Unmatched Dominance/C1836 The Divine Throne
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Unmatched Dominance/C1836 The Divine Throne
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C1836 The Divine Throne

A vortex of lightning materialized above the Thunder Divine Pool where Qi Yunhong stood.

Within the crackling vortex, a dazzling, formless soul shadow emerged, seemingly scrutinizing Yu Yuan with great caution.

As it made its presence known, Qi Yunhong grew more reserved and began to explain, "Here's what happened."

He divulged the intricate details.

Wai Zhuo had been slain by the Divine King Shehun. Following Wai Zhuo's death, the Thunder Divine Pool he had consecrated plummeted into the Starry Forbidden Ground, sealed by the Great Demon God Beilstein, and fused with an object within that realm.

However, Andrea, being Beilstein's own daughter, had free access to the Starry Forbidden Ground under her father's dominion.

After claiming Wai Zhuo's essence, Andrea discovered this pristine Thunder Divine Pool within the Starry Forbidden Ground.

The entity possessed its own consciousness and, after a conversation with Andrea, they struck a covert pact.

It entrusted Andrea with the task of selecting a new successor.

Andrea chose Qi Yunhong, entrusting him with the Thunder Divine Pool so that they might enhance each other's strengths.

"I hope..."

The soul consciousness of the entity transmitted from the Thunder Divine Pool.

It desired for Qi Yunhong to ascend to godhood on the Tia Main Planet within the Gray Domain. It yearned for Yu Yuan's aid in spawning a new species on the Tia Main Planet.

This species would be as intelligent as the Silver Scale Clan, the Banshees, and the Star Race, yet capable of ascending to the Tenth Level.

The bloodline of this new intelligent being must inherently bear the Law of Thunder, revering it as the progenitor of their lineage and the wellspring of their might.

Moreover, it was prepared to support Yu Yuan and the Divine Soul Sect in their struggle against the Soul Spirits and Ghosts emanating from the Demon Realm.

It openly shared with Yu Yuan that its essence and origins were akin to those of the Yin Meridian and Yang Meridian.

But having been confined by Beilstein for an extended period, it had not been able to flourish rapidly and was thus less potent than the Yin and Yang Meridians.

"Create life, become the forebear of a people, and harness my power."

Yu Yuan murmured to himself as he gazed in astonishment at the vortex within the Thunder Divine Pool. "You seem much more complete now than when you were with Wei Zhuo, aren't you?"

He received an immediate affirmative response.

"Did Shehun tell you that I possess such an ability?" Yu Yuan inquired further.

Once again, he was met with a positive answer.

"Tia Main Planet..."

Pondering, Yu Yuan noticed Qi Yunhong's eager anticipation and said, "If Shehun is involved, then Taishi must be aware as well. There shouldn't be any issues. Here's what we'll do: when the Tia Main Planet undergoes its massive transformation, you'll join us. Then we can figure out the best course of action."

Qi Yunhong's face lit up with joy at these words.

"As for the remnants of the Thunder Sect beyond the heavens and the Thunder Sect within the vast expanse, if you can bring them to order, then by all means, proceed." Yu Yuan gave his consent with a nod.

With a respectful bow, Qi Yunhong departed, taking the Thunder Divine Pool with him.

"Another contender for the divine seat. The new Vast Expanse hasn't even been founded, and yet there are already so many vying for a place," Yu Yuan mused.

Yuv Qian, who was on the cusp of becoming a Great Demon God, remarked after Qi Yunhong's departure, "Fortunately, as an Outland Devaputra, I don't need to depend on any primal source to ascend to the rank of Great Demon God."

"Who else has laid claim to a divine seat?" Yu Yuan asked, intrigued.

"Taishi, Tianqi, possibly Taixu, and of course, yourself. They're not rushing to assimilate with the source of the Vast Expanse; they plan to wait for the new Vast Expanse to become operational to forge new divine seats."

Yuv Qian appeared privy to confidential matters. "As for Lord Andrea, her soul's imprint aligns with that of Lord Beilstein, making her a native entity of the Vast Expanse."

When speaking of Andrea, Yuv Qian's demeanor was one of deep reverence.

Clearly, he had learned of the Soul Divine King's identity through Lord Beilstein, the Great Demon God.

As they conversed, Yu Yuan could still feel, through his Yang God, that Qike, the Blood Devil Clan warrior, was drawing ever closer to the Dark Wing Starfield.

Qike had become his eyes; all that Qike witnessed was relayed back to him.

As warriors from various factions surged into the Plover Realm through numerous channels, Yu Yuan utilized the Blood Devils scattered throughout the realms to monitor the shifting cosmos.

The Great Demon God Grec had settled down considerably, now leading his clan's elite in constructing a new homeland within the Dim Starfield.

The onslaught of the Demon Phoenix had left many stars severely damaged, with cracks forming in their boundary walls.

Grec used his formidable power to mend these fractured barriers, preventing the chaotic stellar energy from flooding in and transforming the lower-tier Blood Devils who had relocated there into mutated monsters.

