Unmatched Dominance/C1835 The Big Move of the Divine Soul Sect
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Unmatched Dominance/C1835 The Big Move of the Divine Soul Sect
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C1835 The Big Move of the Divine Soul Sect

From thousands of miles away, the sensation of orchestrating grand strategies was beyond words.

Every member of the Blood Devil Clan, along with the Divine King, Xuanli, and the followers of the Blood God Cult, shone brightly as Yu Yuan tuned in to their presence.

He could observe their every move, faintly grasp their thoughts and consciousness, and even communicate his own intentions.

He even had the power to warp their wills in a breath's time, causing instant death.

The Great Demon God Grec, Ann Ziqing, and the likes of Xuanli might have some resistance, attempting to counter his mental onslaught.

But for the lesser Demon Gods, the Eighth Level and Seventh Level Blood Devil Warriors, there was no chance of defiance!

This dominion over life and death thrilled Yu Yuan, yet it also stirred an unnameable fear within him.

He looked down involuntarily.

Beneath the extreme cold lay one of the world's greatest mysteries, the Origin Blood.

As the spokesperson for the Origin Blood and a direct manifestation of its will, his Yang God had been granted a full life sequence by the Origin Blood. Could it be just as effortless for the Origin Blood to manipulate him?

Like the Origin Blood and Origin Soul, these miracles of the world, surely they must bind their chosen ones?

"Why has your complexion suddenly turned so pale?"

Jee Ningshuang descended from the sky, noticing Yu Yuan's focus shifting from the manifested blood-red river, and inquired, "You've been issuing a flurry of commands. What are you planning to do? Oh, and what's the situation with Yu Zhu?"

"Yu Zhu?"

Yu Yuan stopped his pondering, refocused his thoughts, and dispersed the blood-red river.

"Why does the Supreme Demon Phoenix show such favoritism towards her? The young Titan spinosaurus was slain on a whim by the Demon Phoenix, who then meticulously extracted its heart and presented it to her."

The more Jee Ningshuang dwelled on it, the more perplexed she became, furrowing her brow, "Back in the Iridescent Cloud Miasma Sea, you mentioned that the eight-legged spider was slain by the Supreme Demon Phoenix. Now that Yu Zhu knows the truth, why would the Demon Phoenix go to such lengths to nurture her?"

"Isn't she afraid of lifting a rock only to drop it on her own feet?"

Jee Ningshuang was deeply troubled by an enigmatic mystery. "Also, it's quite odd that the Demon Phoenix suddenly fixated on me as if she'd lost her mind."

"I'm seeking answers regarding Yu Zhu as well. Don't worry, I'll eventually uncover the reason," Yu Yuan mused, then chuckled. "As for her sudden obsession with you, she's simply mad. There's no logic to her erratic behavior."

"I'll take your word for it."


Xuanli of the Ghost Wizard Sect instructed Yuen Qingxi and Lianjing not to accompany him, choosing to venture alone to Jade Peak.

Upon arrival, he was warily eyed by Xuan Ge of the Babel Chamber of Commerce.

"I'm here on behalf of Yu Yuan to check things out."

Xuanli, clearly reluctant, confronted an anxious Xuan Ge, stating firmly, "Jiang Xingwen, the numerous Asura, and their affairs have nothing to do with me! Our Ghost Wizard Sect has been victimized as well!"

Assured by Yu Yuan's involvement, Xuan Ge's tension eased. After consulting Shi Jing'er, he respectfully bowed and withdrew, no longer shadowing Xuanli.

Free of hindrance, Xuanli transformed into a faint wisp of smoke, drifting through Jade Peak, meticulously searching the vicinity of Chilly Wind Valley where Yu Zhu had once lurked.

He was acutely aware that Yu Yuan's consciousness was with him, using him as his eyes.

Nevertheless, Xuanli dutifully followed orders.

As the ancient leader of the Ghost Wizard Sect, skilled in numerous witchcraft and dark arts, he located the site where Yu Yuan had once kept Yu Zhu. He scoured the entire Chilly Wind Valley and deciphered the Ghosts Poisoning Array, yet found no clues of value.

Left with no alternative, he descended once more into the Foul World.

Arriving at Colorful Lake, Alien Demon Qiyan materialized, glaring at him with a dark scowl. "I've said it before, from this day forth, our Earth Demon Clan wants nothing to do with your Ghost Wizard Sect or its dealings! The underworld no longer welcomes your kind."


Qiyan exclaimed, "Its essence has vanished, completely subdued by the esteemed Shehun. What purpose do you have here now?"

Mentioning Shehun, Qiyan's tone took on a markedly reverent quality, as though addressing someone of high honor.

"I'm here for Yu Zhu."

