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"Help me."

The Blood Devil Clan, sovereigns of the Dim Starfield, had seized control of the Yang meridian on the Origin Blood Continent. Now, through Ann Ziqing's human form, they were unexpectedly seeking assistance from Yu Yuan.

Only Yu Yuan and Ann Ziqing heard the plea.

Moreover, after the words "help me" were uttered, all traces of the Yang meridian's presence and thoughts vanished without a trace.

"It's... it!"

Ann Ziqing's frail body shuddered slightly, her eyes, which were slowly regaining their brightness, filled with astonishment and bewilderment. She could hardly fathom that the Yang meridian, which she revered as divine, would specifically reach out to Yu Yuan for aid.

Yu Yuan, with a furrowed brow, observed her human form as it began to brim with blood energy, her skin gaining a healthy sheen and vitality. "It certainly has no shame."

Yu Yuan's two ventures into the Dim Starfield had been anything but enjoyable, with the Blood Devil Clan and the Yang meridian repeatedly targeting him.

On his first attempt, he nearly exhausted all his strength to escort the Secular Bird Queen out and nearly perished in the Epitaxial Realm.

And now the Yang meridian had the audacity to ask him for help?


Ann Ziqing's exclamation drew the attention of the Chaos Roc, who, in the guise of a gaunt old man, sensed the resurgence of blood energy within her and spoke with a dark tone, "Could it be that the power of the Demon Phoenix still lingers in her body?"

"It's not the Demon Phoenix; it's the Yang meridian," Yu Yuan replied with a hint of scorn.

The Chaos Roc sneered, "What does it intend to do? It's been cornered by the Demon Phoenix and those beasts. Does it still dare to harbor any designs against you?"

During his time in the Dim Starfield, he had clashed with the source of the Yang Meridian. Although briefly favored by the source blood, he had sought to draw nearer to it, only to be brutally attacked and driven out by the Blood Devil Clan's mightiest, acting under the Yang Meridian's command.

The Chaos Roc harbored no fondness for the Yang Meridian. Should an opportunity arise to deliver a crushing blow, he would certainly not let it pass by.

Both the source of the Yang Meridian and the Demon Phoenix were formidable foes he despised and feared.

He was eager to get involved simply because he harbored a strong dislike for both parties. Having been wronged by each of them, he couldn't wait to see the Yang Meridian and the Demon Phoenix tear into each other.

"It's asking for my help."

The same line was spoken by two Yu Yuans.

One was on Tia Main Planet, while the other, Yu Yuan's Yin God, spoke to Taishi in the Oblivion Starfield.

"Help it?"

The Chaos Roc slapped its thigh, laughing wildly, clearly thrilled. "It's finally come to this! I actually despise it even more than the Demon Phoenix! Let's not bother with its fate. This treacherous, sly creature deserves to meet the same end as the Yin Meridian!"

Zhong Chichen pondered for a moment and then spoke, "Could Grec have betrayed us? He sent Ann to the Realm passageway. With a Yang Meridian message hidden within her, was she deliberately brought here?"

The Abyss Goanna interjected, "If I hadn't sealed the archway and the Demon Phoenix hadn't made its move, if this girl had reached the Gray Domain successfully, it... it could have used her to establish communication with us while we were observing the Dim Starfield."

Zhong Chichen nodded, "That's the case."

Ann Ziqing wasn't severely injured by the Demon Phoenix and managed to reach the Gray Domain smoothly. As long as they peered into the Dim Starfield through a small gap, the two worlds would be connected.

With the Yang Meridian's power, they could indeed engage in deeper conversation with Yu Yuan through Ann Ziqing.

"Perhaps the secret Realm passageway Grec mentioned was indeed influenced by the Yang Meridian," Zhong Chichen said with a cold huff. "It seems the patriarch of the Blood Devil Clan wasn't swayed by you after all. He's still aligned with the Yang Meridian. The passageway, Ann Ziqing, and your attempts to beguile him—he likely disclosed everything to the Yang Meridian."

"Grec is too deeply poisoned," the Chaos Roc said, shaking its head in disappointment.

Subsequently, the group debated whether to establish communication with the Yang Meridian by other means.

Should they reach out to the Yang Meridian before the Demon Phoenix and the Beast Tide made it to the Origin Blood Continent?


"We can't trust the Yang Meridian!"

"It's even more treacherous and vile than the Demon Phoenix!"

Unexpectedly, whether it was the Chaos Roc, the Abyss Goanna, Zhong Chichen, or the Violent Bear, they all shook their heads in agreement.

The Violent Bear, expelled from the Origin Blood Continent by the Yang Meridian and the Blood Devil Clan, harbored the most intense animosity towards the Yang Meridian. It kept whimpering, imploring Yu Yuan to ignore it.


Yu Yuan consented, taken aback by the widespread loathing for the Yang Meridian concealed within the Origin Blood Continent.

His allies all shared a disdain for the Yang Meridian, wishing for its source to vanish sooner rather than later.


