Unmatched Dominance/C1693 The Master's Entrustment
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Unmatched Dominance/C1693 The Master's Entrustment
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C1693 The Master's Entrustment

In the Gray Domain, following the Great Demon God Beilstein's forceful descent into the abyss, the Heaven Opening Flare Star swiftly resumed its usual state, with not a hint of the Abyss's power remaining.

The once empty heavens were once again brimming with the diverse powers of the Gray Domain, and all seemed as it had always been.

Beilstein and the Origin Realm God might as well have never existed, as there was no evidence of their presence or any conflict between them.

Only the Raymon Beast stood bewildered, caught between the luminous Heaven Opening Flare Star and the star transformed by the Chaos Roc. It glanced back at the radiant Heaven Opening Flare Star, then gazed, perplexed, at the Ash Divine Crocodile and the Three-legged Golden Crow.

Suddenly, the Golden Crow let out a cry, recounting the recent events to the Raymon Beast.

The Raymon Beast paused, visibly shaken, then made its way toward the star where the Chaos Roc and its companions resided.

In that moment, Youyu's brow furrowed as he observed the two intertwining rivers within his soul, one muddy and the other crystal clear, coalesce once more.

The aura of the Yin Meridian at the source of these rivers surged with renewed vigor and mirth.

Previously, when the Great Demon God Beilstein had manifested in the Raymon Beast's mind, the eternal intertwined rivers in his consciousness had inexplicably vanished.

It was as if the rivers themselves were evading Beilstein, fearful of attracting his attention.

Empowered by the Yin Meridian's source, Youyu, now the exalted Haowei Demon God, was acutely aware that the Yin Meridian's source, which had forged his divine status, harbored a deep-seated dread of Beilstein.

He had engaged the Origin Realm God in battle and had manifested in Jessica's mind, with the Yin Meridian's rivers accompanying him into the fray.

This clearly indicated that the Yin Meridian's source did not hold a particular fear of the Origin Realm God and was willing to confront it.

Yet, as Beilstein's demonic shadow began to emerge, the Yin Meridian's source sensed something amiss and stealthily withdrew, choosing to conceal its presence.

It preferred to remain unnoticed by Beilstein.

Now, with Beilstein gone, Youyu instantly sensed the distant source of the Yin Meridian in the Vast Ocean, radiating an irrepressible thrill of excitement.

The Yin Meridian source seemed to have suddenly gained immense freedom!

Moments later, Youyu distinctly heard a transmitted thought.

The source of the Yin Meridian informed him that from now on, should he battle a foe of equal strength in the Outland Star River, the assistance it could provide would surpass his wildest dreams.

The Yin Meridian source, which had lain dormant deep beneath the earth for eons, never once surfacing from the vast expanse, was now thrilled at the prospect of breaking free and making its presence known in the heavens.

Within the Oblivion Starfield, a tributary of the Yin Meridian beneath the Epitaxial Realm could serve as its vessel.

Youyu himself could also become its vessel.

Yu Zhu, who had mastered the quintessence of Turbidity, could transform into its vessel at certain times and harness its power.

The departure of Beilstein had sparked a flurry of activity; it was like a mouse that had been skulking underground for countless years, finally able to bask in the sunlight.

It could now venture into the outside world, marvel at the magnificent landscapes, and reunite with old friends.

That was the reason for its exuberance!

"So, it was Beilstein whom you've truly feared all these years," Youyu realized.

The Vast Ocean was protected not only by its natural barriers but also by the presence of Lin Daoke, Tan Xiaotian, the Demon Phoenix, and numerous other supreme beings and Demon Gods, which kept the Great Demon God Beilstein at bay.

As long as it remained beneath the Vast Ocean, without venturing out, it was safe from the infiltration of Beilstein's soulful essence.

It seemed aware that if it dared to emerge from the Vast Ocean and reveal itself in the Outland Star River, Beilstein might have the chance to assimilate it and strip away its spiritual finesse.

Thus, it had no choice but to remain confined within the Vast Ocean.

But today, with Beilstein's absence, it could finally emerge and breathe freely.

Subsequent to Youyu's revelation, the Dark Cushion beneath Demon Master Tan Xiaotian began to roil wildly.

Countless laws, invisible to the naked eye and residing in the deepest darkness, suddenly sprang to life, eagerly reaching out to sense something.

The strikingly handsome Tan Xiaotian gazed at the darkness beneath him in astonishment, as if he were lost in a monologue.

"What? You feel incomplete? A part of you has suddenly emerged, prompting a sensation? Then, where might it be?"

The Chaos Roc, Xuanli, Yinn Tiehua, and others gazed at him with curious eyes.

Tan Xiaotian seemed unfazed, continuing his conversation with the darkness beneath him, "It, it..."

The Demon Lord's form shook, and he jolted before taking a deep breath, "The Starfield of the Bright Clan! The other part of you has been suppressed by the Bright Clan, sealed by numerous light relics! Hehe, I should've figured it out sooner; it should've dawned on me!"

Ignoring everyone else, Tan Xiaotian mounted the Dark Cushion and departed on his own.

He even set aside his grudge against Youyu for the time being.

The Starfield of the Bright Clan was a region he had avoided for years, aware of the great terror lurking within and the cordial relationship between Cadorath of the Bright Clan and the Great Demon God Beilstein.

Venturing into the Bright Clan's Starfield would mean not only facing their relentless pursuit and unknown horrors but potentially confronting Beilstein himself.

Yet now, under his watchful eye, Beilstein had clearly ventured into the abyss.

