Unmatched Dominance/C1669 Abyss Goanna
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Unmatched Dominance/C1669 Abyss Goanna
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C1669 Abyss Goanna

Yu Yuan raised his hand and shouted commandingly.

Beneath him, in the deep cavern, the dark Qi and blood of Tan Xiaotian grew even denser, rapidly closing in on him.

Given Tan Xiaotian's combat prowess, finding the right direction to escape the peculiar secret realm should pose no significant challenge.

Imprisoned by the Origin Realm God, Tan Xiaotian would inevitably see his captor as an adversary once he was free.

Yu Yuan wasn't alone; beside him stood the Chaos Roc, the Great Void, and Youyu. Together, they possessed the might to challenge the Origin Realm God.

It dawned on Yu Yuan that his every action was aimed at safeguarding the Secular Bird Queen from the ambushes of the Origin Realm God and the Disaster Snake.

His arrival and the liberation of Tan Xiaotian were calculated moves to coax the Origin Realm God into the open!

If the Origin Realm God shifted his focus onto Yu Yuan and his companions, the Secular Bird Queen would be out of harm's way, spared from the threat of the Disaster Snake.

Without the Origin Realm God's assistance, the Disaster Snake stood no chance of harming the Secular Bird alone.

"You lack the credentials to summon his presence," a voice declared.

From another cavern, a Void Spirit Succubus in the guise of Benin emerged, her eyes shimmering with the intricate laws of space.

Clutching a voluminous ancient tome, her gown billowed around her as she regarded the scene with an icy demeanor.

The unopened book suddenly burst with spatial radiance, prompting a surge of thick spatial anomalies from the surrounding caverns.

Boom! Boom!

Beams of spatial light burst forth from various caves, converging on Yu Yuan's location.

Within the expansive spatial light swirled fine blades and luminous, soul-searing threads.


The spatial light failed to reach Yu Yuan; it was intercepted by an immense, multicolored shell.

The shell, akin to a vibrant landmass, materialized above Yu Yuan, its surface twinkling with stars and emitting billions of sparkling particles that deflected the incoming spatial light.

Above the shell stood a young man with delicate features, the Great Void himself, gazing serenely at the Void Spirit Succubus.

Sizzle sizzle!

Nine additional soul shadows of the Great Void, cloaked in iridescence and wielding lightning, unleashed their blade-like radiance, filling the Void Spirit Succubus's domain and shattering the stasis of space.

Benin, in the guise of a Void Spirit Succubus, watched the nine Void Spirits charge at her and let out a light snort.

She swiftly descended into the deep cave below, evading all the attacks from the Void Spirits. Their coordinated strike missed its mark, and then she reappeared effortlessly at another cave entrance in the distance.

The honeycomb-like network of cave entrances on this planet's surface seemed to be at her disposal for easy access.

As an ancient Starry Behemoth with a bloodline inherently attuned to the intricacies of space, she thrived in the depths of the Gray Domain. Here, her combat prowess was significantly amplified.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Three Ninth Level members of the Void Spirit Succubus Clan emerged from other caves, their faces set with solemn respect as they gazed upon Benin. Admiration shone sincerely in their eyes.

The one before them, donning Benin's form, was their Founder, the very source of their lineage.

Regardless of her decisions, whether deemed right or wrong, every member of the Void Spirit Succubus Clan was duty-bound to stand unwaveringly by her side.

Thus, the three Ninth Level clansmen drew forth their magical artifacts, scepters, and jewels to join her in battle.


Out of nowhere, a dark brown giant tail lashed out from a nearby cave, expanding a millionfold in an instant, hurtling towards the shell that resembled a vibrant, colorful landmass.

The dark brown tail, studded with rough, iron-hard lumps, exuded a potent, bloody stench.

In a flash, the tail transformed into a monstrous python, unleashing a force capable of shattering stars and planets, crashing down with devastating impact.

The ferocious, unrivaled power, tinged with the essence of the abyss, shattered the colorful land in an instant.

