Unmatched Dominance/C1674 The Imagination of the Origin Realm God!
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Unmatched Dominance/C1674 The Imagination of the Origin Realm God!
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C1674 The Imagination of the Origin Realm God!

An ancient and enigmatic aura gradually enveloped the Heaven Opening Flare Star, shrouding it like a misty veil. As this presence emerged, Yu Yuan utilized the luminescent glow of the Dragon Slash Platform to probe the shadowy depths below, only to find his efforts violently torn apart. The visions of the world that had recently surfaced in his mind shattered like a broken mirror.

There was a force attempting to warp and scramble his memories, intent on erasing the imprints etched deep within his soul. With a whoosh, Yu Yuan's Yin God within his soul consciousness underwent a dramatic transformation, becoming a millstone capable of grinding all things to dust. Accompanied by a thunderous rumble, the millstone began to spin gently, obliterating the soul power that sought to annihilate his memories and refining it into nonexistence.

In a nebulous state, Yu Yuan thought he could see vague soul shadows flickering into and out of existence within his soul consciousness. He heard the cries of infants, the disputes of men and women, the coughs of the elderly, the mournful howls of foreign warriors, and the sounds of anguish and terror from beings at the brink of death. It was as if he had been transported to an alien dimension, briefly becoming a part of its existence and momentarily connecting with the spirits there.

The soul shadows manifested and vanished in cycles of life, death, and rebirth. Standing on the Dragon Slash Platform, Yu Yuan's gaze was filled with bewilderment and contemplation, as though he was pondering questions of profound depth, seemingly oblivious to the voice of the Origin Realm God.

"Origin Realm!"

Youyu's voice cut through the air with a commanding chill. Aside from Yu Yuan, Xuanli, Yinn Tiehua, and the three Ninth Level alien beasts, including the Divine King Taixu, were jolted awake by the sudden realization. Just moments before, they had been as disoriented as Yu Yuan, as if drawn in by that same force, their spirits twisted and unsettled.

The vibrant Divine Butterfly, with its resplendent wings, materialized behind them, revealing the Chaos Abyss they had previously encountered. A faint soul shadow appeared at the massive entrance of the Chaos Abyss, lacking any tangible features. It seemed to drift as if it had wandered the world for eons without finding a resting place, a solitary spirit unable to enter the cycle of reincarnation. Its presence at the mouth of the Chaos Abyss exuded a sense of desolation and solitude, drawing in all thoughts and desires to understand and connect with it.

He was like a peculiar vortex of souls, drawing in thoughts and emotions—anything intangible that originated from the soul. It seemed that anything related to him within a certain range was inevitably pulled toward what was known as the "Origin Realm."

"So that's how it is."

The five-colored gem on Youyu's forehead was once again enveloped by his skin after he uttered, "It's been a while." His third eye closed along with it. His own eyes shut as well, his face contorting into an expression of deep confusion.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The souls that Youyu had extracted—the Divine Butterfly's soul tethered to the heart stone, the souls of the three Void Spirit Succubus elders, and the souls of the Silver Scale Clan warriors—all returned to their rightful places within the heart stone, drawn back by the emergence of the Chaos Abyss and the power of the solitary soul shadow.

The Divine Butterfly's radiant wings gently closed, transforming back into the delicate and slender figure of Benin. She turned and, holding the Time Book, bowed slightly to the soul shadow within the Chaos Abyss before obediently settling to its left.

Following her lead, the three Void Spirit Succubus elders, bound to her by blood, and the Ninth Level warrior, now at the Tenth Level, positioned themselves to the right of the Chaos Abyss.

The Abyss Goanna, after a moment's hesitation, joined the Tenth Level Silver Scale Clan woman and the Ninth Level warrior on the right side of the Chaos Abyss.

Arranged to the left and right, they encircled the Chaos Abyss, even stepping back slightly to better showcase the soul shadow within.

Youyu's eyes fluttered open once more. Instead of looking immediately toward the Chaos Abyss or the soul shadow that represented the Origin Realm God, he glanced at Yu Yuan, as if he had a question on his mind.

Yu Yuan was taken aback.

"The Origin Realm and the heart stone share too many similarities in their effects. The Origin Realm seems to have bridged the souls from another world," Youyu revealed his discovery.

Those privy to the heart stone's secrets and who had ventured to the Sea of Hearts were astonished by his words.

Tai Xu's gaze sparkled with intrigue as he instinctively turned to Yu Yuan.

What was happening?

His eyes conveyed his inner astonishment. Hadn't the spiritual world they had envisioned, the one Youyu and Yu Yuan sought to build, been realized through the heart clam beast?

Why does the Origin Realm bear such a striking resemblance to the Sea of Hearts within the Five-colored Divine Stone?

How did the Origin Realm God, emerging from the Abyss, manage to forge a mysterious Origin Realm akin to the Sea of Hearts, and why did he link the souls of numerous Abyssal creatures to it?

Could it be that beings like Pei Yuling, Diggs, and the Void Spirit Succubus, with their souls venturing into the Origin Realm, had already initiated contact with the Abyss's inhabitants?

