Unmatched Dominance/C1800 They Were Indeed Unable to Defeat Each Other
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Unmatched Dominance/C1800 They Were Indeed Unable to Defeat Each Other
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C1800 They Were Indeed Unable to Defeat Each Other

Upon realizing his new offensive tactic was effective, Yu Yuan's spirits soared. He unleashed a barrage of golden radiance with renewed vigor.

The galaxy, ripped asunder by the Supreme Demon Phoenix, now served to bolster his power.

The arcane abilities of the Dragon Slash Platform enabled him to navigate through various dimensions and points in time. Whenever he emerged beside an unguarded flank of the Demon Phoenix's wings, he seized the opportunity to thrust with the Golden Dragon God's piercing golden light at the purple-gold feathers.


After the first feather of the Demon Phoenix was penetrated, the purple-gold feathers that burst in the sky transformed into a shower of blood, which began to merge midair.

In mere seconds, hundreds of purple crystals, no larger than fingernails, reformed into pristine purple feathers!

The golden hue receded, and the noble, resplendent purple feathers no longer bore a metallic sheen but reverted to the Demon Phoenix's original hue and shape.

They appeared exceedingly magnificent, ethereal, and nimble, a far cry from the cold hardness of iron.

Elegance, keenness, and lightness were the true essence of her feathers.

Within the purple plumage, the delicate veins pulsed like streams of blood, carrying the ancient powers and mystical abilities of numerous formidable demons.


All traces of gold vanished in an instant. The Demon Phoenix, perched on her colossal divine throne and fluttering her wings, ceased her furious tirade. Her demonic gaze turned icy and tranquil.


Seven golden beams effortlessly penetrated her purple feathers, with the golden light shining through almost immediately.

Yet, the feathers that had been punctured healed in the blink of an eye.

Her extraordinary phoenix form harbored no fear of being pierced; she could mend the wounds the moment they were inflicted.

Her mastery over blood energy, rivaling that of the Yang meridians, and her unmatched regenerative powers meant she had little concern for additional perforations in her wings.

Her transformation into the "Ultimate Golden Body" was merely a test, a curiosity to gauge Yu Yuan's might.

She had no need for such a guise; even in her true form, she did not dread the so-called "Sky Opening Array" or the elite divine brilliance of the Golden Dragon God.

"Is that all?"

She mocked, observing Yu Yuan as he flickered in and out of existence within the myriad spatial fissures.

With one hand concealed within the divine throne, pressing where her heart might be, she declared, "Aside from this central nexus where blood energy converges and courses through, what does it matter if you riddle my limbs and wings with countless perforations? What does penetration prove?"

She ceased to spread her demonic energy in a frenzy.

The spatial rifts that had previously burst open began to close rapidly as she regained her composure.

Rising languidly from the immense divine throne, one of her wings transformed into a vast curtain that seemed to envelop the heavens and the earth, reminiscent of a blood technique safeguarding all living creatures, wary of striking the Dead Silence Stars with their Realm passageway.

It was as though another version of her was smacking the Origin Blood Continent with an enormous demonic shadow.


The unprotected Dead Silence Stars were obliterated by a single flap of her wing, and the formidable dragon breath that the small spinosaurus from the Gray Domain had strenuously delivered was also dispersed.

Yu Yuan could even faintly hear the agonized roar of the small spinosaurus.

Puff! Puff!

The Dead Silence Stars quaked, fracturing into massive meteorites before bursting into cosmic dust and debris.

In her wrath, the last of the Dead Silence Stars was reduced to cinders.

Consequently, the passageway to the Gray Domain ceased to exist.

"Now that you're here, and the young Sword Sect girl who practices the art of icy frost has also arrived, this passageway has outlived its usefulness," remarked the Supreme Demon Phoenix, who had risen to her feet. She nodded contentedly upon realizing there were no other beings, living or dead, within millions of miles of the starry expanse.

"The Abyss Goanna, the cowardly Chaos Roc, the Space-time Dragon, and Loong Jie will have to find alternative routes to the Dim Starfield," she stated nonchalantly, effectively cutting off Yu Yuan's retreat and leaving him without external support.

She then resumed her silent vigil.

During this brief interlude, she proactively reabsorbed her demonic energy, hastening the healing of the spatial rifts.

Before long, Yu Yuan discovered that not a single exploitable rift remained.

The expansive wings of the Demon Phoenix reverted from their purple-gold divine iron state to their original form, healing all punctures.

The Demon Phoenix's hand remained pressed against what seemed to be her heart, while her other hand beckoned to him, as if goading him to keep on stabbing.


A thunderous noise that reverberated across the galaxy emanated from the Origin Blood Continent. Yu Yuan glanced over and, through the vantage of the Dragon Slash Platform, saw another, even more formidable phoenix shadow brandishing thousands of lightning-formed Totem Pillars. It embodied the ancient bloodline laws of the demon race, furiously colliding with the celestial realm's boundary wall.

The periphery of the Origin Blood Continent, resembling a giant ice sphere, was intricately woven with numerous life and blood secrets by the Yang Meridian. It was encased by an ice wall, energized by the bitter cold, which shattered like a succession of icy worlds.

As it crumbled, Jee Ningshuang's divine form emerged, sword in hand, as if she were the supreme deity of extreme cold between heaven and earth.

With each swing of her blade, streams of icy light transformed into razor-sharp icicles, thousands of meters long, clashing with the thick, totemic bloodline lightning that resembled the ancient Demon Phoenix.

