Unmatched Dominance/C1722 The Thunder Sect Was Exterminated
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Unmatched Dominance/C1722 The Thunder Sect Was Exterminated
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C1722 The Thunder Sect Was Exterminated

Wai Zhuo had ascended to godhood, becoming one of the supreme beings in the world, and at this moment, he was present in the vast expanse of the Vast Ocean.

Many believed that cultivators who mastered the grand Dao of thunder naturally had the ability to limit the prowess of other great cultivators who practiced secret arts within the same realm.

Wai Zhuo's covert ascension to godhood had been aided by Han Miaoyuan, who had done so with the foresight of contending with the Origin Realm God in the future.

Moreover, he had managed to suppress Youyu, the head of the Ghost Wizard Sect, and even the source of the Yin Meridians!

The Origin Realm God, Youyu, and the practitioners of the Divine Soul Sect were all thought to be heavily dependent on their soul power to be as formidable as they were.

A supreme being like Wai Zhuo was precisely the nemesis of such powerful cultivators.

Stationed in the Vast Ocean, he commanded the Yang cultivators under his leadership to strike at the Evil Sect, trusting that cultivators of Lu Ji's caliber could eradicate the scourge of the Evil Sect.

Wai Zhuo was convinced that a supreme treasure imbued with the essence of thunder could shatter the Myriad Demon Array.

Given that Wai Zhuo was in the Vast Ocean, Heixun believed that even if Yu Yuan hurried over, without the backing of Divine Kings like Taishi and Taixu, he would be no match for Wai Zhuo.

Beyond Wai Zhuo, there were other formidable figures such as Han Miaoyuan, the human leader, and Qin Luo, who resided beyond the heavens in the sun.

The combined might of these powers weighed heavily on Heixun, like a mountain bearing down on him.

With a whoosh, a figure emerged, stepping off a treasure fan. Bathed in moonlight, he stood tall and imposing.

Inside the expansive treasure fan, vivid scenes of worlds being ravaged by lightning and thunder unfolded.

These cataclysmic events were not occurring in the Vast Ocean but in the distant galaxies inhabited by the Silver Scale Clan, the Crypt Clan, and the Fire Lizard Tribe, among others.

Crackling with energy, strands of "Blazing Soul Electric Current" burst forth from the treasure fan, enveloping him in their fierce embrace.

"Qi Jinghai!"

Upon seeing this individual emerge, Heixun, who hailed from the Devil Palace, recognized the quality of the treasure fan and the potent "Blazing Soul Electric Current" it contained. He couldn't help but exclaim, "I never imagined that Qi Jinghai would come into possession of such a rare treasure from the Thunder Sect. I recall the Thunder Sect once disdained the Thunder Sect, branding it as a heretical path of demonic ways."

Heixun was uncertain of the treasure fan's previous owner, but given its concealment of the "Blazing Soul Electric Current," it was undoubtedly a rare treasure crafted by the Thunder Sect.

The Vast Ocean Thunder Sect had always viewed the Thunder Sect with enmity, regarding individuals like Qiao Yuling as demonic and claiming that their practice of the lightning Dao Spell would ultimately lead to their demise through backlash.

Qi Jinghai, who stood before him, had long been held in high esteem by Wai Zhuo, yet the treasure he now stood upon originated from the Thunder Sect.

"The past is the past, and the present is now."

Upon reaching the Yang God Stage, Qi Jinghai appeared, and alongside Lu Ji, three Unrestrained Stage cultivators approached and gathered around the treasure fan.

Although Lu Ji and the others were of a higher realm, they followed Qi Jinghai's lead and continued to protect him from the shadows.

"I had a good friend named Chu Jing from the Spirit Void Sect. He was as gifted as I am, but..."

Qi Jinghai's eyes landed on Yu Yiyi, and with a soft sigh, he said, "Chu Jing has passed away, and the deranged elder from the Qi family continues to exact vengeance on the Spirit Void Sect, causing many of their members to perish beyond the skies. Some debts must be settled, and the time has come."

Yu Yiyi's lips curled into a frosty sneer. She offered no explanation, aware that Chu Jing had met a deserved fate.

Amidst the peaks, the teleportation array suddenly lit up.

