Unmatched Dominance/C1729 The Destruction of Authority!
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Unmatched Dominance/C1729 The Destruction of Authority!
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C1729 The Destruction of Authority!

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Demon Gods, towering like mountains, vanished into the gaping maw of the Evil Cauldron like a flurry of moths scattered across the sky.

Meanwhile, Yu Yuan's formidable dharma idol, so powerful it made the blood of all living beings run cold and their hearts nearly burst, also retreated and soared into the heavens atop the Dragon Slash Platform.

Above the Profound Sky Sect, the rent in the sky buzzed with the joyous hum of sword light. It first shredded the Matrix Diagram of the Empyrean Array, then, as if following a new command, darted away like a school of lightning-fast fish.

The sword light returned to its cave, and the sword souls of the Spiritual and Divine Swords leapt for joy, as if avenged at last.

Every Sword Immortal within the Sword Sect could sense their exultation through the resonant hum of the blades.

It dawned on them that these sword souls, whose masters had passed away millennia ago, had harbored a profound resentment towards Han Miaoyuan of the Profound Sky Sect all this time.

The nine suspended palaces bore walls with deep fissures, and their floors were strewn with rubble.

Matrix Diagrams that had been meticulously crafted and imbued with spiritual energy lay shattered, and the embedded Spirit Crystals and other elements were fractured or burst.

The Empyrean Array had been breached!

This Seventh Level Grand Array, which had stood proudly on the Heavenly Source Continent for ages, symbolizing the unmatched authority of the Profound Sky Sect and Han Miaoyuan, had been vanquished.

The fall of the Empyrean Array seemed to foreshadow the end of Han Miaoyuan's dominion over the human race and his role in determining the fate of the divine realm—a power now lost forever.

A hush fell over the Profound Sky Sect.

There were no cries of anguish or sorrow, nor were there any casualties from the sword light. Only Cao Jiaze, who had fused with the Empyrean Array, lay in a pool of his own blood.

With a mix of relief and sorrow in his gaze, he looked up at the vast expanse of the realm's barrier, watching as Yu Yuan and the Dragon Slash Platform dwindled to a speck of light and vanished.

Beneath the breach, Han Miaoyuan stood motionless, cradling the Exquisite Pagoda like a statue.

Gazing at the hole pierced by the Sky Opening Array, Han Miaoyuan was lost in thought, feeling a bittersweet mix of emotions.

The Sky Opening Array, forged by the Sword Sect, was a testament to his exceptional contributions. It was a formidable sword formation, conceived through the collaborative efforts of him and the former Sword Sect Lord.

This Array could shield the Sword Sect and also be transported beyond the skies to vanquish formidable foes from other realms. Time and again, notorious powerhouses from beyond had fallen to the Sky Opening Array.

The Array had become the Sword Sect's hallmark, instilling dread in the hearts of the mightiest from afar and standing as one of the Sect's most lethal weapons.

He took great pride in this achievement.

Yet, it had never crossed his mind that the Empyrean Array of the Profound Sky Sect would be breached by the very Sky Opening Array that he had helped to devise alongside the Sword Sect Lord.

The realization dawned on him that the vast sphere formed from the initial, indistinct sword lights was, in fact, the Sky Opening Array. Its operation, however, lacked fluidity; the sword intents driving the sword lights were not in perfect harmony, preventing the Array from demonstrating its true might.

The second sphere of sword radiance unleashed by Yu Yuan, though seemingly minuscule in comparison, represented the Sky Opening Array in its entirety.

It was this very Sky Opening Array, deployed single-handedly by Yu Yuan, that shattered the Empyrean Array, the symbol of the Profound Sky Sect's authority, leaving him utterly disgraced.

Han Miaoyuan stood there, his expression distant, struggling with the fact that the Sky Opening Array he had pondered over was the undoing of the Empyrean Array he had built with his own hands. This was a hard pill to swallow.

If he found it difficult to come to terms with, it was only natural that the elders and disciples of the Profound Sky Sect would share in the difficulty of acceptance.

Thus, a multitude of confused and helpless gazes involuntarily settled upon him.

"Han, Senior Han?"

Qin Luo from the Red Devil Sect whispered tentatively, hoping to rouse Han Miaoyuan from his stupor.

Qin Luo had returned from beyond to lend his support to Han Miaoyuan, ready to join forces with him. He had anticipated that Yu Yuan would wreak havoc on the Profound Sky Sect with the fierce sword lights from the sword cave and the Demon Gods, leaving them as devastated as the Thunder Sect had been.

To Qin Luo's surprise, Yu Yuan had extended a courtesy to Cao Jiaze. It seemed Yu Yuan was aware that an all-out assault on the Profound Sky Sect would lay waste to the surrounding lands for miles in every direction.

The Profound Sky Sect, unlike the Thunder Sect, had deep ties to the surrounding mountains and rivers, having stood unyielding for tens of thousands of years. The destruction of the Profound Sky Sect would have far-reaching consequences, potentially impacting nearby sects and all living beings, including the Silver Moon Sect and the Ancient Desolate Sect.

In a crucial moment, Yu Yuan managed to regain his composure and withdrew to the heavens, ready to confront Han Miaoyuan in the vast expanse of space.


Before Han Miaoyuan could speak, Qin Luo made a startling discovery after a breach appeared in the Empyrean Array. Wai Zhuo was nowhere to be found. In the heat of battle, as he had focused all his energy on repelling the sword light with the Empyrean Array, he had become disconnected from the outside world and failed to notice Wai Zhuo's departure.

"He was convinced to leave by me," whispered Zu Ann, his voice suddenly reaching Qin Luo's ears, revealing what had transpired.

