Unmatched Dominance/C1708 The Yang Meridian Was Cut off
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Unmatched Dominance/C1708 The Yang Meridian Was Cut off
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C1708 The Yang Meridian Was Cut off

The Great Demon God Grec furrowed his brow in deep contemplation.

With a crackle, tiny dragon-shaped talismans condensed into strands of dark lightning, coursing through the space around Grec, snuffing out probing thoughts from afar.

Grec's expression shifted dramatically as he exclaimed in astonishment, "It's calling out to me!"

Within the Gray Domain, the will of the Yang Meridian's origin was linked to his bloodline. Yet, constrained by the supreme laws of the Gray Domain, the Yang Meridian couldn't manifest through Grec directly.

Nor could it endlessly channel blood energy into Grec's body to grant him limitless strength.

Still, it was capable of transmitting thoughts to Grec, instructing him to carry out certain tasks.

Recently, when Yu Yuan had made a proposal to Grec, who was already in turmoil, Grec had deliberately distanced himself from the Yang Meridian's origin, weakening their bond.

He had been tempted by an opening and had intended to sever his blood connection with the Yang Meridian before accepting the invitation.

It must have been this action that aroused suspicion in the Yang Meridian's origin. Consequently, the Yang Meridian, from its distant location in the Dim Starfield, reached out with its will, driven by a sense of accountability.

"It must realize you're facing difficulties now."

Yu Yuan's Yang God form, composed of numerous prismas, subtly shifted into a more conventional human shape.

Turning to face the Great Demon God Grec, he smiled and said, "By severing its search, it will detect not your resistance, but the decisive strike of the Gray Domain's laws."

"This way, it won't be overly speculative and will simply assume you're ensnared."

"Grec, don't you see how considerate I'm being?"

Yu Yuan gently coaxed.

"If it can't locate me or establish a blood connection, it will send another member of the Blood Devil Clan to the Gray Domain from elsewhere," Grec said gravely.

"And what of it? Another Blood Devil Clan member arriving in the Gray Domain will be as inconsequential as a pebble in the ocean!" Yu Yuan declared confidently. "If it can't find you, any new Blood Devil will have their blood connection severed just as easily the moment I detect their presence!"

Upon hearing those words, Grec was rendered speechless.

How had the youth, who once fled desperately from him across the vast Fallen Moon Forbidden Area and was ultimately forced to vanish through the Realm's passageway, ascended to a position where he could command the Gray Domain?

The Gray Domain, after all, was the lair of the supreme Titan spinosaurus!

Could it be that this young man had the potential to dominate the heavens like the ancient Titan, compelling all intelligent races to prostrate themselves in welcome?

In the absence of the Great Demon God Beilstein, blessed with the origin blood, if he advanced to the Primordial Spirit Stage and truly grasped the essence of life, might he not overshadow the Demon Phoenix?

Grec's mind was a whirlwind of speculation, his hesitation growing, his expression increasingly grave.

"I'll give you more time to ponder your decision. For now, leave the Gray Domain. As for how you'll explain your departure, weigh your words carefully before responding. You're welcome to join the fray between the Demon Phoenix and the Domain, but be mindful of my stance and what I expect."

"Once you've reached a decision, you can come directly to the Gray Domain, or you can..."

With a whoosh, the projection of the Heaven Opening Flare Star materialized before the Great Demon God Grec. Youyu, Xuanli, the Chaos Roc, and the Abyss Goanna were all present within the image.

The deep caverns atop the star stood out prominently.

"Each cave on this star connects to the celestial realms beyond. You're aware of this. There's no need to journey to the Gray Domain once you've decided; you can simply travel through the starways linked to the Heaven Opening Flare Star."

"You, Ann Ziqing, and the impending conflict..."

He conveyed these words through the Secret Word of Blood, forming them within Grec's Life Altar.

Grec's shock deepened as he witnessed the emergence of Yu Yuan's consciousness within his innate Life Altar, urging him to prevent any harm from befalling Yu Zhu or Ann Ziqing and to intervene wherever possible to avert tragedy.

Moreover, the secret locations connected to the Heaven Opening Flare Star—the spatial rifts, the twisting streams of magnetic light, and their hidden coordinates—were disclosed.

These concealed thoughts from Yu Yuan were etched into Grec's Life Altar, granting him a clear vision.

Before leaving the Gray Domain, conceal this segment of your memory within your Life Altar to avoid detection by the Yang meridians. After all, your Life Altar was created through the nurturing power of its blood.

Yu Yuan offered this cautious reminder.

He had noticed Grec's hesitation and knew that the Great Demon God from the Blood Devil Clan lacked confidence in the battle between the Yang Meridian and the Demon Phoenix, prompting him to present Grec with an alternative.

Grec, with a fluctuating expression, was overwhelmed by a surge of thoughts. He glanced at the Space-time Dragon, then at the pitiful state of the Golden Giant Dragon.

