Unmatched Dominance/C1655 Inciting the Fire!
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Unmatched Dominance/C1655 Inciting the Fire!
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C1655 Inciting the Fire!

A proud smile spread across Tai Xu's face.

His presence had a calming effect on the three alien beasts that had been clamoring to escape; they fell silent at the sight of him.

They placed great trust in Tai Xu, seemingly content to stay by his side as long as he was there.

They were so attached to Tai Xu that nothing could drive them away.

Their relationship with Yu Yuan was based on potential benefits, knowing he might be the key to transforming their bloodlines and enabling them to make a qualitative leap.

But with Tai Xu, it was different. They saw him as a dependable ally, a true friend they could count on.

"You're all here too."

Without delving too deeply into matters of the Divine Throne or Origin, Tai Xu's attention shifted from Yu Yuan to the three alien beasts. "You're quite fortunate. To think you encountered him so quickly in the Gray Domain."

"Grec wants to kill them," Yu Yuan informed him.

The Void Divine King, with his refined features, took a moment to understand the situation before nodding in agreement. "They could easily advance to the Tenth Level, given the right method."

The beasts understood and their eyes sparkled with excitement.

"...So it's the heart clam beast. We were in her domain, hovering above the alien planet she had refined."

Tai Xu's slender eyebrows raised as realization dawned on him about his location.

He looked down at the deep sea below and saw the battle between the Chaos Roc and the heart clam beast. "Long ago, the heart clam beast pledged loyalty to the lord of the Dragon Slash Platform. By her oath, anyone favored by the Dragon Slash Platform would become her new master."

Tai Xu's expression grew cold. "It seems she's having second thoughts!"

"She attempted to kill me," Yu Yuan added.

"Ungrateful creature," Tai Xu remarked, his youthful face hardening with intense killing intent. "She was meant to die, never to reach maturity. Without that person's aid, she couldn't have formed the Sea of Hearts or refined the Divine Stone!" It was clear that Tai Xu was well-versed in the history.

He was implying that in his first life, Yu Yuan had assisted the heart clam beast in its transformation, helping the creature survive its perilous phase and even produce the heart stone.

The Sea of Hearts came into being with the aid of Yu Yuan during the Lunar Era.

Per the ancient pact, the heart clam beast vowed that regardless of the passage of time or the Lunar Divine King's presence in this world, it would serve the bearer of the Dragon Slash Platform as its master and loyally follow unto death.

Yet, the heart clam beast reneged on its promise!

"I'll stoke the fires further!"

With those words, the elegant Taixu vanished without a trace.

He disappeared from Yu Yuan's view, as well as from the three alien beasts, and even from the soul's perception, as if he had never been there at all.

Nonetheless, Yu Yuan could distinctly track Taixu's movements through the Yang God, aware that Taixu had instantly materialized in the deep, indigo sea below.

In that moment, Taixu was stealthily drawing near to the heart clam beast.

Neither the Chaos Roc nor the heart clam beast detected his concealed approach, oblivious to Taixu's infiltration amidst their clash.

Yu Yuan narrowed his eyes as he observed Taixu transform into a blood shadow, imperceptible to the Chaos Roc, and silently edge closer to the heart clam beast, all while feasting on the blood energy scattered during their fierce battle.

As the behemoths clashed and tore at each other, Taixu managed to consume the spilt blood undetected.

"Taixu surpasses the original Great Demon God, Andre. His Primordial Spirit has fused with this body, which has been rekindled by the flame of life. With the emergence of the Life Altar, a profound transformation has occurred!" Yu Yuan marveled inwardly.

With Youyu and the Chaos Roc at his side, and Taixu, a master of stealth and now in his complete form, the heart clam beast stood no chance of escape.

"I'll get you to safety first. Later, we'll reconvene in a different manner."

Simultaneously, Youyu within the Sea of Hearts witnessed Taixu's miraculous rebirth in the physical realm.

