Unmatched Dominance/C1780 I Am Willing to Take a Step Back!
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Unmatched Dominance/C1780 I Am Willing to Take a Step Back!
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C1780 I Am Willing to Take a Step Back!

Amidst the fluttering of the Soul Summoning Flag, a once dim and indistinct figure gradually took on a clear form. It was the image of a stalwart figure with a gaze reflecting profound wisdom, his presence emerging from the flagpole. His long, silver hair flowed freely, and his face bore the marks of the elements, suggesting he had endured a lengthy voyage.

Beneath him, numerous green Asura knelt submissively, resembling tamed cats and dogs. Wisps of black soul smoke streamed from the Asura into the figure through the Soul Summoning Flag, rendering his image even more distinct.

He stood within the vast flag, appearing as a sovereign lord over countless spirits, and with a smile, he addressed Yu Yuan, "The Soul Summoning Flag was once the property of the Divine Soul Sect, yet after our sect fell to the Demon Phoenix and Han Miaoyuan, the flag was suppressed beneath her Demon God effigy in the Demon Palace."

"Years later, Tan Xiaotian and I retrieved it after toppling the Demon Palace."

"What I've reclaimed is rightfully mine. Besides, this Artifact was always meant for my use, and I intend to employ it to vanquish Han Miaoyuan and the Demon Phoenix."

Pausing briefly, a slight smile played on Ji Hui's lips, "You command the Dragon Slash Platform, and Taishi oversees the Soul Transformation Pool. I shall unfold the Soul Summoning Flag. Let's not overstep our bounds."

With a sharp sound, a spatial ability surged from within the Origin Realm Gate, infusing itself into the Soul Summoning Flag. The concealed array within the Artifact underwent a transformation, its dazzling lines interweaving to form lethal Space Light Blades.

Ji Hui, a master of spatial forces, had once re-forged this item, etching into it the esoteric secrets of space he had comprehended. As a result, the Soul Summoning Flag not only had the power to summon the souls of Heavenly Ghosts but also harnessed the wonders of space.

Aware of Yu Yuan's true identity, Ji Hui took great care when Yu Yuan approached wielding the Dragon Slash Platform and requested the Soul Summoning Flag, understanding the gravity of the situation.

"Handing over the Soul Summoning Flag won't resolve the issue of the Asura Talisman, nor will it transform those cursed into Asura back into humans."

It was only in the presence of the former Lunar Divine King, his previous leader, that Ji Hui exhibited such patience, willing to explain at length, "The Demon Lord stands with me, while the other has departed the vast expanse to forge a Divine Throne. You have not yet ascended to the supreme rank, and I have no desire to be your adversary. Therefore, it would be wise for you to take a moment to reflect."

He initially addressed Yu Yuan with a formal "you," then switched to a more familiar "you," leaving many people stunned. Zu Ann, who had emerged outside the valley and joined forces with the Ascension Mountain Range, was equally taken aback by Extreme Intelligence's respectful address. He regarded him with an odd look.

What was Extreme Intelligence's status? He was one of the ancient Divine Kings, having taken over the Origin Realm from the Origin Realm God. He was a heavyweight, respected even by the Demon Lord Tan Xiaotian, and remained a titan of the Abyss!

He had actually used a term of respect for Yu Yuan! Moreover, his words conveyed a desire to avoid conflict with Yu Yuan, as he repeatedly urged Yu Yuan to stay calm. It seemed he was quite wary of Yu Yuan, not wishing to engage in a direct confrontation, even with Demon Lord Tan Xiaotian by his side and despite Yu Yuan not yet reaching the highest level.

This was the same individual who had the audacity to bring down the Demon Palace with Tan Xiaotian and sought to eradicate Han Miaoyuan and the Demon Palace Sovereign. What qualities did Yu Yuan possess to warrant such regard?

"I think you should calm down as well," said the Demon Lord Tan Xiaotian, seated serenely on the Dark Cushion. His handsome face exuded earnestness. "Regarding the Demon Phoenix, we share common strategies and plans. Together, we will surely give the Demon Phoenix a headache in due time."

"And you, along with the Divine Soul Sect, surely want her demise too, right?"

