Unmatched Dominance/C1657 Meeting up
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Unmatched Dominance/C1657 Meeting up
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C1657 Meeting up

Youyu and Taixu were in remarkable agreement regarding President Lyi—they both wanted to eliminate him as quickly as possible.

"Entrust the heart stone to me for refinement. I intend to use this Divine Stone to challenge the Origin Realm God."

Youyu was candid with Yu Yuan about his motives. "He sent me to the Gray Domain in search of this Divine Stone. I'm aware that once he has dealt with Tan Xiaotian, he'll inevitably covet this Divine Stone. It seems most prudent for me to be the first to refine it."

As he spoke, Youyu glanced at the three alien beasts nearby with a look of surprise. "Them?"

"They're my friends," Taixu answered.

Taixu's view of Youyu had greatly improved upon learning of his determination to remove President Lyi. Having served the Lunar Divine King for years, Taixu was well-acquainted with the Lunar Divine King's high regard for the Founder of the Ghost Wizard Sect.

Taixu was well aware that the ancient Yu Yuan placed great value on his friendship with Youyu, often remarking on Youyu's exceptional nature.

Initially skeptical, Taixu's respect for Youyu grew after witnessing his actions, including the slaying of Zhu Zhenxiao and securing a divine seat for Yu Zhu. Now, having personally interacted with Youyu, his respect for the former Ghost Wizard Sect leader continued to grow.


Youyu nodded slightly before continuing, "The Origin Realm God is aware of the heart stone and its uses. He might even know that this Divine Stone contains the essence of that individual. Yet, he remains unaware that in a critical moment, that individual can still provide combat support."

His words were deliberately ambiguous, likely out of consideration for the three alien beasts, as well as the Chaos Roc and Xuanli deep in the ocean.

Yu Yuan and Taixu clearly grasped his meaning.

"By refining it, I can link your soul through the heart stone. I'll engage the Origin Realm God in a battle of souls within the heart stone. This fight, however, may require some assistance from you." Youyu's gaze bore into Yu Yuan as he spoke.

Yu Yuan nodded in agreement. "Understood."

He grasped Youyu's strategy—using the heart stone as bait to draw the Origin Realm God into a trap, aiming to ambush him in the Sea of Hearts that Youyu had refined.

In the decisive moment of the battle, Youyu might pull his soul into the fray.

He had to be ready to transfer his main soul into the Sea of Hearts and join forces with Youyu to strike a blow against the Origin Realm God.

Entering the Sea of Hearts with his main soul could completely reveal his identity, and the grand Illusory Soul of his first life as the Dragon Slayer would manifest there.

Despite the risk of exposure and knowing he couldn't destroy the Origin Realm God, he accepted the challenge without any hesitation.

"You three... don't you need any additional flesh and blood energy?"

The Void Divine King appeared among the Ash Divine Crocodile, Raymon Beast, and Three-legged Golden Crow, offering earnestly, "I played a part in the heart clam beast's demise. If you require it, I can speak with the Chaos Roc to allow you a share of her flesh and blood."

The alien beasts showed gratitude in their eyes but declined with a shake of their heads.

"It appears you've reached the pinnacle of alien beasts. No amount of blood energy will further your bloodline's breakthrough," the Void Divine King said with a sigh, pressing the matter no further.

Subsequently, the stars beneath Yu Yuan and the others began to shrink rapidly following the heart clam beast's death, as if a corpulent man had suddenly slimmed down.

The surrounding "Dark Dust Mist" near the star thinned to near imperceptibility and then mysteriously dissipated.

After some time, Xuanli emerged from the dreamlike azure sea, bursting with vitality and vigor.

"I'm alright now," Xuanli declared, settling next to Youyu with an easygoing tone. "What about you? How much longer will it take to conquer the Sea of Hearts and smelt her beast soul?"

"It will be some time yet," Youyu responded.

"Since you're the Void Divine King and represent the Divine Soul Sect, surely you haven't forgotten the Dragon Slash Platform's master's promise to our Ghost Wizard Sect to secure us a divine position?"

Now awake, Xuanli didn't hold back, deliberately sidestepping Yu Yuan and bantering with the Void Divine King.