The young Void Spirit, caught off guard, couldn't summon another shell in time and let out a stifled grunt as he hurled his demonic form to safety.

Yu Yuan looked up.

Before him, the dark brown giant tail emerged like a python descending from the heavens!


A vile stream of blood, decaying flesh, and the bones of alien beasts cascaded from the tail, resembling a python.

His body, wedged in the cave entrance and serving as a "lighthouse" to guide Tan Xiaotian, could no longer hold steady. It was swept away by the filthy deluge, plummeting into the world where Tan Xiaotian currently resided.

As Tan Xiaotian was about to catch up, he suddenly realized that the silhouette behind the "membrane" was entangled with the filthy blood, rotting flesh, and bones, forcibly swept into this secret realm.

The door Tan Xiaotian had hoped to use for his escape vanished without a trace, becoming undetectable.

"So close, yet so far," he muttered, shaking his head. He turned to Yu Yuan, who looked worse for wear as he emerged from the muck, and chided, "Couldn't you have held on a bit longer?"

"I would have if I could," Yu Yuan retorted, clearly annoyed. Despite knowing that he was speaking to the master of the Devil Palace, a figure of legend for thousands of years, he felt no need to hold back. "The Abyss Goanna's tail strike was more than I could handle."

"The Abyss Goanna?" Tan Xiaotian paused, surprised. "He's been lurking at the Starry Border for years. What emboldened him to show himself? What boon did the Origin Realm God offer to coax him into assisting?"

Yu Yuan huffed, "He's rebranded himself, changing from Deep Sky Lizard to Abyss Goanna. A single word's difference, yet the implications are worlds apart."

After a moment's consideration, Tan Xiaotian gave Yu Yuan a thumbs-up, "You make an excellent point!"


The Chaos Roc, disguised as an elderly human, inhaled deeply as he watched the dark brown tail begin to retract. "What are you planning?"

The massive tail seemed to pause as it withdrew into one of the deep pits.

From within, an elder of the Silver Scale Clan emerged, his form aged and withered.

Clad in a crumpled robe, his bald head and the tough, knotted skin that showed were testament to his age. His small, deep brown eyes seemed to carry the weight of endless concerns, ones he appeared unwilling to share.

"You fail to grasp that from the moment I renamed myself and embraced the title of Abyss Goanna, I've been trying to accept the abyss. I've ventured into the Chaos Abyss, stood before the Abyss Gate, and seen beings as vast as you and me beneath it."

"I believe that perhaps, in the abyss beneath the gate, there's room for life as grand as ours to exist."

As the Spinosaurus, now an elder of the Silver Scale Clan, spoke these words, his voice was tinged with sorrow and resignation.

"After the death of the old Spinosaurus, our time began to wane. Many of our kin were hunted down and slaughtered by Beilstein. The world slowly turned into a graveyard and a prison for the Starry Behemoth. My exploration of the abyss was a search for hope, a sanctuary for our kind."

"I saw them, and I felt their presence. The beings in the abyss are as colossal as we are."

"I thought, perhaps... we should release them, let them help us transform this world, so that the Giant Beasts may continue to traverse the Eon Realm."

"Instead of being relentlessly hunted by those once feeble creatures."


With a heavy heart, he gazed at the silent Chaos Roc, "I, hounded by Beilstein, have spent years hiding at the Starry Border, too afraid to return."

"And you, pinned down by the Demon Phoenix in the depths of the sea!"

"The Secular Bird Queen was slain by those despicable cowards during a moment of mental turmoil, in the Oblivion Starfield!"

"How have beings as magnificent as ourselves come to such a fate? Remember, in our time, these so-called intelligent beings should have been prostrating themselves before us, listening reverently to our breaths, to our will and commands."

"Kun, we must change all of this!"

The Abyss Goanna let out a roar of defiance.

His roar, echoing through the cavernous depths of the stars, seemed to reach across various realms, conveying his anger and frustration to all intelligent species.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Three figures from the Silver Scale Clan materialized behind him, one of whom, a female, boasted the Tenth Level bloodline!

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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