Unmatched Dominance/C1802 Old Ape's Confusion
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Unmatched Dominance/C1802 Old Ape's Confusion
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C1802 Old Ape's Confusion

In the vast cosmos, the most formidable being's full-powered strike was astonishingly thwarted!

Great Demon Gods like Flake and Grec, as well as the Desolate God resembling a White Divine Tiger and Reid, the high priest of the Devaputra Race, were all stunned by this spectacle. They questioned themselves: had they been the ones facing the Demon Phoenix's onslaught, they likely would have been forced to retreat, compelled to dodge rather than confront it directly.

The towering Totem Pillars, akin to Holy Mountains, were immersed in the divine radiance of the Demon Phoenix. The vibrant Demon Runes etched upon them seemed to transform into the myriad of ferocious Demon Kings and Beast Kings of yore, as if they were howling skyward.

Even the incarnations of the totems seemed unable to come to terms with the outcome.

A primal roar erupted, shaking the heavens and causing the weaker demons and beasts to quiver in terror.

The Supreme Demon Phoenix's esoteric blood energy, combined with the life principles she had mastered, infused these ancient Demon Kings and Beast Kings with renewed vitality. These once-renowned rulers, who had briefly blazed across the celestial realm, now rose from the Totem Pillars, menacingly lunging towards the crimson clouds below.

And then...

With a whoosh, the materialized forms of Beast Kings, Demon Kings, and even fearsome beings like the Moon Swallowing Ape and the Demon God Qilin, descended through the clouds.

With a thunderous crash and blinding demonic lightning, the explosion reverberated through the blood-red mists, leaving the Devaputras across the Origin Blood Continent reeling.

Reid, Flake, and Grec, along with other Devaputra overlords, gazed upward as nearly a thousand savage, bloodthirsty demons and beast kings, employing their signature combat styles, swarmed into the blood-red clouds, launching another wave of precise and targeted assaults.

"Truly worthy of the Supreme Demon Phoenix!" Yu Yuan murmured, his eyes slightly narrowed. Deep within the sanguine mists that resembled a lake of blood, he observed that each colossal Demonic Beast and alien beast harbored a complete Bloodline Crystal Chain within them, their heart's blood energy bestowed by the Demon Phoenix.

They were alive! A trace of their Demon Souls manifested within their hearts, utilizing their familiar tactics in concert with their innate Crystal Chains to manifest their original might.

The Demon Phoenix didn't control their bodies with its own Demon Souls; instead, it had gathered their lingering Demon Souls and reforged their bodies. They were led to believe they were still alive, continuing to fight in a bloody, never-ending war.

"In this alternate world, where I've seized control of the Yang Meridian, you all are simply outmatched," Yu Yuan declared with a menacing laugh. With the Optimus Sword in one hand and the Demon Blade Blood Prison in the other, he strode across the Dragon Slash Platform, cutting through the blood-drenched otherworld, slaying the so-called Demonic Beasts and alien beasts.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

His silhouette, as swift as lightning within the blood-colored barrier sealed by ice and rock, was unmistakably clear against the backdrop of the thousands of Demonic Beasts and alien beasts.

The Devaputras, Demon Gods, and Beast Kings of the Origin Blood Continent could all see it clearly.

"The realm wall is indeed different with a master than without. And how can Yu Yuan so freely wield the power of the Yang Meridian's source?" Old Ape pondered, puffing on his pipe and scratching his head in bewilderment. "Well, regardless, I'm eager to see how this ends!"

Since the Supreme Demon Phoenix hadn't requested his involvement, he naturally stayed out of it.

If even the Supreme Demon Phoenix of the Demon Palace couldn't break the Origin Blood Continent's seal, then his efforts, along with those of the White Divine Tiger and Lvliu, would be futile—they weren't adept at breaching such barriers.

With that in mind, Old Ape's curious gaze fell upon a small purple-golden dragon shadow behind the grand purple palace. "Maybe she could give it a try."

