Unmatched Dominance/C1717 The Experts Were Imprisoned
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Unmatched Dominance/C1717 The Experts Were Imprisoned
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C1717 The Experts Were Imprisoned

News of astonishing upheavals spread like wildfire across the Ancient Desolate Sect and the Silver Moon Sect. Unrestrained Stage cultivators from these sects found themselves confined within the newly established Sword Prison beyond the skies. Individuals like Tan Yuan, Shen Feiqing, and Yu Ying, who had ascended to the Yang God Stage, were detained within the Sword Sect's dungeons.

Similarly, the Blood God Cult's stalwarts—Xueyin, Han Ling, and Lin Yue—were not spared from imprisonment. Those who had previously aligned themselves with the Divine Soul Sect and the Chamber of Commerce were now facing retribution; many Unrestrained Stage and Yang God Stage practitioners were systematically captured and incarcerated.

Forewarned individuals hastily fled through Realm passageways and from the Great Swamp, seeking refuge beyond the heavens. Yet, even there, safety eluded them, as reports of captures continued to emerge. Thankfully, the internal strife targeted only those at the Yang God and Unrestrained Stages, focusing primarily on apprehension rather than slaughter. The aggressors assured that those who did not fiercely resist or act rashly would be spared from a massacre. They also clarified that the turmoil was directed at the high-ranking members only, sparing the lower echelons of the sects from panic.


At the Ghost Wizard Sect, exclamations of admiration filled the air. "Brilliant! Absolutely brilliant!" In a valley echoing with the howls of venomous insects and Asuras, Xuanli leapt to his feet, reveling in schadenfreude. "Who would have thought Han Miaoyuan would move so swiftly? No sooner had the peril of the Origin Realm Gate been averted than he launched his assault!"

Yuen Qingxi, Lianjing, and the esteemed cultivators from the Voodoo Cult and Ghoul Glyph Sect gathered around Xuanli, their expressions a mix of surprise and curiosity. They couldn't fathom his elation at the misfortune befalling the other sects. Hadn't the Ghost Wizard Sect also had dealings with the Divine Soul Sect? Wasn't it through Yu Yuan's assistance that Youyu rose to the rank of Ghost King within Horror Land?

Xuanli ranted, liberating his pent-up frustrations. Once his tirade subsided, he gestured for the Unrestrained Stage cultivators of the Voodoo Cult and Ghost Wizard Sect to disperse, leaving only Yuen Qingxi and Lianjing by his side.

Yuen Qingxi was a trusted confidant of Youyu, and Lianjing had loyally served him since the ancient era, exhausting every effort to aid in his resurrection.

He placed his trust solely in these two individuals.

"What's Youyu's stance on this?" Xuanli inquired, plucking a leaf from a distant ancient tree and chewing it thoughtfully. The leaf's green sap appeared toxic, yet he savored it with relish.

"Master and I hold differing views," Yuen Qingxi replied, bowing his head respectfully.

Concerning the source of the Yin Meridian, Yuen Qingxi was exceedingly careful, his caution evident.

"Differing views?" Xuanli expressed surprise, instinctively glancing down at the earth beneath his feet, aware of a Yin Meridian tributary running directly below. "It..." Before he could finish, a covert soul thought bypassed Yuen Qingxi and Lianjing, emerging directly in his mind.

Xuanli instantly understood that both Youyu, who had been nominated by the Yin Meridian's source for deification in ancient times, and himself, after being shattered by the Great Yin, had not been resurrected promptly, resulting in the Yin Meridian harboring resentment towards the Divine Soul Sect.

The Yin Meridian's adversary back then was not the human race, like Han Miaoyuan, nor the ancient Demon Phoenix, but rather the rampaging Dragon Clan.

With the Dragon Clan's resurgence, backed by Yu Yuan and the Divine Soul Sect, the Yin Meridian felt some discontent.

The Yin Meridian favored forming an alliance with Han Miaoyuan, aiming to support him in the vast internal conflict. However, Youyu disagreed, leading to an in-depth discussion between the two parties.

After deliberation, the choice was left to Xuanli.

The Yin Meridian conveyed to Xuanli that if the Ghost Wizard Sect sided with Han Miaoyuan, he was promised a divine status within a century.

"I'm to make the decision? I actually have a choice now!" Xuanli was astounded, for never since the ancient times had the Yin Meridian offered him any choice, only directives on what he should do.

Suddenly, Xuanli was struck by a shocking realization.

He was able to make a choice, not because the Yin Vein had grown more lenient, but because Youyu had become so formidable that even the source of the Yin Vein had to take his stance seriously!

The Yin Vein that had given rise to Youyu now had to consider Youyu's opinions and attitudes. It was only after Youyu expressed his disagreement and subsequent negotiations that Xuanli was allowed to choose.

After all, it was that individual who had shattered his divine seat years ago.

"Making a choice is so hard."

Xuanli tugged at his hair, staring up at the sky with an expression of deep gloom.

Having returned from the Gray Domain, he now knew who Yu Yuan was and had witnessed Yu Yuan's commanding presence there, which left him far from optimistic.


At the Artifact Sect.

Yinn Tiehua, who had recently returned, was just as troubled. He looked at the current head of the Artifact Sect—his former junior brother—with a wrinkled brow and advised, "Let's hold off on making any statements for now."

Hu Po, with his dashing appearance, was a Divine Level Refiner and a former member of the Hu family from the Kingdom of Rewia.

He felt particularly unlucky at the moment and lamented, "I had just planned on getting on good terms with the Divine Soul Sect, and out of nowhere, Han Miaoyuan turns on us. Ah, Senior Sister, why did you have to return right now of all times?"

