Unmatched Dominance/C1700 The Power of the Old Lizard
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Unmatched Dominance/C1700 The Power of the Old Lizard
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C1700 The Power of the Old Lizard

The Dragon Slash Platform, resembling a colossal blade, found itself ensnared by the mud and debris, its movements severely hindered.

The energy within the mud and sand, brimming with the bloodline aura, originated from the Abyss Goanna, a manifestation of its innate divine powers.

Before it encountered the Abyss and remained untainted by its forces, it was known as the Deep Sky Lizard.

Its mastery in the realm of space, while not on par with the Void Spirit Succubus or the Colorful Divine Dragon, was nonetheless remarkable.

This prowess stemmed from a brutal encounter where it had slain a peer who had also mastered spatial powers, seizing their bloodline for itself.

Just as the Secular Bird Queen obliterated the Death Wing and a titanic beast, claiming the powers of death and destruction as her own.

His audacity to venture into the Chaos Abyss was rooted in these very conquests.

With a dismissive glint in its brown eyes, the Abyss Goanna taunted, "You are not the Lunar Divine King of old. What fraction of the Dragon Slash Platform's power can you possibly wield?"

No sooner had the words left its mouth than broad streams of mud and rock burst forth from the swirling storms.

In an instant, the Dragon Slash Platform was engulfed.

The deceptive mudslide, infused with the Abyss Goanna's bloodline divine abilities, swiftly petrified, forging shackles and chains that ensnared the luminescent waves of the Dragon Slash Platform, its prismatic halos, and golden edges.

Thus, the Dragon Slash Platform vanished from Yu Yuan's sight and senses.

"Without ascending to the highest echelon, your flaws are apparent, and your synergy with the artifact is lacking. To think you could halt my advance is as futile as a mantis blocking a chariot," the Abyss Goanna scoffed.

The Optimus Sword's crimson beams, in contrast to his immense form, appeared as fine as steel pins.

With a contemptuous hum, the old lizard watched as the elder of the Shadow Clan and the three Silver Scale Clan warriors withdrew in silence.

With a thunderous bellow, he unleashed a gaping maw towards the continuous scarlet beams. The celestial abilities that erupted from his jaws coalesced into tumultuous storms, enveloping and shredding the delicate sword light.

Next to the tempest, the sword beams, fine as strands of hair, were snuffed out with ease.

Yu Yuan, brandishing his sword aloft, seemed a mere gnat before the towering Deep Sky Lizard.

"When you've achieved divinity in the Vast Expanse, fully mastered the Dragon Slash Platform, and can wield your sword with the Primordial Spirit, maybe then you'll pose a threat to me," the Abyss Goanna sneered, his massive form retracting as he transformed into an elder of the Silver Scale Clan, deliberately matching Yu Yuan's stature.

"The ones in the Vast Expanse who truly give me pause are the Demon Phoenix, Lin Daoke, and the Desolate God, who seldom leaves its confines," he boasted, seemingly in no rush to move on. Notably absent from his list was Tan Xiaotian, the Demon Lord renowned for his love of battle.

"Desolate Lord..." Yu Yuan murmured, taken aback. He hadn't expected the Old Ape of the Desolate Swamp to be held in such high esteem by the Abyss Goanna.

"That Old Ape's feud with the Demon Phoenix is well-known, yet his raw power is nothing short of cataclysmic. When he first ascended to Demon God status, he was seen in the Outer Star River, where I encountered him," the Abyss Goanna, now in the guise of a Silver Scale Clan elder, spoke with a hint of gravity. "Though it's been many years since he's shown himself, I'm aware that his combat prowess is surpassed only by the Demon Phoenix and Lin Daoke. The Demon Lord is still young; his experience falls short."

Mid-speech, the Abyss Goanna's expression darkened, and he let out a cold huff. A purple-golden eye seemed to be spying on him from a realm beyond his perception, lurking within the tear in the void, unsettling him.

With a glance at the fissure, he nonchalantly flicked his sleeve. Instantly, thousands of mudstones surged forth, carrying with them his bloodline's laws, and shot like a barrage of arrows toward the crack, targeting the hidden young beast.

