Unmatched Dominance/C1747 The First Attempt
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Unmatched Dominance/C1747 The First Attempt
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C1747 The First Attempt

Puff! Puff! Puff!

Yu Yuan's prismatic crystals, refined from his blood, penetrated the Violent Bear's Bloodline Crystal Chain, unlocking its secrets in every aspect and probing the mysteries within its heart.

Each prismatic crystal carried a fragment of Yu Yuan's soul consciousness. His multitude of conscious thoughts wove through a sea of icy, electric crystals, seeking to comprehend the spectacle before him.

Each Bloodline Crystal Chain of the Violent Bear was composed of countless strands of fine, icy crystals, either interlaced or arranged in some enigmatic pattern.

In Yu Yuan's mind, these intricate arrangements of icy crystals were manifestations of an ice Dao Law.

He felt as if his Primordial Spirit, akin to Jee Ningshuang's, could enter the Violent Bear's heart with a mere thought, examining the arrays and patterns formed by thousands of icy crystals. By emulating these with his own intense cold spiritual power, he hoped to grasp the flow of cold energy and perhaps unlock the profound secrets naturally imprinted in the Violent Bear's bloodline.

Through this unique Violent Bear, he could also gain an indirect understanding of the extreme cold that enveloped the source blood.

After all, some of the Bloodline Crystal Chains within the Violent Bear's heart had formed over years of absorbing the dissipating chill of the extreme cold.

Woo-woo! Woo-woo-woo!

The towering, muscular bear shook violently on the icy ground, letting out a pained howl before collapsing, its body convulsing uncontrollably.

Yet Yu Yuan, no larger than a fist against its chest, remained still.

Clinging to the bear like a crimson rock, his hands pressed against its chest cavity, he continued to channel streams of life essence, infusing it with a red glow.

The other three Ninth Level alien beasts, witnessing the Violent Bear's agony, displayed expressions of fear and panic.

They understood that Yu Yuan was attempting to aid the Violent Bear and that the bond between them was far deeper than with any other. But why was the Violent Bear, an elder with a higher status among their kind, suffering so intensely?

Was the breakthrough to the Tenth Level bloodline of the alien beasts truly a brush with death, a trial by such torment?

The three alien beasts huffed anxiously, feeling the future of their kin to be fraught with hardship and adversity, silently cursing the inequity of their fates.

"Life force."

Yu Yuan whispered to himself, his pupils blazing like torches as he intently observed the changes within his palm.

Within the Violent Bear's heart resided an exceptionally abundant life essence, its life magnetic field pulsating with activity.

The bear had reached the Origin Blood Continent before the Yang Meridian, as the chieftain of the snow bear tribe. It was drawn by the intense cold of the continent, a cold it had sensed and pursued.

The snow bear tribe, with their innate love for the cold, attempted to withstand the severe chill. However, many of the weaker members were frozen into shards of ice.

This bear was the mightiest of its tribe, the most fortunate among them. It had absorbed the frigid aura that emanated, transforming and advancing its bloodline.

The extreme cold sheltered the blood essence, and within the dispersing frosty air lingered traces of life force.

Over time, as the bear continued to draw in the frosty aura, its heart became infused with a rich life essence, granting it longevity far surpassing that of other alien beasts. It had lived for an extraordinarily long time.

Yet, it had never been graced by the favor of the blood essence. As it inhaled the dispersing cold aura, the blood essence seemed to be in a dormant state.

As a result, although its heart possessed a life essence much greater than that of other alien beasts, it had not formed a Bloodline Crystal Chain.

Lacking a Bloodline Crystal Chain connected to life, without the Laws inscribed upon it, it resembled a human practitioner who, despite amassing considerable spiritual energy within the Yellow Court Little World, lacked the knowledge to harness it effectively. Thus, unable to marshal the spiritual energy, the practitioner could not convert it into combat power.

In this regard, there was a stark contrast with the Chaos Roc.

The Chaos Roc's heart housed a Bloodline Crystal Chain intertwined with life, enabling it to generate potent life energy through its own Crystal Chain.

Of course, this required the slaughter of creatures rich in vital blood and the consumption of their flesh—such as the heart clam beast.

