Unmatched Dominance/C1790 Phoenix Shadow
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Unmatched Dominance/C1790 Phoenix Shadow
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C1790 Phoenix Shadow

Tianqi stood with the majesty of a mountain, his thick neck bulging with veins like small, ferocious snakes. His eyes blazed with intense fervor. Suddenly, he bowed deeply to Yu Yuan with utmost respect, yet he remained silent. After his bow, he stepped back to stand beside the composed Taishi, his gaze still brimming with sincere respect and adoration.

"Him?" Yu Yuan was at a loss for words.

"Yes, he's aware," Taishi confirmed with a shrug and a casual smile. "When I went to summon Shehun, I mentioned that you've taken physical form. Tianqi was there too. As time goes on, more people are learning your true identity. Since Tianqi is one of us, there's no longer any need for secrecy."

"And another thing," Taishi continued, "Tianqi is the new generation's most revered Divine King. Your remarkable military exploits and innovative concepts have always inspired him. You are his guiding light and the pillar of his faith." There was a trace of envy in Taishi's voice.

Tianqi nodded emphatically, then flashed a wide grin. "You two have your chat. As the younger one, I'll wait outside."

With a thunderous boom, his vigorous blood energy surged forth like a broad, blood-red meteor, transforming into a towering, blood-colored mountain range. He made no effort to conceal his presence from the Plover Realm or the Epitaxial Realm.

"Now, we're not concerned about Lin Daoke or the Sword Sect knowing of his arrival," Taishi said, turning his gaze toward the mountain cave. "In the Dim Starfield, the Demon Phoenix's presence is growing stronger. The Blood Devil Clan and those from the Yang meridians will likely retreat to the Origin Blood Continent. The Blood Curtain Wall there, along with the bloodline laws established by the Yang meridians, will be the stage for the final confrontation."

"I fear the source of the Yang meridians won't withstand much longer," Taishi added gravely.

He and Tianqi, both Divine Kings, had not ventured directly into the Plover Realm but instead wandered the periphery, keeping an eye on various concerns. The vast expanses of the Serene Starfield, the Delude Devil Abyss, the Green Fluorescent Realm, and the myriad realms beyond the heavens demanded the Divine Soul Sect's attention. The sect had an overwhelming number of matters to prioritize.

Before Lin Daoke's defeat, once they entered the Plover Realm, it would be challenging to leave.

Their simultaneous appearance in the Oblivion Starfield indicated the high value they placed on Lin Daoke, focusing intently on the clash between Shehun and him.

"In the Gray Domain, I've made a discovery. The ground beetle's shell bears a Galaxy Map, a mark of the Divine Soul Sect's outpost beyond our world. There are rumors of unknown entities there. Additionally, the Abyss Goanna mentioned witnessing extraordinary extraterrestrial species at the Starry Border."

Yu Yuan, glancing toward the Epitaxial Realm, seemed to be in a silent exchange with Shehun.

He could barely make out a striking figure, an embodiment of myriad purple demonic fires and lightning, sketching out impeccable contours, drawing together dispersed forces.

Shehun was in the midst of shaping her form, forging her Divine Throne, and tempering a new physique.

"I learned of this only after visiting the site. For the details, we must await the conclusion of Shehun and Lin Daoke's duel. She will provide a firsthand explanation. Shehun's presence there is due to her inability to leave for extended periods; she faces real threats that demand her vigilance."

Pausing briefly, Taishi added, "The profound essence of the Yang God's life is the key to divinity, and the soul's journey is inherently yours. Once you ascend to the highest echelon, what is rightfully yours will naturally return. Everything will fall into place."

"Now, focus on monitoring the Dim Starfield, and be especially cautious of the Demon Phoenix."

"Leave Lin Daoke to us; rest assured, we are well-equipped to manage the situation."

He exuded confidence, encouraging Yu Yuan to remain vigilant in the Gray Domain, with no need for concern over their handling of Lin Daoke.

"The Gray Domain is vast, brimming with abundant resources and energy. I intend to unlock the wonders of this place," Yu Yuan shared his vision.

"To think you've managed to take control of the Gray Domain so effortlessly is surprising. But don't rush; when the moment is right, the Divine Soul Sect's headquarters and the formidable forces of the Plover Realm will gravitate toward the Gray Domain," Taishi reassured, gesturing dismissively with a smile. "For now, there's still a sense of wariness surrounding the Gray Domain."

Yu Yuan nodded in agreement.

Upon entering the Gray Domain with Taixu and the Chaos Roc, they noticed that the once-frequent visitors—powerful beings from beyond the Gray Domain—had sensed the internal strife and had withdrawn.

The current population of sentient creatures within the Gray Domain had significantly dwindled compared to its initial state.

Given that the Gray Domain could accommodate hundreds of millions of beings, leaving such a vast and valuable expanse devoid of life seemed a terrible waste.

While Yu Yuan's Yin God conversed with Taishi in the Oblivion Starfield, the Abyss Goanna emerged from the Tia Main Planet within the Gray Domain.

