Unmatched Dominance/C1844 Traveling in the Void
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Unmatched Dominance/C1844 Traveling in the Void
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C1844 Traveling in the Void

The sea's surface took on an eerie calm, its colors muted.

Deep within the boundless darkness, the frenzied Abyss Evil Gods ceased their relentless assault on the Abyss Gate, adopting an uncharacteristic restraint.

This change was due to Yu Yuan's Yang God, which now sat upon the sea, glowing like a crimson gem.

The young spinosaurus hovered above, while the Chaos Roc and the Abyss Goanna, creators of this bizarre realm, dared not touch the chromatic waters. Yu Yuan's true form also floated in the air, suspended in stillness.

Only his Yang God was active, slowly contracting and containing the blood energy potent enough to obliterate worlds.

Transformed to the stature of a mortal, the Yang God perched upon the vast, colorful sea, instilling in the Chaos Roc and the ancient lizard a sense that Yu Yuan's mere presence could deter all the Evil Gods lurking beneath.

At some point, Yu Yuan's diminutive, ruddy silhouette began to merge in their minds with the image of the exalted Titan spinosaurus.

Yu Yuan's vigil was reminiscent of the old Titan, whose very existence once sent shivers through the denizens of the Abyss!

Despite his dwindling reserves of blood energy and the Abyss Gate that seemed on the verge of collapse under continuous battering, it now appeared unbreakable, as steadfast as the mountains themselves.

"I shall remain here," Yu Yuan declared, gazing upward at the juvenile creature and the two mature Starry Behemoths. He smiled, "I intend to embrace the mysteries left by the venerable elder. Yes, once I've resolved the external nuisances, I'll absorb all his markings within the Abyss Gate."

The Chaos Roc, its form shifting subtly, voiced its concern: "That would mean a complete merger of the two worlds. The destruction of both gates would unleash the Abyss's creatures upon us, and individuals like Tan Xiaotian could enter the Abyss in their true forms. His presence there... I fear..."

"He might ascend to the highest echelon of the Abyss, akin to the Great Demon God Beilstein or the legendary Titan spinosaurus."

It was evident that the Chaos Roc harbored a deep-seated apprehension towards Tan Xiaotian.

"I endorse the fracturing of the Abyss Gate. I'm eager to witness the intermingling of our worlds. Our realm scarcely offers room for the Giant Beasts anymore, whereas the Abyss, and that other world graced by the Beast Gods, seem to afford us a greater latitude," the old lizard interjected abruptly.

His eyes ignited with an intense light. "I have already grasped some of the Abyss's mysteries. Once the two realms merge, I too shall reap the rewards."

The spinosaurus remained silent.

It was still reeling from the profound shock, struggling to awaken from the harsh words of the Chaos Roc, and could hardly believe that its ancestor intended to sacrifice it for a swift resurrection.

"Abyss Gate..."

Atop the Abyss Gate, Yang God Yu's forehead shimmered, revealing a broad blood river symbolic of the Yang Meridian's source.

A speck of blood light, nearly invisible to the Chaos Roc and the ancient lizard, suddenly flared.

The two colossal beasts were astonished to sense that Yu Yuan had infused a fragment of his soul and blood energy into that minuscule speck, as though embarking on a journey through time and space.


A Blood Devil Clan warrior named Qike stood on a greyish-yellow space rock, having reached the Dark Wing Starfield, home to the Winged Race.

His eyes, red as twin crimson moons, began to emit an eerie glow.

He was acutely aware that the founder of the Blood Devil Clan sought to bestow his blood energy and will upon him. Feeling immensely privileged, he willingly opened his heart to receive it.


Shortly after, he murmured softly, "Qike, you've done well."

Yu Yuan's will descended upon him, making Qike a temporary, frail blood avatar of Yu Yuan, gazing out from the fringes of the Dark Wing Starfield.

In the distance.

The Hannya Divine Tree stood out starkly against the greyish-yellow Dead Silence Stars, with Chen Qinghuang assuming her primal form of a majestic green Divine Bird.

The Secular Bird Queen's wings fluttered gently, sending waves of death and destruction cascading to either side.

A grand temple at the heart of the Dark Wing Starfield burst forth with an enchanting purple glow. The resonant cry of a phoenix echoed from within, and soon the temple was engulfed in purple blood energy.

