Unmatched Dominance/C1763 The Eyes in the Darkness!
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Unmatched Dominance/C1763 The Eyes in the Darkness!
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C1763 The Eyes in the Darkness!

Tan Xiaotian has returned to the Boundless Great World!

Those unfamiliar with the Gray Domain were clueless about what had befallen Tan Xiaotian, who vanished along with Youyu and others.

Subsequently, Youyu and Xuanli made their way back, yet Tan Xiaotian remained conspicuously absent.

Even when Han Miaoyuan was sought out by Yu Yuan and the Empyrean Array fell, Tan Xiaotian's whereabouts were still a mystery.

The heads of the major factions were aware that Han Miaoyuan could transmit messages through the ether to the human race's exalted beings, summoning them back to the Boundless Great World when necessary.

So why, when Lin Daoke ventured alone to the Plover Realm, did Tan Xiaotian not show himself?

Few knew that after departing the Gray Domain, Tan Xiaotian had journeyed to the City of Light within the Brilliance Starfield, where he was subdued by the formidable Cadorath and Barol of the Bright Clan.

Many speculated that the defiant Tan Xiaotian, dissatisfied with Han Miaoyuan, had chosen to wander beyond the Great World to avoid conflict.

Yet now, Tan Xiaotian has surprisingly re-emerged. What intentions could he harbor by choosing this moment to return?

Uncertain of Tan Xiaotian's temperament and intentions, his reappearance has everyone on edge, closely monitoring any shifts within the Devil Palace.


In the pitch-black void, a pair of eyes, indistinguishable from the surrounding darkness, slowly materialized with the force of a soul.

Since the eyes were camouflaged by the darkness, a domain belonging to Tan Xiaotian, they should have been imperceptible to all.

Not even Zu Ann, the guardian of the Skywatch Mirror, could detect that obsidian gaze within the dark expanse.

This darkness was an extension of Tan Xiaotian himself. Once manifested in the Boundless Great World, not even Cadorath of the Bright Clan could glimpse the hidden tableau.

Yet, Yu Yuan saw it.

Or more accurately, the eye within the darkness chose to reveal itself to Yu Yuan.

As the eye took shape, it seemed to lock gazes with Yu Yuan from the heart of Tan Xiaotian's Dark Divine Domain, radiating an aura of profound wisdom.

Yu Yuan was struck by an immediate sense of recognition.

"I have returned."

A voice arose, audible only to Yu Yuan.

Once the voice ceased, the black eye vanished, and the darkness that had shrouded the northern Quietus Continent receded like a tide, flowing into the Dark Cushion symbolizing Tan Xiaotian.


A fierce Heavenly Fire streaked from the Red Devil Sect towards the Devil Palace, transforming into Qin Luo.

"Welcome back!"

Qin Luo, the Sect Master of the Red Devil Sect, watched Tan Xiaotian leisurely straighten his long black hair and said with a smile, "The Boundless Great World has been in turmoil in your absence. Without you, I've felt like I've lost my anchor."

He had secured a divine position thanks to Tan Xiaotian's strong endorsement, for which he was deeply thankful.

In Qin Luo's heart, Tan Xiaotian's favor weighed more heavily than that of Han Miaoyuan, and he was more inclined to heed Tan Xiaotian's counsel—even though Tan Xiaotian's decisions were sometimes unreliable.

"What's all the panic about?"

Tan Xiaotian hovered high above the Devil Palace, casting a stern glance at the devil cultivators below. The Unrestrained Stage cultivators, eager to speak, were suddenly silenced.

They had intended to inform Tan Xiaotian that Han Miaoyuan had departed the Boundless Great World and that Yu Yuan, representing the Divine Soul Sect, was acting with impunity. They hoped Tan Xiaotian would resume control and restore order.

Their anxiety was palpable, yet upon seeing Tan Xiaotian in person, they found themselves reassured.

With Tan Xiaotian's return, and his presence in the Devil Palace, they felt there was nothing to fear.

"I'm concerned that the Boundless Great World may fall to internal chaos," Qin Luo said with a wry smile.

"Is Elder Han dead?" Tan Xiaotian asked, his lips twisted in a smirk.

Qin Luo paused, then answered, "No."

"Has Lin Daoke died?"


"Have I died?"


"Then what's the cause for alarm?"

After this rapid-fire exchange, the cultivators from the Devil Palace, the Red Devil Sect, and the surrounding sects and powers—even those on the distant moon observing the Devil Palace—found themselves inexplicably reassured.

Indeed, with the strongest sword Lin Daoke still among the living, the human race's leader Han Miaoyuan still alive, and Tan Xiaotian, who had expanded the Boundless Great World and secured additional divine seats, there seemed little to fear.

What was there to fear in the Boundless Great World?

The highest-ranking figure from the Demon Palace, accompanied by a multitude of formidable demons and alien beasts, had clearly encroached upon the Devaputra's domain, wreaking havoc and bloodshed across the starry sky.

Yu Yuan, along with the other titans of the Divine Soul Sect, weren't they also integral to the Boundless Great World?

With the Great Demon God Beilstein, who had given all the mighty ones of the Boundless Great World such headaches, now in the abyss due to the Origin Realm God, wasn't this the dawn of a golden era for the Boundless Great World?

What need was there for the Boundless Great World to panic?

