Unmatched Dominance/C1817 The Mission of Yang Meridian
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Unmatched Dominance/C1817 The Mission of Yang Meridian
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C1817 The Mission of Yang Meridian

Immersed in the lingering consciousness at the origin of the Yang Meridian, Yu Yuan felt as though he had become the meridian itself, transforming into a vast blood-red river.

He began his journey of retrospection at the very beginning, where the earliest trace of his existence was found at the Starry Border of this realm. At that time, the Starry Border brimmed with a variety of Starfield abilities, far from desolate or void.

Yet, an invisible barrier had long been established, and beyond it lay deathly silence and emptiness. He was acutely aware that beyond this desolate expanse, he might reach another realm—a magical world watched over by the Beast God.

As the embodiment of the Yang Meridian's source, he became a broad, blood-red river, within which countless blood-colored crystals resided, resembling the seeds of life.

He drifted across the galaxy, where the world seemed freshly born amidst the murky currents of air. Within these swirling eddies, one could glimpse the faint glow of nebulous objects.

Yu Yuan suddenly understood that these murky currents were an evolving Starfield, and the glowing objects were stars slowly gathering energy, each in the throes of birth.

He instantly realized that when the Yang Meridian first appeared at the Starry Border, this world was still in its nascent phase. The innumerable blood-colored crystals it carried scattered aimlessly, like raindrops falling into the murky air currents, as if sowing the seeds of life.

In regions where starry energy was dense, a surge of vitality emerged, suggesting the gradual formation of a Starry Behemoth. In such places, the Yang Meridian would instinctively avoid depositing its cargo of blood-colored crystals.

It had wandered for countless years, dispersing these crystals, the emblems of the Life Seeds, across various regions of this world—a part of its purpose.

Yet, it remained unaware of why it had appeared so abruptly, why it drifted to plant these seeds, or what mysteries the blood-colored crystals held. It was as much in the dark as anyone.

Throughout this time, it occasionally crossed paths with another stream rich in Yin energy, which emitted an odd luminescence. However, there was no interaction; each entity kept to itself, steering clear of the other before any contact could occur.

Time passed, its duration unknown, yet another mission emerged for the entity.

It was tasked with seeking the Origin Blood, making contact, and striving to assimilate with it as much as possible.

Thus, it soared through the cosmos, searching for the Origin Blood like finding a needle in an ocean, hoping to fulfill its duty.

During this time, in regions where cosmic energy was dense, Starry Behemoths began to stir.

These violent and mighty Starry Behemoths fought like contenders for the crown, engaging in a brutal struggle for dominance, devouring one another and turning the heavens inside out.

In the places it had sown long ago, life emerged within the Stars Realm as it took form.

Alien beasts!

A myriad of bizarre alien beasts began to roam this world, seemingly born from the blood-colored crystals it had scattered, mingling with the forming stars.

Yet the alien beasts, grown from the Life Seeds it had carried, became mere prey to the Starry Behemoths.

They were not even close to being on the same level.

Bound by the limits of their bloodline, the alien beasts could never reach the Tenth Level, doomed to become sustenance for the Starry Behemoths upon their arrival.

Fortunately, though the Starry Behemoths were immensely powerful, their numbers were scarce, while the alien beasts reproduced prolifically, flourishing across the land.

Thus, despite their lowly existence, the alien beasts never faced extinction.

One day, a particularly savage Starry Behemoth, as if favored by the divine, was granted a power of a higher echelon.

This behemoth, known as the Titan Spinosaurus, ascended swiftly, claiming dominion over this sector of the cosmos.

At that moment, it finally pinpointed the exact location of the Origin Blood.

However, the Titan Spinosaurus, now the chosen of the Origin Blood, grew stronger by hunting its kin. It also sought out the entity, intent on its destruction.

Consequently, the entity shrank away, concealing itself, no longer daring to reveal its presence.

It had to bide its time.

Years turned into decades, and the Titan Spinosaurus, a terror to all Starry Behemoths and alien beasts, reigned supreme. In this era of fear, new lifeforms gradually emerged in this world.

The Asura, the Bright Clan, the Banshees, the Star Race, and a host of other unique intelligent lifeforms emerged as plentifully as mushrooms after a rain.

It was aware that this second wave of intelligent beings was unrelated to it.

Ever since evading the Titan Spinosaurus, it had remained hidden, lying in wait, oblivious to the origins of this new group of intelligent races or how they came to be.

It simply waited, witnessing the burgeoning strength of these intelligent beings as they eventually overtook the alien beasts it had sown.

This was because these beings possessed the power to break through the Tenth Level, with their strongest members easily overpowering the alien beasts.

Moreover, the standout among these intelligent beings, Beilstein, seized an opportunity to slay the Titan Spinosaurus.

In the wake of its fear and the certainty of death, and with Beilstein gravely wounded, it seized the chance to slip into the Origin Blood Continent.

There, it remained for tens of millions of years.

Following its innate mission, it yearned to draw near to and merge with the Origin Blood, yet it never succeeded.

During this time, it began to study the alien beasts of this world, discovering that it could harness the power and blood techniques within their bloodlines.

It also came to the realization that the numerous and varied blood-colored crystals it had been carrying since its existence were not of its own creation.