He also noted that even the Spinosaurus's offspring were exceedingly wary of Yu Yuan.

"Let's consider this choice a contingency," Grec mused silently, without uttering a word. Abruptly, he transformed into a streak of blood and sped away from the Gray Domain.

Chen Qinghuang, seated beneath the Hannya Divine Tree, caught a flicker of something unusual in her eyes. She had picked up on a clue.

She distinctly sensed that Grec, as he became a beam of blood and left the Gray Domain, was erasing traces from his Life Altar.

This was Grec's deception aimed at the Yang Meridian!

He didn't want the Yang Meridian to trace his experiences in the Gray Domain through the Life Altar within him!

What exactly transpired during the disconnection with the Yang Meridian? The Yang Meridian was either oblivious or fooled by Grec's fabricated imagery.

Grec's subtle maneuvers indicated that this Great Demon God of the Blood Devil Clan harbored a defiant spirit.

As Grec departed, the young beast concealed in the crevice emitted a deep dragon cry, its colossal form slowly retracting.

The dragon's lament conveyed to Yu Yuan that Grec's defiance stemmed from the overwhelming might of the Demon Phoenix!

It suggested that even Grec, who revered the Yang Meridian as his progenitor, felt his end was near in the face of the frenzied Demon Phoenix, which is why his seduction had some effect.

The young beast also intimated that the Yang Meridian's stronghold on the Origin Blood Continent remained unchallenged by the Demon Phoenix, possibly due to the deliberate actions of the Great Demon God Beilstein.

Beilstein seemed to understand that the Yang Meridian's power was insufficient to overcome the biting cold and would never reach the Origin Blood.

The Yang Meridian was not favored by the Origin Blood, making it impossible for it to receive the Origin Blood's blessing or to be endowed with the complete essence of life. Consequently, the Yang Meridian, which dominated the Origin Blood Continent, could only grasp a fraction of life's true essence.

The Yang Meridian's diligent efforts in the Dim Starfield, its creation of the Blood Devil Clan, and its steadfast control over the Origin Blood Continent inadvertently served as a safeguard for the Origin Blood. This protection prevented the Demon Phoenix from accessing the Origin Blood. Should the Demon Phoenix dare to intrude, Beilstein would be ready to strike her down decisively.

Beilstein would not permit such an occurrence! He refused to allow the Demon Phoenix to annihilate the Yang Meridian and then usurp its place, reigning supreme over the Origin Blood Continent. He was determined not to witness the Demon Phoenix ascend as the new Titan spinosaurus.

The young creature retreated slowly, withdrawing to the last alien planet it had staunchly defended. On that planet, the Nagas, who had arrived from the vast cosmos, were now in agony, howling in pain, suffering from the "Dragon Binding Soul Curse" as Loong Jie and Zhong Chichen were, wishing for death to end their torment.

The moment it departed, the torn rift in space began to heal rapidly. Yu Yuan pondered for a moment before his Yang God abruptly returned to its rightful place within his personal domain of Qi and blood.

If what the young beast had said was true, and with the Great Demon God Beilstein's balancing influence removed, could the Demon Phoenix, leading an army of alien beasts and demons, truly conquer the Dim Starfield? It was no wonder Grec was terrified!

"If you don't cease now, I... might even lose my divine status," Zhong Chichen's dragon cry resonated with frustration and bitterness. As he let out a low growl, more multicolored blood spilled, pooling like crimson ponds beside his vibrant dragon form.

"You enjoyed meddling behind the scenes, didn't you?" Yu Yuan, who had been standing on his forehead, stepped back, easing several constraints and allowing some of his restricted bloodlines to be reactivated.

With a whoosh, Zhong Chichen transformed into a human figure, screaming in anguish. His Yang God, resembling seven-colored glass, was riddled with fine cracks, oozing fresh blood, as if he were enduring excruciating torture.

Finally, he could shift from his vibrant, seven-colored dragon form into a human shape. His eyes, a kaleidoscope of hues, were brimming with sorrow and resignation.

"And you!"

Yu Yuan turned his gaze toward Loong Jie, issuing a cold huff of disdain.

The sinuous golden dragon, Loong Jie, reminiscent of a great golden wall, was now able to assume a human form as the constraints on his bloodline eased.


In his human form, Loong Jie resembled a colossal golden-armored deity enshrined within a temple, clad in golden armor with a face shining like polished brass.

At the center of his forehead, a small vortex spun incessantly inward.

It seemed with each rotation, a fragment of his dragon soul was extinguished.

Loong Jie, however, remained defiant. Despite the unfavorable circumstances he faced, he refused to submit.

"Our Naga bloodline originates from the supreme ruler of the Gray Domain! My willingness to heed your commands was born from that fact. It is the beacon of hope for our Nagas, and only it can lead us to once again dominate this sector of the cosmos!"

Libre Baskerville
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