"That is indeed the case," the Void Divine King confirmed.

"You're quite something, admitting it straight away."

Xuanli flashed a mischievous grin, gesturing towards Youyu, and said, "His divine position wasn't granted by your Divine Soul Sect. The Lunar Divine King once owed our Ghost Wizard Sect, and we haven't forgotten. When do you plan to settle that debt? Both Youyu and I fell because of the Lunar Divine King!"

As the conversation progressed, Xuanli's expression cooled, his voice heavy with bitterness and fury. "Youyu's Ghost King and the Ghost God position—Yu Yuan has been instrumental behind the scenes. And isn't Yu Yuan one of our Divine Soul Sect, the current holder of the Dragon Slash Platform?"

Void Divine King spoke without glancing at Xuanli, focusing instead on Youyu, who was privy to the inner workings and Yu Yuan's true identity. "You acknowledge this, don't you?" he asked.

Youyu nodded in agreement.

"Good! I'll consider Youyu's ascension to godhood as supported by your Divine Soul Sect! And with Yu Zhu's elevation, Yu Yuan has already shown his support! But it's still not enough! Your Divine Soul Sect owes my Ghost Wizard Sect at least one more divine seat!" Xuanli's demand for a divine seat was not only bold but also justified.

This was because the Lunar Divine King had made a promise to him and Youyu before their fall.

Before their demise, the Lunar Divine King had vowed that once the era of the Nagas was overthrown, he would compensate and restore their divine seats.

Xuanli was aware that the Void Divine King was the Lunar Divine King's most steadfast follower. If the Void Divine King truly honored the Lunar Divine King, he wouldn't go back on his word.

"The Ghost Wizard Sect, as long as you stay allied with us, I assure you that you will secure a divine seat, fulfilling his ancient promise," the Void Divine King declared earnestly.

"We can discuss this further another time," Xuanli replied, chuckling.

Time passed.


The Chaos Roc, now in the guise of a gaunt human elder, burst forth from the deep blue sea below, his mouth twisted in a strange, contented smile.

"This belongs to you; please guard it well."

Between the Chaos Roc's crimson and pearly eyes, a fissure opened, revealing a dazzling, multicolored gemstone. He pried the gemstone from his brow, his demeanor turning significantly more grave, and then handed it to Youyu.

As the heart stone emerged, Yu Yuan, Xuanli, and the three alien beasts in attendance all experienced a fleeting sensation of vertigo.

Merely glimpsing the five-colored Divine Stone seemed to draw their souls toward it, threatening to pull them in.


Youyu reached out, grasped the vibrant Divine Stone, and swallowed it whole.

As the heart stone slid down his throat, the Yin Sunflower Essence coursing through his meridians was primed to surge into the Divine Stone.

Once the Divine Stone settled in his stomach, streams of Yin Sunflower Essence poured into it, erasing its prismatic glow.

"I want her shell."

Void Divine King cast a glance at the Chaos Roc and made his declaration before plunging into the ocean depths. "The heart clam beast's shell is sharp and not made of metal. We're about to confront President Lyi, and I need a weapon that's sufficiently sharp and cannot be wrested from me by him."

"If you want it, take it. I have no use for her shell."

The Chaos Roc shrugged nonchalantly. The devoured flesh and beast's heart had not only mended his wounds but had also granted him the coveted power of the spirit.

He was content.

"Now, with me, Void Divine King, Youyu, and you."

A cruel, bloodthirsty gleam shone in the Chaos Roc's eyes. "Our combined strength in the Gray Domain is formidable! Save for a select few, any formidable beings from the Eon Realm would think twice before confronting us here!"


The once diminished star quaked at the Chaos Roc's words, then began to tremble violently.

"Youyu, point out President Lyi's location, and I'll navigate this star there!"

Waves churned from the ocean's depths, swelling into a monstrous tsunami.

It was as if the Chaos Roc had ignited an energy furnace beneath the earth, propelling the star into motion.

"Over there."

Youyu casually indicated a direction.

Powered by the Chaos Roc's lineage and the dominion of this sea sovereign, the star beneath them slowly amassed momentum and embarked on its voyage.

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