He mused that the Spinosaurus, cherished by the Supreme Demon Phoenix and freely feasting on flesh in the Dim Starfield, might lend her considerable aid.


Sensing the Desolate God's watchful eye, the figure of the little Spinosaurus emerged from behind the purple palace—a delicate little girl, the very image of sculpted jade.

She looked like a chubby little girl with two braids dangling over her shoulders, topped with two budding purple-golden dragon horns just above her large, round eyes.

Aside from her eyes, hair, and dragon horns, her skin was as white as snow, and her features were exquisitely beautiful—a natural-born beauty.

Transformed into a human form, her presence was starkly different from Yu Zhu's; standing together, they were as different as night and day.

She seemed to embody all the world's beauty, like a sprite or fairy who had wandered into the mortal realm by chance. Her fitted purple gown accentuated her slender, elegant figure.

With a smirk playing at the corners of her translucent lips, she emerged from behind the grand purple palace, casting a proud glance at the Old Ape and remarked, "You old fellow, at least you have some insight!"

Despite her youth, the legacy of the ancient spinosaurus ran through her veins, bestowing upon her a precious inheritance—her dragon heart contained a rudimentary version of the Goldthorn Dao Law.

The Old Spinosaurus had crafted the Dao Law of the Golden Dragon God. Although she couldn't fully unveil its most potent secrets due to her immaturity, coupled with her Titan physique, she still possessed formidable strength.

She took pride in the likelihood that the Supreme Demon Phoenix might soon rely on her to attempt breaking through the realm's barrier.

Favored and cherished by the Demon Phoenix, she had been given the opportunity to consume the remains of their deceased kin in front of the Old Ape and the White Divine Tiger.

Both the Old Ape and the Sky Tiger had to stifle their rage, as this was the will of the Demon Phoenix.

She reveled in the affection she received, believing herself to be the most cherished by the Demon Phoenix in the Dim Starfield.

So, when her gaze abruptly fell upon Yu Zhu next to the Old Ape, the disdain in her eyes and on her face was barely concealed as she loudly jeered, "You really are hideous."

Yu Zhu's demeanor chilled, and a seven-colored mist rose in her eyes. Ribbons imbued with deadly toxins and murky laws of corruption streamed out from her sleeves.

"Poison? Hehe, I'm naturally immune to all toxins; your tricks won't work on me," she taunted.

The plump little spinosaurus raised a finger to Yu Zhu and wagged it teasingly, saying with a sneer, "You remind me of someone called the Disaster Snake from my bloodline memories. No, you're different—your power and lineage are more mixed, and it seems you're... hiding something."

She appeared to be spouting gibberish, yet her amethyst eyes slowly shimmered with an otherworldly luster.

"Something's off about you! The bloodline from that spider within you seems... it seems like it was consumed and assimilated by you, rather than being innate."

The naturally beautiful spinosaurus wanted to look closer and discern the truth with her innate abilities.


The icy voice of the Supreme Demon Phoenix erupted as a hand emerged from the terrifying purple shadow of the phoenix she had unveiled.

Enveloped in boundless purple lightning, the hand lunged at the spinosaurus!

Before the spinosaurus could finish speaking, the hand's immense demonic energy forced her to reveal her massive draconic form.

Her purple-golden dragon body, stretching like a mountain range, burst forth.

The Demon Phoenix's hand seized her thick neck, and her serpentine body, spanning thousands of miles, suddenly stiffened.

No longer coiling, twisting, or swaying.

When the Demon Phoenix's hand descended and clutched her neck, she transformed from a Titan spinosaurus that astonished the world into a rigid spear.

Her purple-golden dragon eyes were wide with terror and astonishment. She attempted to utter a few words to defuse the tension.

But no sound escaped her.

"Useless waste, you've failed to manifest more of your ultimate bloodline, squandering so much blood food!" The Demon Phoenix's voice, sharp and chilling, emanated from the towering phoenix form, saying cruelly, "I had planned for you to consume the Yang Meridian and wait until you matured before feasting on you. But I can't wait any longer."

