Unmatched Dominance/C1860 The Troublemaker
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Unmatched Dominance/C1860 The Troublemaker
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C1860 The Troublemaker

"I just can't fathom the Divine Soul Sect's actions!" Norant exclaimed, his foot striking the ground with force. His Sacred Glory War Armor, steeped in the Bright Clan's storied past, glimmered with countless intricate patterns of light. These patterns animated like divine hands, skimming over the armor's surface. The Sacred Glory War God appeared to be suddenly endowed with an abundance of divine strength, his power noticeably amplified.

His entire being radiated with an unparalleled brilliance. The light from the nearby Heaven Opening Flare Star seemed to be absorbed into his silver armor. In his presence, all others paled in comparison, save for Cadorath, the patriarch of the Bright Clan.

"The Asura Clan and the Blood Devil Clan were the first to defy Lord Beilstein's commands and reject his guidance," Norant declared, surveying the gathered crowd, his eyes finally resting on the face of the Divine King Taishi. "Our alliance with your Divine Soul Sect was formed in adherence to Lord Beilstein's wishes. It is out of respect for him that we sought engagement with you."

The Sacred Glory War God's reverence was evident whenever he spoke of Beilstein, always referring to him as Lord Beilstein.

"Lord Beilstein has only recently descended into the Abyss, and yet the Divine Soul Sect has already taken the Blood Devil Clan under its wing. Are you also planning to rescue this Asura girl?" Norant's tone suggested he was far from the fool Cadorath had made him out to be.

The discord he had brazenly stirred up was, in fact, a rallying cry under the banner of the Great Demon God Beilstein. He insinuated that the Asura and Blood Devil Clans had met their fate due to their rebellion against Beilstein's edicts.

With Beilstein's departure, it was clear to see the connections between the Divine Soul Sect, Ann Ziqing, and Yu Yuan's blood clone with the Blood Devil Clan. The Blood Devil Clan was already a factor, and the way Elena looked at Yu Yuan's clone spoke volumes of their familiarity.

He had intentionally brought Elena along, seemingly to leverage her relationship with Yu Yuan as a pretext to confront the Divine Soul Sect.

"Blood Devil Clan."

"Asura Clan."

The leaders of the various extraterrestrial races pondered the implications of Norant's words, their expressions betraying a sense of being deeply affected.

High Priest Reid spoke up, "Norant, you're unaware of the events that transpired in the Dim Starfield. Before Yu Yuan departed, I was with my companions on the Origin Blood Continent. The relationship between Yu Yuan and the Blood Devil Clan isn't as straightforward as you imagine."

"Norant, stop speculating wildly," Cadorath reprimanded.

"Setting aside the Blood Devil Clan for a moment, what does the Asura King have to say?" Norant chuckled, pointing at Elena, who was confined within the Element Cage. "After enduring the trials of the Dark Domain, her bloodline has ascended to the Ninth Level. You probably don't realize that she was once a space pirate, preying upon the warships of various races!"

"Her father is Fernand! Fernand assisted the Asura King in forging the Frost Well within the Plover Realm, resulting in numerous deaths!"

Norant had already uncovered Elena's past as a pirate and was now using it against her.

Standing behind Barol of the Star Race.

Denise, returning to the Gray Domain, stood alongside Beru and Leo. The esteemed daughter of the Star Race stepped forward, approaching Elena, who had been demoted to a captive.

"This doesn't concern you."

Her father Gheirat's face darkened. As she walked past him, he firmly grasped her shoulder, speaking sternly, "Stop, you're not yet qualified to be involved!"

"Father, Uncle Fernand was once as close as a brother to you!" Denise pleaded.

Gheirat shook his head silently, "Yu Yuan will handle this."

"We are in the Gray Domain, the territory under Yu Yuan's control," Barol stated with unwavering calm, patting the hand on Denise's shoulder. "Don't worry so much, let her be."

Gheirat instantly released his grip, then asked, "But what about the Patriarch?"

Barol replied with a reassuring smile, "All will be well."

The dark crimson silhouette before the Element Cage seemed oblivious to the impassioned speech of the Sacred Glory War God. As Elena bowed her head, it glided effortlessly into the cage.

The confining force, imbued with the principles of gold metal, had once left Yu Yuan at a loss in the Firefly Starfield.

Yet now, a mere blood avatar of Yu Yuan easily breached the seal of the cage.

This is the Gray Domain!

Yu Yuan, the sovereign of the Gray Domain, wielded power even as a mere blood clone. As long as the essence of his Yang God Yu's lifeblood coursed through it, he could transcend the fundamental laws of this realm.

In the Gray Domain, he was the lawgiver, the supreme deity!


The exclamations came from two Asuras imprisoned alongside Elena in the Element Cage. They watched in astonishment as Yu Yuan's clone effortlessly crossed the gold metal seal of the cage and hovered before Elena, who was speaking softly to herself, not wanting to trouble Yu Yuan.


An elder of the Asura Clan called out to her with urgency.

Elena, battered and bruised, looked up to see Yu Yuan, a figure devoid of bones and organs, resembling a blood-red phantom. "I..."

Overcome with emotion, she attempted to rise, but the natural spikes on her knees snapped with a crack.