Zhou You, who had put on a bit of weight, emerged from the long-dormant teleportation array and instantly joined Heixun, Bai Gu, and Yu Yiyi, speaking in a grave tone, "I have some unfortunate news to share with you all."

At his words, Qi Jinghai, the three Unrestrained Stage cultivators by his side, and the hidden Thunder Sect practitioners all struggled to contain their excitement.

They too had been anticipating this news!

"What's happened?" Heixun inquired with a serious demeanor.

"Lin Daoke from the Sword Sect has shattered the barrier of the Plover Realm with a single sword strike, prohibiting anyone from leaving! Five Great Sword Immortals from the Sword Sect have encircled the Galaxy Crossing, allowing entry but forbidding departure."

Zhou You's expression was grim as he observed Qi Jinghai, whose eyes betrayed a clear delight. "The Merchant Association's people elsewhere in the Oblivion Starfield have witnessed the state of the Plover Realm. Lord Taixu is trapped there, and I fear there's no chance he can make it back in time."

"Lin Daoke has sealed off the Plover Realm, waiting for Taishi and Tianqi's return, gearing up for a battle against the Divine Soul Sect beyond the heavens."

This revelation weighed heavily on Heixun and the others, who had clung to the hope that the Divine Kings from beyond would soon return.

"The Secular Bird Queen, having emerged from the Gray Domain, is recuperating in the Winged Race's secret sanctuary. They've indicated that she won't be able to offer any assistance for the foreseeable future."

Zhou You was equally troubled. "Tan Xiaotian's visit to the Bright Clan's holy site has thrown them into disarray, and both Cadorath and the Star Race's Barol are tied up by his actions, unable to leave. Lord Reid is similarly stuck in the Dim Starfield with the Devaputra Race's warriors."

"Brie from the Dark Elfkind and Rebecca from the Banshee Clan seem reluctant to join the fight in the Plover Realm. The mere threat of Lin Daoke's sword would be enough to gravely wound them, if not worse."

Zhou You laid out the dire circumstances beyond their realm.

Those like Heixun and White Ghost, who had been eagerly awaiting Taixu and Taishi's return to aid them against Wai Zhuo, grew even more solemn upon hearing the news.

"Their delay is likely due to awaiting updates from Lin Daoke's end."

Yu Yiyi, through the Myriad Demon Array, had noticed Qi Jinghai and the Thunder Sect's practitioners stirring with quiet enthusiasm.

This suggested that the Thunder Sect's practitioners had also learned of these developments through other channels.

Lin Daoke, alongside the Great Sword Immortal of the Sword Sect, had effectively sealed the Divine Soul Sect's most crucial stronghold—the Plover Realm.

Without overcoming Lin Daoke's barrier, the Divine Kings of the Divine Soul Sect would have no hope of returning to join the battle.

Without the Divine King, how could the Divine Soul Sect confront Sect Master Wei Zhuo, Han Miaoyuan, and Qin Luo?

Lin Daoke had personally visited the Plover Realm to clear the path for them, emboldening them to take on the Evil Sect!

Qi Jinghai slowly lifted his hand, pointing towards the crowd at Evil Peak, ready to issue the command to strike.

Hidden in the shadows, the great cultivators of the Thunder Sect, having received the message, revealed themselves one by one. There were more than twenty Yang cultivators and two Unrestrained Stage cultivators among them.

Eagerly anticipating Qi Jinghai's attack order, they drew various spiritual artifacts woven with lightning, cradling them in their palms or suspending them overhead.

The brilliance of these artifacts subdued the howling demons within the shadowy peaks of the Evil Sect, provoking their uneasy roars.

In that instant, Yu Yiyi, her brows knitted in concern, shivered slightly.

She instinctively glanced towards the direction of the Thunder Sect on the Heavenly Source Continent.

"Thunder Sect!"

Simultaneously, Shi Jing'er from the Babel Chamber of Commerce, along with Jun Chen and Feng Zhong, gazed out at the Thunder Sect from the floating space teleportation array.

Above them, Qin Luo emerged from the crimson sun, his towering, flame-like divine form gazing down in astonishment.

On the moon, the great cultivators from various sects, stationed year-round to guard against intruders, were equally moved.

High above the Thunder Sect.

