Unmatched Dominance/C1772 The Continuous Turmoil
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Unmatched Dominance/C1772 The Continuous Turmoil
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C1772 The Continuous Turmoil

The sudden emergence of the Divine King, Wisdom, and the subsequent shift in control of the Origin Realm left everyone reeling. The leaders of the major sects found themselves at a loss regarding Tan Xiaotian's allegiance, uncertain of which side the Devil Lord now supported.

The upheaval in the vast expanse had taken all by surprise, particularly because Wisdom was once a part of the Divine Soul Sect.

"Origin Realm! Abyss!"

Zu Ann's complexion turned a sickly pale. The Origin Realm Gate, which Han Miaoyuan had painstakingly destroyed, had been reconstructed by the Wisdom Divine King at its original site in the Ascension Mountain Range, where he had merged paths with the Dao.

What sacrifices had been made to excise this blight from the vast ocean?

Hadn't Ji Tianyu of the Profound Sky Sect shattered her own divine status, and Yuwen Hao's demise, all been due to this very gate?

The malignancy they had struggled so hard to eliminate was now resurrected by Wisdom. As the guardian of the Ascension Mountain Range, Zu Ann had a myriad of reasons for his rage.

"What exactly does the Divine Soul Sect intend to do?!" he demanded of Yu Yuan, his voice laced with fury. "I've been tormented by the Origin Realm Gate for years, and after finally destroying it, Wisdom has rebuilt it. He's even summoning sect leaders to delve into the Origin Realm with their souls. Is this your sect's scheme?"

"He is no longer the Wisdom Divine King of our Divine Soul Sect," Yu Yuan replied after a pause, a wry smile on his face. "We're in the dark about how he survived, let alone what he has become in the Abyss. His current actions and stance are unknown to us."

"He hasn't had any contact with the Divine Soul Sect?" Zu Ann asked skeptically.

Yu Yuan shook his head, his expression grave. "Not to my knowledge."

Zu Ann's anger subsided slightly as he posed his next question with concern, "What do we do about this new Origin Realm Gate?"

"We'll decide once my senior brother, Zhong Chichen, returns," Yu Yuan responded.

Yu Yuan's greatest concern was Tan Xiaotian's potential return, fearing that he might direct his wrath towards the Merchant Association and other members of the Divine Soul Sect. He dreaded the possibility of the Demon Lord venting his anger on others and getting involved in the conflicts between Shehun and the Yin Meridian.

In the end, Shehun addressed the source of the Yin Meridian. Tan Xiaotian, along with an enraged Ji Ningshuang, managed to vanquish the Origin Realm God and President Lyi.

The situation was precarious, yet it appeared to be manageable. There were no deal-breakers to contend with.

"I'll head over to the Sword Sect."

Ji Ningshuang had no interest in the reemergence of the Origin Realm Gate, Tan Xiaotian's incursion, or Wisdom Divine King's emergence.

With the Earth Flame now settled, Ji Ningshuang, who seldom returned, promptly departed on her sword.

"The Dragon Slash Platform is no longer necessary for me."

Hidden deep within Horror Land, Shehun's thoughts reached out, "The gate that Wisdom Divine King and the Demon Lord have stirred up is of no immediate concern. I plan to challenge Lin Daoke in the Plover Realm soon. Your task is to prevent the Demon Phoenix from succeeding."

"If the Demon Phoenix eradicates the Yang Meridian, takes control of the Origin Blood Continent, and unlocks the full life secrets of Origin Blood, she could become the next Spinosaurus."

"She might even surpass the old Spinosaurus, causing all the alien beasts of the Eon Realm to undergo a transformation!"

"If she succeeds, the world will be turned upside down, and the existing order will be completely disrupted."

Shehun's voice, both gentle and rich, continued to resonate.

"Old Monster Zu, disregard the new Origin Realm Gate in the Ascension Mountain Range for the time being. I'll handle other matters. Keep a vigilant eye on things."

Yu Yuan, with a mere thought, used his soul's bond with the Dragon Slash Platform to instantly return there from the Hellfire Mountain Range.

Looking down, he saw that Horror Land had been restored to its original state. Even the ghost spirits neglected by Youyu were no longer recklessly diving underground.