It was akin to a vessel, and these crystals were merely its cargo.

However, when these crystals blossomed into alien beasts, it could absorb the essence of their bloodline secrets with every heart it claimed.

It saw this process as a journey of self-discovery, a way to understand its true nature.

While guarding the Origin Blood Continent, it continued its solitary endeavors until one day, it sensed a sudden awakening in the Origin Blood below, which seemed to spiral out of control, spilling forth the laws of life.

After capturing and meticulously studying this phenomenon for an extended period, it unraveled the mystery of creating life.

With this knowledge, it gave rise to the Blood Devil Clan.

In the Dim Starfield, it meticulously laid its plans, blending the bloodline knowledge gleaned from countless alien beasts with its own insights. Within the Realm's barrier, it constructed a blood-patterned array, culminating in the creation of a "Deep Crimson Moon" that resembled its own gaze.

In the Dim Starfield, it left its mark of blood within the bodies of those outsiders who pledged allegiance to the Blood Devil Clan.

It sought to discover its origins while steadfastly remembering its mission, which it pursued relentlessly.

Until death claimed it.


Yu Yuan's crimson soul was wrenched from the Demon Blade Blood Prison and instantly rejoined with his true form.

His entire mindset and cognition had been revolutionized by the life journey of his Yang Meridian!

The Yang Meridian originated at the Starry Border, where the blood-red river bore shards of crystal.

These numerous blood-colored crystals eventually coalesced into hordes of alien beasts that roamed the vast Starfields.

It had two mandates: first, to sow the Life Seeds of the alien beasts, and second, to seek out the primal blood.

Alien beasts!

The realm that the Supreme Demon Phoenix yearned to explore teemed with these alien beast collectives and the formidable Tenth Level Beast Gods—and there were many!

Yu Yuan became utterly convinced that the Yang Meridian's source dated back to an ancient era when their world was still formless, crafted by some enigmatic force from a world where alien beasts thrived.

This enigmatic force had fashioned it, delivering it to their world to plant the Life Seeds of the alien beasts.

It aimed to conquer this world with the entire brood of alien beasts!

All alien beast collectives could be considered foreign, as their roots and origins were never of this world to begin with!

This included beings like the Demon Phoenix, Desolate God, Lvliu, and other Demon Gods who, by chance, were born from the Vast Ocean and ascended.

The Demon Gods, ancient and formidable, were initially alien beasts from beyond the heavens.

Only because the Titan spinosaurus perished in the Vast Ocean, its blood imbued with wondrous life-giving powers—and possibly the strength of primal blood—were they able to break free from the constraints of their lineage and ascend to the echelon of Demon Gods.

They were once alien beasts, yet they transcended that category.

"Demon Phoenix, if you were to acquire the Yang Meridian and refine its source..."

Yu Yuan inhaled deeply, suddenly realizing that the Supreme Demon Phoenix of the Vast Ocean might still be oblivious to her true roots and origins, which actually belonged to an entirely different world!

She spoke of returning, of vying for dominion against the ruler of that other realm.

How could one call this an invasion? It was clearly a return!

Some of the Beast Gods from that realm had chosen her, perhaps sensing and realizing that she inherently belonged to their world!

The Demon Phoenix, who ruled over the Demon Palace in this world, uniting all the alien beast tribes, was the true invader!

She had yet to awaken to this truth.

Otherwise, she would never have dared to hope that the Origin Blood would take a liking to her, choosing her to be its spokesperson and allowing her to invade the other world inhabited by the Beast Gods.

The origin and life imprint, which belonged to the Demon Phoenix from another world, would never gain the recognition of the Origin Blood!

The Origin Blood would only recognize the species that it had given rise to!

Take, for example, the Titan Spinosaurus from the Starry Behemoth, or the Boundless Human Race.


Yu Yuan's mind quivered as he suddenly connected the dots. When the Yang Meridian first emerged in this world, the Starry Behemoth was already nurturing it.

As the Titan Spinosaurus received the favor of the Origin Blood and grew in strength, it also sought the Yang Meridian to eliminate it.

When the Yang Meridian lay concealed, a second wave of intelligent races like the Asura, Demon Phoenix, Star Race, and Bright Clan began to emerge.

Could it be that the birth of the Starry Behemoth and the second wave of races such as the Asura and Demon Phoenix were also related to an awakening of the Origin Blood?

Lost in contemplation, Yu Yuan noticed his wounds had nearly healed, and even Jee Ningshuang was slowly emerging from her icy encasement.

He glanced at the ground beneath him, his gaze piercing through the thick ice to the blood-red mass that had been slumbering at the continent's core for ages.

Awe filled him at the sight; it was as mysterious and ancient as the Origin Blood itself, seemingly the eternal creator amidst the stars.

Perhaps the Starry Behemoth too was a creation of the Origin Blood, selecting the mightiest to endow with power, thus enabling the ancient Spinosaurus to become the ultimate sovereign, capable of ravaging the Abyss.

The ancient Spinosaurus had even managed to retrieve a precious artifact from the Abyss, but alas, it met its demise in the vast expanse.

If the ancient Titan Spinosaurus had survived, would its next move be to the world teeming with Beast Gods?


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