed of iridescent light, bore a human silhouette, exuding an otherworldly allure.

She seemed to be a woman, equipped with a pair of shell-like wings.

When the wings were folded, they resembled a wondrous shell adorned with numerous stars. Unfurled, they transformed into wings at her back.

She, too, was a spectral entity, devoid of tangible flesh and blood, her visage veiled and indistinct.

She appeared both cautious and thrilled, "Are you his successor? I've seen the Dragon Slash Platform. After so many millennia, I've heard he passed away... Is that true?"


Yu Yuan's heart skipped a beat, confirming his intuition was right; he had indeed encountered the enigmatic heart clam beast in his first life.

"I practice the Ghosting Arts; I am its successor," Yu Yuan responded.

"The Origin Realm God is seeking me. I'm aware he's likely arrived, intending to exploit this Sea of Hearts. If he manages to invade and take over, he could draw in the souls of all beings."

The heart clam beast's soul quivered with fear at the mention of the Origin Realm God.

"He's surfaced in the Gray Domain, which is why I'm evading him. Can you assist me in escaping? If he gains control of this Sea of Hearts that I've created, I fear..."

The heart clam beast was panic-stricken.

Yu Yuan, within the Sea of Hearts, looked alarmed. "Is the Origin Realm God here for you?"

"I am certainly one of his primary targets," the heart clam beast hastened to say.

"Explain your abilities and the marvels of this Sea of Hearts. And how can I assist you?" Yu Yuan pressed.

"The Sea of Hearts exists partly due to my inherent talent and the inspiration and assistance from the Lunar Element. It serves as a bridge, drawing in the souls, thoughts, and even fragments of the souls of nearby beings."

"I can orchestrate battles within the Sea of Hearts, erase the memories of the weaker ones, and alter their life experiences. If parts of their souls and consciousness perish here, the sea expands, accommodating more souls."

"As long as souls are present and haven't departed, I can locate their physical forms and pinpoint their locations."

"No matter where they hide, I can find them and even attack them through their souls."

The heart clam beast detailed the Sea of Hearts' extraordinary features.

Yu Yuan listened, his mood growing somber. "Are you suggesting that if the Origin Realm God seizes this Sea of Hearts and continues to expand it, beings from innumerable worlds and the mightiest among them could be lured here with fragments of their souls and consciousness for exploration?"

"And then, they would all be ensnared in this Sea of Hearts, with him able to locate each one?"

Yu Yuan sensed an impending crisis.

"I don't understand him. I just have this feeling that he can wield control over the Sea of Hearts I've created, achieving feats beyond my capabilities."

The heart clam beast's spectral soul had barely finished speaking when it abruptly sealed its shell.

"There's someone terrifying who has broken in!"

With the closing of the shell, her soul shadow vanished within, as bright starlight and a rainbow of auroras spilled forth.

She went into hiding once again, vanishing without a trace, leaving behind only a whisper of her presence.

She discreetly exercised her power, revealing a small expanse of the Gray Domain at the fringe of the Sea of Hearts for Yu Yuan to see.

And so, Yu Yuan laid eyes on a figure he recognized.

More precisely, it was a ghostly figure he knew all too well.

Youyu, the foremost ghost god, had intruded upon the boundary of the Sea of Hearts in his spectral form.

Transforming into a malevolent spirit, Youyu ensnared the souls and consciousnesses of various beings, along with their shadowy clusters, compelling them into a process of refinement.

Souls and consciousnesses alike were assimilated into Youyu's being, becoming the Yin energy and wellspring of his soul power.

In this realm fashioned by the heart clam beast, there were no celestial powers, only clusters of consciousness and souls, each corresponding to the mighty from the outside world.

Youyu, considering himself part of the great expanse, showed no leniency towards the souls of the alien race and alien beasts.

"We have to stop him! His reckless actions could draw the Origin Realm God here!"

The heart clam beast's voice was fraught with urgency. It appeared eager to seal the gateway to the Sea of Hearts, but Youyu's presence thwarted every attempt.

The portal had been left open too long, and with Youyu's potent soul aura leaking out, she feared it would alert the Origin Realm God.

Libre Baskerville
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