Harnessing the frigid depths below and leveraging the power of the Origin Blood Continent's barrier, her battle with the Demon Phoenix took on an even more grandiose and fierce air.

The spectacle was truly intense and awe-inspiring!

The Desolate God, the White Divine Tiger, and legions of high-ranking demons and alien beasts densely populated the central galaxy, all watching the conflict with bated breath.

This clash seemed to be the true determinant of victory.

For Yu Yuan, the outcome of his battle with the Demon Phoenix seemed inconsequential to the grand scheme of the Dim Starfield.

With a stern expression, Yu Yuan inquired, "What fraction of your strength are you using?"

The massive presence of the Demon Phoenix on the opposite side, with its surging power, dwarfed the human form before him. Yu Yuan was eager to gauge the extent of the Demon Phoenix's might.

"Do you really want to know?" the Demon Phoenix asked, her eyebrows arching.

Yu Yuan gave a slight nod.

"Thirty percent," she revealed.

The Demon Phoenix smirked, her gaze filled with condescension as she looked upon Yu Yuan clutching the Dragon Slash Platform. "You should feel honored. Without even having forged your ultimate Primordial Spirit, you've compelled me to exert thirty percent of my power. Though I haven't launched a serious assault yet, I've merely been observing your display of strength."

"Still, that should be enough to swell your pride."

With a mocking laugh, she added, "I only needed fifty percent of my power to drive Yuwen Hao from the vast expanse. Lin Daoke and Tan Xiaotian, either one, would at most draw out seventy percent of my power. Among all living creatures, how many truly merit my personal attention?"

"A single Sky Tiger could annihilate them, leaving none behind, shattering their very essence."

During their exchange, her hand, which had been pressed against the purple divine throne at her chest, relaxed.

At that moment, as she shifted from sitting to standing and let her hands fall away from her chest, Yu Yuan noticed that despite her somewhat off-putting face, her figure was nothing short of spectacular. She boasted a statuesque frame, full and firm breasts, a waist that could be encircled with a single grasp, and long, straight legs that epitomized beauty. While her facial features might not be naturally pleasing, her body was undeniably natural.

Anyone who ignored her face would be inclined to believe they were beholding a woman of unparalleled beauty, drawn in by her enchanting figure and filled with eager anticipation to see her face. Yu Yuan couldn't help but imagine the disappointment and dejection of those who, initially captivated by her physique, would then gaze upon her face only to find it jarringly peculiar.

"Your gaze... Damn it!" she snapped, having keenly sensed the complex shift in Yu Yuan's eyes as if she had read his thoughts, which reignited her fury.

With a swift motion, she unfurled her wings and brandished her blade, no longer passively awaiting Yu Yuan's display of power but instead delivering her own fierce response. A slender, radiant streak of purple lightning cut through the Gloom Star River, seemingly cleaving the heavens and the earth in two.

Time and space around Yu Yuan came to a standstill, the energy of the cosmos halted, and all he could see was the purple lightning bearing down on him, threatening to split the very fabric of the chaotic world.

She had evidently mastered the arcane intricacies of the Space-time Dragon's bloodline and adeptly incorporated them into her attacks.

"Space Rend!" Yu Yuan bellowed, the Dragon Slash Platform in his hand emitting a burst of rainbow luminescence, shattering the confines of the sealed starry expanse. He then hoisted the Dragon Slash Platform aloft, bracing for the onslaught of the purple lightning.

The impact was cataclysmic. The purple lightning collided with the Dragon Slash Platform with such ferocious and unyielding force that it fractured the Silvery Land within the miniature world, splintering the bones in Yu Yuan's arm.

He and the Dragon Slash Platform were sent plummeting toward the abyss as if cleaved by the Demon Phoenix's wing. Descending rapidly, the terror of the Demon Phoenix's energy surged through him, starting from his arm bones, spreading to his neck, then his chest and abdomen, and finally down his legs.

His body was a lattice of broken bones, ruptured tendons, and organs awash with tainted blood. A single strike had left him grievously wounded.

As Yu Yuan continued his swift descent, the figure of the Demon Phoenix and the immense purple divine throne above it dwindled in his vision, shrinking to the point of vanishing from sight.

"You're actually still alive, not reduced to a mist of blood."

The Demon Phoenix's eerie soliloquy seemed to drift down from the celestial river above, reaching Yu Yuan as he felt himself plummeting towards the abyss. "You think I'm unaware of your thoughts? You don't have to voice them; even the mere act of thinking is enough to seal your fate. You're still going to die!"

In the heavens above, the phoenix's silhouette furiously beat its wings, sending streaks of purple lightning that grew larger in Yu Yuan's vision until they filled his entire sight.

He realized the Demon Phoenix had lost control once more.

This time, with his body grievously wounded and unable to muster the strength to defend, he was utterly vulnerable to the onslaught.


The Dragon Slash Platform, enveloped in a spectrum of divine light, shifted instantaneously from the secluded starfield to the Origin Blood Continent.

Yu Yuan, drenched in his own blood, found himself before the High Priest Reid, the Great Demon God Grec, and an assembly of awestruck Outland Devaputras.

Embarrassed, Yu Yuan wiped the blood from his face and offered a sheepish grin. "Clearly, I'm no match for her at the moment."

"Admirable, truly."

"Such bravery is praiseworthy!"

"That is the Demon Phoenix, the unrivaled champion of the starry skies!"

The Outland Devaputras, both familiar and unfamiliar faces, refrained from ridicule. Instead, they offered genuine admiration, their gazes filled with awe as if they beheld a deity.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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