Unmatched Dominance/C1795 A New Source of Strength!!
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Unmatched Dominance/C1795 A New Source of Strength!!
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C1795 A New Source of Strength!!

On the far side of the Origin Blood Continent, a dragon as vast as the Gold Mountain range unleashed an earth-shattering roar upon detecting the life essence it had long coveted. The blood sea surrounding it was littered with the floating corpses of the Blood Devil Clan, alongside the bones of dozens of alien beasts and Great Demons. These remains, slowly leeching their vital energy into the sea she had conjured, were soon to be devoured in one fell swoop to satiate her insatiable hunger.

But then, a deeper, more intense greed and hunger surged within her majestic purple-golden eyes. Her heart's nascent spatial bloodline chain, not yet fully mastered, shimmered with her mounting excitement.

With a rip, an unstable spatial rift tore open. The young Titan spinosaurus, still in its juvenile form, forced its way through the fissure. As it did, the dragon scales and horns caused the rift to burst apart, but she had already made it through.

The starry expanse she left behind was a tumult of ruptured voids and exploding energies. Numerous Great Demons and alien beasts of the Eon Realm were caught in the maelstrom, reduced to blood mist in an instant.

She bellowed with exhilaration, her gaping maw threatening to engulf the cosmos itself. Her sharp dragon teeth, dripping with corrosive saliva, aimed to shatter the deep red moon and the life-essence-filled Crimson Prisma.

Then, she would consume them, allowing the dragon's heart to fuse with her own, propelling her toward the legacy of her ancestors.

"Go amuse yourself elsewhere," came a dismissive command. A wing of the Supreme Demon Phoenix, reminiscent of a bloody world, struck out towards her. In an instant, a titanic Demonic Power Tide Storm enveloped her serpentine dragon form, whisking her away beyond the clouds.

With a mere flick, the Supreme Demon Phoenix had rendered the young spinosaurus lost to the unknown.

"I haven't decided to give you anything, so curb your expectations," the Supreme Demon Phoenix uttered with a light huff. Meanwhile, the young spinosaurus, now out of sight, continued to wail pitifully, as if still enduring the onslaught of her Demonic Power.

On the Dead Silence Stars, Lim Zhuyun's face, cold yet strikingly beautiful, was etched with fervent adoration.

As the juvenile Titan Spinosaurus burst through the sky, her blood quivered with an instinctive terror.

She had never imagined that the young creature, nurtured by the Supreme Demon Phoenix, would harbor such an intense longing for the deep red moon and the Crimson Prisma emanating from the Dim Starfield.

The Spinosaurus, spoiled by the Demon Phoenix and allowed to gorge itself within the Dim Starfield, had never known defeat—until now.

"This is the first time."

"Halfway there," remarked the Supreme Demon Phoenix nonchalantly, as if swatting a fly. Her face, aglow with divine radiance, gazed at the departing blood-colored crystals. Resting her cheek on her hand, she declared, "Without the emergence of new, astonishing powers, her journey of return will cease."

Without any visible effort on her part, the blood-colored crystals that had been falling into the crimson moon after Ann Ziqing's fragmentation now hung motionless in the air.

Regardless of the Yang Meridian's pull or Ann Ziqing's calls from beyond, the remaining crystals were as immovable as if rooted to the spot.

This indicated that she had the power to prevent the first crystal from departing.

She had refrained only because she was curious to see who the Yang Meridian had enlisted for help, and what magnitude of force they could muster together.

The swathes of crimson sword light failed to pique her interest, easily extinguished with a wave of her hand.

Subsequent attacks, the Crimson Prisma bolstered by the Yang Meridian's blood energy, briefly invigorated her, bringing a pleased smile to her face.

But she quickly discovered that the power within the Crimson Prisma, the imprinted essence of life, was something she had long since mastered.

Her pleasure turned to profound disappointment; she grew discontent, craving more innovative and novel powers.

"I'll grant you a moment longer."

The purple divine throne drifted among the blood-colored crystals, her gaze lost in contemplation as she stared at the crimson moon. "You've chosen your moment well, coinciding with the Divine Soul Sect's Shehun and Lin Daoke's battle. What's the matter, afraid Lin Daoke might show up?"

Her voice dripped with sarcasm, "You can't even defend your own territory, yet you find the time to fret over others? How laughable. Despite possessing independent consciousness and will, you lack the genuine emotions of a sentient being. In truth, you are nothing at all."

Behind the immense purple divine throne, her wings unfurled and fluttered gently.


The solidified deep red moon, along with the fragments of Crimson Prisma at its edge, suddenly broke apart. Intricate blood lines emerged clearly on the moon's surface, and its connection to the Gray Domain became intermittent.

"My patience has its limits," the Supreme Demon Phoenix stated icily. "Whether it's you, Yu Yuan of the Gray Domain, or anyone else who desires the remaining part of that girl, show me something different."


