Unmatched Dominance/C1677 Die Yun!
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Unmatched Dominance/C1677 Die Yun!
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C1677 Die Yun!

The Chaos Abyss remains, yet the Origin Realm God has vanished without a trace.

Yu Yuan's sword strike compelled the assembled powerhouses at the Heaven Opening Flare Star to regard him with newfound respect.

The Void Spirit Succubus, the Abyss Goanna, and the Silver Scale Clan warriors, including Xuanli and Yinn Tiehua from the Ghost Wizard Sect, were all awestruck by the sword's display.

The sword was excessively magnificent, dazzlingly brilliant, and inconceivably fierce.


Tai Xu, with the appearance of a youth, whispered to himself, his face aglow with a mystical radiance.

He gazed into Yu Yuan's eyes, his expression a mix of relief and awe. He sensed that the formidable figure he knew was on the cusp of returning—in an even mightier form.

Even with only the Unrestrained Stage cultivation and partial memories of his first life, without fully grasping the essence of life within the Yang God, a single concentrated sword strike had obliterated a fragment of the Origin Realm God's soul.

What then, when he fully ascends to divinity and reclaims his inherent power? Would the Origin Realm God stand a chance?

Tai Xu's heart steadied with this thought.

He was convinced that regardless of the Origin Realm God's might or the heights to which his power soared, once Yu Yuan forged his Divine Throne and tapped into his full potential, the Origin Realm God would pose no threat.

"I asked you to kill that tiny butterfly, not to get sidetracked," Zhong Chichen, adorned in flamboyant attire, chided after noticing Yu Yuan's prolonged daze. "Since most of the Origin Realm God's soul hasn't shifted here and we can't kill him outright, let's not expend too much energy."


As if snapping back to reality, Yu Yuan pivoted on the Dragon Slash Platform to face the Void Spirit Succubus, who was gracefully fluttering her iridescent wings amidst a swirl of vivid light.


The Divine Butterfly, now the focus of his gaze, let out a terrified shriek, overwhelmed by a profound sense of dread.

The sword's silhouette was etched into her memory, sending shivers through her veins.

She was consumed by the horrifying thought of being hunted by Lin Daoke, desperate to flee far away, hoping not to become Yu Yuan's next target.

A torrent of crimson light surged forth!


The void near the Divine Butterfly instantly fractured into fragments under the assault of the new sword light river.

Her bloodline's connection to the surrounding space seemed to be severed as the sword light river neared, rendering her incapable of utilizing her Spatial Escape Technique.

Thus, history repeated itself!

The sword light river carved through numerous small worlds, real or illusory, before the Void Spirit Succubus. Upon reaching the Divine Butterfly, it solidified into a red crystal.

The sharp red crystal burst suddenly, transforming into a massive orb of light composed of billions of blood-colored crystal shards.

The infinite sword light coalesced into a spherical expanse!

The larger orb of sword light obliterated the void and annihilated three Ninth Level Void Spirit Succubus elders, as well as tearing her butterfly wings asunder.

Nine of the most brilliant sword lights pierced her colorful butterfly form, infiltrating her heart and soul.

She emitted a heart-wrenching scream, as though pleading with the Origin Realm God.

Regrettably, the Origin Realm God was momentarily unable to offer her any assistance.

"Time Forbidden!"

Zhong Chichen said with a smile, stamping his foot.

A ripple of time, invisible to the eye and undetectable to the soul, yet very real, emanated from the substantial Time Book, targeting only the colorful Divine Butterfly.

"I've always had a penchant for the fragmented beauty of a colorful butterfly," he remarked.

He watched with a grin as the Void Spirit Succubus's wings, first shredded by the nine sword lights, were then filled with the sword's radiance, engulfing the heart of the colossal beast cocoon.

He licked his lips, his eyes, mirroring the colors of the rainbow, shimmered with greed and cruelty.

His posture suggested he intended to devour the heart of the beast cocoon, seizing the Divine Butterfly's bloodline secrets for himself, to become unparalleled in the world.

Besides Zhong Chichen, no other Spatial Master should stand at the pinnacle of the Eon Realm!

Not even the Void Spirit Succubus, older and more ancient than he!


The Divine Butterfly burst apart suddenly, with an enigmatic force erupting from the fissures.

Accompanying this was the sound of a dragon's roar.

As the roar echoed, the hearts of the Abyss Goanna and Chaos Roc shuddered, their beast souls and blood feeling an oppressive pressure.


Zhong Chichen, initially displeased and intent on mending the fractures, found himself elated rather than angry at the sound of the dragon's roar, even breaking into a cheerful laugh.

"Alright, alright. Since you desire it, I'll gladly give it to you. We're all one family, so why bother with such distinctions?"

With the power to heal the rifts and ensure not a single piece of the Void Spirit Succubus's flesh, wings, beast hearts, or beast souls was lost, he released them with a contented smile.

He allowed the shattered Divine Butterfly to disintegrate into millions of fragments, scattering across various spatial fissures.

He seemed aware that in a hidden corner of the Gray Domain, a young Titan Spinosaurus was poised, mouth agape, eagerly awaiting the rain of flesh from the heavens.

He was quite pleased at the prospect of the young creature feasting on the Void Spirit Succubus, accelerating its growth, eager to witness the resurgence of the Titan Spinosaurus.

"Titan Spinosaurus!"

The Abyss Goanna, disguised as an elder of the Silver Scale Clan, finally grasped the unfolding events. His low growl quivered with realization.

