Unmatched Dominance/C1801 It Was Blocked!!
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Unmatched Dominance/C1801 It Was Blocked!!
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C1801 It Was Blocked!!

Reid, Grec, and the familiar faces of Adler, Mitts, and Munch watched with respect as Yu Yuan approached, his body bathed in blood, flesh torn, and bones visible through his wounds.

Reid, the High Priest who had refined his demonic form, draped in a black cloak, had a face that was usually stern and gaunt. Now, it was etched with shock as he exclaimed, "Without you diverting some of her power, the Heavenly Barrier of the Origin Blood Continent would have likely been destroyed by now."

Only two members of the entire Blood Devil Clan remained lucid, their eyes not yet glazed over: the Great Demon God Grec and the venerable Munch. Their gazes towards Yu Yuan were tinged with complexity, a mix of reverence and a sense of kinship towards the Founder of their race.

Most of the Blood Devil Clan, whether in the cities of the Origin Blood Continent or in the mountains and wilderness, were in a state of disarray. The blood river beneath the earth had their intelligence sealed by the Frost Energy and was subsequently consumed by Yu Yuan's Yang God. The majority of the Blood Devils were affected, struggling to stay conscious. They wandered in a haze, feeling as though they were dead and trapped in a profound dream.

Grec and Munch, being a notch stronger, managed to maintain their clarity in Yu Yuan's presence, despite the odd sensations.

"I..." Yu Yuan began, but the mere act of speaking caused his lips to twitch painfully, pulling at the wounds on his face and body.

He knew that without swift recovery, his true form would lack the strength to fight. Even brandishing his sword would prove difficult. His meridians, bones, and organs had been thoroughly devastated by the Demon Phoenix's energy, leaving almost no part of him unscathed except for his soul consciousness.

"Just a moment!" he uttered.

As he spoke, a delicate mist of blood began to rise from the frostbitten earth. The wisps of crimson fog, drawn to his grievously injured form, swirled towards him and vanished into his body.

Grec and Munch exchanged a glance, their astonishment beyond words. They nearly shouted in realization—the blood mist contained the power of their Founder! Like them, whenever they were gravely wounded, they too would draw upon the thick blood energy for recovery. A Great Demon God like Grec could even use a blood crystal imprint to harness this potent blood energy for resurrection.

The Founder whom they had lost contact with was somehow able to release blood energy from the frozen earth, channeling it into Yu Yuan's body and aiding his recovery with astonishing speed.

What on earth had transpired?

Grec and Munch had witnessed Yu Yuan's Yang God arrive, understanding that it had plummeted to the earth's depths due to the sharpness and magic of the Dragon Slash Platform.

Yet, blinded by their worship, they assumed Yu Yuan was another Ann Ziqing!

Yu Yuan had immersed his Yang God in the blood-colored river left by their ancestors, seeking a shortcut to become the Great Demon God of the Blood Devil Clan and to confront the Demon Phoenix.

The Yang Meridian, their bloodline's source and deity, was believed to be omnipotent and possessed boundless power.

They were convinced that the emergence of the dark red moon in the distant galaxy was a calculated move by the Yang Meridian, a contingency against the Demon Phoenix, with Yu Yuan serving as its blade and ally.

Rooted in their hearts and souls by the Yang Meridian's rigid ideology, they dared not entertain any further thoughts.

They observed as Yu Yuan's form, once indistinct with blood, was fortified by the thick blood mist. His shattered bones were reforged, his severed sinews grew more robust and swiftly reconnected.

His organs returned to their places, and his blood surged through his veins like crimson lightning, leaving no trace once the blood crust peeled away.

"Is he... the one the old Patriarch always spoke of?"

The current leader of the Night Demon Clan, other than the High Priest Reid, gazed at Yu Yuan with astonishment and remarked, "Even with the infusion of immense blood energy, human flesh shouldn't heal this rapidly! This fellow is truly an anomaly!"

"Flake, do you really consider the man before you to be just an ordinary person?" Reid's face twisted peculiarly. He was among the few privy to Yu Yuan's true origins. "A human? Can a mere mortal's Yang God body harness blood energy so freely from the subterranean blood-red river?"

Flake remained silent.

Adler of the Elemental Devil Clan, Mitts of the Internal Demon Clan, and the Ninth Level Demon Gods brought by Reid and Flake all watched Yu Yuan with complex gazes.

As Yu Yuan's body swiftly mended, his eyes shifted towards the realm's barrier.

From within, the vista of the external galaxies was remarkably vivid.

A colossal purple phoenix, so vast it seemed to eclipse the sky, perched upon a purple palace amidst the stars. Nearby, a throng of alien beasts and great demons swarmed densely.

Among them were the Desolate God in human form, the White Divine Tiger, Lvliu, and Yu Zhu.

Jee Ningshuang's divine form, brimming with Frost Energy, radiated a chilling and deadly presence against the blood-red realm wall, resembling icy rock. The frigid Great Dao Laws, like serpentine ribbons of ice crystal, entwined around her waist.

It appeared as though each of the world's most extreme laws of cold could, at any moment, unleash an extraordinary attack.

The already imposing figure of the phoenix suddenly halted. The demonic energy at her graceful neck intensified in hue, signaling that the energy from her clone, previously battling on the other side of the galaxy, had been reclaimed.

