Unmatched Dominance/C1656 A Share of the Spoils
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Unmatched Dominance/C1656 A Share of the Spoils
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C1656 A Share of the Spoils

As the heart clam beast sustained severe injuries, the "Dark Dust Mist" enveloping the star began to dissipate.

The sea churned violently, unearthing a multitude of corpses and skeletal remains.

Yu Yuan narrowed his eyes, realizing that for centuries, the heart clam beast had dragged beings to the Divine Stone, devouring their souls before pulling their flesh to this star. The numbers were staggering!

Moreover, they were predominantly Eighth Level and Ninth Level warriors, alien beasts, and formidable demons.

This confirmed Youyu's accurate assessment.

The heart clam beast's growth and power were amassed atop a foundation of innumerable lifeless bodies. Its feigned fragility, pitifulness, and friendliness were nothing more than a façade.

As the sea transformed into a surreal shade of blue and the Void made its return, Yu Yuan was aware that the Chaos Roc was consuming the heart clam beast.

Now that he was privy to the heart clam beast's betrayal of its vow, he harbored no sympathy.

He stood by as the Chaos Roc unleashed swarms of glistening silver fish to feast upon the heart clam beast's flesh within the shattered shell, only pausing to remind the Chaos Roc to safeguard the heart stone.

The Chaos Roc complied with alacrity.

"After the heart clam beast is vanquished, his strength in matters of the soul and psyche will significantly enhance, which are areas he was not inherently adept in," remarked the Void, in his visage of a refined young man, while casting occasional glances at the deep sea, his tone tinged with concern. "He might be even more ruthless than the heart clam beast. After all, he is the Chaos Roc..."

Yu Yuan responded with a smile, "I am aware."

In that moment, without invoking the might of the Dragon Slash Platform, he relied solely on the Yang God's acute perception of life force to detect the countless silver fish gnawing at the tender shellfish meat. Within the heart of the Chaos Roc, intricate Bloodline Crystal Chains began to form.

These Crystal Chains sparkled with a kaleidoscope of colors, exuding an enchanting power.

Simultaneously, ethereal rainbows materialized around the beast's soul in the Chaos Roc's mind, reflecting and enhancing the growing Bloodline Crystal Chains.

The clash and conquest of bloodlines between these titanic creatures were brutally straightforward.

The Chaos Roc had consumed the flesh of the heart clam beast, and in the process of digestion, it had assimilated the essence of its adversary's bloodline.

There was no need for additional contemplation.

By consuming and assimilating the heart clam beast's bloodline, it had seamlessly integrated it into its own being.

"No wonder..."

Yu Yuan finally realized why, in ancient times, the colossal creatures of the starry sky engaged in relentless combat.

For Starry Behemoths, the quickest and simplest path to growth and advancement was through the slaughter of their own kind!

Devouring a fellow behemoth granted them unimpeded access to their victim's bloodline talents!

Moreover, the flesh and energy of the vanquished could compensate for the toll of battle and provide ample energy for evolution.

Victory ensured a tangible surge in the victor's combat power.

Humans, on the other hand, couldn't assimilate their enemy's Dao after defeating them. Even with the acquisition of Spiritual Spells and secret arts, they required time to understand and integrate them.

Additionally, if the Dao was incompatible with their own, any attempt at forced integration could backfire.

For warriors of other races, the gains from defeating members of different tribes, aside from some replenishment of flesh and energy, were minimal.

The Asura Clan, for instance, couldn't gain the bloodline talents of the Dark Elfkind by defeating them.

The same held true for other tribes.

"Why do you trust the Chaos Roc so much?"

Youyu's voice emerged suddenly, clear and distinct.

Yu Yuan looked up sharply to see Youyu's unique form, infused with the Essence of Yin Sunflower, and the pale Xuanli materializing out of the thin "Dark Ash Dust Mist" above.

Upon seeing Youyu, the first ghost god in the vast annals of history, clutching the reluctant Xuanli and plummeting down, Yu Yuan intuited that most of Youyu's spiritual power resided in the Heart Stone.

The Youyu seated in his body was merely a small fragment of his soul.

"I share a common enemy with the Chaos Roc," Yu Yuan declared, gazing up at them as they descended and paused midair. "Besides, I have the means to restrain the Chaos Roc."

Youyu's form halted, surveying the deep azure sea below, and remarked, "Having absorbed the heart clam beast and the soul power that was once bound to the heart, it will become an even greater challenge."

"You should be aware that even if he assimilates all the heart's secret arts, he poses no threat to me," Yu Yuan chuckled with confidence. "Once I advance further, no matter how formidable the Chaos Roc's beast soul becomes, I'll be ready to handle it."

