Unmatched Dominance/C1698 You Still dare to Stay?
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Unmatched Dominance/C1698 You Still dare to Stay?
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C1698 You Still dare to Stay?


The Cold Domain Bear communicated to Yu Yuan with a low growl that it had perceived a threat emanating from the cosmic sea beyond. It appeared that members of the Blood Devil Clan were clandestinely searching for its location.

It further revealed that the Yang Meridian's power had significantly increased, enabling it to descend through any member of the Blood Devil Clan.

"Blood Devil?"

Yu Yuan paused, his thoughts quickly turning to Beilstein's departure.

With Beilstein no longer there to keep it in check, the Yang Meridian had grown bolder. Ann Ziqing's fusion had endowed it with a deeper understanding of life's true essence, thus making it more formidable.

Previously, its influence seemed confined to the Dim Starfield it had so meticulously cultivated, where it could manifest its power through the red moon.

But now, it was capable of descending directly upon the Blood Devil Clan members and operating across various starry expanses.

This implied that should the Cold Domain Bear be located by the Blood Devil Clan, they could capture it through the process of descent.

"No wonder you're frightened."

Yu Yuan nodded, sensing an increased affinity from the Cold Domain Bear towards him.

It was as though he exuded a distinct aura that the Cold Domain Bear found comforting and endearing.

It was the essence of the Yang God!

In a flash of insight, he understood that the Cold Domain Bear, having lived for ages, had grown formidable long before the Yang Meridian had reached the Origin Blood Continent, nourished by an underground current of intense cold.

Deep within the Cold Domain Bear's lineage, there might be secrets tied to this profound chill, which naturally resonated with the protective cold of the source blood.

His Yang God, forged by the source blood, possessed the full intricacies of life.

The Blood Devil Clan members, on the other hand, were creations of the Yang Meridian's source, and now they, along with the Yang Meridian, faced the formidable threat of the Demon Phoenix.

Was the Blood Devil Clan's pursuit of the Violent Bear an attempt by the Yang Meridian to test whether the bear's inner coldness could help it bypass the extreme chill and access the dormant source blood?

A multitude of thoughts raced through Yu Yuan's mind, and he began to see a pattern emerge.

If this was indeed the case, then Zhong Chichen and the young beast's decision to guide the Cold Domain Bear into the Gray Domain might have been well-intentioned after all.

Great Demon God Grec was likely in the Gray Domain at that moment.


As the thought crossed his mind, Grec suddenly came into view on the Dragon Slash Platform, allowing him to be seen clearly.

Perched atop a blood-red floating stone, Grec sat in stillness.

Around him, the ground was adorned with patterns drawn in blood, depicting birds, beasts, ancient trees, and rocks.

The Great Demon God of the Blood Devil Clan seemed to have the time to indulge in such artistic endeavors. The blood-drawn patterns were rough, mere outlines of their subjects.

As Yu Yuan gazed upon Grec through the Dragon Slash Platform, the Great Demon God of the Blood Devil Clan seemed to sense his presence, offering a smile to the void.

"What are you looking at?"

Grec, with a gentle expression, appeared to be aware that Yu Yuan, the custodian of the Dragon Slash Platform, was observing him.

"So, you're thinking of challenging me because the Origin Realm God and the elder have ventured into the Abyss? The elder spoke to me before departing, wishing me well in all things."

When Grec spoke of his well-being, a shadow of gloom and frustration crossed his eyes, revealing his irritation and sense of helplessness.

Before Beilstein departed, his final words hinted at a grim future: "When I return from the Abyss, you might no longer be here."

Beilstein doubted Grec's longevity!

His skepticism extended to the impending clash between the Demon Phoenix and the Yang Meridian, predicting defeat for Grec and the Yang Meridian, to be devoured by the Demon Phoenix alongside an army of alien beasts.

Beilstein's predictions, which had a track record of coming true, weighed heavily on Grec's mind.


Yu Yuan let out a soft chuckle. It was in this moment that he realized the Dragon Slash Platform was no longer constrained by the Gray Domain; he could now teleport within it.

The juvenile Titan spinosaurus had been slowly assimilating the Void Spirit Succubus, strengthening its dominion over the Gray Domain.

