Unmatched Dominance/C1769 The Interference
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Unmatched Dominance/C1769 The Interference
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C1769 The Interference

Zhou You had already been waiting for some time.

As soon as Ji Ningshuang appeared, Zhou You escorted her to the space teleportation array within the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area and transported her to the Crack Archipelago.

Next, he guided her to the Nether Abyss.


A dazzling beam of icy starlight struck the Nether Abyss, causing the efficiency of the Cold Abyss Entrances, which linked to the Outland Starry Sky, to surge exponentially!

The frigid currents from the Outland poured through the Cold Abyss Entrances, drawn into the earth by Ji Ningshuang's influence.


The eternal sun, which had lingered in the vast expanse of the sky, began to veer off course. Qin Luo's power was pulling it further away from the Boundless Great World.

Now, only a cold crescent moon illuminated the vast expanse, sparing the Boundless Great World from plunging into perpetual night.

The return of Ji Ningshuang and the magic cast by Qin Luo caused the rapidly rising temperatures of the Boundless Great World to plummet significantly.

The mortals, who had feared the apocalypse was near, finally breathed a sigh of relief as the scorching heat subsided considerably.

"You've really got a knack for this, kid. You even managed to bring back that icy girl who's notoriously difficult to persuade."

In the shadows, Tan Xiaotian gave Yu Yuan a thumbs-up, his voice tinged with envy, "She has delved into the laws of extreme cold in the Dark Domain and even experienced the Dragon Slash Platform to understand the Frost Dragon's bloodline mysteries."

"The forging of the Cold Abyss Entrance was a joint effort by the rainbow dragon and the Frost Dragon. Her ability to manipulate the Cold Abyss Entrance and accelerate the circulation of Frost Energy speaks volumes about her exceptional perceptiveness."

"Indeed, she is the superior choice. As the Goddess of Ice of the Boundless Great World, it's her duty to take charge and cool things down."


The Demon Lord paused, then added, "She is a member of the Sword Sect."

"What of it?" Yu Yuan's lips quirked into a smile.

"It's no big deal. I'd be pleased if you could handle Han Miaoyuan," Tan Xiaotian said with a hearty laugh, clapping his hands. "He once looked out for me, so it's not easy for me to act against him. But after years of battling for the Boundless Great World, I owe him no debt for past favors."

"Heh, as far as I'm concerned, the Divine Soul Sect only needs to deal with him and that individual from the Demon Palace."

"The two of them were the masterminds behind the destruction of your Divine Soul Sect. The others were merely their companions in the conflict. Those who accompanied them either perished in the battle or later died fighting the alien race's Peak warriors."

"The only enemies left alive are him and the Demon Phoenix. If he falls, I'm personally okay with humanity choosing a new leader."

Tan Xiaotian allowed himself to fantasize about Han Miaoyuan's demise.

Cao Jiaze, trailing slightly behind the floating palace, arrived just in time to catch Tan Xiaotian's remark. He quickly halted the palace, which had materialized from the Heaven Palace Seal, his face awash with awkwardness.

"What good does it do to follow me?"

Tan Xiaotian shot him a dismissive look and turned his attention to the Matrix Diagram swirling with divine light above the palace. He huffed, "Lin Yu, I'm aware that you and your cohorts are keeping tabs on this place through the Heaven Palace Seal. You can hear what I'm saying, too."

"So, I'd like to know, did Elder Han ever consider rescuing me when I was trapped in the City of Light?"

"If his Profound Dao Flag had shown up there, my dark power would have been significantly boosted, and I wouldn't have been so hard-pressed."

"What, did he not bother because he knew the City of Light couldn't finish me off?"

"While I was battling for my life in the heavens, Zhu Zhen perished, and many from my Devil Palace fell. What did he do for me?"

"I cursed him to an early grave. Isn't it because he had it coming?"

Despite being under the watchful eyes of powerful cultivators from all over the world, this defiant Dark Lord remained recklessly outspoken.

His grievances against Han Miaoyuan were laid bare for all to see.

Cao Jiaze, along with the Profound Sky Sect's great cultivator monitoring the situation through the Heaven Palace Seal, were silenced by his tirade.

They were at a loss for words.


In the midst of pure darkness, Mo Baichuan, seated atop the Flowing Flames of the pill furnace, suddenly let out a soft exclamation.

In the enveloping darkness, Mo Baichuan sensed a power capable of piercing through the shadows. The Earthflame Meridians within him resonated with the shrouded Hellfire Mountain, instantly reuniting!

He was now beyond the reach of darkness.


Mo Baichuan plummeted to the base of the pill furnace. The lid sealed shut immediately, and a sphere of dark energy that had infiltrated the furnace ignited in an instant.