"Heh, it looks like it's finally at its breaking point."

Elsewhere, Taishi wasn't the least bit surprised, simply smiling and nodding in acknowledgment.

"We're well aware of the Demon Phoenix's ferocity and irrationality. Once she sets her mind on something, no one can stop her, and she's rarely ever failed. Whether it was the downfall of the Nagas or the overthrow of our Divine Soul Sect, she ultimately prevailed."

"As for the Yang Meridian? Let it fend for itself. Even High Priest Reid has resigned himself to abandoning it, with no intention of fighting for it to the bitter end."

"It appears that the Great Demon God Beilstein shares this sentiment."

Taishi's final word meant that Yu Yuan's Yin God in the Oblivion Starfield need not heed the Yang Meridian's pleas for help.


A mesmerizing shadow enveloped in purple flames suddenly burst through the heavens of the Epitaxial Realm, standing amidst the cold, desolate cosmic river, as if gazing upon the Plover Realm.

Despite the vast expanse of space between them, Yu Yuan's presence exuded an oppressive melancholy.

The indistinct figure within the purple flames was unmistakably the visage of Shehun, her elegant form appearing to dance within the flames.

Two streams, one clear and one murky, cascaded like slender braids down the cheeks of the Demon God's silhouette.

The soul essence wielded by the source of the Yin Meridian seemed to have been fully deciphered by her, with the principles of the Great Dao manifesting directly within her divine form.

"Lin Daoke!"

Her distinctive, melodious voice echoed through the souls of the mighty beings across the Oblivion Starfield, compelling beings of all races to turn their gaze her way, no matter their location.

The shadow that represented her swiftly soared toward the Plover Realm.

"It's done!"

Taishi clapped his hands with a smile, his eyes brimming with satisfaction. "With her strength, she should have no fear of Lin Daoke from the Sword Sect. Tianqi and I will merely support from the backlines. We won't disgrace ourselves by joining the fray."

"Alright, let's make our move."

The bronze coffin emerged from the distance, gradually enlarging as it hovered amidst the cosmic river of stars.

Initially, it had appeared from nowhere above the Soul Transformation Pool in the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, settling atop the coffin's lid.

Tianqi, waiting outside, descended with a thunderous crash, his towering presence reminiscent of a blood-red mountain range.

The impact of Tianqi's landing could have shaken a lesser world to its core, yet the colossal coffin remained utterly still.

Standing beside Taishi on the lid of the coffin, Tianqi offered a distant, respectful bow to Yu Yuan's Yin God. With a wide grin, he said, "You needn't worry about us."


The bronze coffin, bearing Taishi and Tianqi, drew the gaze of the Oblivion Starfield's mightiest, following the envelopment of Shehun's purple demonic fire.

"They've arrived!"

"The three Divine Kings of the Divine Soul Sect have successively made their presence known in the Oblivion Starfield, all for Lin Daoke!"

"No, it's not just three—Taixu is also in the Plover Realm! Four Divine Kings are now in the Oblivion Starfield. It's uncertain whether Lin Daoke's swordsmanship will be enough to contend with them."

"This battle is unpredictable! After all, we're talking about Lin Daoke, the Boundless Human Race's paragon of swordsmanship and the foremost among humans!"


The speculation was rampant.

Numerous otherworldly beings, deeply invested in the outcome, had traveled vast distances to witness the conflict, opting not for the Galaxy Crossing of the Plover Realm but for alternative routes.

Upon arrival, Ninth Level warriors like Brie and Rebecca, as well as others, were dispersed among the Dead Silence Stars.

Lin Daoke opened his eyes and silently surged toward the starry expanse beyond the realm's barrier.

Yue Mu, Van Heqing, and the rest of the Great Sword Immortals rose to their feet, exchanging smiles before they too stepped into the starry sea, swords in hand.

"The battle between Shehun and Lin Daoke has commenced," Yu Yuan said, casting a glance at Jee Ningshuang, who was sitting in silence. "Would you like to watch the battle?"

After a moment's thought, Jee Ningshuang shook her head. "No, I don't need to watch."

"I'm keen to see it!" declared the Chaos Roc.

"So am I!" Zhong Chichen and Loong Jie chorused.

"Let's take a look then," the old lizard chimed in.

"My esteemed senior brother can show us the way. There's a channel in the Heaven Opening Flare Star that leads directly to the Oblivion Starfield," Yu Yuan offered his suggestion. Noticing Ann Ziqing managing to rise slowly, albeit with a face occasionally contorted in pain, he sighed, "Given your transformation into the Yang God, it's going to be tough for me to come to your rescue."

"If they can't save you, then no one can," Ann Ziqing said bleakly. "The Demon Phoenix is overwhelmingly powerful. I had hoped that by becoming the Great Demon God, I might stand a chance against her in the future. But to think that even my creator is no match for her, it's utterly disheartening."

"Just stay alive and you'll see me defeat her soon enough," Yu Yuan reassured her.

"You think you can do it?"

"I know I can!"

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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