The Chaos Roc remained silent, his face a mask of solemnity.

His wary eyes never strayed from Yu Yuan, his mood as somber as his countenance.

Zhong Chichen and Yu Yuan, once adversaries from millennia past, had joined forces, and in doing so, brought down the once-celestial Void Spirit Succubus.

It was a swift and decisive end!

Not long before, they had combined their might to vanquish the heart clam beast, with Youyu, Taixu, and Yu Yuan, along with him, lending their strength.

The Void Spirit Succubus ranked significantly higher than the heart clam beast among the behemoths, and its combat prowess was far superior.

Yu Yuan unleashed the Sky Opening Array, while Zhong Chichen bound time itself, trapping the Void Spirit Succubus with no means of escape. Together, they effortlessly dispatched the creature.

That realization...

The Chaos Roc shivered with dread.

He suddenly recognized that the Lunar Divine King's acquisition of the Origin Blood and the initial trial of combining it with the Sky Opening Array were the key factors in vanquishing the Void Spirit Succubus!

In that moment, the true terror of the Sky Opening Array dawned on him.

The soul shadow of the Origin Realm God was annihilated, reduced to billions of fragmented memories. This wasn't a testament to the Origin Realm God's weakness, but rather to the overwhelming might of the Sky Opening Array!

As an ancient Starry Behemoth and a master of spatial forces, the Void Spirit Succubus watched as her domain was torn asunder by the sword light. Time itself seemed to freeze, allowing the full force of the sword's power to erupt and descend upon the Divine Butterfly.

Consequently, the Divine Butterfly was obliterated in what seemed like an instantaneous annihilation.

In the past, the Dragon Slash Platform could only fracture the soul of the Void Spirit Succubus, allowing her to flee and wreak havoc once more.

But what of the present?

Within the heart of the Chaos Roc, a profound bitterness swelled.

Before him stood not the remnants of dragons from the Dragon Slash Platform, but Zhong Chichen—a vibrant, living entity who had not only ascended to godhood but had also secured the Time Book.

And Yu Yuan, despite his current realm being insufficient for ascension, was without any discernible weakness.

The union of these two forces, coupled with the abrupt demise of the Void Spirit Succubus, instilled a deep-seated dread within the Chaos Roc.

"Old lizard," he murmured, his tongue flicking across his dry lips as if to savor the tangible bitterness, "perhaps in our era, there truly is someone capable of standing against Beilstein. The Demon Phoenix, and Yu Yuan here before you, are both contenders who could one day challenge Beilstein."

He paused, taking a deep breath, "You must have heard the dragon's roar just now. It devoured the Void Spirit Succubus, driven by the death of its ancestor at the hands of Beilstein. The Gray Domain, a legacy of the Spinosaurus, could well be where it thrives and safely navigates its youth."

"Once it reaches adulthood, it might possess the power to confront Beilstein head-on. What are your thoughts?"

"Now, the Origin Realm God and the Chaos Abyss are not your sole options."

He pivoted, intent on convincing the Abyss Goanna, choosing his moment with impeccable precision.

He ensured the Abyss Goanna witnessed the demise of the Origin Realm God's soul shadow, the instantaneous fall of the Void Spirit Succubus, and the enigmatic sword spell.

Behind the goanna, the warriors of the Silver Scale Clan watched Yu Yuan with a mix of awe and trepidation.

The Tenth Level female warrior attempted to offer some words of persuasion, but upon hearing the Abyss Goanna's dismissive snort, she fell silent.

"The Divine Sword is incredibly sharp, and the sword spell is quite elaborate—like nothing I've ever seen," she remarked.

With a furrowed brow, the Abyss Goanna cast a profound glance towards where the Void Spirit Succubus had been. The fissures were healing, but the dazzling, fluttering butterfly had vanished without a trace.

As a fellow ancient creature, he too had been discovered by the Void Spirit Succubus. It was the Divine Butterfly that had facilitated his encounter with the Origin Realm God, leading him to seek refuge under the god's wing. Now, before his very eyes, the Divine Butterfly had been slain by Zhong Chichen and Yu Yuan.

He was acutely aware that once inside the jaws of the juvenile Spinosaurus, there would be no chance for rebirth—not for the Void Spirit Succubus, nor for him or the Chaos Roc.

One of his kind was gone just like that.

He harbored a sorrow too profound to voice, yet this was not the moment for such expressions. "Your Divine Sword, crafted from the finest gold and divine iron, is not without its vulnerabilities," he finally said.

Yu Yuan, taken aback, quickly called out, "President Lyi!"

The Abyss Goanna nodded in agreement. "President Lyi may well fear Lin Daoke, for Lin Daoke's sword is not of gold metal. Your Optimus Sword, both blade and sheath, will be constrained by President Lyi."

"Where is he?" inquired Zhong Chichen, his curiosity piqued.

Since his arrival at Heaven Opening Flare Star via the Realm passageway, his mind had reached out to numerous secret realms and cosmic expanses. Despite his covert searches, President Lyi's whereabouts remained elusive.

"The Origin Realm God has been wary of you. He anticipated your arrival the moment you entered the Realm passageway," intoned the Abyss Goanna gravely.

"And where might he be now?" Zhong Chichen asked, a smile playing on his lips.

The Abyss Goanna let out a cold huff, "Pay closer attention! Feel the Time Book beneath you!"

Zhong Chichen's face took on a new shade of concern.

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