Upon hearing this, Youyu refrained from further comment.

Contemplating Yu Yuan's imminent full awakening and the restoration of his soul power, Youyu doubted that the Chaos Roc's heart stone techniques would be sufficient.

At the soul level, he was currently able to take the initiative within the heart stone. How could the Chaos Roc hope to contend with the peak soul power of the heart clam beast?

"Good day to you both."

The boyish figure of the Void Divine King greeted Youyu and Xuanli with a nod, exuding a demeanor that was neither overbearing nor meek, yet somehow seemed beyond his years.

His mannerisms appeared oddly mismatched with his youthful appearance.

He was aware that Youyu and Xuanli had been leaders of the Ghost Wizard Sect in ancient times, both at the Primordial Spirit Stage.

As a promising talent of the Divine Soul Sect, he had ascended to divinity with the moon's aid. By the time he had made his mark, Youyu and Xuanli had long since passed away, leaving no opportunity for their paths to cross.

His initiative in greeting them stemmed from his status as the Divine King of the Divine Soul Sect, while Youyu and Xuanli were representatives of the Ghost Wizard Sect.

"You are..."

Xuanli, with his ghostly pale complexion, initially failed to recognize the Void Divine King. Though Youyu had mentioned him en route, it wasn't until that moment that he realized who the youth was.

"What are you...?!"

Xuanli exclaimed in sudden alarm, pointing at the Void Divine King and turning to Youyu, "He is a Great Demon God of the Blood Devil Clan! I'm certain of it! Just like Grec, he harbors a novel Life Altar within him! No, wait! It's not possible for there to be two Life Altars at the same time as two Great Demon Gods within the Blood Devil Clan!"

Xuanli was utterly bewildered, his face a picture of astonishment.

As Cao Yi, he had engaged in a fierce soul battle with Ann Jieshan of the Blood God Cult, emerging victorious and mastering many of their secret arts.

On the Origin Blood Continent, his attempt to take over Grec had backfired, resulting in Grec turning him into a Blood Slave.

Now fully awakened, Xuanli's mastery of the Bloodline Secret Technique and innate knowledge of the Blood Devil Clan's traits were second nature to him; he was all too familiar with their distinctive aura.

"The Great Demon God of the Blood Devil Clan..." Youyu murmured softly.

"That's one way to put it, but it's not entirely accurate," Void responded with detachment. "The original owner of this body was indeed a Great Demon God of the Blood Devil Clan, the very first in their history. However, I remain Void. This body is merely a product of my refinement, and..."

Void turned his gaze to Xuanli, as a misty blood light suddenly emanated from him.

The blood light enveloped Void like a series of rings, imposing a heavy pressure on Xuanli.

"My Life Altar's foundation should surpass that of Grec!"

Void's concluding remark was filled with an undeniable authority.

The one who crafted Grec's Life Altar was at the source of the Yang Meridians, but the Life Essence he obtained was, in fact, incomplete.

Yu Yuan, on the other hand, was purified by the source blood and received the full spectrum of Life Essence.

In comparison to the source of the Yang Meridians, Yu Yuan had not yet fully grasped the Life Essence, nor had he broken through to the ultimate peak, which meant his total Qi and blood were significantly less.

Yet, in terms of levels, Yu Yuan stood above the source of the Yang Meridians. Consequently, the Life Altar born of Yu Yuan held greater potential than that of Grec's.

"I don't quite understand," Xuanli confessed under his breath.

"There's no need for you to understand," Taixu replied coolly, pointing towards the ocean depths. "Youyu brought you here to claim a piece of the prize, to use the flesh of the heart clam beast to heal your wounds. So, your priority now is to dive in without delay."

With Youyu present, any damage to Xuanli's soul could be easily mended.

Xuanli's injuries, however, were physical. His flesh and organs were extensively damaged, and his bodily functions severely impaired.

Xuanli turned his attention to Youyu.

"The Chaos Roc will relinquish a portion to you; I'm in the process of negotiating," Youyu confirmed with a nod, gesturing for him to descend into the depths to scavenge the flesh of the heart clam beast and refine it using the secret arts he possessed.

Youyu was aware that Xuanli had mastered numerous Bloodline Secret Techniques. With an appropriate source of flesh, he could swiftly regain his strength.


Xuanli didn't hesitate. In a flash, he dove into the depths of the ocean.

"We must eliminate President Lyi with utmost urgency."

Once Xuanli had plunged into the sea, Youyu echoed the sentiment previously expressed by the Void Divine King.

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