He settled on the Heaven Opening Flare Star and, after a brief pause, inquired, "Are you planning to guide the other races here?"

"Yes," Yu Yuan confirmed.

"I've sent Jessica back to the Silver Scale Clan for restructuring. The conflict in the Dim Starfield hasn't commenced yet. With your permission, I'd like to send some of our Eighth and Ninth Level warriors to a star over there."

The elderly lizard gestured towards a distant point, painting a vivid picture.

As he described it, an image of a Domain Boundary materialized in Yu Yuan's mind.

It seemed the old lizard had long since scouted this land, deeming it suitable for both the Abyss Goanna and the Silver Scale Clan.

"No problem," Yu Yuan responded readily.

The old lizard's eyes gleamed, and a hint of a smile graced his parched lips. "In that case, I'll call Jessica here!"

He expelled a surge of blood energy, resembling a landslide, which descended into a deep cavern on the Heaven Opening Flare Star.

"While you were busy elsewhere, Aokun and I roamed the Gray Domain, increasingly convinced that this place represents the future of our world," the Abyss Goanna reflected with a sense of nostalgia. "Previously, it was far too chaotic here, with the foundational laws of this realm unsorted and fraught with unpredictable perils."

"The Dragon Slash Platform in your possession, along with your Yang God, have significantly stabilized the Gray Domain."

"As for myself, being revered as the Founder by the Silver Scale Clan, I feel compelled to contribute to their welfare. Before your grand scheme is set in motion, selecting a suitable domain for them is my way of giving back." The old lizard's thoughts lingered on the Silver Scale Clan. He had instructed Jessica and two clan elders to depart earlier, yet he had already covertly given them their orders.

He pinpointed the approximate location within the Gray Domain, detailing the hidden silver mines and bodies of water that would be ideal for members of the Silver Scale Clan to enhance their bloodlines.

He contemplated that even if he were to depart from the Gray Domain and continue to drift along the Starry Border, the Silver Scale Clan could utilize the wondrous sites he had discovered to eventually explore the Gray Domain themselves.

"What about Awkwafina?" Zhong Chichen inquired offhandedly.


The Abyss Goanna huffed, his gaze growing icy, "She's not like me; she's wholly committed to the Abyss. Over there, she reveres a so-called Evil God of Shadows as her master. I may not like her, but in light of her obedience, I've kept my word."

"I permitted her to leave the Gray Domain. Whatever choices she makes in the future, whether to lead the Shadow Clan towards the Abyss's Evil God or not, is no longer my concern."

"Have you heard that your Wisdom Divine King has reconstructed the Origin Realm Gate?" Zhong Chichen said with a sneer.

"A dark soul of Tan Xiaotian has already passed through. Moreover, there will be an increasing number of individuals like Awkwafina. Once the Wisdom Divine King departs the Vast Expanse, he will venture into the lands of various races to disseminate the marvels of the Origin Realm." Yu Yuan furrowed his brow, anticipating that some would inevitably succumb to the lure and follow in Tan Xiaotian's footsteps.

The Origin Realm under the Wisdom Divine King's dominion might prove even more formidable than when it was in the hands of the Origin Realm God. It's uncertain how many will be drawn to delve into its depths.

Zhong Chichen's gaze abruptly shifted to the Tia Main Planet!

Yu Yuan also had an immediate reaction, spotting a massive, multicolored archway that appeared to have been forcibly rent open by an irresistible force.

A withered female form was tossed from another world as if it were mere refuse.

"Ann Ziqing!"

Yu Yuan's face contorted with shock. He instantly teleported to the Tia Main Planet using the Dragon Slash Platform, only to find Ann Ziqing's desiccated body.

Ann Ziqing, who had become the Yang God of the Blood Demon, was missing.

Her body was riddled with injuries, the emaciated human form likely having endured lashings and claw punctures. She lay unconscious, with scarcely any blood remaining within her.

She could only just manage to cling to her basic life force.

Her body's blood and Qi microcosm, once filled with purple crystal-like blood pools, had completely dried up, and even the purple crystal basins had fractured.

It was as if someone had taken a dislike to any trace of purple on her.

The purple divine armor that had enveloped her was also shattered. The fragments of the armor turned to dust and smoke upon her impact with the ground, vanishing within moments.

Similarly, the purple crystal shards within her blood and Qi microcosm dissipated into nothingness.

A certain force seemed intent on stripping her of every last hint of purple.

"It's the supreme being of the Demon Palace."

The Chaos Roc's face contorted slightly as it spoke. "She's mocking you, and by extension, all of us. By deliberately sending Ann Ziqing's human form here, she's making it clear that she not only knows about the existence of the Realm's passageway but also possesses the power to transport people through it!"

Zhong Chichen had hurried over from the Heaven Opening Flare Star and was now staring at the fissure that had burst open, a breach he found himself unable to seal.

"It's her power!"

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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