"Are you blaming me?" Yinn Tiehua shot him a stern look.

Chosen by their master when he was still a toddler, Hu Po was brought from the Hu family to the Artifact Sect.

Back in the day, Yinn Tiehua looked after Hu Po's every need, even carrying him around the mountains to familiarize him with various refining vessels. It wouldn't be an overstatement to call her his second mother.

Owing to their profound bond, when rumors of Yinn Tiehua's death circulated, Hu Po discreetly looked after her descendants, such as Yinn Xueqi.

Their solid relationship meant they communicated without any hidden agendas, which is why Yinn Tiehua didn't hesitate to speak her mind.

"Blame you? I wouldn't dare," Hu Po quickly reassured, gesturing with his hands. "I've always been noncommittal, trying not to offend anyone. I expelled Yinn Xueqi from the Artifact Sect and covertly sent her to the Chamber of Commerce, all to avoid trouble. Now that you've returned, and with Tai Xu no less, it's common knowledge that we have deep ties with the Divine Soul Sect."

"It's only been a couple of days. Who could have predicted Han Miaoyuan would strike so suddenly? Ugh, being the Sect Master is such a headache!"

Hu Po felt incredibly unlucky.

"Zhong Chichen, Loong Jie, a young beast, Taishi, Shehun, and Tianqi. Maybe even the Chaos Roc, and the one who has awakened," Yinn Tiehua mused, dragging her iron staff across the ground. "Han Miaoyuan, Lin Daoke, Tan Xiaotian, Wai Zhuo, Qin Luo, Jee Ningshuang? She's not part of this equation..."

Yinn Tiehua lifted her gaze to meet Hu Po's, her demeanor turning grave. "Let's not drift too far from the Divine Soul Sect. We'll stay on the fence a bit longer. I'm not convinced Han Miaoyuan will come out on top this time!"

Hu Po was startled. "Is the Divine Soul Sect truly that formidable?"

"It's difficult to gauge, truly difficult," Yinn Tiehua admitted, wary of being overheard, she could only continue to shake her head.

Yet, Hu Po always trusted her, regarding her words as an ironclad truth.

"I know what I must do," Hu Po declared solemnly.


"It's been shadowing me from the darkness."

Yuv Qian transformed into a blue-robed middle-aged man. Having just landed on a desolate peak within the Hellfire Mountain range, he began a covert conversation with Yu Yuan.

"Is it aware that your Yin God resides within me?" Yuv Qian asked, his expression shifting to one of alarm. "You mentioned that Xuanli must have recognized you back in the Gray Domain. Youyu has the power to cloud memories and thoughts, making it hard to track movements. Xuanli hasn't reached that level, has he?"

As soon as he spoke, Yu Yuan, concealed within his arm, fell into a profound silence.

The possibility was real!

If the origin of the Yin Meridian learned through Xuanli's memories that he was the Dragon Slayer, what would it think?

It would surely monitor his every action closely!

It sought to discern his intentions through various clues, eager to understand what he planned to do upon his return to the Vast Expanse with the Yin God.

"It's fine. Their alliance with Han Miaoyuan will only be temporary. They might not even be aware of my true identity. Besides, Youyu and Xuanli could have helped conceal the heavenly secrets before their return, potentially sealing away that part of his memory," Yu Yuan responded.

"Youyu, who advanced through it, you really believe he would help Xuanli hide secrets about your identity for you?" Yu Qian was incredulous.

"I'm worried he hasn't considered that. But if he has, he might actually do it before returning from the Realm passage," Yu Yuan maintained his faith in his bond with Youyu.

"Sometimes, I truly can't grasp how you all think. Youyu has been so good to you, and so has Taishi. Yet, your reputation from the ancient times wasn't built on being sociable. On the contrary, it was Taishi who was renowned for his ability to make friends everywhere, captivating many with his charisma," Yu Qian remarked.

"The Medicine God Sect hasn't faced any troubles at all."

As Yu Qian reflected, Yu Yuan, through his vision and perception, saw that the Medicine God Sect within Hellfire Mountain was tranquil, untouched by Han Miaoyuan's reach.

"Officially, the Sect Master of the Medicine God Sect is the Space-time Dragon, Zhong Chichen, not you, Yu Yuan."

As Yu Qian spoke, he discerned a direction and flew towards the most tumultuous volcano. "Moreover, Mo Baichuan has merged with Hellfire Mountain, turning it into a prized site for his exploration of the Hellfire Divine Road. The abundant life force of the Jade Peak has also attracted many alchemists."

After a brief pause, Yu Qian added, "The Yu family has remained unshaken throughout this turmoil."

"That's because Youyu is still present," Yu Yuan explained.

Youyu, the Evil King Yu Xi, was the progenitor of the Yu family from Jade Peak. With a silent agreement between the Yin Meridian's source and Han Miaoyuan, Han Miaoyuan would certainly not provoke Youyu over the Yu family.

Thus, the Yu family remained unaffected by the conflict.

Moments later, Yu Qian witnessed the Pill Furnace, known as Flowing Flames, gently rise from the fiery magma pool, and there sat Mo Baichuan at its base.

"Head to the bottom of the furnace," Mo Baichuan gestured to the side, his gaze fixed on Yuv Qian's arm, and instructed, "Have him wait outside."


Yu Yuan's Yin God spirit emerged and descended into the depths of the Flowing Flames.

The lid of the pill furnace sealed shut, and it swiftly submerged back into the molten lava pool, plunging downwards.

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