A figure stood on a mist-enshrouded rare stone, bathed in a pale divine glow, resembling an ancient deity stepping forth from age-old myths, maneuvering the stone to bear down on the Thunder Sect.

The rare stone expanded boundlessly, transforming into a vast expanse of silver-white land, yet it radiated a dazzling golden brilliance.

As the rare stone eclipsed the sky, all within the Thunder Sect could do was look up at its immensity.

"Dragon Slash Platform!"

A chorus of astonished shouts erupted.

With a crackling surge, myriad bolts of lightning burst forth like serpentine dragons, their claws dancing around the blinding protective barrier, attempting to bolster the colossal stone platform with their array.

The platform plummeted, and the writhing, mile-long lightning dragons and serpents were ground to dust under the immense pressure of the stone platform.

Thunderous booms resonated as the Thunder Sect's protective array, concealing three thousand mystic thunders, erupted like a series of fireworks. Within a mere moment, a hundred of the Thunder Sect's cultivators lay dead.

"Yu Yuan! How dare you slaughter the innocent!" Wai Zhuo's enraged shriek echoed from a deep valley beneath the Thunder Sect, reaching the ears of numerous experts across the Heavenly Source Continent, Quietus Continent, and even the Profound Sky Continent.

"You all have been seizing people across the world, and those who resist are promptly eliminated. You accuse me of killing the innocent? Rong Xun, Xie Binn, Lee Yu, Qiao Yuling—all dead. Weren't they innocent? Your ascent to divinity is paved with bloodshed. With your hands soiled, how can you point fingers at me?"

With a scoff, Yu Yuan materialized beneath the Dragon Slash Platform, sword in hand. The platform, capable of instant teleportation, had made no pause upon its arrival from the Realm passageway to the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, immediately transporting to the Thunder Sect on the Heavenly Source Continent.

Without a moment's delay, Yu Yuan unleashed his fury upon the Thunder Sect. "The Sword Sect dares to fully commit to an assault on the Plover Realm? With not a single supreme Primordial Spirit to watch over, do they place too much trust in me?" Yu Yuan mused with a wry smile, directing his Optimus Sword toward the Sword Sect, not far from the Thunder Sect.

In the Sword Cave, countless Spiritual Swords, reaching for the heavens, hummed with excitement, their blades quivering. Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Sword lights, one after another, were beckoned by the Optimus Sword and soared from the Sword Sect's Sword Cave. In the void, they converged to form a vast river of sword light.

This spectacle, once a wonder of the Firefly Starfield, was reawakened by the Optimus Sword in the Boundless Great World, now infused with even more formidable and fearsome sword energy.

"Head for the Profound Sky Sect!" Beneath the Dragon Slash Platform, Yu Yuan wielded the Optimus Sword, guiding the enhanced Sword Light River. This formidable torrent of sword light, enough to make Qin Luo and the ashen-faced Han Miaoyuan stamp their feet in frustration, surged forward at Yu Yuan's behest, racing toward the Profound Sky Sect.

Atop the Floating Pavilion, Cao Jiaze, having ascended to the Unrestrained Stage, watched the incoming Sword Light with his eyes' blood vessels bursting. How could he possibly defend against it?

"Han Miaoyuan!"

Yu Yuan gazed heavenward, his eyes seemingly piercing through the realm barrier to fix upon the human leader upon the moon. He declared, "Sending Lin Daoke to the Plover Realm, did you ever consider your strategy for confronting me without his Boundless World? With the Demon Phoenix absent, the Desolate God nowhere to be found, and Tan Xiaotian missing, who can withstand my Dragon Slash Platform or my Optimus Sword?"

"Is Wei Zhuo all you have?"


The Dragon Slash Platform plummeted once more.

The Thunder Sect's majestic palaces, erected over tens of thousands of years, were razed to the ground by the Dragon Slash Platform.

When Yu Yuan reemerged atop the Dragon Slash Platform, the Thunder Sect had vanished beneath him.

Wei Zhuo, with his Thunder Divine Pool, was trapped in the concave earth below, furiously unleashing a barrage of lightning and thunder from the Thunder Divine Pool against the Dragon Slash Platform.

Yet, the Dragon Slash Platform merely quivered slightly, undisturbed by the assault.

Libre Baskerville
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