Unmatched Dominance/C1785 Mysterious Galaxy Map
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Unmatched Dominance/C1785 Mysterious Galaxy Map
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C1785 Mysterious Galaxy Map

Lvliu and Yu Zhu, both newcomers to the Supreme Realm, are not unbeatable. Isn't it normal for them to bleed and sustain injuries?"

Zhong Chichen sneered, clearly holding the two in contempt. He gestured toward the Space-time Gate, constructed of dazzling, colorful gems, as the fissure within it widened further.

Yu Yuan didn't need to squint to discern the details. His unique Yang God had already identified the types of combatants from the crimson blood.

The blood belonged to a member of the Blood Devil Clan from the Dim Starfield.

The light green blood of Lvliu and the traces of Yu Zhu's blood were sparse within the crimson. Moreover, each drop of blood from Lvliu and Yu Zhu seemed to possess its own life force, continuing to consume the red bloodstains and extract the blood energy within.

Tiny green snakes, clear as emerald, darted through Lvliu's blood, while numerous droplets, like miniature watery worlds, drew in the blood energy from the red.

Yu Zhu's blood, laden with potent toxins and murky luminescence, steadily assimilated the blood energy from the Blood Devil Clan's warrior.

Despite their wounds, the blood of the two Demon Gods, now separated from their demonic forms, retained formidable power.

"You!" Zhong Chichen's slender arm swept through the air, and a flash of light twisted the space, sealing the rift. "Your Yang God is exceedingly unique. Despite the layers of spatial barriers, it could still detect the Yang Meridian and the Demon Phoenix. Before you decide to join the fray, it's best to refrain from prying into the Dim Starfield."

His secret rescue operation in the Dim Starfield had been compromised due to Yang God Yu's analysis of the bloodstains, alerting a towering presence nearby.

A colossal ape, unimaginably vast, clashed with deep purple Devil Souls, their energies like countless waterfalls, causing nearby stars to burst and scatter into a sea of meteor debris.

This was the clash between the Desolate God and High Priest Reid.

"Desolate God!"

That was the final image Yang God Yu witnessed before the space-time rift sealed shut.

"Hmm, he still had spare energy while battling Reid. His demonic power enveloped millions of miles of the starfield, ready to cast his gaze upon any slight disturbance."

Zhong Chichen stroked his chin, uncertain whether the Old Ape, who resided in the Great Swamp, had detected the passageway he had forged into the realm or sensed anything amiss.

"Per your instructions, I've established a conduit deep within the Dim Starfield. It wasn't exactly my creation; it preexisted, and I merely cleared it and linked it to the Tia Main Planet," Zhong Chichen clarified. "Based on the accounts of beings from the Gray Domain, our ancestors referred to it as the Tia Main Planet."

Yu Yuan remained silent.

The clash between the Desolate God and High Priest Reid was etched in his memory. He recalled the dark red moon of the Dim Starfield looming over the colossal ape form revealed by the Desolate God.

The moon that had once made him shudder now seemed no larger than a clay pellet atop the Old Ape's head.

Yu Yuan felt that if the Old Ape hadn't been preoccupied with Reid, a few casual swats could have shattered that crimson moon.

Based on this impression alone, Yu Yuan had little confidence in the Yang Meridian.

The supreme entity of the Demon Palace was a tier above the Old Ape, a purple phoenix that hunted gargantuan beasts across the heavens. How long could the Yang Meridian withstand such a force?

"We haven't reached the Origin Blood Continent yet, so there's no rush," he mused.

Noticing Yu Yuan's silence, Zhong Chichen spoke up. After casting a glance at Loong Jie, the once Space-time Dragon added, "I've observed the Demon Phoenix from a distance, and she has yet to act. However, she's grown far more formidable than before. I even doubt..."

A flash of defiance sparked in Loong Jie's golden eyes.

Zhong Chichen continued, "I doubt that even with Loong Jie's Golden Body perfected, he could slay her. And you..."

He paused thoughtfully before resuming, "Your prime strength back then would, at best, match her current might. Luckily, you were graced with the Origin Blood's favor before her, acquiring the miraculous Yang God to compensate for past weaknesses. Otherwise, even fully awakened, you might not have been able to surpass her."

Zhong Chichen's apprehension of the Demon Phoenix was palpable.

"Besides the Great Demon God Beilstein, I can't imagine anyone else who could best her in a one-on-one confrontation."


Within the Gray Domain, atop the expansive Dragon Slash Platform, stood Yu Yuan, Jee Ningshuang, the unified Lau Ying with the Yang God, the Star Race's Denise, the Violent Bear, and three other alien beasts at the peak of the Ninth Level.

The constraints on the Violent Bear's bloodline remained intact. For now, Yu Yuan had only discovered a method to prolong the alien beasts' lifespans, enabling them to live longer.

Infusing life essence into the Bloodline Crystal Chain, which was tied to the re-creation of life, proved to be straightforward.

Yet, it seemed that neither the Violent Bear nor the other three beasts were in immediate need of his assistance.

Still, the challenge of elevating their bloodlines to the Tenth Level left him without a clue.