Amidst the thick blood-red clouds, the Supreme Demon Phoenix emerged, its movements graceful and lithe, its eyes brimming with venom and ferocity as it shrieked, "Wretch, let's see if you can come back to life this time!"

Whoosh! Whoosh!

A massive banner, bearing the visage of a spectral face, billowed near the Hannya Divine Tree. With a mere flick, it could envelop and crush a star.

The air around it was laced with fine spatial fissures, shimmering like blades of light, encircling the banner.


From the depths of darkness that had engulfed numerous Domain Boundaries, Demon Lord Tan Xiaotian burst forth, his towering demonic form obscured in shadow.

Behind him, a crescent moon hung, diminutive as a hairpin against the backdrop of his massive figure.

With a nonchalant grasp, he seized the actual crescent moon, allowing the dark demonic energy to permeate it, effortlessly transforming the moon into a pitch-black, curved blade.

"Demon Phoenix, at last we can clash freely in another galaxy. I've promised the Wisdom Divine King to aid in your downfall before I assume control over the Dark Lords of the Abyss."

The pitch-black crescent, now in his hand, soared towards the Demon Phoenix.

As it passed, the light of the stars was devoured, darkness shrouding all, as though it had annexed this part of the galaxy into his dominion.

"The battle commences."


Vast and turbulent, Hellfire Mountain.

Zhong Chichen gazed at the erupting peak of the largest volcano, his expression laden with emotion. The entire Hellfire Mountain range was now a network of molten rivers, and the peaks quaked.

The majority of the Medicine God Sect's alchemists and practitioners had long since evacuated.

"It's like waking from an epic dream."

Zhong Chichen squinted, his gaze drifting, as memories flooded in unbidden.

By title, he remained the Sect Master of the Medicine God Sect.

Before his awakening and transportation to the Iridescent Cloud Miasma Sea, he had dedicated himself to concocting medicines here, striving for the sect's resurgence.

Yet, from the instant of his awakening, the essence of the Space-time Dragon had supplanted all else.

He still bore the name Zhong Chichen, and at times, he would even declare himself the Sect Master of the Medicine God Sect.

But he was acutely aware of the truth.

Since his awakening, Zhong Chichen's life seemed to have lost its significance, for he knew his true identity as the Space-time Dragon.

Though he possessed a human form, he was the progenitor of the Nagas, and his Yang God had been fully restored to that of the Space-time Dragon.

"Sect Master."


Du Yazi, Ye Hee, Tong Rui, along with other guest elders of the Medicine God Sect, and Chu Yao approached quietly. Yet, they kept a respectful distance, their gazes filled with complex reverence as they bowed.

"Ah, it's you all. Why haven't you departed yet?"

Zhong Chichen regained his composure, turned to face his loyal subordinates and disciples, and asked with deep emotion, "Do you still acknowledge me?"

"Without a doubt! We always will!" Ye Hee declared.

"These three youngsters swore to protect you in the Iridescent Cloud Miasma Sea," Loong Jie chimed in, unable to hold back. "At the time, I was unaware of the Ancestor's identity and found them annoyingly bothersome, nearly to the point of wanting to silence them. Ancestor, they are commendable... Dragon Servitors."

"Whether as Sect Master Zhong or as the Dragon God of the Nagas, you gave us a new lease on life. So..." Tong Rui bowed deeply, and upon lifting her head, she continued, "You remain the same person in our hearts."

"A person?" Zhong Chichen murmured, at a loss for words.


Chu Yao, now reborn as the Yang God, seemed the most constrained, softly uttering the title.

Hong Qi, or rather Yu Yuan, found himself increasingly muddled by the complex relationship with his master, Zhong Chichen.

Yet, for Chu Yao, this second master had shown him greater kindness and earned his deeper affection.

Zhong Chichen's gaze fell upon the familiar faces, and his somber mood began to lift slightly.

Suddenly, a blood-colored specter streaked across the sky, materializing into Xueyin, now overseeing the Blood God Cult amidst the fiery Hellfire Mountain.

"People of the Blood God Cult? What brings you here?" Zhong Chichen asked with a hint of displeasure.

"Please hold for a moment, Senior."

Xueyin paused midair, dissolving the barriers of his spirit and bloodline, as he respectfully awaited the presence of an external will.

After a brief pause, he spoke again, "It's me."

Zhong Chichen and Loong Jie adopted a more respectful posture, shedding their previous air of disdain. Their expressions turned grave as they faced the situation at hand.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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