The life energy within the Cold Domain Bear's heart was not innate but rather acquired from the Frost Energy.

Even if it hunted and devoured an alien beast, it could not refine and extract life energy from its prey.

Could it be that it first needed to establish a Bloodline Crystal Chain associated with the forces of life?

With a Bloodline Crystal Chain like this, even if it contains only a minuscule part of the essence of life, it could still harness it to hunt other alien beasts or directly convert its own flesh and blood essence into life energy that could extend its lifespan.

Then, could it use the life energy in its heart to initiate a breakthrough for its entire species?

Would the Bloodline Crystal Chains, infused with the essence of extreme cold, also need to undergo a similar breakthrough and further refinement?

If a life-related Bloodline Crystal Chain is necessary, could it be possible to cultivate one artificially?

After all, wasn't it my blood essence that forged a Life Altar within me? If so, could my blood essence also create such a Bloodline Crystal Chain in its heart?

Yu Yuan was beginning to see a direction.

However, as he pondered, his probing blood lights wandering within the Violent Bear's body and his consciousness speeding through the frosty crystals, he noticed the Violent Bear's howls intensifying.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

The prisma, refined from soul and blood essence, swiftly withdrew from the Violent Bear's Bloodline Crystal Chains and was yanked out of its heart, returning to Yu Yuan's Yang God.

When his exploratory power returned, he was surprised to see some of the Violent Bear's innate life energy had spilled into the Bloodline Crystal Chains.

The Violent Bear had grown significantly weaker, and it seemed to have aged as well.


The Ash Divine Crocodile issued a roar of protest.

It was cautioning Yu Yuan that if he persisted, the Violent Bear, which had lived so long due to its powerful life force, could face imminent danger due to the depletion of its life energy.

The Violent Bear might die of old age.

"Don't worry, I can transfer my life breath to it, and the Chaos Roc can assist," Yu Yuan reassured, gesturing to the Ash Divine Crocodile to relax. "Oh, and let me check on a few of you as well."

With those words, the three Ninth Level alien beasts hastily backed away, their eyes brimming with terror.

They became uncooperative.

The Violent Bear continued to shiver on the icy ground, its anguished roars still resonating deeply. With the recent events as a stark warning, they were reluctant to entrust themselves to Yu Yuan.

"I just want to take a look; I don't intend to do anything," Yu Yuan said with a forced laugh. "Rest assured, I won't probe into your Bloodline Crystal Chain. As long as I don't delve into your Crystal Chain and scrutinize your bloodline secrets, you won't endure the kind of pain it did."

The three alien beasts remained skeptical, shaking their heads, seemingly distrustful of him and reluctant to cooperate further.

"Forging the path to the Tenth Level is no simple feat; you must be prepared," Yu Yuan declared firmly.

Hearing this, the Raymon Beast moved forward with a tremble, a mix of fear and resignation in its eyes as it pointed to its chest.

"You seem more reasonable," Yu Yuan noted.

In an instant, Yu Yuan was at the Raymon Beast's side. As the creature resignedly closed its eyes, he appeared at its chest, infusing it with a flash of scarlet blood.

The heart of the Raymon Beast, too, held life energy. While not as potent as the Violent Bear's, it was still formidable.

After a brief observation of the blood, Yu Yuan withdrew his gaze.

"Just a moment," he said.

Yu Yuan, maneuvering the Dragon Slash Platform, refrained from engaging the Ash Divine Crocodile and the Three-legged Golden Crow, vanishing from the spot in a blink.

He roamed the Gray Domain, seeking out alien beasts of various ranks to examine their hearts.

Deliberately, he visited the lower-ranked beast herds to witness the emergence of new life.

He was now fully immersed in unraveling the wonders of life energy.

The three alien beasts gathered around the Violent Bear, presenting the blood and animal bones they had amassed over the years. They arranged these offerings on the Violent Bear's chest, signaling for the creature to use their collection to hasten its recovery.

The Violent Bear was a venerable elder among the alien beasts, much older and more renowned than the others.

In their time of need, the Violent Bear was their sole beacon of trust.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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