With a whoosh, the Dragon Slash Platform teleported across vast distances, arriving at the ground beetle's hiding spot in an instant.

The arrival of the platform caused the decrepit microcosm to shudder and shift.

The juvenile ground beetle, terrified by Jee Ningshuang's presence, panicked and fled without a second thought.

"Why are you running?" Yu Yuan demanded, his gaze stern. As the deity and sovereign of this realm, with a mere thought, he intensified the gravity field of the world harboring the ground beetle by a thousandfold.

The little world that had begun to move was suddenly rendered motionless.


Jee Ningshuang brandished her sword, shattering boulders and forcing the ground beetle to emerge amidst swirling dust.

The colossal beetle, its body nearly filling the subterranean world, had carapaces adorned with natural star maps that shone brilliantly.

It was as if the configurations of the Eon Realm had been etched onto its shell from time immemorial, a natural occurrence.

"Its ancestors explored the entire cosmos of our world, traversing the Eon Realm, imprinting the star maps within their bloodline. And this bloodline was passed down to it. So from birth, its shell bore... Hm!" Mid-sentence, Jee Ningshuang, her sword now sheathed, paused as she gazed at the intricate star maps adorning the ground beetle's form.

Her gaze, cool and contemplative, lingered on the neck of the ground beetle as she studied the crescent-shaped Galaxy Map. "What does the edge of the Galaxy Map connect to?" she mused. "If I recall correctly, that's the Starry Border, which ought to be a void."

At her words, Lau Ying and Denise gasped in amazement. Both were captivated by the Galaxy Map adorning the ground beetle. Denise felt the starry bloodline within her stir uncontrollably, an urge to dash toward the ground beetle and immerse herself in the vast Galaxy Map to ponder and perceive its secrets.

Ji Ningshuang's comment left Lau Ying and Denise gazing at the crescent-shaped Galaxy Map in a trance, yet they discerned nothing.

With a roar, the Raymon Beast thumped its chest and growled, signaling to Yu Yuan that the crescent-shaped starry sea was the current outpost of the Divine Soul Sect beyond the heavens. It also conveyed that unknown beings occasionally emerged in the starry edges of this region, consistently quelled by the Divine Soul Sect.

"What's it saying?" Ji Ningshuang inquired, intrigued.

Yu Yuan relayed the information: "That's the Divine Soul Sect's extraterrestrial stronghold. It's incredibly distant from the galaxy's core, according to the beast."

In a flash, Lau Ying transformed into a beam of starlight and alighted upon the ground beetle's neck, her feet resting on the crescent-shaped Galaxy Map. The beetle's head, which had just withdrawn into its shell, peeked out slowly in response to her gentle whisper and presence.

That small portion of its head, bathed in mesmerizing starlight, resembled a dazzling nebula, reaching out to Lau Ying for aid with sounds that even Yu Yuan found incomprehensible.

Witnessing this, Denise managed a wistful smile, realizing that her connection with the ground beetle was not meant to be. She was puzzled; despite being a descendant of the Star Race with their blood coursing through her veins, why hadn't the ground beetle shown her any favor?

Sensing Denise's sourness, Lau Ying offered an explanation from atop the crescent-shaped Galaxy Map, "Your Star Race's formidable warriors once ventured into the Gray Domain. They relentlessly hunted for it, slaughtering its larvae without mercy. Their actions were far from friendly."

"It dislikes the Star Race because the most powerful among them wanted to turn it into a Star Shield and enslave it."

Denise's gaze grew somber.

Yu Yuan cleared his throat, his thoughts drifting to the arrival of Beru, Leo, and Gheirat—three Ninth Level Star Race warriors whose intentions echoed what Lau Ying had described.

The Star Race clansmen of the past likely harbored similar, if not more extreme, sentiments.

Thus, they alienated the ground beetles, who not only refrained from approaching them but also purposefully evaded them.

"It also mentioned that the natural Galaxy Map on its shell will update once it reaches adulthood. The galaxies its ancestors explored are unimaginably vast, even beyond the realms we currently comprehend," Lau Ying exclaimed, astonished.

Her words sent a wave of amazement through everyone on the Dragon Slash Platform.

"Beyond our knowledge?" Yu Yuan called out.

"Yes, it implied that..."

Lau Ying searched for the right words, "Its ancestors ventured into even more distant territories. They crossed our Starry Border but were gravely wounded and had to retreat."

"Yet, wherever its ancestors journeyed, they left behind a Galaxy Map, which will fully manifest when it matures."

"The crescent-shaped starry sea on its neck is just one of the connections."

"Beneath it, there's a similar spot that links to other realms. Its ancestors, being adult ground beetles, could traverse the Starry Border and encounter otherworldly beings."

Lau Ying's revelations rendered everyone on the Dragon Slash Platform speechless, with Yu Yuan and Jee Ningshuang feeling particularly shaken.

"She's correct. Oh, I mean, this little ground beetle is correct."

The deep, grave voice of the Abyss Goanna resonated from a distance, "Beyond the Abyss, I am aware of other exotic realms. Alas, I cannot breach the limits of the Starry Border, nor do I dare to venture further."

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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