Unmatched Dominance/C1760 The Earth Demon's Ancestral Awakening
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Unmatched Dominance/C1760 The Earth Demon's Ancestral Awakening
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C1760 The Earth Demon's Ancestral Awakening

Yu Yuan's sword cleaved through the Yin Meridian!

The Divine Soul Sect and the Ghost Wizard Sect, due to the streaks of Yu Yuan's sword light, were now irreparably divided!

Few were aware that deep beneath the earth, a Shehun from beyond the skies had been lying in wait within Denise's body, engaging in a fierce soul battle with the deep pool that signified the Yin Meridian.

They assumed Yu Yuan had stealthily returned to the vastness to seek out Horror Land and confront the Yin Meridian.

But why target the source of the Yin Meridian?

Many observers of Horror Land were steeped in confusion, believing that the bonds between Yu Yuan, Youyu, and Yu Zhu would prevent the Divine Soul Sect and Ghost Wizard Sect from ever truly severing ties.

Who could have predicted that Yu Yuan, fresh from his battle with Han Miaoyuan that had forced Han Miaoyuan to retreat, would swiftly deliver a second sword strike?

"Damn it! It really is Yu Yuan wielding the sword!"

Xuanli and the other senior members of the Ghost Wizard Sect, using the underground passages of the Iridescent Cloud Miasma Sea to descend into Foul Land, all sensed the soul energy pillar representing the Yin Meridian being severed by Yu Yuan's relentless strikes.

The entity they revered as their spiritual anchor, the deity they worshipped, now seemed helpless.

"Has Yu Yuan and the Divine Soul Sect gone mad!"

Xuanli cursed, outraged that Yu Yuan would take such liberties in the absence of Youyu and Yu Zhu.


The group plunged into Colorful Lake, discovering numerous Earth Demons howling, encircling a figure on the lake's surface.

This figure, comprised of seven vibrant, toxic rivers, was none other than the Alien Demon Qiyan.


Xuanli, attempting to draw upon the power of Colorful Lake to aid the Yin Meridian, was shocked to see Qiyan among the various foreign entities from the Earth Demon Clan.

"You do not belong here."

The form of the Alien Demon Qiyan shifted continuously, manifesting peculiar eyes of a purple Devil Soul.

"From this moment forth, all Earth Demons originating from here will no longer pledge allegiance to it. The Earth Demons of the vast expanse have always had a different allegiance and origin, and ours has never been with it."

Qiyan's soul thoughts transformed into a myriad of lively, twisting lines, intertwining with the Earth Demons congregated there.

"Earth Demons and ghosts should have parted ways long ago. After our ancestors departed, it was this entity that beguiled us, leading us to mistakenly believe it was our guardian because it was deemed our god."

"It's not true."

"It's merely a case of a bird usurping another's nest! It has no right to lead us or command our loyalty, so..."

After this declaration, the Earth Demons of the Foul Land began to slaughter the ghostly spirits with the aura of Yin Meridians, igniting a civil war within their own tainted realm.

"You all..."

At this juncture, Qiyan, now the spokesperson for the Earth Demons, fixed his gaze on Xuanli, Yuan Qingxi, Lianjing, and several Unrestrained Stage elders from the Ghost Wizard Sect. After a brief contemplation, he announced, "Since you belong to Youyu, I will allow you to return. I will not pursue you any further."

"Do you realize what you're doing?" Xuanli demanded.

"I do."

Qiyan nodded subtly, then gestured for Xuanli and the others to leave quickly, expressing his impatience. "Earth Demons are Earth Demons. The marks within our souls, the evidence of our existence, they stem from something far deeper beneath the earth! It has misled and beguiled us, until the return of our ancestors' offspring brought about the rejuvenation of our souls!"

Xuanli and his companions were visibly shocked by this revelation.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

But they quickly noticed purple specks of light twinkling deep within the Devil Souls of the Earth Demons slaughtering the foul spirits of the Foul World.

It was as though some enigmatic entity was recounting their ancient history to all the qualified Earth Demons, revealing to them the facts and the truth.

The Earth Demons were originally Devaputras, born of the Vast Ocean!

After the departure of the Great Demon God Beilstein, the source of the Yin Meridian wreaked havoc on the Law of Souls, obscuring the true origins of the Earth Demons and leading them to believe they were of the earth.

The nascent Devaputras were marked by the Yin Meridian, their inherent Demon Seals tainted with foreign Yin energy, transforming them into Earth Demons of the Vast Ocean.

In reality, it was the presence of the Yin Meridian that constrained them!

"Who is it? Who's imparting this knowledge to you?"

Yuan Qingxi's face took on a look of astonishment as he addressed Qiyan, "It can't be Yu Yuan! His soul hasn't ascended to such a level to become a supreme Primordial Spirit! Who else could it be?"