The streams of mud and stone, broader than the Vast Expanse's most turbulent rivers, possessed a force capable of effortlessly obliterating entire worlds. Yu Yuan had no doubt that realms like the Epitaxial Realm and the Nirvana Realm would be unable to withstand a single strike from the Abyss Goanna. The whole of creation—every creature, plant, mountain, lake, and river—would be devastated by the deluge.

Within the secret place inside the rift, the young beast issued a deep growl.

Countless strands of golden and purple lightning intertwined, creating a blinding spectacle. Within this luminous display, Yu Yuan sensed the presence of another vast expanse, as if hidden bloodline laws hinted at an alternate vastness within.

Amidst the golden and purple lightning were world laws that mirrored the vast ocean's complexity!

These world laws took the form of golden and purple lightning, weaving together within the breach, as if knitting a new vast expanse.

In that moment, an idea flickered in Yu Yuan's mind.

The bloodline truths etched into the prismatic crystals within his Yang God were tangible manifestations of bloodline laws. Having grasped their essence, he wondered if he could integrate them into the Sky Opening Array and wield it accordingly.

Could he employ the Bloodline Crystal Chain of the Star Sky Outsiders and the sword spell to recreate it, driven by the distinct consciousness of his own soul?

This thought sparked into existence, becoming part of his memory and spiritual insight.

Thunderous rumbles echoed as he witnessed the cataclysmic mudslide and the interwoven purple and golden lightning collide and surge, widening the fissure ever more.

"Your growth is astonishing," remarked the old lizard, his expression darkening.

Within the massive rift, his own mudslides, the bloodline laws he had mastered, were now being stripped of their starry might by the young beast's lightning, engaging in a direct and brutal conflict.

In the unseen crevices of the Gray Domain, where Yu Yuan, Jessica, and the others could not peer, a kaleidoscope of light burst forth.

The bloodline laws transformed into dazzling meteors, disintegrating over a vast expanse.

Crack, crack!

The hardened silt encasing the Dragon Slash Platform shattered like an eggshell, releasing a burst of pearlescent light.

As the light emerged, an immediate connection formed between Yu Yuan and the Dragon Slash Platform, and he could hear the young beast's disgruntled growl.

The young beast lamented his failure to call for reinforcements, to summon Youyu, Xuanli, and others from the Heaven Opening Flare Star.

The Dragon Slash Platform and the Heaven Opening Flare Star shared a bond after the departure of the Origin Realm God.

The young beast had willingly relinquished control to him.

If he wished, he could have used the Dragon Slash Platform to bring Youyu, Taichao, and the rest to ambush the Abyss Goanna.

Yet, he had chosen not to, leaving himself in a somewhat perilous situation.

The Dragon Slash Platform was engulfed by a landslide, preventing him from using it to teleport. Left with no choice, he had to confront the Abyss Goanna with only his sword, along with the elderly woman from the Shadow Clan and three warriors from the Silver Scale Clan.

The young beast was worried for his safety, fearing that the Abyss Goanna might severely injure him, which forced it to emerge prematurely.

"It's heartwarming to see that you're concerned about me," he said.

With a mere thought, Yu Yuan transformed into the gleaming white Dragon Slash Platform, which materialized beneath his feet.

A smile played on his lips as he watched the Abyss Goanna and the young beast spar within the fissure, feeling the cataclysmic purple lightning and the bloodline laws clash millions of times every second.

He found himself agreeing with the old lizard's sentiment.

The growth rate of this young beast in the Gray Domain was truly remarkable. Having fed several times, assimilated the remnants of the ancient spinosaurus, and the limbs of the Void Spirit Succubus, it now had the audacity to use its mastery and knowledge of the Gray Domain to burst forth and intervene in the old lizard's assassination attempt.

Given more time, it might indeed reach maturity.

"I must have the Muddy Divine Soil!" the old lizard declared, his agitation palpable. Dark brown scales sprouted on his face and neck as he began to transform, propelling himself toward the crevice.

His body expanded wildly as he moved.

"Take down that youngster," he commanded, issuing orders to the Shadow Clan's elder and Jessica, a member of the tenth level.

"Muddy Divine Soil?" Yu Yuan murmured, surprised at how much the old lizard coveted it.

Wasn't that damp earth the rightful domain of the Hannya Divine Tree?

It had been stolen by the ancient Titan Spinosaurus and hidden in the Gray Domain ever since. But what significance did it hold for the old lizard?

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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