"Nevertheless, it's of no consequence. There's another in the Gray Domain. Even if you perish, I can still seek it out!"

The following moment.

The Demon Phoenix, gripping the neck of the purple-golden spinosaurus, wielded her as a divine weapon, thrusting her dragon head and body towards the Origin Blood Continent.

The tens of thousands of miles long purple-golden dragon body was held in her grasp like a chick in the clutches of a hawk.

The purple-golden dragon scales on the spinosaurus, now infused with her blood energy, appeared even more lethal.

Inside the spinosaurus's heart, the Golden Bloodline Crystal Chain left by her ancestors shone brighter than ever before.

The Supreme Demon Phoenix sought only the invincible Golden Bloodline Crystal Chain!


The spinosaurus's horn and head emitted purple-golden lightning, piercing through the ice cave and striking deep into the blood-colored canopy controlled by Yu Yuan.

Yu Yuan, who had nearly eradicated thousands of Demonic Beasts and alien beasts, showed a hint of concern when the horn and body of the spinosaurus penetrated the blood-colored otherworld.

He immediately took to the Dragon Slash Platform to address the breach.

Beyond the realm, Old Ape, the White Divine Tiger, Lvliu, and the other Beast Kings were bewildered by the capricious Demon Phoenix.

The Supreme Demon Phoenix, who had always cherished the spinosaurus, suddenly flew into a rage, slamming her head against the barrier of the Origin Blood Continent.

The Demon Phoenix's indifference to the spinosaurus's fate was sudden and shocking.

She had lavished praise on the young spinosaurus, indulging her and proclaiming her the key to the demons' breakthrough and eternal life. What could have caused such a drastic change?

Old Ape set aside his pipe, massaging his forehead in bewilderment, and turned his gaze to the Demon Phoenix. With her wings unfurled, she clutched the spinosaurus in her colossal hand.

"I'm struck by a peculiar illusion," he mused, perplexed.

It seemed to Old Ape that the Supreme Demon Phoenix's frenzy and her violent attack on the spinosaurus stemmed solely from the creature's offhand insult.

Merely because it uttered 'ugly'?

The spinosaurus was in agony; its scales shattered, its horn broken, and its neck, gripped by the Demon Phoenix, gushed blood.

She appeared utterly unconcerned with the spinosaurus's survival.

But why? Could a single word—'ugly'—spur her to such lethal extremes?

Was it because Yu Zhu bore a resemblance to you?

Old Ape's sense of the bizarre deepened as he watched the vast phoenix soar through the stars. The cold, cruel eyes of the phoenix seemed to betray a profound tenderness when they rested on Yu Zhu.

Tenderness? Old Ape scoffed at the irony. He had never associated such a sentiment with the Demon Phoenix.

Was the offense truly about the spinosaurus's remark, or was Yu Zhu the real trigger for your wrath?

In that moment, the stooped Old Ape's body suddenly shuddered.

He involuntarily recalled how, since Yu Zhu had been taken from the Jade Peak Mountain Range by Yu Yuan and began to emerge in the world, the Demon Palace had extended the utmost care to her.

The Demon Palace had meticulously planned to bestow upon Yu Zhu the Absence Relic, allowing her multiple visits to receive the bloodline inheritance, which rapidly advanced her bloodline.

Even after Yu Zhu ascended to the status of a Demon King and discovered that the person orchestrating the demise of the eight-legged spider was none other than her, she remained unwavering in her original resolve.

Despite her aversion to Yin Meridians, she went so far as to conspire with them, securing a divine position for Yu Zhu.

When Han Miaoyuan attempted to interfere, her wrath at the Demon Palace was so fierce that it left Han Miaoyuan hastily retreating, no longer daring to obstruct her.

How deeply must she have cherished this dark, slender, and unattractive girl?

Libre Baskerville
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