The young creature had granted him partial authority, enabling him not only to witness the Heaven Opening Flare Star and Grec but also to teleport directly to them.

Thus, he instructed the Cold Domain Bear, "Stay here and wait for me."

The Dragon Slash Platform shimmered with a spectrum of light, whisking him away from the Muddy Divine Soil to materialize before Grec. "Why aren't you returning to the Dim Starfield to join the fray? What keeps you here, lingering in this place?"


While speaking, a streak of crimson sword light zipped toward Grec. Holding the Optimus Sword and standing atop the Dragon Slash Platform, he was reminded of his past frustrations in the Vast Ocean and on the Origin Blood Continent. Without hesitation, he swung his sword upon encountering Grec.

The sword light, rather than detonating in the form of the Sky Opening Array, transformed into a continuous flow of sword energy.

Grec chuckled softly. The red rocks at his feet, painted with his blood, sprang to life, morphing into a warrior of the Rock Clan.

This Rock Clan warrior sacrificed his body to intercept Yu Yuan's casually thrown sword light.

Crack crack!

The warrior's form shattered, and the blood that had been concealed within spilled onto the ground, only to reassemble and rise once more, blocking the subsequent sword light.

Grec rose to his feet with a resigned tone, "I really have no way to handle you now."

He was now considerably more powerful than when Taishi had ambushed and killed him in the Plover Realm.

Yet, even with the Optimus Sword in hand and Yu Yuan at the Unrestrained Stage, Grec felt he couldn't defeat him.

Yu Yuan's strength had grown, not only because he possessed the full essence of life within him but also because he stood upon the Dragon Slash Platform.

Knowing that Yu Yuan could appear instantly, Grec understood that the laws of the Gray Domain could no longer bind the Dragon Slash Platform, allowing Yu Yuan free movement.

Such a Yu Yuan was indeed a formidable presence in the Gray Domain.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Mutated monsters burst from the earth, forming a barrier before Grec, shielding him from Yu Yuan's relentless sword light.

"Oh, by the way, Miss Ann, whom you know well, might soon advance to become a Great Demon God. She's highly favored by that individual and misses you dearly. Would you be interested in joining the fray in the Dim Starfield? I may not have returned, but I can still keep my connection with them. I've heard that Yu Zhu has also been persuaded by the Demon Phoenix."

"How fascinating," Grec said, his smile radiant.

"Is it possible for that individual to descend directly through you?" Yu Yuan inquired abruptly.

Grec shook his head, "Not in the Gray Domain. But once I leave this place, as long as I'm not within the Gray Domain, they have the power to come through me. They can also grant me stronger blood energy at any time, providing me with inexhaustible strength."

The Gray Domain was forged by the almighty Titan Spinosaurus, whose powerful laws render even the Yang Meridians powerless.

Otherwise, the Yang Meridians would have long since intervened in the turmoil of the Gray Domain, channeling their power through Grec to annihilate the three alien beasts and the heart clam beast.

Within the Gray Domain, Grec can only communicate with the Yang Meridians; he is unable to harness the power they offer.

"You still dare to stay?"

Yu Yuan flashed a wide grin, understanding that Zhong Chichen and the young beast had the best of intentions in sending the Cold Domain Bear.

Here in the Gray Domain, the power of the Yang Meridians cannot descend through the infiltration of the Blood Devil Clan. Even with Grec present, the Cold Domain Bear remains safe due to his own reasons.

"I have nothing to fear."

The patterns beneath Grec's feet came to life one by one, transforming into towering blood shadows and demons that stood against the backdrop of the starry sky. "With the Dragon Slash Platform here, I can't kill you, but it seems you lack the power to kill me as well."

He smirked derisively, looking at the Optimus Sword and adding, "You're not Nie Qingtian, after all."

At his peak, Nie Qingtian, wielding the Divine Sword, would have been forced to flee, but Yu Yuan has not yet ascended to the highest echelon, and he didn't believe Yu Yuan had the capacity to kill him now.

"Old Nie might not have achieved what I can. Today, you'll witness my true capabilities."

Yu Yuan's sword swung down, the crimson sword light solidifying into red crystal mid-flight, which then shattered explosively. The fragments interwove into a spherical formation known as the Sky Opening Array, like countless swords converging.

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