The internal darkness of the pill furnace was consumed by fierce flames, eradicating Tan Xiaotian's dark will.

"Mo Baichuan!"

"Flowing Flames!"

Amidst the profound darkness, an object emerged, prompting exclamations from both Tan Xiaotian and Yu Yuan.

Tan Xiaotian sensed an anomaly; Mo Baichuan, with his mere Unrestrained Stage cultivation, had shattered part of the dark laws he had established within the Hellfire Mountain.

Without his consent, the three-legged pill furnace materialized in the darkness, visible to Yu Yuan, Cao Jiaze, and others ensnared by the shadows.

This defied logic, and certainly wasn't a power Mo Baichuan should possess!

"Flowing Flames!"

Yu Yuan, who saw only the pill furnace and not Mo Baichuan, felt a jolt in his spirit.

The pill furnace, crafted by the Great Demon God Beilstein, bore a flame array on its inner wall that closely resembled the burning pattern of the Geocentric Fire.

The pill furnace's current anomaly indicated the involvement of another force, one that had lent assistance to Mo Baichuan.


In the darkness, the pill furnace descended towards the magma pool where Mo Baichuan was cultivating, rapidly sinking.

Yu Yuan watched intently as the pill furnace pierced through the oppressive darkness and made contact with a sea of fire so intense it seemed to scorch the soul.

As the pill furnace touched the fiery expanse, the Geocentric Fire hidden beneath the mountain range erupted.

Oranges, scarlets, and deep reds danced like flames spirits, first clinging to the exterior of the Flowing Flames. Moments later, legendary fire beasts leaped forth from the pill furnace's fiery walls.

Vermilion Bird, Fiery Dragon, Fire Qilin, Phoenix, Flamingo!

These mythical fire spirit beasts and alien beasts, symbols of either fortune or disaster, were animated by the will of the Earth Flame and shaped by its formidable power.

In the midst of the raging Geocentric Fire, these wondrous creatures lunged at President Lyi with majestic fury.

Having transmuted the essence of the heavens into his being, President Lyi had become a monstrous entity, his eyes now shimmering orbs of gold and silver, embodying the very laws of metal.


Strands of gold and silver transformed into blades of divine weaponry, slashing at the gracefully dancing Vermilion Birds and Phoenixes, and at the raging Fiery Dragons and Fire Qilins.

This was President Lyi's defiance against the will of the Geocentric Fire!

Any creature of flesh and blood, unlike the metallic aberration that was President Lyi, would have been incinerated by the Geocentric Fire's mere presence.

Yet, President Lyi was not only surviving; he hadn't turned to ash and was boldly confronting the Geocentric Fire.

"Melt Furnace!"

Another voice echoed in President Lyi's mind.

A radiant orb, imprinted with the laws of gold metal, flared to life in his chest, showcasing his dominion over all things metallic.

The pill furnace, where Mo Baichuan lay concealed, resonated with this voice.

It soared directly towards President Lyi!

This enchanted pill furnace, once forged by the Great Demon God Beilstein and previously wielded by Yu Yuan, was now summoned by President Lyi's power due to its metallic composition.

However, as the pill furnace grew larger and passed the fiery alien beasts and spirit beasts, the fire laws within it underwent a sudden shift.

Mo Baichuan's chest bled profusely, his vital blood forcefully extracted and absorbed by the fire laws.

The fire matrix, secretly inscribed by Beilstein, was empowered by Mo Baichuan's blood and firmly seized by the will of the Geocentric Fire.


The Flowing Flames spiraled out of control, colliding with President Lyi's metallic form. The flaming alien beasts swarmed him, entwining his bizarre frame and attempting to infiltrate his mind.

A spectral figure emerged.

"Extreme Wisdom! I sheltered you when you were young, and now you dare betray me!"

Every attempt by the spatial rifts to tear open was thwarted by the Geocentric Fire before they could succeed. The specter, too, was being consumed by the Geocentric Fire, hissing as it dissolved.

The soul, especially that of a formidable being, is the only known entity that can endure the Geocentric Fire.

The Origin Realm God, a preeminent figure in matters of the soul and a master of spatial powers, found his specter in peril. Without President Lyi's gold metal armor, its existence was fleeting—it would soon be reduced to nothing by the furious Geocentric Fire.

"Betrayal? Let's not use such harsh words. We were merely allies. As for you, your schemes in this realm have failed, and with Beilstein dispatched to the abyss, our partnership is effectively dissolved."

A green-black banner materialized amidst the tumultuous Earth Flame, engulfing the specter of the Origin Realm God in an instant.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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