"When that person targeted the Yin Meridians, didn't I simply observe from the sidelines? The Origin Realm God and I both played a role in the creation of the Asura Talisman and the surge of the ghoul tide. The Divine Soul Sect has a significant responsibility for the Asura Talisman's emergence! Therefore, you shouldn't have come to the Ascension Mountain Range but instead should be figuring out how to resolve the Asura Talisman issue."

Tan Xiaotian, who typically feared neither heaven nor earth and often disregarded even Han Miaoyuan's authority, was also counseling Yu Yuan to remain composed—because he had deduced Yu Yuan's true identity. Although he had his suspicions, the others were unaware. Witnessing the Devil Dao's foremost figure, Tan Xiaotian, hold Yu Yuan in such high esteem and seeing him confront the leaders gathered around the valley left them utterly speechless with shock.

The Supreme Intellect, a Divine King from an ancient era, remains largely enigmatic due to the tight control of information by the five supreme forces. Knowledge of him is confined to legends and recent tidbits of news.

Tan Xiaotian, however, is a different story. Before Lin Daoke came into his own, the Demon Lord was the epitome of the human race's combat prowess! Together with the Sky Tiger, he left an indelible mark of valor and monumental feats across the Outland Star River. Many divine positions within the Boundless Human Race were shaped by his martial might, cementing his status as a hero in the hearts of many.

It's astonishing that such a formidable and dominant figure would take a moment to reason with Yu Yuan. Even more surprising is his reluctance to immediately sever ties with Yu Yuan. When did Yu Yuan ascend to such a lofty position? It baffles everyone.

They can't fathom that Yu Yuan, who merely managed to repel Han Miaoyuan, would warrant such cautious treatment from the likes of Tan Xiaotian and the Supreme Intellect.

Suddenly, a brilliant cluster of stars, carrying a frigid breath, descended upon the Ascension Mountain Range like a celestial river, transforming into an icy silhouette beside Yu Yuan and Zu Ann.

"Starfrost Sword!"

"Jee Ningshuang!"

As exclamations echoed from all around, this newly elevated pinnacle of the Sword Sect, disregarding the differences between the factions, positioned herself close to Yu Yuan. With a delicate twist of her wrist, she aimed her sword sheath first at the Supreme Intellect within the banner, then, after a slight adjustment, at the Dark Cushion beneath the flagpole, clearly declaring her allegiance.

The onlookers were thrown into disarray, their minds a whirlwind of confusion as the intricate developments within the valley surpassed their expectations and understanding.

The Supreme Intellect, a once towering figure of the Divine Soul Sect, had succumbed to the abyss, even launching an assault on a soul of the Origin Realm God. Tan Xiaotian, a stalwart of the Boundless Human Race, was found to be in league with him, employing a dark soul to venture into the Origin Realm and make contact with the Dark Lord.

Yu Yuan, the Divine Soul Sect's emerging talent, had approached this ancient predecessor to demand the Soul Summoning Flag, his demeanor far from courteous.

Extreme Wisdom, despite his higher status and proven exceptional abilities, referred to the sect's junior, Yu Yuan, with deference, carefully choosing his words and maintaining a composed demeanor. It seemed he was wary of Yu Yuan's potential for impulsive action, concerned that Yu Yuan might act without regard for the consequences.

Moreover, Jee Ningshuang, who Lin Daoke and Han Miaoyuan had propelled to divinity, now stood shoulder to shoulder with Yu Yuan from the Divine Soul Sect. What was happening?


"This is just chaotic."

While Shi Jing'er from the Babel Chamber of Commerce was frazzled by the Asura Talismans, she kept a vigilant watch on the developments within the Ascension Mountain Range. Upon witnessing the scene, Shi Jing'er murmured, "Can either of you explain exactly what's happening here?"

Hu Po, a long-time resident of the Boundless Human Race, shook his head with a wry smile, indicating his confusion.

"Both Tan Xiaotian and Extreme Wisdom should be well aware that the power at Yu Yuan's disposal is more than enough to shatter the current state of affairs!"

Images of the Chaos Roc, the Abyss Goanna, and the two peak figures from other races, Zhong Chichen and Loong Jie, surfaced in Yinn Tiehua's thoughts.