Startled at first, Xuanli quickly came to a realization. "Who exactly is inside Denise's body?"

"Please return to the surface. Out of respect for Lord Youyu, I'll offer you another piece of advice. Do not engage in this battle; you lack the necessary power. If you insist on venturing into Horror Land, you'll be nothing more than lambs to the slaughter."

"Just like this!"

The surface of Colorful Lake suddenly came alive with a series of images. Ghosts, Youyu, and Heavenly Ghosts, these types of menacing spirits, were being obliterated in a bizarre deep pool, bursting into orbs of soul fire.

Xuanli and his companions, witnessing the annihilation of numerous souls in the pool, fell into a somber silence.

"Go back. When Youyu returns from beyond, he will assume control of the Yin Meridian. An anomaly like the Yin Meridian, which has been siphoning the souls of all living creatures to empower itself, does not belong here and should have been purged long ago," Qiyan intoned softly.


"Our Lord!"

Xuanli and Yuen Qingxi were deeply shaken by Qiyan's words, and they quickly grasped the implications.

Could it be?

Qiyan gave a slight nod. "The roles of master and servant must be inverted. All that it commands must be transferred to Youyu."

After the initial shock subsided, Xuanli and the others regained their composure. They gave Qiyan and the Earth Demon another long look before retracing their path and ascending once more.

The compulsions and commands of the Yin Meridian rose like waves within the souls of Xuanli, Yuen Qingxi, and Lianjing.

Yet they were countered by a surge of multicolored soul light!

"It's the Master!"

Yuen Qingxi's expression was one of elation. He keenly sensed that it was Youyu's power that was shielding them from the will of the Yin Meridian!

It seemed Youyu had anticipated this day, secretly leaving behind his strength. As they were being driven to their doom by the Yin Meridian, it was his power that shielded them from its enslaving influence.

Without Youyu's intervention, they would have been no different from the countless soulless ghosts, recklessly storming into Horror Land, each stepping onto a path of certain death.

"That damn Youyu didn't even give me a heads-up!" Xuanli swore in frustration.

"We had no idea either. No one received any messages. But why would Lord Youyu have such a significant disagreement with it?" Lianjing murmured to herself.

"Chixing, Luo Yue, Qianjie!"

Upon severing the Soul Energy Pillar on the Dragon Slash Platform, Yu Yuan was taken aback to see the three great Ghost Kings, Chixing, Luo Yue, and Qianjie, enveloped in five-colored halos.

These halos originated from the heart stone!

Having refined the heart stone, Youyu had apparently left his mark within the souls of the three great Ghost Kings, and this power did not stem from the Yin Meridian.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Others, ghosts who had been loyal to Youyu since his skeletal days, had also grown into ghosts and Heavenly Ghosts under his command. Their souls, too, were shrouded in the five-colored halos.

Ghosts whose souls displayed the five-colored halos retained their self-awareness; they were not overwhelmed by the Yin Meridians, did not lose control, and did not recklessly plunge into the deep pool to meet their demise as expendable pawns.

These ghosts, radiating the five-colored light, were disoriented, suddenly unsure of their next move.

They were uncertain whether to heed the Yin Meridians and continue to become part of the Styx or to break free from its grasp.

"Was this the work of the ghost god, Youyu?"

As Cao Jiaze watched a thick Soul Energy Pillar shatter and scatter, dissipating into smoke across Horror Land, with bursts of five-colored halos rising below, he noticed the anomaly and exclaimed in astonishment, "Could it be that Lord Youyu foresaw this day coming?"


Luo Yue escaped the pull of the Styx, rising into the air with her flower basket, and positioned herself alongside the descending Yu Yuan.

She was bathed in the five-colored halo, and a hidden thought deep within her had just been activated.

This thought held the message Youyu intended for Yu Yuan.

"The Yin Meridians demanded the heart stone from me, and after I left the vastness, they secretly communicated with President Lyi of the Geocentric Fire. I have a feeling that their true intention wasn't to communicate with President Lyi, since he is no longer human."

"It's trying to connect with the entity inside President Lyi's body."

Luo Yue conveyed this to Yu Yuan with Youyu's haunting inflection.

Yu Yuan grasped the situation immediately.

The Yin Meridian was aware that a fragment of the Origin Realm God's soul resided within President Lyi, and rather than seeking its destruction, it aimed to establish communication. What could be its purpose?

It was also demanding the heart stone from Youyu. Was it possible that it intended to use the heart stone to forge a link with the Origin Realm, facilitating a broader spiritual exchange between the two realms?

Clearly, Youyu was opposed to this, hence his determination to thwart the Yin Meridian's surreptitious endeavors.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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