Perhaps the Origin Realm serves as a bridge and conduit for soulful exchanges between the two worlds' intelligent life forms?

Did the various powerful beings persuaded by the Origin Realm God, upon entering the Origin Realm in spirit form, stumble upon a new frontier and witness the lives of other worlds?

Are they capable of mutual communication?

A flurry of doubts surfaced in Tai Xu's heart, as well as in the minds of Youyu and Yu Yuan.

"This is my vision, my ongoing endeavor, yet it remains unfulfilled for the time being."

The spectral figure within the Chaos Abyss seemed to possess insight into everyone's innermost thoughts, grasping the myriad musings tied to the Origin Realm and offering explanations and answers.

"If the beings of both realms are hindered by the Abyss Gate from freely traversing and meeting in the flesh, then I shall first establish the Origin Realm as a bridge, enabling the soulful and intelligent life of both realms to engage in dialogue."

"Let's first seek to understand one another, and then decide whether to shatter the Abyss Gate for deeper collaboration and communication."

"Yet, in your world, many narrow-minded individuals persistently impede this endeavor."

"They reject me, shun the denizens of the Abyss. By leading some to the Origin Realm to converse with Abyssal souls, I aim to show that our Abyss and your world share much in common. We are not to be feared; rather, it was your own Titan spinosaurus that nearly brought ruin upon us."

"Now, with the supreme Titan spinosaurus deceased, many who once lived in fear within our realm have been persuaded to reach out to you, progressively making their way into the Origin Realm."

"Am I not championing a cause that promises joy for all?"

The soul shadow, an emissary of the Origin Realm God, chose not to display his might. Instead, he gently coaxed those gathered, attempting to convince them of the nobility of his actions.

Once he concluded his speech, Yinn Tiehua, Xuanli, and the three alien beasts appeared utterly transfixed, struggling to process his words. They weighed the merits and flaws of his argument, questioning the sincerity of his altruism.

Youyu, typically reserved and austere, suddenly burst into laughter, his voice dripping with scorn. "The Sea of Hearts, akin to your Origin Realm, has been tempered by my hand. The more souls and consciousnesses it contains, the more potent the energy of the soul becomes, and my power grows accordingly. Within the Sea of Hearts, I reign supreme, a deity with the authority over life and death, even capable of influencing their physical forms."

"If the Origin Realm is akin to the Sea of Hearts, then you should possess the abilities I have."

"The Origin Realm you've forged is more advanced than my Sea of Hearts, teeming with a greater number of active souls and consciousnesses. Your control over the Origin Realm, and the benefits you reap from it, will surely exceed my own."

"By your design, the mighty sentient beings of both realms will part with fragments of their souls and consciousnesses to enter the Origin Realm. Wouldn't they all be at your mercy?"

"You bear the title of Origin Realm God, and within the Origin Realm, you are the deity."

"In your crafted divine dominion, all exchanges, shared information, and secrets of every faction can be captured by you. You have the power to erase anyone without a trace. By creating this bridge, this spiritual world connecting both realms, is it not your intent to subjugate all beings of both realms?"

Youyu did not mince words as he laid bare the Origin Realm God's sinister motives.

At his words, the Void Spirit Succubus, with her Benin-like visage, saw a flicker of unease in her radiant eyes. Part of her soul, too, roamed the Origin Realm, having mingled with beings from the Chaos Abyss. If Youyu's accusations held truth, could the Origin Realm God not easily erase her existence?

The Abyss Goanna, disguised as an elder of the Silver Scale Clan, remained stoically detached, as if he had anticipated this revelation all along. Unlike the Void Spirit Succubus, who harbored vain hopes, he did not rely on his soul to perceive the Origin Realm.

He ought to be aware of the Origin Realm God's might and comprehend the deity's true ambitions.

"The Sea of Hearts, the Origin Realm..."

Yu Yuan murmured to himself, pondering the inception of the Origin Realm and the construction of the Sea of Hearts. Which came first? Was there a connection between the two?

Did his actions in his first life prompt the Origin Realm God to create the Origin Realm, or did the Origin Realm God influence him, utilizing the heart clam beast to forge the Sea of Hearts?

"Are you not also ruled by Beilstein?"

The soul shadow of the Origin Realm God let out a wistful sigh within the Chaos Abyss. "In his view, every life in your world is merely his subject and retainer. If he truly desires to erase someone or exterminate an entire race, who could possibly stop him?"

"The Boundless Human Race and the great demons are not so easily extinguished at his whim," Youyu countered.

"Boundless, Human Race... Hah."

The soul shadow, embodying the Origin Realm God, seemed to shake its head, almost scoffing at Youyu's naivety.

It was then that Yu Yuan clearly understood—the Origin Realm God was privy to the Boundless Human Race's secret!

At the pivotal moment when a human's main soul evolved into a Primordial Spirit, they became kin to Beilstein.

This earth-shattering enigma was unknown to nearly all, yet somehow, the Origin Realm God from another world had uncovered the truth.

Libre Baskerville
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