Unmatched Dominance/C1761 The Separation of Worlds
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Unmatched Dominance/C1761 The Separation of Worlds
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C1761 The Separation of Worlds

Youyu's ethereal journey as a deity among spirits was forged by the power of the Yin Meridians, for which he was naturally grateful. However, when he discovered that the Yin Meridians were covertly communicating with the Origin Realm God within President Lyi's body, and that they desired the voluntary surrender of the heart stone, he withdrew to the Outer Star River.

He had no desire to become entangled in their affairs, nor did he wish to become an adversary of the Yin Meridians, so his only option was to flee. Under the guise of purifying the souls of Luo Yue and others, he clandestinely imbued his own soul's unique power into the spirits of his loyal followers.

Those whose souls he had cleansed and secretly empowered could resist the call of the Yin Meridians. The array of enchantments, illusions, and defenses against psychic assaults were derived from the innate abilities of the heart clam beast, and Youyu had clearly mastered many of them.

It was only through secret arts, independent of the Yin Meridians, that Youyu could stand against them and ensure that his devoted followers would not march to their demise. Youyu had truly succeeded!


Surrounded by a kaleidoscope of light, the spirits of Chu Ling and Qianjie approached Luo Yue in a trance, also overhearing her words.

The two Ghost Kings were incredulous, unable to come to terms with the Yin Meridians' deceitful conduct. Their spirits were momentarily paralyzed. The Yin Meridians, whom they revered as divine, were secretly interacting with creatures from the abyss and even expected Lord Youyu to willingly offer up the heart stone. What were their true intentions?

"Our sect's Master once said that it never belonged to all living creatures; it has always been an extraterrestrial entity," Cao Jiaze remarked darkly, after hearing Luo Yue's words. "It's become indispensable because it's intricately linked to the cycle of souls among all living creatures. Everyone fears that any disturbance would disrupt the delicate balance of souls, leaving us no choice but to tolerate its presence and coexist with it."

"An extraterrestrial entity?!" The three great Ghost Kings were increasingly astounded. They had never dared to contemplate such a possibility, nor had anyone ever disclosed these secrets to them.

The Yin Meridian, revered by the Ghost Wizard Sect as the origin of all living creatures, was in fact an extraterrestrial anomaly?

"It has taken root in the soul pond connected to all living creatures, drawing power to sustain itself. It..."

Cao Jiaze felt a tremor of realization as he recalled the soul secret arts he had mastered and the history of the Divine Soul Sect's Lunar Divine King. A revelation dawned on him.

The Lunar Divine King, having fused with the Origin Soul beneath the earth, ascended to great heights. Had the Nagas not posed a threat, wouldn't it have inevitably come into conflict with this entity?

Cao Jiaze was acutely aware of its desires and schemes.

As the mouthpiece of the Origin Soul, the Lunar Divine King was cognizant of the underground Yin Meridian's existence and its ambitions. It was inevitable that a day would come when they would have to confront it.

At that time, the Nagas' rampage posed a greater danger, prompting the decision to eliminate the dragons first.

It was only later discovered that the Ghost Wizard Sect's two Primordial Spirits had been held back by the Frost Dragon and the Space-time Dragon, leading to the demise of Youyu, Xuanli, and the two Earth Demon Ancestors.

"Indeed, it's time to address this threat."

Yu Yuan also expressed a sense of urgency as long-buried memories resurfaced, stirring something within him.

After the fall of the Dragon Clan, he had intended to honor his promise to help Youyu and Xuanli reclaim their essence. He was even prepared to act on it.

He was aware that the Yin Meridian stood behind Youyu and Xuanli, an entity that would ultimately become his adversary.

Yet, when he sought to implement his plan, he faced fierce opposition from Han Miaoyuan and the Demon Phoenix. At that time, divine thrones were scarce, and reviving the two from the Ghost Wizard Sect meant fewer seats for the Demon Gods. The Primordial Spirits from the Sword Sect and the Primordial Yang Sect would also have to be sacrificed.

Understandably, those who stood to lose their advantages were against the idea.

However, when the Divine Soul Sect fell victim to the attacks of Han Miaoyuan and the Demon Phoenix, it seemed to receive no aid from the entity in question.

It opted for a position of detached observation.

The Divine Soul Sect's dislike for it might stem from its covert manipulations, as it had never truly been willing to form an alliance with them.

Youyu has always been the spokesperson for the Divine Soul Sect's alliance.