It should be the alien races who are trembling with fear!

"Yu Yuan."

Tan Xiaotian called out across the Dragon Slash Platform.

"Congratulations on making it out."

Yu Yuan, perched atop the Dragon Slash Platform, gazed at the receding darkness of the Devil Palace, unable to spot the fleeting eye. He pondered the whereabouts of the individual who had arrived with Tan Xiaotian.

"Zu Ann, have Mo Baichuan keep an eye on President Lyi within the Geocentric Fire," he communicated telepathically to Zu Ann.

Zu Ann's face took on a hint of concern. "Is something amiss?"

"The shroud of darkness enveloping Tan Xiaotian was transported here through the spatial forces of the Boundless Great World. The presence of darkness masked that spatial energy, which is why you missed it earlier. Whoever sent Tan Xiaotian back must be exceedingly familiar with the Boundless Great World's spatial arrays. And it's likely that the same individual wielded the Space Light Blade that slashed through the Demon Palace."

"Who could it be?"

"The Supreme Wisdom of the Divine Soul Sect. Since his descent into the abyss, it's unclear whether he's friend or foe. My concern is that he's come for the Origin Realm God residing within President Lyi, as both he and the Origin Realm God are Abyss Evil Gods."

Upon hearing this, Zu Ann's heart raced. Without further inquiry, he took to the skies.

The return of Shehun to Denise's body was one thing, but how could Supreme Wisdom still be alive after so many years? And why return now?

Moreover, to return alongside Tan Xiaotian!

Even Zu Ann, now ascended to the highest ranks, felt his thoughts in disarray. The complexity of the Boundless Great World's turmoil far surpassed his understanding, with too many hidden details and plots seemingly on the verge of erupting.

"I don't need you to tell me where the Origin Realm Gate is anymore."

Tan Xiaotian arrived on his Dark Cushion. As he flew from the Devil Palace toward the Dragon Slash Platform, Jun Chen, Shi Jing'er, and the rest wore grim expressions.

Yinn Tiehua of the Artifact Sect, along with siblings Hu Po and Hu Ping, also felt an impending headache.

"The Devil Lord..."

Yuan Lianyao, Zhou Cangmin, Chung Guanyu, and others who were close to Yu Yuan were equally startled by Tan Xiaotian's move.

Was Tan Xiaotian about to step in for Han Miaoyuan?

Over the years, Tan Xiaotian had been known for his unreliability in many aspects, but his combat prowess was unquestionably dependable!

Before Lin Daoke came into his own, Tan Xiaotian was the bravest and most skilled warrior around, notorious for his love of battle and prowess in it. However, even Han Miaoyuan often found it challenging to enlist his help.

Naturally, when the survival of the Boundless Great World was at stake, he would surely make an appearance.

Like right now!

"I'm aware that you've found your own way."

Yu Yuan was cautious not to underestimate the situation. The Boundless Great World was no Gray Domain, and without understanding Tan Xiaotian's motives, he remained vigilant, summoning the Optimus Sword.

His Yang God, stationed far in the Gray Domain, was also quietly preparing to join the fray.

If Wisdom Divine King had returned with Tan Xiaotian, then Tan Xiaotian's liberation must surely be connected to him.

The Wisdom Divine King, who had chosen to descend into the abyss, was well aware that the dark forces there had long been without a true leader, lacking someone like Tan Xiaotian to claim the throne of the Abyss Evil God.

Had the Wisdom Divine King extended an invitation to Tan Xiaotian, promising to take his soul to the abyss to rally those abyssal beings who had delved into the darkness?

Had these two struck an alliance?

Yu Yuan pondered deeply, growing more convinced by the moment, and thus, he became even more cautious.

"Heh, even the Yin Meridian has its day."

The Devil Lord finally arrived above the Dragon Slash Platform. Without even glancing down, he knew exactly what had transpired.

"Greetings, Lord Devil Lord!" Cao Jiaze quickly bowed in respect.

As Tan Xiaotian approached, the three great Ghost Kings had already been plotting their escape.

Tan Xiaotian harbored a dislike for Youyu because during his battles beyond the heavens, Zhu Zhen, a fellow supreme being of the Devil Palace, had been slain by Youyu. Bearing allegiance to Youyu, they couldn't help but feel fear and unease in Tan Xiaotian's presence.

In addition to them, numerous ghostly spirits from across the vast expanses of the Boundless Great World had returned, only to find their path blocked by the Dragon Slash Platform. They were unable to penetrate into Horror Land and lend their strength to the Yin Meridian.

Their spectral forms lacked the protective five-colored halos, leaving the enslaving soul mark of the Yin Meridian intact, driving them to frantically collide with the Dragon Slash Platform.

Despite their souls being torn asunder, they persisted in their heedless onslaught.

"Pitiful insects," Tan Xiaotian muttered, shaking his head with a bizarre chuckle. The Dark Cushion beneath him roiled and, in a surprising turn, devoured the ghostly spirits whole.

Yu Yuan's gaze grew somber as he sensed a spatial vortex within his Dark Cushion.

It appeared that the consumed spirits had all been drawn into the spatial vortex inside the Dark Cushion, only to be instantly transported elsewhere.

It was highly probable that they had been delivered to the Wisdom Divine King that accompanied the darkness!

Libre Baskerville
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