Xuanli, unwilling to engage in a dispute and with a frosty demeanor, retorted, "Do you think I wanted to come here? Yu Yuan instructed me to make the trip. It started with Jade Peak, and now, it's you."

At the mention of "Yu Zhu," Qiyan fell silent. Upon hearing Yu Yuan's name, Qiyan's composure wavered, "What does Yu Yuan have to do with this?"

With a sly grin, Xuanli replied, "Yu Yuan wants you to visit Plover Realm on your own. He specifically requested to see you."

"And who does he think he is? Why should I go to Plover Realm just to meet him?"

Emboldened by Yu Zhu's rise to divinity, Qiyan, who had spent years immersed in the Colorful Lake, had seen his strength and audacity grow substantially.

"I'm merely the messenger. Whether you go is for you to decide. But I would suggest you inquire about recent events in the outside world."

Xuanli departed with an easygoing smile.

"The outside world?"

After a moment's hesitation, Qiyan commanded several Earth Demons to burst forth from the ground and head to the well-informed regions of the Crack Archipelago to seek out the Wind Chanter for news.

Half a day later.

With a heavy sigh, Qiyan set off toward the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, intending to traverse the Delude Devil Abyss to reach Plover Realm and confront Yu Yuan.


In the Oblivion Starfield's Plover Realm, within the territory of the Divine Soul Sect, skyscrapers emerged from the earth. A dark cyan mountain had been sheared flat at its summit, creating a significant plateau.

Atop this plateau stood a majestic new palace, with a jade square stretching out before it.

Presently, Shi Jing'er from the Babel Chamber of Commerce, Zhongli from the Ancient Desolate Sect, Duan Yisheng of the Silver Moon Sect, along with Brie, and the recently recovered Rebecca from the Banshee Clan, had all gathered in the square.

The leader of the Artifact Sect, Hu Po, along with Yinn Tiehua, had arrived with a contingent of Refiners in tow.

They were joined by Leo from the Star Race, Beru, and Jessica of the Silver Scale Clan.

Jessica herself had led several Ninth Level elders from her clan, heeding the summons of the Abyss Goanna.

The Chaos Roc and the Abyss Goanna, two colossal creatures of the cosmos, had made their presence known as well.

Reid, the High Priest of the Outland Devaputra, had hurriedly made his way through the Galaxy Crossing after receiving a directive from Taishi.

Taishi had extended an invitation to all allied factions on good terms with the Divine Soul Sect, granting them the opportunity to explore the Gray Domain in search of a new celestial home.

It was common knowledge that the Gray Domain, once revealed by the Spinosaurus, was a place of unparalleled stellar energy richness.

The Divine Soul Sect had plans to forge a new realm within the Gray Domain, aiming to create a new era centered around a diverse mix of races thriving together.

With such enticing prospects, those who had once visited the Gray Domain were eager to return.

Thus, allies of the Divine Soul Sect, regardless of their current engagements, were converging on the location via the Galaxy Crossing from their respective Starfields.

Even Barol of the Star Race and Cadorath from the Bright Clan appeared to be en route.

Most sentient beings, with the exception of a few like the Asura Clan and the Blood Devil Clan, had sent envoys or their leaders to attend.

"This is something you should be overseeing," remarked Yuv Qian, perched atop a modest peak, as he gazed at Yu Yuan, who was lost in thought with a smile on his face.

At that moment, Yu Yuan's consciousness was traversing the network of the Blood Devil Clan's informants via his Yang God, stationed far across the Origin Blood Continent. He was closely monitoring a Blood Devil warrior named Qike, who was hastening toward the Dark Wing Starfield.

Upon hearing Yuv Qian's comment, Yu Yuan chuckled softly and replied, "Taishi is more adept at handling such matters."

He then abruptly turned to face Qi Yunhong, who had just emerged through the barrier of the Plover Realm, his aura concealed. With a smile, Yu Yuan greeted him, "What brings you here?"

As Qi Yunhong descended, Yuv Qian's gaze intensified with curiosity, and he inquired, "Has Wai Zhuo's Thunder Divine Pool been bestowed upon you by Shehun?"


Qi Yunhong paused and fixed his gaze on Yu Yuan. "My master has passed away, and the Thunder Sect beyond the heavens has been annihilated by Wei Zhuo. Yu Yuan, I intend to rebuild the Thunder Sect and unite the remaining practitioners within the Vast Expanse."

His eyes blazed with a sudden intensity as he conjured the Thunder Divine Pool, which Wei Zhuo had refined. "Moreover, there's something inside that wishes to speak directly with you!"

The Thunder Divine Pool, now ascended to the status of an Artifact, immediately began to emanate a stirring of souls.

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