Sharp strands of gold and silver thread also pierced her knees and spikes, threatening to impale her with any sudden movement.


Instead of standing, she collapsed, her knees and elbows oozing with blood as lustrous as white gold.

As a Platinum Asura of the Ninth Level, honed in the Dark Domain, she had attained such a lofty bloodline. Yet, she could not evade Norant's clutches and met with this grim fate.

"Yu Yuan! You've entered the Element Cage without my consent!"

Norant, his voice rising with indignation, suddenly realized Yu Yuan wasn't listening and spun around to rebuke him. "You, a mere junior of the Divine Soul Sect, have no authority over the Asura Clan! What does it matter if this woman has some connection to you? The Asura Clan should have foreseen this day the moment they defied Lord Beilstein!"

"He's insufferable."

The towering Oracle Divine King, with a casual clench of his massive hand, sent sparks of spiritual and blood energy crackling like lightning between his fingers.

The formidable energy within each bolt could crush the heavens and shatter the skull of a behemoth.

Upon recognizing Yu Yuan's true identity, the Oracle Divine King of this new era revered him as a deity, the focus of his fervent devotion. He would not tolerate repeated provocations from the likes of Norant.

"Just rest; your injuries aren't serious. You're merely trapped by the Element Cage."

Inside the cage woven from golden and silver threads, Yu Yuan's blood clone reached out to touch Elena's shoulder wound. A strand of blood light penetrated the injury, revealing the extent of her wounds to him.


The clone burst out of the Element Cage, and with a crackling sound, it broke the cage's confining power.

Elena and the two members of the Asura Clan watched as the threads embedded in their flesh vanished.

It was merely a clone, and it appeared to exert no effort, yet the Element Cage's restraints were effortlessly nullified.

"Just a clone, and yet it managed to..." Norant's expression turned grave.

"Lord Cadorath."

Yu Yuan's crimson clone emerged from the Element Cage and materialized before the Bright Clan's chieftain.

Ann Ziqing, along with the Oracle Divine King and another Divine King, naturally took their places behind his clone.

"I'm not worthy of the title 'lord.'"

Cadorath, with her radiant smile and delicate features that resembled the finest porcelain, exuded a gentle and sacred glow. She stowed her jewel-encrusted staff and, with a modest bow, said, "Norant is our clan's general, known for his stubborn pride. At times, he even disregards my commands."

"In his heart, he has always idolized the Great Demon God Beilstein."

When Barol of the Star Race attempted to speak, Cadorath glanced at him, signaling him to remain silent.

Barol promptly closed his mouth.

"Yu Yuan!"

Seizing the moment, Denise spoke up, her eyes brimming with a plea for help.

Yu Yuan gave a slight nod before asking abruptly, "What about Canli and Chen Liangquan?"

"They didn't come with us," Cadorath replied with a smile.

"Chen Liangquan? The one with our bloodline and half-human lineage?" Norant scoffed, glaring at Cadorath from the direction of the Element Cage. "Patriarch, forgive my frankness, but our Bright Clan's pure bloodline should not be sullied by such an individual!"

"I can't fathom why you would welcome him. And frankly, I cannot accept it either!"

Despite being a revered figure among the Bright Clan, the commander of the Sacred Legion openly confronted Cadorath in front of a crowd.

Yet Cadorath, who always seemed harmless and perpetually wore a sweet smile, remained unflustered. As one of the mightiest beings in the Outland Star River, second only to Lord Beilstein, she did not let the challenge ruffle her composure.

She continued to smile patiently and said, "In alignment with the Divine Soul Sect's philosophy, a future where all races coexist and integrate is our goal."

"I disagree!" Norant declared emphatically.

"Beilstein concurs and is actively advancing this cause," Cadorath said, batting her eyelashes endearingly.

Norant's expression turned rigid.

"You're quite the troublemaker."

Yu Yuan, having swiftly moved in front of Cadorath, wasn't addressing Norant but Cadorath instead. "Alright, I've got your message."

Unfazed, Cadorath kept her smile. "I have no idea what you're talking about."


The Element Cage burst open, and strands of gold and silver threads clustered together, floating like a bird's nest above Elena's head.

In this world, the invisible laws of the Great Dao materialized as lightning and ethereal light, infusing the gold and silver threads.

The radiant light within, originating from Norant's divine power, was meticulously stripped away.


Yu Yuan's blood clone glided over the Element Cage, now resembling a bird's nest, and faced the irate Norant. "My goal is to rescue these three Asuras. Moreover, I forbid you from entering the Dark Domain!"

"Do you even have that authority?" Norant retorted with fury.

He then turned to Taishi.

Taishi nodded, his smile untroubled. "The Divine Soul Sect has always operated on the principle that might makes right. He is currently our most formidable expert."

Norant sneered in response, "Has the Divine Soul Sect really sunk this low?"

Tianqi's expression grew stern. Seeing that Cadorath made no move to intervene, he stepped up to Norant, clenched his fist, and struck a pose. "Allow me to test the mettle of the Sacred Glory War God!"

"I'm up for the challenge as well," Taixu said, his gaze icy.

"I choose to battle him!" Norant pointed at Yu Yuan. "If Taishi has declared him the strongest in the Divine Soul Sect, then I will face him in combat!"

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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