Through the infinite vista of the Dragon Slash Platform, Yu Yuan witnessed the Supreme Demon Phoenix on the purple divine throne become ethereal and translucent.

A full third of the Demon Energy was departing.

Swoosh! Swoosh!

Abruptly, within the Yang God seated in the expansive blood river, a surge of memories and knowledge within one of his meridians began to sparkle like a constellation.

These were the secrets of the Origin Blood Continent's realm wall!

The myriad blood patterns would activate upon external assault, redirecting the incoming energy, repairing any ruptures, and bridging the blood energy and strength of all beings...

The command of the blood-colored realm wall, the utilization of those blood patterns, and the secret arts all became luminously clear.

As the Yang God gained insight, Yu Yuan's true form also came to know all these arcane mysteries.

"I have an even better idea!"

Before the astonished eyes of Reid, Flake, and the other Devaputras, Yu Yuan grasped the Dragon Slash Platform and soared skyward, appearing alongside the gleaming surface in the crimson firmament of the Origin Blood Continent.

The outer layer of Frost Energy, crystalline like ice, showed him such leniency and affection, offering no resistance.

For he had already earned the dual trust of Jee Ningshuang and the extreme cold.


Standing against the scarlet backdrop of the realm wall, Yu Yuan felt as though he was in an alternate blood-colored dimension. Without needing to rely on sight, he could sense the conspicuous and concealed clusters of blood patterns in this otherworldly realm.

The blood energy was diminished, the impact transferred, external forces diverted, foreign essences harnessed, and the formation fortified...

A myriad of complex and enigmatic blood patterns emerged one after another in his mind, coalescing into a colossal three-dimensional glyph that shrouded the entire Origin Blood Continent.

It was as though there were lakes of blood, crafted from these very patterns, filling the continent and concealed within the celestial barrier.

He had become the true master of it all.

"Perhaps, on the outer layer of Tia Main Planet, I could construct a celestial barrier like this. Although it lacks some of the Vast Expanse's diversity, it's equally wondrous. If I were to add the Dragon Slash Platform and inscribe upon it the laws of the Dao unrelated to blood energy and the essence of life, then it would be perfect."

At that moment, Yu Yuan's thoughts were brimming with ideas on how to transfer the hidden marvels of the Origin Blood Continent's barrier to the future Tia Main Planet.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Suddenly, nearly a hundred massive totem pillars cascaded from the wings of the Supreme Demon Phoenix.

These pillars were more numerous and robust than the previous thirty-six, containing the arcane bloodlines not just of the ancient demons but also of alien beasts and Starry Behemoths!

It was only after 30% of her power returned from her other clone that she regained her complete form.

In her complete form, she was regarded as the preeminent being in the cosmos by various powerful entities, following the departure of the Great Demon God Beilstein.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

Gigantic glaciers burst forth from the crystalline barrier, like swords of annihilation wielded by Ji Ningshuang, their icy gleam visible to the naked eye.

At that moment, any alien beast, demon, or person like Lim Zhuyun who favored Frost Energy could gain enlightenment of one or several aspects of the extreme cold celestial Dao by simply observing the icebergs up close, witnessing the crystalline Dao within, and tracking the fleeting paths of the cold light.

Many demons and alien beasts of the Eighth Rank, as well as extraterrestrial creatures, found their spirits and bodies chilled to the core after gazing at the icebergs for extended periods.

Their minds were infiltrated by the chill, becoming gradually numb and rigid as their blood ceased to flow.

Even the demons and alien beasts that had grown by consuming fire crystals had their eyes cracked by the frost, retreating with mournful howls as their crystalline fur shattered.

When Jee Ningshuang unleashed her extreme frost energy, morphing colossal icebergs to demonstrate the principles of ice, even bystanders were caught in the fray.


As nearly a hundred Totem Pillars, thick as ancient columns, plummeted and struck the icebergs, the crystalline essence within them shattered into fragments and burst apart.

Boom! The thunderous collapse!

The icebergs, like castles of blocks built by children, were obliterated in moments by the relentless assault of vicious beasts.

The numerous Totem Pillars of the Demon Race shone with a brilliance that beckoned all creatures to kneel in reverence. They stood like the primordial columns that propped up the chaotic world at the dawn of the universe, their countless enigmatic and intricate patterns pulsating with life, seemingly instructing beings on harnessing their own power.

Amidst the divine whispers, ancient beastly roars, and spirit cries, the Totem Pillars thundered down.

The icy rocks on the outer layer of the World Barrier Sky Curtain began to explode on a grand scale.

Chunks of ice, coalescing into blades of frost and laws, or transforming into stars with divine spirits, aimed at the chest of the expansive Demon Phoenix in flight.

Yet, with a gentle sweep of her other wing, she turned them into a dazzling shower of light.


Then, suddenly, spheres of blood-red mist coalesced from the World Barrier's ice, emerging at the very spots where the Totem Pillars descended, miraculously suspending them in midair.

Not one Totem Pillar could breach the outer ice and pierce through the World Barrier safeguarding the Origin Blood Continent.

The Supreme Demon Phoenix's mightiest strike was thwarted as Jee Ningshuang summoned that intense cold force, and Yu Yuan fortified the blood-red canopy.

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