The other mysterious part of the darkness beneath him seemed aware of Beilstein's departure and reached out for assistance.

Who in the Eon Realm could aid the darkness suppressed by the Bright Clan?

And to whom could it appeal for help?

Naturally, it turned to me, Tan Xiaotian!

With a whoosh, Tan Xiaotian, aboard the Dark Cushion, didn't hesitate for a second. He left the Gray Domain at top speed, heading directly for the Bright Clan's territory.

"Old lizard?"

The Chaos Roc, sensing the undercurrents, watched Tan Xiaotian's retreat. Once the darkness was out of sight, it turned to the Abyss Goanna still perched on the Heaven Opening Divine Stone, "Beilstein has departed. Since he's entered the abyss, you're now safe."

Upon hearing this, the previously stiff Abyss Goanna straightened its spine, seemingly emboldened once again.

He nodded, his demeanor visibly relaxing. "With Beilstein gone from this world, I too am free. Kun, together we can explore the boundless starry skies!"

The old lizard was indifferent to the events unfolding in the Origin Realm. His sole aim had always been to harness the power of the Origin Realm God to confront the Great Demon God Beilstein. Now, with both Beilstein and the Origin Realm God vanished into the abyss, could anything be more gratifying? The chains and cages that once restrained him had been suddenly lifted.

"Kun, there are places we've longed to visit. But with Beilstein around, we knew we'd come away empty-handed, so we never ventured forth. Now, at last, our opportunity has arrived!" The old lizard extended an invitation.

"I... I'll need to think about it," the Chaos Roc replied hesitantly.

"Very well," the old lizard nodded, then turned his gaze to the elder of the Shadow Clan, his voice deep and commanding, "And you?"

"I will accompany you," the Shadow Clan elder replied, her head bowed.

"Good, you know your place."

Without further ado or effort, the old lizard gathered his followers, including Jessica and the Shadow Clan elder, and mysteriously produced two Ninth Level warriors from the Silver Scale Clan. Together, they departed from the Heaven Opening Flare Star.

"Just like that, we let him leave?" Xuanli exclaimed in disbelief.

"And why not?" The Chaos Roc retorted dismissively. "Beilstein is the only one he ever feared. He lurked at the Starry Border because of Beilstein. Now that he's gone, only a few, like the Demon Phoenix and Lin Daoke, are of any consequence to him."

"You all..."

The Chaos Roc's gaze swept over Youyu, and with a shake of his head, he declared, "You're not even on his radar."

"What about Tan Xiaotian?" Xuanli asked, frustrated.

"Once Tan Xiaotian retrieves the ancient relic from the Bright Clan's domain, then perhaps he'll possess the power to make the old lizard wary," the Chaos Roc huffed.


At the site of the Muddy Divine Soil, Yu Yuan, the Secular Bird Queen, and the Divine King watched the events at the Heaven Opening Flare Star unfold clearly through the Dragon Slash Platform.

Even the newly awakened Hannya Divine Tree witnessed the departure of the Great Demon God through the Dragon Slash Platform.

"He actually ventured into the abyss!"

Beilstein, with a face full of shock, rubbed his temples and said with a bitter tone, "His departure will likely cause every demon and ghost in this world to become unsettled."

The empress, in a rare gesture, nodded in agreement.

She, privy to the inner workings, was well aware that the Great Demon God Beilstein, while dominating the cosmos, also served as the guardian and rule-maker of the entire world.

He also kept numerous formidable otherworldly beings in check.

Terrifying entities, ancient beyond measure, dared not misbehave due to his might, keeping their savage nature and instincts well in check for fear of attracting his lethal attention.

But now, he had descended into the abyss.

The news of his departure had spread, even reaching the otherworldly creatures connected through the Heaven Opening Flare Star. Those hidden within the myriad Starry Forbidden Grounds would surely receive the message swiftly.

With the oppressive presence of Beilstein gone, undoubtedly, numerous fearsome creatures would emerge to wreak havoc in the starry skies.


Chen Qinghuang turned abruptly, detecting a subtle ripple in Yu Yuan's thoughts.

"Who are you communicating with?" she asked, surprised.

"That young creature."

Yu Yuan smiled. Indeed, after the Great Demon God Beilstein's departure, he immediately reconnected with the young beast.

The Titan Spinosaurus's offspring sent a feeble thought: Has he truly gone?

Once Yu Yuan confirmed the truth, the young beast, learning that the Great Demon God Beilstein had indeed ventured into the abyss and even taken the Origin Realm God with him, became incredibly daring.

With the Origin Realm God's attempt to corrupt the Gray Domain through the anomaly of the Heaven Opening Flare Star thwarted, the young beast no longer faced that threat, nor did it have to live in fear of Beilstein. As it slowly mastered the enigmatic Gray Domain, its sense of security surged dramatically.

It had ample reason to rejoice.

Yet, unbeknownst to it, Chen Qinghuang, or even Beilstein, Yu Yuan had engaged in a conversation with another individual before making his presence known.

It was as though Yu Yuan had communicated with another voice within himself before emerging.

A whisper from his heart urged him to watch over this world with care.

The world as it was after Beilstein's departure.

Yu Yuan realized then that his mentor from his first life had withdrawn from this realm, venturing into the abyss to battle formidable foes, entrusting him with the stewardship of this world.

Beilstein had immense faith in him!

Indeed, it seemed that Beilstein's confidence to journey into the abyss was bolstered by his presence and the complete resurgence of his power!

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