"The Earth Demon has defected," the Initial Spirit Ghost King said with a light sigh, having just received word from Yuen Qingxi. "Qiyan of the Foul Land appears to have been swayed by someone and is no longer heeding its commands. Furthermore, the souls and ghosts meant to flow into Horror Land have been intercepted by the Earth Demon, diminishing its power."

"Earth Demon..." Cao Jiaze was taken aback.

Yu Yuan, aware that the Earth Demon was none other than the Devaputra, realized that the return of Shehun, especially in the guise of the Devaputra, must have successfully turned the Earth Demon Clan in their favor.

She is Beilstein's daughter, the embodiment of legitimacy!

Every Earth Demon born in the Vast Expanse was originally an untainted Outland Devaputra, a member of the Elemental Devil Clan, before being corrupted by the Yin Meridians.

And the eternal patriarch of the Elemental Devil Clan was Beilstein, their spiritual mainstay!

"You are no longer needed in this battle."

Shehun's voice echoed again in Yu Yuan's mind. She chuckled and said, "Youyu has surprised me; I had underestimated this ancient leader. He is not only sagacious but also had the foresight to prepare a contingency. Without the Ghost Kings, the Ghost Wizard Sect's warriors sacrificing themselves, and an influx of more souls, the Yin Meridians cannot withstand me."

"Because I am privy to all its secrets and the essence of its soul, while it remains utterly ignorant of me!"


Thick plumes of indissoluble purple soul energy flowed into the silver-gray mist, seeping into the Styx and igniting Denise's blood.

Her radiant blood crystallized into purple gems, illuminating the Styx and the silver-gray mist.

In an instant, numerous souls and ghosts were reduced to ashes.

"Help me conceal the skies of Horror Land. For the time being, prevent the people and demons of the Vast Expanse from discovering that I am an Outland Devaputra," she implored Yu Yuan with her final request.

Yu Yuan, momentarily taken aback, quickly composed himself and assured her, "Understood!"


The Dragon Slash Platform expanded abruptly, covering Horror Land like a colossal lid, cutting off all spiritual perceptions from the mighty beings of the Boundless World, rendering Horror Land invisible to them.

At this moment, Shehun unleashed his full power, the thick purple Devil Soul below roiling tumultuously—a clear manifestation of an Outland Devaputra's essence!

The humans and demons of the Boundless Great World could come to terms with a Divine King from the Divine Soul Sect battling the Yin Meridians. They could even accept Yu Yuan's falling out with the Yin Meridians.

However, they likely wouldn't tolerate an Outland Devaputra assaulting the Yin Meridians, who wield the authority over the souls' reincarnation in the Boundless Great World.

Although Shehun was a native Heavenly Demon and the Yin Meridians were the foreign element, the populace was unaware.

To them, this seemed like an invasion by the Heavenly Demon on the Boundless Great World's inhabitants. They might rally their forces and head for Horror Land.

The entrenched doctrines and laws didn't permit any Outland Devaputra to freely attack the native beings of the Boundless Great World.

"We can't see anything now either!"

Chu Ling was momentarily taken aback before realizing that everyone was positioned above the Dragon Slash Platform. The platform, transformed into a silvery expanse, concealed Horror Land beneath it.

As Ghost Kings, they struggled to peer through the Dragon Slash Platform to the conflict below.

"There's no need to strain yourselves. If you watch too closely, I fear you'll be pulled underground by the Yin Meridians," Yu Yuan cautioned, glancing up at the barrier and noting the many powerful cultivators observing the battle from the moon.

"The power bestowed upon you by Youyu isn't infinite; it can't continuously ward off the will of the Yin Meridians. The presence and isolation of the Dragon Slash Platform can prevent the Yin Meridians from perpetually enslaving your souls. Trust in Youyu; his actions are genuinely in your best interest."

"We trust in Your Excellency!" Chu Ling declared firmly.


"The Dragon Slash Platform has obscured Horror Land!"

"Horror Land has vanished from sight!"

"We can't see anything, nor can we sense anything!"


Numerous individuals were exclaiming in astonishment. Those with the capability to spy through artifacts, along with the great cultivators who had stealthily approached the area, were suddenly at a loss.

The majority were oblivious to Shehun's existence, assuming that Yu Yuan alone was attempting to transform the fate of Horror Land with his singular might!

Wasn't Youyu his close friend?

Didn't he help Youyu secure his position as a Ghost God in Horror Land, drawing on powerful forces?

Why, after Youyu departed, did Yu Yuan cause chaos in the Horror Land under Youyu's control, compelling the will of the Yin Meridian to summon ghosts, heavenly ghosts, and ghost spirits from across the empires and domains to battle?

Everyone was at a loss to understand.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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