He overheard the exchange between Yu Yuan and Taixu and realized that the ancient heart clam beast had once heeded the commands of his dear friend.

At this stage, there was no longer any need for Yu Yuan's Yin God to remain.

Youyu's grip on this realm was tightening. Once the door was closed, it might prove difficult for him to dispatch others away.

Yu Yuan, once a Founder himself, could assist the Yin God in leaving the Sea of Hearts, bypassing the door's seal effortlessly!


Yu Yuan's Yin God materialized in the world of the Dragon Slash Platform before swiftly returning to his original form.

A torturous screech echoed from every corner of this true world. Yu Yuan couldn't be bothered to pay attention or even look; he just knew the heart clam beast was taking a beating.

Both the beast's soul and its massive body were under relentless assault.

With the departure of his Yin God, Youyu was free from concern, indifferent to the fates of the weaker souls and consciousnesses manipulated by the heart clam beast.

Within the Sea of Hearts, those submerged soul consciousnesses that could not escape were engulfed and swept away by the currents.

The enigmatic Gray Domain continued to expand, usurping control.


A dazzling streak of bloodlight, carrying the essence of the Void, split the dark blue depths below, cleaving the heart clam beast in two.

The creature's cries of agony intensified.

Around Yu Yuan, dozens of fragile soul shadows emerged. The two halves of the shell lay fractured, and she, pitiful and pleading, implored Yu Yuan for mercy.

She reminisced about her past with the Lunar Divine King, her once docile and understanding nature.

In her desperation, she vowed to win Yu Yuan's compassion and avoid this calamity.

But this time, Yu Yuan remained unmoved.

As the dark blue of the sea faded to a soft, dreamlike hue, the tumultuous waters became the domain of the Chaos Roc.

The Chaos Roc reached the heart of the shattered shell, uncovering the delicate flesh of the heart clam beast.

"Heart stone!"

Both Yu Yuan and the Void Divine King called out in unison, cautioning the Chaos Roc to be careful not to damage the stone while executing the kill.

"Don't worry."

Countless luminous fish burst forth from the vast body of the Chaos Roc, filling the sea as they swarmed towards the clam's shell, feasting on its flesh.

One after another, the frail soul shadows of the heart clam beast faded beside Yu Yuan.

She continued to scream and plead, yet no sound emerged.

Youyu, the Chaos Roc, and the Void Divine King, three supreme beings of the Eon Realm, had joined forces to end her. Escape was impossible.

Yu Yuan withdrew his attention, knowing the heart clam beast had brought this on herself and there was no one else to blame.

The youthful Void Divine King emerged from the deep blue sea, seemingly noticing the Star Race clansmen's departure. He asked, puzzled, "Why are Leo and Beru leaving in such a rush?"

"They fear the heart clam beast and the Chaos Roc," Yu Yuan replied with a smile.

"Fearing the Chaos Roc is understandable. The Star Race elders have banded together to hunt it down multiple times. Conflict between different life forms is invariably brutal." Having lived so long, the Void Divine King had seen it all and was indifferent to vendettas and the sorrows of parting.

"Hmm! Youyu appears to be heading our way. What's his purpose?"

"President Lyi has enlisted Yinn Tiehua's help to transform into an artifact to withstand the Geocentric Fire's blaze. He intends to enter the region wrapped by the Geocentric Fire."

"He's seeking his own demise!"

The Void Divine King's gaze turned icy upon learning of President Lyi's plot for the Origin Soul, and his regard for President Lyi vanished.

"We haven't reneged on the divine position we promised him; we're simply asking for a bit more patience. He's waited for thousands of years; what's a little more time? Besides, I've paved a new way for him, which, thanks to you, might even lead to immortality!"

"He's too greedy. He's aware that the most extraordinary soul power can obliterate Loong Jie."

"This man cannot be spared. Even at the risk of offending the Chamber of Commerce, we must eliminate him swiftly!"

Libre Baskerville
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