The ghost spirits had regained their self-awareness, aimlessly drifting through the dense yin energy of Horror Land, searching for something.


The Dragon Slash Platform, once as vast as a luminous white landmass, instantly reduced to the size of an inkstone beneath his feet.

Chu Ling, Luo Yue, and Qianjie, the three great Ghost Kings, hovered above Horror Land, realizing they still couldn't reestablish their soul's connection with the Styx.

The will of the Yin Vein was no longer perceptible.

Many ghost spirits and ghosts shielded by Youyu, who hadn't delved underground, were just as bewildered, uncertain of their future direction.

"Let's wait for Youyu's return," Yu Yuan said as he communicated with Shehun and addressed the three great Ghost Kings. "Once he's back, everything will get back on track. From then on, your loyalty should be to him, not the Yin Vein."


With a gentle call, the noble lady of the Star Race, her gown billowing, glided out bathed in starlight and descended onto the Dragon Slash Platform.

"Lord Shehun mentioned that I could also observe the ground beetle in the Gray Domain."

Denise spoke with a hint of shyness, looking up at Yu Yuan on the Dragon Slash Platform. "I've heard about your plans to assist Miss Lau Ying in meeting the ground beetle. Both Senior Leo and Senior Beru informed me that it resides in the Gray Domain. I'd like to accompany you and see it for myself. I don't harbor grand ambitions; I simply wish to encounter that extraordinary creature."

She was aware of the close relationship between Yu Yuan and Lau Ying, as well as Lau Ying's exceptional talent. She also knew of Jee Ningshuang's ascent on the vast divine path of the stars. Yet, witnessing the conflict between Shehun and the Yin Vein had exposed her to a higher plane of existence, leaving her to wonder about the heights she could reach.

Having glimpsed the view from above and been endowed with new soul potential by Shehun, she naturally began to dream of a new future.

"Would that be alright?"

After a prolonged silence from Yu Yuan, Denise ventured to ask once more.

"There's no harm in taking a look," Yu Yuan clarified, "but the enigmatic Starry Behemoth was specifically intended for Lau Ying." He paused before adding, "The Gray Domain holds other wonders, and as a member of the Star Race, surpassing the limits of your lineage isn't as complicated as it is for us humans."

Denise's eyes sparkled with excitement. "You're willing to take me to the Gray Domain?"

"Absolutely," Yu Yuan affirmed with a nod.

"Thank you so much!" Denise's lips curled into a delighted smile. "Oh, and what about the Empress? It's been such a long time since I've seen her. Is she in the Gray Domain too?"

"If you're looking to meet her, you can find her in the Dark Wing Starfield."

Whenever Yu Yuan thought of the Secular Bird Queen, he couldn't help but glance at the Sword Sect with a sense of guilt.

"I was just curious," Denise quickly interjected.

Yu Yuan and Shehun, who was beneath him, covertly communicated. As he noticed her Devil Soul shifting, he inquired, "What's going on with your Devil Soul?"

"Via the Yin meridian, my Devil Soul, bearing the essence of the Yin Sunflower, is integrating with my celestial body to construct the Divine Throne. I've captured the soul wisdom from the Yin meridian, though it's now extremely weak and sealed in the deep pool below."

"Once Youyu returns, he can incorporate his reincarnation techniques into himself."

"You need to head to the Gray Domain soon to confront the Demon Phoenix, and keep an eye out for Han Miaoyuan. As long as that old thief Han lives, he'll cause chaos wherever he goes," Shehun warned him.


Yu Yuan responded coolly, then took the Dragon Slash Platform to the Chamber of Commerce to retrieve Lau Ying's true form and went directly to the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area.

There, he waited for Jee Ningshuang's return.

"Young Master Yu!"

Upon seeing him, Qin Yun rushed over, bowing deeply from a distance, "Master has heard of your presence in Hao Ran and wishes for the Yu family to meet with you. He's aware of your other life and is uncertain if you still hold the Yu family dear, so he sent me to inquire on his behalf."

"I've let him down," Yu Yuan admitted, feeling a pang of regret. He had been avoiding his family in this life, causing his grandfather Yu Cann to worry. "I'll go see him."

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