Unmatched Dominance/C1721 The Sword Sect's Seal
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Unmatched Dominance/C1721 The Sword Sect's Seal
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C1721 The Sword Sect's Seal

In the Plover Realm, where the Death Nest once lay, now stood the Galaxy Crossing, from which powerful spatial energies surged forth in waves.


Jiaang Miaojie, with her bright eyes and radiant smile, stepped out of the Galaxy Crossing in a state of panic. She had traveled from the Great Swamp to the Winged Race's Green Fluorescent Realm and from there, made her way to the Plover Realm.

"Lord Void!"

As soon as she arrived, Jiaang Miaojie sent out a call using her soul secret arts.

"I am here."

The elegant Void Divine King appeared before her in an instant, having traversed the myriad of uniquely shaped palaces of various races. "There's no need to worry. I've already received the news from beyond."

"You're already aware?" Jiaang Miaojie exclaimed in astonishment.

"Yes, Duan Yisheng has been captured, and Zhongli, despite his severe injuries, is now imprisoned in the newly established Sword Prison. The Great Sword Immortals of the Sword Sect are scouring the cosmos, detaining those who have allied with our Divine Soul Sect. I would certainly be aware of such significant developments."

Void glanced at the Galaxy Crossing behind Jiaang Miaojie, his brow furrowed. "Tianqi and Taishi have gone to meet with Shehun. Their prolonged absence has led me to dispatch Hwa Xin to deliver a message."

"I've just arrived from the Vast Ocean, which is engulfed in turmoil as well," Jiaang Miaojie reported swiftly.

"That's good to hear."

Void maintained his composure, nodding after hearing her report. "Han Miaoyuan has shown restraint, opting not to massacre our fellow human sects but to confine them instead. If that's the case, once Taishi and Tianqi return, should Shehun be persuaded..."

Void's voice trailed off, then he continued, "We will simply have to rescue them once more."


A brilliant sword light burst forth from the cold, dim expanse of the starry sky, hurtling unstoppably toward the Plover Realm. It seemed that neither the vastness of space nor any other celestial barrier could impede its advance!

Void's face turned pale with alarm.

Above the Plover Realm, the disciples and elders of the Divine Soul Sect, the merchants from the Chamber of Commerce, and warriors from the Dark Elfkind, Star Race, female demons, Outland Devaputra, and other races all stood startled by the sword light, gazing upward in horror.

The sword's radiance hadn't yet reached its target, but the mere intent emanating from the blade had already pierced through every barrier in its path, including the barrier of the Plover Realm!

With a soft whoosh, a modestly sized hole appeared in the wall of the Plover Realm. Before the tumultuous and varied powers of the starry sky could flood in, the disheveled Sword Sect Lord shot through the breach like a streak of lightning.

With a thunderous crash, Lin Daoke and the sword light plummeted, sending a shockwave through the Plover Realm that caused the earth to fracture.

The Plover Realm, tirelessly tempered by Taishi, was as formidable as a fortress, yet before Lin Daoke, it was as if it had no defenses at all, allowing him to penetrate with ease.

Both the realm wall and the earth were as delicate as tissue paper to him, seemingly penetrable with just a touch.

Having forged his divine position into a sword, Lin Daoke stood with empty hands at the Galaxy Crossing where Jiaang Miaojie had just arrived. He then silently took a seat.

"Lin Daoke!"

"Sword Sect! Lin Daoke!"

The formidable beings from other realms, witnessing the legendary foremost swordsman shatter the Plover Realm's barrier and step into this world crafted by the Divine Soul Sect and the merchants, were thrown into disarray.

Lately, the vast supreme powers had been broadcasting the capture of Divine Soul Sect's experts across the cosmos.

The elite warriors of various races who had come to the Plover Realm seeking trade were aware that a showdown was inevitable.

Yet, none had anticipated that Lin Daoke would strike directly at the heart of their defenses!

The ground shook with the thunderous roar of warships lifting off from the plazas and canyons of the Plover Realm. The Banshee Clan and Dark Elfkind's vessels, not wishing to be embroiled in the conflict, hastened to depart from the Plover Realm.

Lin Daoke, seated on the ground, spoke with a detached tone, "No one leaves."

The warships' roars persisted, resounding incessantly.

Lin Daoke's brow furrowed slightly before his fingers came together to form a blade. With a casual flick of his wrist, he unleashed several sword strikes at the warships attempting to flee the Plover Realm.

The unmatched sharpness of the sword light detonated amidst the ascending vessels. Both the warships and the alien warriors within were reduced to wreckage and severed limbs, raining down from the sky.

"Please take the words of our Sword Sect Lord seriously," Yue Mu urged as he approached, gliding through the opening like a shimmering ice stream. He came to a stop behind Lin Daoke, who sat serenely, a grin playing on his lips.