She spoke gravely, "There are forces at play that remain unseen, yet to reveal themselves. But I sense that if Yu Yuan continues to confront Extreme Wisdom and Tan Xiaotian, they might be forced to abandon the Origin Realm Gate and flee the Vast Expanse."

"What?" Shi Jing'er was incredulous.

Hu Po looked stunned.

How could Yu Yuan possibly have the power to compel the Demon Lord, Tan Xiaotian, to retreat from the Vast Expanse?

After all, Tan Xiaotian was not Han Miaoyuan; the Demon Lord was renowned for his prowess in combat, not cunning!

"Excuse my frankness, but the power Yu Yuan can wield alone likely exceeds that of the entire Divine Soul Sect!" Yinn Tiehua asserted, gripping her walking stick with conviction.

Shi Jing'er and Hu Po stared at her, speechless for a long while.


"Take the Origin Realm Gate and the Soul Summoning Flag, and leave the Vast Expanse immediately."

Yu Yuan, with one hand on the Dragon Slash Platform and the other wielding the Optimus Sword, entered from beyond the valley.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The Dragon Slash Platform shimmered with iridescent ripples, warping the spatial laws within the valley. Cracks in space proliferated, unable to maintain their integrity due to his presence.

Even the Asuras could sense the call of the Soul Summoning Flag, yet they found it impossible to take the shortcut to reach this place.

"And then there's you, Mr. Tan."

Yu Yuan's eyes settled on the Dark Cushion. "You're free to use the Devil Soul to commune with the creatures of the abyss—I can't stop you, and right now, I don't have the time to care. However, when you converse with the Dark Lord of the abyss, I expect neither you nor the Origin Realm Gate to be within the Boundless Expanse."

"I have no say over what happens in the external realms, but you must not be in the Boundless Expanse."


Yu Yuan paused briefly, then continued, "Should the two Dragon Gods return to the Boundless Expanse, I will unsheathe my sword against Ji Ningshuang. Those you've encountered in the Gray Domain will band together to besiege you."

Tan Xiaotian's smile abruptly stiffened.

The Devil Lord's dark eyes transformed into swirling vortices of shadow, with countless strands of dark lightning weaving through them. He stared back at Yu Yuan with a calm demeanor, declaring, "No one can threaten me."

Yu Yuan remained silent.

With a swoosh, the Soul Summoning Flag, which had dominated half of the Ascension Mountain Range, began to retract swiftly, casting a massive demonic shadow that descended to the base of the flagpole.

Even more astonishing was the flag's gradual envelopment of the open Origin Realm Gate.

Inside the flag, the clear silhouette of Ji Ningshuang stood face to face with Yu Yuan, their gazes locked in a silent confrontation.

Outside the valley, Zu Ann and Jee Ningshuang felt a tightening in their spirits, while the Dark Cushion beneath Tan Xiaotian absorbed all light, swelling ominously.

The vast Ascension Mountain Range seemed on the verge of succumbing to an endless night, with Zu Ann and the other cultivators' mental connections threatening to snap.

At this moment, those above and within the Boundless Expanse who could witness this scene held their breath, not daring to make a sound.

They all seemed to understand that at any moment, a battle with the potential to alter the fate of the Boundless Human Race could break out.

Should anything go awry, the Boundless Human Race would face even greater calamities. Without waiting for the Asura tide to surge forth, these supreme forces could rip everything apart, shattering the landscape and reducing the empire to ashes in an instant.

Suddenly, they found themselves longing for Han Miaoyuan. They believed that if Han Miaoyuan, the greatest protector of the Boundless Human Race, were present, everything would be better.

"It's because it's you."

After a moment of silence, the Supreme Wisdom bowed his head and murmured, "Whether it was Taishi, Taixu, or the current Shehun, Tianqi, and any of the Divine Kings, I would have ignored such a request from anyone else."

"But because it's you."


The intricate spatial patterns inside the Soul Summoning Flag burst into a blinding light, transforming the flag, once used for summoning souls, into what seemed like a tunnel through space and time.

A sudden suction force emanated from the Soul Summoning Flag, directed solely at Tan Xiaotian. The Demon Lord, caught off guard, was swept into the Soul Summoning Flag along with the expanding Dark Cushion.

"It's because it's you that I am willing to compromise."

And with that, the Soul Summoning Flag vanished.

Libre Baskerville
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