Unmatched Dominance/C1834 Transforming into a God
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Unmatched Dominance/C1834 Transforming into a God
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C1834 Transforming into a God

In the Origin Blood Continent, Yu Yuan shimmered like a crimson Yang God. His hand caressed the Demon Blade Blood Prison, from which a delicate blood-colored stream flowed, tracing the path of his finger.

"Blood Search!"

Yu Yuan unleashed the secret arts he had mastered from the Yang Meridian's source, and a vast blood-colored river surged forth from the Demon Blade.

Within the babbling blood river, orbs of blood-colored light emerged, dispersing in all directions.

This expansive blood-colored river hovered before Yu Yuan and then transformed into the Eon Realm.

The lights floating in the river were still; others darted about swiftly.

One fist-sized orb of blood-colored light, shrouded in a gray area, seemed to vanish into obscurity.


As soon as his Yang God's will sank into that gray expanse, he recognized it as the Gray Domain, a section of the Starry Forbidden Ground, and one of his dominions!

His will, imbued with his unique blood essence, crossed the gray without impediment, heading directly for the orb of blood-colored light.


In his vision, Ann Ziqing, who had ascended to the Divine Level of Great Demon God, materialized!

Ann Ziqing, from the Tia Main Planet, initially served as his eyes, marking the coordinates for his will's descent. Yet, as his will manifested, it seamlessly integrated with the entire Gray Domain.

Once his will resonated with the laws of the Gray Domain, he once again became its sovereign.

The vast Gray Domain's stars and the many Realm meteors were now fully within his sight.

He did not find the young Titan spinosaurus, but he did see Loong Jie soaring toward the Heaven Opening Flare Star, seemingly ready to depart.


Upon arriving at the Heaven Opening Flare Star, Loong Jie stood in a shadowy cavern, suddenly gripped by the eerie sensation of divine surveillance.

The old dragon, now in human form, had his forehead's horn flickering with golden light as he scanned his surroundings with heightened alertness.

The tumultuous area of rampant abilities mirrored a phantom blood-colored river, morphing into an indistinct face.

Loong Jie watched intently for a moment before asking with uncertainty, "Yu, no, Lord Tai Yin?"


A faint notion emanated from the illusory blood-colored river.

Upon hearing this sound, the old lecherous dragon immediately understood what had transpired. With a wry smile, he said, "It's just as I suspected; you've managed to engulf and assimilate the blood-colored river. The secret arts of the Yang Meridian, capable of summoning any mighty warrior from the Blood Devil Clan, seem to be within your grasp as well."

"It's quite fortuitous that this is the Gray Domain, my domain, and that Ann Ziqing herself extended the invitation."

Yu Yuan offered a nonchalant explanation, "Had it been before, when I hadn't refined the source of the Yang Meridian, summoning the Great Demon God Grec wouldn't have been so straightforward."

Loong Jie bowed deeply, showing a reverence that suggested he understood the purpose behind Yu Yuan's arrival.

"The little ancestor has her own will; I couldn't stop her even if I tried. We may not have witnessed the battle in the Dim Starfield, but through Ann Ziqing, the little ancestor likely knows the outcome. She has her plans, aware that you don't intend to use the Secular Bird Queen, the Abyss Goanna, or the Chaos Roc to hasten her maturity."

"She's also well aware that as long as she remains in the Gray Domain, she must obey you, unable to break free."

"Therefore, she has ventured to the Outer Star River in search of opportunity."

Loong Jie's posture grew even more submissive as he continued, "I've received a message from the Colorful Patriarch. I'll be making a swift return to the vast expanses. Once Mo Baichuan ascends to divinity, we'll head to the Dark Wing Starfield. Whether we're in time or not, we must determine if there's a possibility to vanquish the Demon Phoenix!"

A resolute gleam of vengeance shone in his golden eyes.

"Very well, proceed."