Above the dark red floating rocks of the Gray Domain, Yu Yuan was wracked with violent coughs, blood tracing the corner of his mouth. It quickly solidified into clots that burst into streams of blood energy, eagerly absorbed by the anxiously waiting Ann Ziqing.

As part of the blood crystal returned, three new blood pools appeared within Ann Ziqing's microcosm of Qi and blood, slowly filling with sanguine fluid.

Yu Yuan, however, had been effortlessly countered by the Demon Phoenix from another world, now reeling from the impact of its vast demonic power. The energy, following the bloodline connection across layers of space, jolted his organs and shattered his fragile bones.

His Yin God, having already panicked and retreated to the Oblivion Starfield, was now regaining composure. Meanwhile, the Yang God within the depths of the bloody microcosm had transformed into a stalactite-like figure, its intense and pure blood radiance weaving through the arcane mysteries he had mastered.

At his zenith, yet hindered by the Demon Phoenix in a distant realm and unable to lock onto it with his soul, Yu Yuan found himself unable to summon the Sky Opening Array.

The deep red moon, symbolizing the Yang Meridian, was now tainted with the encroaching purple demonic energy.

Yu Yuan stood firmly on the Dragon Slash Platform, straining his eyes to see. All he could make out within the moon was the colossal purple divine throne, with only the vague silhouette of the Supreme Demon Phoenix visible.

"The transmission of your sword's power has been greatly diminished; it's hardly effective," he lamented. "The fearsome sword spell you've mastered is ill-suited for this kind of spatially separated combat."

The Spinosaurus, exuding an overwhelming presence, had hurried from the Tia Main Planet to stand by his side.

Jee Ningshuang, also sensing the dire situation, mounted the Starfrost Sword and ascended to hover beside Ann Ziqing, who was suspended in midair, her anxiety palpable.

With a flicker, a fragment of her starlight descended into the deep crimson moon, vanishing without a trace.

The starlight twisted and turned through the layers of space, its bestowed power diminishing with each layer it passed. Even in another realm, it would scarcely make a ripple.

"Should we just let it be?" Ann Ziqing suddenly spoke up, addressing Yu Yuan and the moon cradled within the floating stone, "The return of half the Yang God has already fulfilled me."

The moon flared to life in response.

The unique bond between this world and the Dim Starfield tightened instantly, and Yu Yuan could hear the mocking laughter of the Supreme Demon Phoenix.

In a flash, his Yang God, radiant as a Crimson Prisma, soared from his true form, aiming for the blood-hued floating stone.

He sought a deeper union with the moon within the stone.

"Father!" The little spinosaurus, arriving in a panic, bellowed in terror, "Don't! The Yang Meridian desires your aid in this manner! It seeks to strip you of your Yang God and claim the imprinted essence of life as its own! By entering now, you're playing right into its hands!"

Ji Ningshuang also cried out, "Stop! Half of Ann Ziqing's Yang God is not worth the risk! She hasn't perished!"

While speaking, the Great Sword Immortal of the Sword Sect, with an icy glare, admonished the distressed Ann Ziqing, "From the moment she swore fealty to the Yang Meridian and was marked with those crimson imprints, she became its thrall. Often, her consciousness is overridden, and she ceases to be herself."

"The person before you now, her actions, her thoughts, they could all be manipulations by the Yang Meridian!"

With a swift motion, Ji Ningshuang alighted upon the dark red boulder, her feet resting on the moon below as she leaned on the Starfrost Sword.

A white, misty frost spread like an ocean over the stone, engulfing both the massive boulder and the moon within, while her newly awakened power of extreme cold manifested as shimmering flames and fierce lightning.


Jee Ningshuang, intent on thwarting Yu Yuan, channeled her divine power of extreme cold in an attempt to freeze the dark red moon, but she suddenly let out a soft gasp.

She keenly sensed that her icy divine power was wary of the dark red moon, prompting her to dispatch it to the Dim Starfield.

Oddly enough, her icy divine power seemed unaffected by the layered spatial barriers and reached its destination without any hindrance.

Moreover, upon arrival, it instantly transformed into a straight and razor-sharp glacier!

Far from being diminished, her power experienced a tremendous boost the moment it touched the dark red moon.


Planting her sword tip into the ground with one hand, she used her free hand to halt Yu Yuan's descent, saying, "Let me have a try!"

"No, we should do this together!"

Yu Yuan descended with the Yang God and joined her on the dark red boulder, both standing over the dark red moon beneath their feet.

Yu Yuan's hand, gleaming like a red crystal, clasped hers, and he flashed a wide grin.

In the next instant, a fresh surge of scarlet light, seemingly encased in frost, burst forth towards the dark red moon below, targeting the meticulously arranged Dim Starfield.

A miraculous glow suddenly erupted in Jee Ningshuang's beautiful eyes, and she instantly sensed something extraordinary.

"Can it really work?"

Her face was a picture of incredulity, as if she was grappling with an unfathomable event unfolding in an alternate universe.


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