The presence of a breach signified the weakening of the Empyrean Array's ability to seal the world. Zu Ann, now in possession of the supreme divine position, could send his thoughts with pinpoint accuracy.

Qin Luo's face turned grave.

Without Wai Zhuo's assistance, he would have to confront Zu Ann himself. Meanwhile, Han Miaoyuan was left to face Yu Yuan alone, and beyond the vast expanse.

"If we're outside the vast expanse, I will continue to hinder you, allowing Mister Han and Yu Yuan to engage in an unobstructed battle. You're aware, Qin Luo, that Mister Han's power is derived from the spiritual energy of the vast expanse. Should he leave its bounds for the heavens, his strength will inevitably diminish."

"Haha, I'm curious to see whether Mister Han dares to venture beyond the vast expanse."

Zu Ann's tone was laced with schadenfreude as he mocked Han Miaoyuan. Qin Luo could sense the derision in his voice.


Qin Luo found himself looking at Han Miaoyuan once more, pondering what decision Senior Han would make. The most formidable sword at your disposal has been dispatched to the Plover Realm, outside the heavens, to deter the Divine Kings of the Divine Soul Sect and prevent their return to the vast expanse.

Little did you anticipate that a junior at the Unrestrained Stage could throw your meticulous plans into disarray.

Qin Luo fell into deep contemplation.


"Would Han Miaoyuan dare to venture out?"

"Yu Yuan is already beyond the heavens, and unlike the massacre of the Thunder Sect, he didn't command the sword lights to indiscriminately slaughter the innocent after shattering the Empyrean Array. He's been waiting out there, but what could Mr. Han be contemplating?"

"Yu Yuan has humiliated him, piercing through the formations of the Profound Sky Sect. Can he truly bear such an insult?"

"If he can indeed swallow this affront, then Han Miaoyuan can forget about commanding the respect of the mighty in the future, let alone having those supreme beings willingly heed his directives."

"Perhaps, with the fall of the Empyrean Array, the era of Han Miaoyuan has drawn to a close."

"Alas, a new age may be upon us. It seems the time for change has arrived."


On the Quietus Continent, the Babel Chamber of Commerce, the Red Devil Sect, the Filthy Spirit Sect, the Ghost Wizard Sect, the Artifact Sect, and the Medicine God Sect, along with the Seven Lower Sects of the Heavenly Source Continent, the declining Primordial Yang Sect, and the various empires of the Profound Sky Continent.

The knowledgeable cultivators and the elite of the nations whispered among themselves.

The collapse of the Empyrean Array was like a symbol of an era being toppled, seemingly heralding the end of Han Miaoyuan's rule over the Boundless Human Race.

What path should they take now?

Many were already considering whether to adopt a new mindset and attitude, to welcome the resurgence of the Divine Soul Sect, or to wait and see with patience.


Beyond the sky.

As soon as the Dragon Slash Platform crossed the boundary wall and was exposed to the cold, dark expanse of space, it immediately began to conserve its stellar abilities.

The stellar energy in the space outside the Boundless Human Race was much sparser compared to the Gray Domain. Yet, this awe-inspiring Artifact had depleted much of its power in the onslaught against the Thunder Sect and the suppression of Wei Zhuo.

The Dragon Slash Platform's energy could be replenished by the star energy of the Outland Star River, allowing it to recharge.

Naturally, the efficiency couldn't match that within the Gray Domain.

"Han Miaoyuan."

Yu Yuan let out a cold laugh. Even from his vantage point in the Outland Star River, he could still see Han Miaoyuan beneath the gaping hole in the sky of the Profound Sky Sect.

He ceased casting the spell for two reasons: Cao Jiaze's earnest pleas and the deep ties between the Profound Sky Sect and the Heavenly Source Continent.

The nine grand palaces of the Empyrean Array are intertwined with the land's mountains and rivers. Should they crumble, the very foundation of the Heavenly Source Continent would be dealt a devastating blow.

From the moment Han Miaoyuan constructed the Empyrean Array, he linked it with the Heavenly Source Continent, instilling a sense of caution in everyone.

He didn't merge with the Empyrean Array himself but had Cao Jiaze do it instead. Perhaps he was thinking ahead to a time when they might face a formidable enemy from beyond or internal strife within the Boundless Human Race. In such cases, Cao Jiaze would be at the forefront, masterfully controlling the array.

Han Miaoyuan's role was simply to support by channeling spiritual energy.

His foresight was impeccable.

Now that the array had been breached, Han Miaoyuan was unscathed, whereas Cao Jiaze had been demoted from the Unrestrained Stage to a Yang God, with numerous fractures in both his body and soul.

"Live well."

Yu Yuan gazed down at Cao Jiaze lying in a pool of blood and whispered to himself.

Despite Cao Jiaze's fall from grace, his cultivation foundation remained intact, leaving the door open for a future comeback and the chance to lead the Profound Sky Sect once more.

Yu Yuan wished for Cao Jiaze's safety and well-being, hoping that the future of the Profound Sky Sect would be secured in his hands, not Han Miaoyuan's.

"I never saw it coming. I truly didn't."

Across the boundary wall, the Imperial Advisor in white hurried to Yu Yuan's side, who stood upon the Dragon Slash Platform wielding the Optimus Sword.

Though both were in the vast expanse of the Boundless Human Race, they were initially quite distant from each other. Yu Yuan had noticed him upon his arrival but had refrained from approaching.

His distance was for Zhou Cangmin's benefit, to spare him any discomfort.

Yet, it was Zhou Cangmin who approached with a look of awe, remarking, "Seeing you like this, I'm at a loss for how to relate to you now. Alas, when did you acquire such overwhelming might?"


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