Yu Yuan projected a thought, and the blood-colored river that had materialized beside the Heaven Opening Flare Star abruptly vanished.

Back on the Origin Blood Continent.

"Does each swirl of blood-colored light within this river represent a member of the Blood Devil Clan? Scattered across the cosmos, they serve as your eyes and enable a portion of your essence to descend?"

Jee Ningshuang released her arms, her figure ethereal as she hovered like a crystalline deity.

Gazing down upon the blood-colored river, once the source of the Yang Meridian, she observed Yu Yuan's strands of consciousness as they merged into the more substantial glimmers of blood-red light.

She was beginning to understand.

The most prominent blood-colored flicker represented the Great Demon God Grec, as well as the Great Demon God Ann Ziqing, and astonishingly, one was even... the Divine King Taixu.

The slightly smaller blood-colored flickers denoted the Ninth Level and Eighth Level Demon Gods of the Blood Devil Clan.

Hundreds of thousands of these blood-colored lights manifested before her, and Yu Yuan's Yang God could perceive everything that the Blood Devil Clan members saw!

"It turns out that the most powerful beings, akin to the source of the Yang Meridian, possess so many mystical abilities."

Yu Yuan nodded thoughtfully and proceeded to explain to Jee Ningshuang what he was now capable of.

He could issue commands from afar, endow the Blood Devil Clan members with strength, and if he chose, he could even make his presence felt through the bodies of the Blood Devil Clan members.

Naturally, even Great Demon Gods like Grec and Ann Ziqing could only withstand a fraction of his power.

For the weaker Blood Devil Clan members, even if he descended upon them, their frail vessels would limit his combat effectiveness, rendering his presence less impactful.


At one edge of the blood-colored river, a few flickers of blood light became shrouded in a faint purple energy, disappearing without a trace.

He attempted to descend with his will.


A grand and majestic temple suddenly entered his awareness. He beheld the Phoenix Shrine, presided over by the Demon Phoenix, racing through the dim starry sky.

He caught only a glimpse before his inquisitive will was abruptly extinguished.

"Yu Zhu!"

Yu Yuan's form shuddered slightly as he inhaled sharply and exclaimed, "Yu Zhu once received a blood-colored crystal used by Grec for resurrection! Yu Zhu integrated it into her heart, unlocking numerous secret arts and blood techniques of the Blood Devil Clan. I never imagined that such a small crystal could still resonate with me."

"Regrettably, the Phoenix Shrine is too enigmatic; I could see nothing more."

"My will, before it could truly descend, was scattered by the demonic energy of the Demon Phoenix."

As he explained to Jee Ningshuang, his gaze remained fixed on the area where the purple hue was gradually vanishing, realizing that his connection with that point of blood light was also fading.

"Indeed, it is formidable!"

The Demon Phoenix had sensed his intentions and was aware of the blood-colored mark residing within Yu Zhu's heart.

The Demon Phoenix acted swiftly, erasing the mark without hesitation!

As the blood-colored imprint was on the verge of vanishing, Yu Yuan's gaze settled on the nearest flicker of blood-colored light to the Phoenix Shrine.

"Head to the Dark Wing Starfield of the Winged Race. You must gain entry, no matter what it takes. And make it quick!"

His will pierced through the layers of space, issuing his command.

Aboard a Galaxy Ancient Starship, home to a motley crew of various races, a disheveled member of the Blood Devil Clan abruptly tuned into the Founder's mental call.

He rose to his feet, flung open the window, and soared into the cosmos without uttering a single word.

"Why did Qike suddenly take off?"

"Hmm! Odd. He's headed toward the Dark Wing Starfield. What's he up to? The Winged Race has been relocating from there recently!"

"Qike is an Eighth Level warrior of the Blood Devil Clan! Damn it, I was convinced he was from the Fire Lizard Tribe!"

The diverse inhabitants of the Galaxy Ancient Starship, traversing the desolate Starfield and mining various ores, clamored in realization that a formidable Blood Devil Clan warrior had been hiding in plain sight among them.


