Unmatched Dominance/C165 I Want to be Friends with You!
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Unmatched Dominance/C165 I Want to be Friends with You!
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C165 I Want to be Friends with You!

Duan Tianhong and Duan Tianxi, brothers both, recognized Qin Yun of the Seven Divine Sect as their most formidable adversary.

They harbored a cautious respect for Qin Yun, opting not to make any hasty moves against him.

The siblings doubted the depth of Qin Yun's bond with Yu Yuan, not suspecting a significant friendship between them.

With sardonic smiles, they struck mercilessly.

Above, the lava pool hung suspended, its fiery crystal script transforming into a celestial downpour of flames.

Scarlet beams of light, resplendent and dazzling, streaked towards the Rainier Empire's mightiest.

One practitioner, newly ascended to the early stages of the Yin God Stage and ensnared within a sword scar, was struck by a fiery pillar.

In that moment of impact, he was ensnared in a web of lightning, his entire being crackling with energy.

Regrettably, his soul and consciousness were confined by the sword scar, unable to return in time.


A ten-meter-tall Yin God, woven from thunder and lightning, shattered spectacularly.

The beam's scarlet fury first obliterated the lightning, then consumed the soul entirely.

As the red light enveloped its form, it burst into voracious flames.

"Chi! Chi!"

Tiny, glistening sparks of electricity flickered and then were gone.

Yu Yuan immediately felt the sword light within his arm bone blaze with renewed intensity.

His eyes sparkled with determination, his spirit steadied.

An unexpected battle erupted when he exposed Duan Guanlan's practice of the Scarlet Soul Devil Spell.

As Rainier Empire's great practitioners fell victim to their own, the sword scars on the walls of the Soul Transformation Pool swallowed copious amounts of soul energy.

With each death, the soul energy trapped within the sword scars was instantly assimilated, leaving no trace behind.

To Yu Yuan's astonishment, the sword scars naturally drew in the dissipating remnants of the fallen, trapping their soul energy and consciousness.

Thus, with every practitioner's demise, the sword scars frenziedly siphoned soul energy.

The reactivation of the Soul Transformation Pool hinged on this abundance of soul energy.

Yu Yuan grew increasingly certain that the pool's reawakening would restore his connection to the Forbidden Area through the sword light in his arm bone.

When that moment arrived, he would no longer be a pawn in anyone's game.

Even after the most heinous criminal of the Divine Soul Sect, accompanied by the Green Incubus, the Sky Shocking Emperor, and the White Ghost of the Earth Demon, broke free from the Forbidden Area and fled into the Outland Star River, he remained the undisputed master of the Forbidden Lands.

"Kill! Relish the killing spree!"

Yu Yuan squinted as he observed Duan Tianhong and Duan Tianxi mercilessly cut down their peers from the Rainier Empire. Inwardly, he was cheering, silently biding his time.

He was well aware that he wasn't the Duan brothers' main concern.

Nor were the likes of Lee Yu, Yan Lu, and Su Yan – these so-called prodigies – even a blip on the Duan brothers' radar.

Whether they chose to flee or stay made little difference. What could they hope to change?

The Duan brothers would first take care of the cultivators ensnared by the sword scars. Given their level of cultivation and expertise, who could possibly escape with their lives after even a brief pursuit?

Wouldn't they all be hunted down and methodically exterminated?

And Lee Yuchan, newly initiated into the Yin God Stage, what could she possibly do?

"Move out!"

Lee Yuchan's icy command echoed once more.

"Big Brother Yu!"


"Yu Yuan!"

Zhao Yafu, Yu Feifei, Zhan Tianxiang, and the others called out, their eyes filled with urgency.

Yu Yuan turned, inhaled deeply, and addressed Zhan Tianxiang, "Go ahead and look after my sister and Zhao Yaya for me, will you?"

"And you?" Zhan Tianxiang inquired.

"Believe me, I'll be alright," Yu Yuan replied with a radiant smile, exuding an air of nonchalance. "You've known me long enough."


Zhan Tianxiang gave a firm nod.

At the insistence of Lee Yuchan and Lee Yu, he escorted Zhao Yafu and Yu Feifei away from the Soul Transformation Pool.

"Yu Yuan..."

The young lady of the Su family, clad in a green gown, clutched the fabric of her dress, her brows knit with concern. "Please, take care of yourself. I want you to make it out alive."

Yu Yuan looked at her, genuinely taken aback. "Do you really mean that?"

"Believe it or not, I'm dead serious," Su Yan retorted, slightly irritated, giving him a sidelong glance. She added softly, "I'm not like Sister Lin; I'm not that obstinate. Once I realized how extraordinary you are, how unique, I had no desire to stand against you."

She unexpectedly extended her hand to Yu Yuan, "I'd like to be your friend."

Standing next to Yu Yuan were the Rainier Empire's female general, Lee Yuchan, Lee Yu, and Qin Yun, all wearing varying expressions as they regarded her.

Behind them, Duan Tianhong's magma pool loomed overhead, with pillars of flame and numerous fire runes continuing their assault on the Rainier Empire's cultivators.

Duan Tianxi wielded a Crimson Bell, unleashing endless streams of fiery radiance with each rotation.

The intense battle raged on, leaving no room for distractions.

Duan Guanlan was tucked away in another corner of the Soul Transformation Pool, separated by the battlefield, his eyes a deep red, reminiscent of a fierce flame beast dwelling within the Mountain of Flames.

At that moment, the sky was awash with crimson, the Soul Transformation Pool's firmament dazzling as if hosting a grand fireworks feast.


Yu Yuan paused, his playful grin giving way to a solemn demeanor.

He reached out with his slender right hand, tenderly grasping Su Yan's patiently waiting hand, and gazed into her eyes. "If I survive this, your uncle, who's been strutting around the Yu family, will come to apologize. I'm prepared to let bygones be bygones regarding our families' feud."

"A gentleman's word?" Su Yan asked with a light laugh.

"A promise that can't be retracted," Yu Yuan affirmed with a nod.

Su Yan beamed, squeezing his hand in return. "Your hand is warm and quite handsome."

With those words, Su Yan spread her Celestial Clothing and soared away, "I'll keep an eye on your sister."

"This level of combat is beyond me. Stay safe," Lee Yu said, giving Yu Yuan a meaningful look. He then drew the Blue Profound Sword and offered it to Lee Yuchan, "Aunt?"

"There's no need," Lee Yuchan declined, shaking her head. "Keep the Blue Profound Sword. I have no use for it."

Before Lee Yu could protest, she chided, "No dawdling!"

With an "Oh," Lee Yu clutched the sword and departed.

Throughout it all, the Duan brothers were fully engaged in their relentless onslaught against the Rainier Empire's forces, paying no heed to the Silvermoon Empire's younger combatants.

Once the younger ones had dispersed, Lee Yuchan inhaled deeply.

She abruptly sat down on the ground.

Her eyes gently closed, signaling her disinterest in the sudden conflict.

Yet, Yu Yuan acutely picked up on the perilous energy emanating from her.

His expression shifted, and he swiftly moved behind her, communicating telepathically, "Sister Lee, there's no need to rush. The consequences of unleashing the Martyr Spell are unforeseeable! Whether you succeed or fail, revealing the Martyr Spell will bring you no good fortune."

"Without the Martyr Spell, where else can I find hope?" Lee Yuchan responded telepathically.

"Stay calm, let's wait and see. Trust me, there might still be another solution," Yu Yuan advised.

After a brief pause, Lee Yuchan gave an almost imperceptible nod.

Libre Baskerville
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