Grec frequently reflected on his roots and the origins of the Blood Devil Clan.

He also questioned the source of their lineage—whether it stemmed from the Yang Meridian or the more profound Origin Blood.

Yu Yuan often perceived Grec's contemplations, understanding his concerns and doubts.

After refining the Yang Meridian source, Yu Yuan had gained the ability to delve into minds and manipulate the will of Blood Devils.

His Yang God was on the Origin Blood Continent, assimilating the myriad blood techniques he had acquired and methodically integrating them.


That day.

Alien Demon Qiyan materialized at the Galaxy Crossing, becoming markedly compliant after discerning the extraterrestrial situation.

He respectfully informed the Chamber of Commerce representatives of his intentions, stating he was dispatched by Yu Yuan's command.

Upon learning of Yu Yuan's involvement, the Chamber's personnel promptly arranged for Qiyan's transport to the Divine Soul Sect's domain.

En route, Qiyan, now in humanoid form and not inhabiting any creatures or objects, inadvertently glanced beyond the heavens.

He caught sight of... the familiar Epitaxial Realm.

Memories of his grim past, imprisoned by Nie Qingtian and confined underground alongside a branch of the Yin Meridian, surged into Qiyan's mind, filling him with frustration.


Denise, along with Leo, Gheirat, and others, conversed in Green Jade Plaza, occasionally glancing toward the Galaxy Crossing in anticipation of Patriarch Barol's arrival.

Denise suddenly spotted Qiyan and exclaimed in astonishment.

Gheirat chuckled, remarking, "He must be here on some errand."

"Qiyan, born of the toxic essence of the Iridescent Cloud Miasma Sea, bears a soul mark strikingly akin to that of the Outland Devaputra," Leo observed intently, his eyes sparkling like a multitude of stars before he averted his gaze.

Seeing Qiyan heading towards Yu Yuan and Yuv Qian's location, he...


"Xuanli mentioned you wanted to see me?"

Qiyan, adorned in a vibrant outfit, halted before Yu Yuan and offered a respectful bow.

"Don't be nervous; I just have a few questions for you."

"Ask away."

Yu Yuan began his inquiry, and Qiyan dutifully responded.

The questions were primarily about the eight-legged spider and its gestation.

Qiyan found the situation peculiar but dared not defy Yu Yuan, sensing that any attempt to lie might lead Yu Yuan to forcibly extract memories from his mind.

He spoke truthfully, and once Yu Yuan finished, Qiyan hesitated before asking, "She's not in any trouble, is she?"

"For the moment, no. The Demon Phoenix has been treating her exceptionally well, to the envy of the other demons."

Yu Yuan dismissed Qiyan with a wave, indicating his presence was no longer required.

Brimming with curiosity, Qiyan ventured one more question, "May I visit the Epitaxial Realm to see for myself?"

"As you wish."

With permission granted, Qiyan transformed into a vivid, toxic rivulet and set off for the Epitaxial Realm.

"Based on Qiyan's account, the spider sustained its offspring with a continuous supply from his Earth Demon Soul during gestation. He was certain of one thing: Little Yu Zhu, still in the womb, required an immense amount of soul and blood—the soul provided by his Earth Demon Soul and the blood by the eight-legged spider."

Yuv Qian wore a puzzled look, having learned from Yu Yuan the events that unfolded in the Dim Starfield.

"The Earth Demon Soul, along with Qiyan, could be considered akin to the Devil Soul. Little Yu Zhu, not yet born, is already drawing on the potent soul and blood energies, leaving both the eight-legged spider and Qiyan utterly exhausted."

"Our Devaputra Race, in its initial generation, lacked physical forms, existing solely as pure Devil Souls."

"Later on, the stronger members of the Devaputra Race discovered a method to procreate without physical bodies. They refined the essence of their Devil Soul into a Demonic Seed and continuously nourished it with their Devil Soul, allowing the Demonic Seed to develop its own consciousness under various influences."

"Andrea is the Great Demon God Beilstein. He infused a Demonic Seed into the mind of a human woman."

"According to Qiyan, there shouldn't be any issues with the formation of Little Yu Zhu."

Yuv Qian remarked.

After pondering for a moment and listening to Yuv Qian's explanation, Yu Yuan couldn't help but ask, "If a Great Demon God like Beilstein were to implant a Demonic Seed into the body of his human female companion, could the Demonic Soul of another Heavenly Demon be used to nourish this Demonic Seed?"

"Absolutely," Yuv Qian answered, "Once the Demonic Seed has formed, its growth simply requires the energy of a Demonic Soul. It doesn't matter whose energy it is, as long as it comes from a Demonic Soul."

Yu Yuan nodded in understanding. "If that's the case, then the Demonic Seed that created Yu Zhu might not necessarily belong to Qiyan."

Yuv Qian fell silent for a moment before nodding in agreement. "Indeed, that's a possibility."

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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