"It's a peculiar sensation. For the first time, I feel as though I've transcended into divinity."

With Ji Ningshuang looking on in astonishment, Yu Yuan let out a light chuckle and turned his attention to a cerulean ring of light, noticing numerous blood-colored sparkles within.

"Could that be... Hao Yun? The Blood God Cult?"

Ji Ningshuang came to a realization, recognizing the blue light as familiar, reminiscent of the eternal barrier that enshrouds Hao Yun. "Can the followers of the Blood God Cult also serve as your eyes, allowing you to sense them?"

"It appears so. Previously, with the Demon Phoenix in power and the Demon Palace standing firm, the Yang Meridian's will couldn't penetrate. Now, it's my turn to attempt..."

Yu Yuan prepared to replicate his previous feat.


At Hao Yun, the stronghold of the Blood God Cult.

Following the departure of Ann Wen and Ann Ziqing, Xueyin, who had taken the reins of the cult and was once detained by the Sword Sect, kept a low profile upon his return, scarcely daring to make a public appearance.

He strictly confined all disciples of the Blood God Cult, forbidding them from wandering freely.

Xueyin was acutely aware that his sect, the Blood God Cult, had become an eyesore to many factions due to Ann Wen and Ann Ziqing, relegating them to the fringes, unloved and uncared for by the greater powers. The Cult's continued existence was solely because of its ties to the Ann family and Yu Yuan, which had prevented it from being eradicated.

Seated beside a blood pool, Xueyin suddenly felt the presence of a celestial will within his heart. This will enveloped him in warmth, giving him the illusion of returning to his homeland. He then heard the will's voice and guidance, reassuring him that Ann Ziqing was unharmed and had ascended to the level of a Great Demon God, allowing the Blood God Cult to move freely within the vast expanse—provided they remained wary of the Demon Phoenix and the Demon Palace.

Overcome with emotion, tears welled up in Xueyin's eyes as he felt a surge of joy akin to being reborn. He eagerly inquired about the identity of this benevolent presence, but no further voices or directions came.


In the Vast Expanse, Xuanli of the Ghost Wizard Sect, accompanied by his followers Lianjing and Yuan Qingxi, stood on the island that Yu Zhu had meticulously crafted. Suddenly, Xuanli's body shook, and he collapsed to the ground in a disheveled heap.

"Lord Xuanli?"

"Sect Master!"

His fellow sect members looked on in bewilderment. Xuanli clutched his chest with trembling hands, his face contorted as if he were on the verge of tears yet unable to cry.

"He's like a ghost that won't leave me be! Was it because I practiced the secret arts of the Blood God Cult and gained insights into the Blood Devil Clan's powers from Grec?" he lamented.

"How did he manage to track me down? What has Yu Yuan become now? How does he possess the authority of the Yang Meridian and such a hold over me?"

Xuanli lamented his misfortune. He had barely escaped the clutches of the Yin Meridian and tasted freedom, thinking he could finally soar without bounds, only to sense Yu Yuan's domineering presence once again—through the very blood essence he had been quietly refining within himself.

Just as Xuanli was about to unleash a torrent of curses, he heard Yu Yuan's continuing voice. His expression shifted instantly, and he composed himself.

"Go ahead, I'm all ears," he said with newfound respect.

After a moment, Xuanli's demeanor grew solemn as he learned of Han Miaoyuan and Han Qi's intentions towards Youyu.

The Origin Blood Continent was a land steeped in mystery and power, where the Demon Blade was not merely a weapon, but a symbol of ultimate strength. Yu Yuan, a figure of legend, once wielded the Yang God and ventured into the Blood Prison, mastering secret arts that few could fathom. His journey took him across the Eon Realm, through the Gray Domain, and even into the perilous Starry Forbidden Ground, where the Great Demon God had once roamed.

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