With his sword cradled before him, Yue Mu raised his voice and declared, "Henceforth, no one from the Plover Realm, regardless of their origin, shall leave this domain!" As he surveyed the sky littered with the wreckage of warships and the blood of alien warriors, he warned, "Defy this edict, and you'll share their grim fate."

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Following Yue Mu's lead, "Shattering Sword" Van Heqing, "Sword of Seven Emotions" Lu Hongpeng, "Green Flower Sword" Su Qingmo, and "Moving Cloud Sword" Xue Jiu descended. Together with Yue Mu, these five Unrestrained Stage Great Sword Immortals took their stand behind Lin Daoke, encircling the Galaxy Crossing of the Plover Realm.

"Are you the esteemed Void?" Yue Mu inquired, his gaze landing on the Void Divine King, whose features were the epitome of grace and beauty. "Here's the situation: our Sect Lord has decided not to rush to judgment or slaughter the innocent, in light of Yu Yuan's actions in the Firefly Starfield, where he sent all the sword intent and light from the river of swords to the Sword Prison."

He gestured towards the Galaxy Crossing, "This passage will remain open." Pointing to the slowly mending realm wall, he continued, "Anyone wishing to cross over, be they from the Divine Soul Sect, the Merchant Association, or allied non-human warriors, will be granted passage."

"Our Sect Lord is present, awaiting the arrival of the universe's mightiest forces, including Taishi, Tianqi, and the enigmatic Soul Divine King."

To put it simply, from this moment on, entry into the Plover Realm is permitted, but departure is not."

Yue Mu articulated the Sword Sect's strategy, which had brought them to the Plover Realm with the might of an entire sect, compelling the Divine Soul Sect and the Merchant Association to consolidate their forces.

Lin Daoke had even allowed Divine Kings from the Divine Soul Sect to enter the Plover Realm from across the cosmos, unafraid that the Sword Sect's presence here would become known.

As Han Miaoyuan's most formidable weapon, Lin Daoke, with his sword in hand, was a one-man blockade against the Divine Soul Sect and the vast expanse beyond.

The news that the Sword Sect had sealed the Plover Realm spread like wildfire across the galaxy, leaving the powerful beings of other races utterly astonished.


In the Vast Expanse atop Evil Peak, Yu Yiyi materialized, flanked by the Green Incubus, White Ghost, Sky Shocking Emperor, Heixun, and other titans of the Divine Soul Sect.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Tens of thousands of Evil Devils, ranging from ghastly ghouls with sharp fangs to dashing scholars, from giggling young maidens to creatures resembling black hags and white bears, roamed the mountainsides. They were all connected by spirit to the hidden Evil Cauldron within the mountain and drew strength from the soul arrays etched into the peaks.

From high above, with Evil Peak at its center, the mountains were shrouded in chilling winds, and the malevolent spirits swirled like a deep, dark sea.

Yu Yiyi stood atop the peak, her beauty reminiscent of a well-bred noblewoman. Utilizing the extraordinary perception granted by the Evil Cauldron and the Myriad Demon Array, she could see the Thunder Sect cultivators encircling her and finally couldn't resist drawing closer.

"Those who invade the Divine Soul Sect's territory must face the consequences themselves!"

Heixun, standing with his hands clasped behind him, squinted at a familiar cultivator and said with a frown, "Lu Ji! I remember you—you once went to the Plover Realm to trade for a lightning treasure crystal. I never imagined you'd end up as Wei Zhuo's henchman! Your Thunder Sect's leader, Old Lady Qiao, was slain by Wei Zhuo, and yet you've chosen to side with the Thunder Sect!"

Lu Ji, preferring to remain hidden, was compelled to come forward after being singled out by Heixun.

He emerged on a bare Dwarf Mountain, clad in a robe adorned with numerous lightning runes, his eyes betraying a sense of shame. He spoke, "Sect Master Wei has ascended to the heights, becoming the thunder deity of the Vast Expanse, proving that his divine path is the true way. The Thunder Sect, the Clouds Sect, and the Thunder Sect have always been one. Our past disagreements were nothing more than a lack of unity."

"From the moment Sect Master Wei wielded the divine power of thunder to create a divine seat, he became our leader, the supreme force to which all three sects must submit."

Lu Ji faced Heixun squarely and declared, "Our ancient traditions hold a rule: if Big Sister Qiao could ascend to divinity, then the practitioners of both the Clouds Sect and the Thunder Sect would acknowledge her as their master. Sadly, she fell short of achieving this."

"Therefore, you can't fault me, nor can you fault anyone else. Such is our unyielding law."

With these words, any feelings of guilt among the Clouds Sect cultivators, once loyal to Rong Xun, were dispelled.

Many others voiced their agreement, asserting that since Wai Zhuo had ascended to godhood, their allegiance was justified.

"The master is en route."

Yu Yiyi whispered to Heixun.

Heixun let out a soft sigh, murmuring, "With the Divine Kings absent, I fear he alone may not be able to hold the Evil Sect at bay."

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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