Unmatched Dominance/C1864 The Irritated Old Ape!
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Unmatched Dominance/C1864 The Irritated Old Ape!
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C1864 The Irritated Old Ape!

In the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, Space-time Dragon Zhong Chichen emerged from the realm passageway with a furrowed brow. He appeared before Ji Ningshuang and Loong Jie, his voice grave as he announced, "We can no longer travel to the Gray Domain."

Loong Jie, running his hands through his disheveled hair in frustration, lamented, "My dragon descendants are all on Tia Main Planet, eagerly awaiting my return—both Eighth and Ninth Level dragons."

"I'm at a loss as well," Zhong Chichen admitted, "I have no idea where the little spinosaurus has gone. It's troubling me as well."

Ji Ningshuang's expression was icy as she turned to Heixun, who stood attentively at their side, and demanded, "What's happening?"

With a pained expression, Heixun confessed, "I'm just as in the dark."

He recalled Yu Yuan's words before departing with Zhou Cangmin, mentioning a hiatus from the Vast Expanse and the enduring connection between this realm passageway and the Delude Devil Abyss. Yet, the path to the Gray Domain was now closed.

Without understanding the underlying reasons, Heixun was unable to provide any answers.

"It appears he truly has no intention of allowing our return," Zhong Chichen mused, his voice tinged with frustration. "Mo Baichuan suggested that the Yang God's return could break the Demon Phoenix's curse on the blood of all beings. With the Geocentric Fire and within the safety of the Vast Expanse, there should be no threat. So why is he avoiding it?"

The Demon Phoenix's frenzy had sent a wave of fear through the sects and powerhouses of the Vast Expanse, all dreading the potential ruin of their foundation.

Mo Baichuan's message had sparked a glimmer of hope, prompting the supreme beings to convene with the intent of addressing this world-threatening peril through Yu Yuan.

Yet, the Desolate God's return brought a clear directive—Yu Yuan forbade anyone from the Vast Expanse from venturing to the Gray Domain.

After a moment of contemplation, Ji Ningshuang spoke, "My agreement to visit the Gray Domain wasn't to coax him back. I merely intended to inform him that the Origin Blood Continent's bitter chill has shifted its stance towards me."

Loong Jie, his concern palpable, voiced his unease, "I sense that something is amiss."

Since I can't reach the Gray Domain to speak with him in person, then..." Zhong Chichen's thoughts stirred, and his entire being radiated a prismatic glow. He traversed the expanse of the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area and materialized within the Blood God Cult on the Quietus Continent.

He halted before Xueyin and commanded, "Inform Yu Yuan that I'm seeking him out."

"Sect Master Zhong!"

Xueyin gasped, then hesitantly replied, "He has always manifested his will through me, but I'm uncertain how to reach out to him."

Zhong Chichen scratched his head, "Attempt to convey your thoughts to him utilizing your Yang God form."


Moments later, Xueyin shook his head, "It didn't work."


Great Swamp.

The Old Ape, who seldom ventured from the heavens, stood next to the now mundane Destruction Den, gazing at the lifeless branches that no longer exuded the essence of destruction, death, or rebirth.

The den, once linked to the Dark Wing Starfield, had been stripped of its magic by the Secular Bird Queen, who had seized all its power.

Fury shone in the Old Ape's eyes as he bellowed, "First Yu Yuan, now you. What are you all concealing from me?"

He had concealed the "Destruction Nest" and protected the "Regeneration Nest," offering considerable aid to the Divine Soul Sect, yet he had not been reciprocated with substantial rewards. Now, even his kin and the Demon Clan's offspring were dead.

His heart was undoubtedly filled with grievances!

Nearby, the members of the Chamber of Commerce watched him with trepidation, dreading that the notoriously ferocious Old Ape might lash out in madness.

"I'm barred from the Gray Domain, this den is worthless, and I'm unable to reach the Dark Wing Starfield," the Old Ape snarled, his expression darkening. "Has my child perished in vain? He possesses the power to revive my child, and if he refuses to assist..."

Suddenly, the Old Ape materialized amidst the brooding storm clouds hovering over the Great Swamp.

The clouds roiled, lightning streaked, and thunder boomed, foretelling an impending tempest.

The exalted beings scattered throughout the vastness all felt the disturbance and cast their gaze toward the Great Swamp, bracing for what was to come.

They knew that the volatile Old Ape could resort to madness once his resentment accumulated to a certain point.


The Old Ape emitted a deep roar that echoed through the skies of the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, conjuring the shadow of a colossal beast akin to a towering mountain.

The Heaven Sealing Soul Transformation Formation within the area was immediately triggered, creating a protective dome of green-black light.

Loong Jie and Jee Ningshuang looked up to witness the manifestation of the Desolate God and realized the Old Ape was currently displeased with the Divine Soul Sect.

Hei Xun, who was attentively attending to the pair, grasped the Desolate God's intent upon hearing the roar.

"I will relay your message without delay!" Hei Xun assured.


Tia Main Planet.

Across the expansive terrain, once pockmarked with craters, the land had been smoothed by Taishi's influence, now teeming with a rich infusion of various cosmic powers that brought forth a plethora of strange flora and robust trees.

Gems, crystals, divine gold, and exotic herbs of exceptional quality were found on Tia Main Planet.

"Apart from the absence of the Boundless World Wall and pure spiritual energy, this place has it all!" exclaimed Shi Jing'er from the Babel Chamber of Commerce, marveling as she soared through the skies with Fong Zhong by her side. "There are many uncommon gold metals and spiritual materials here—Heavenly Materials and Earthly Treasures that would never be nurtured in the vast ocean."

"It's truly a land of treasures," Fong Zhong agreed, nodding emphatically.

Zhongli added, "Before I was confined to the Sword Prison, I visited worlds of other races, but I've never encountered any place as wondrous as Tia Main Planet!"

"After exploring, it seems that the Divine Soul Sect had long planned to establish the New Vast Ocean here. I've heard it was the Dragon Slayer who initiated the New Vast Ocean project. Could he have identified Tia Main Planet as the ideal location long ago?" pondered Shi Jing'er, pausing atop a rugged peak with her fellow Chamber members.

Above them, the immense energy vortex was clearly visible, and they could feel the influx of starry sky power emanating from it.

"Where is this intense starry sky power coming from?" Zhongli wondered aloud in amazement.

"It appears even Yu Yuan hasn't completely figured it out yet."

After visiting the Gray Domain, Zhou Cangmin responded, only to witness the sudden emergence of the Dragon Slash Platform.

Hovering above the enlarged Dragon Slash Platform were the spectral forms of the Gray Goose and the Luan Bird, along with a nest pulsating with a subtle vitality.

"The Rebirth Nest!"

"How did the Rebirth Nest of the Secular Bird Queen suddenly make its way to the Gray Domain?"

Tianqi, Zhou Cangmin, Ann Ziqing, and others from the Tia Main Planet converged here due to the Dragon Slash Platform's return.

This group also included Zhou Cangmin and Yuan Lianyao.

They quickly noticed the spectral forms of the Gray Goose and the Luan Bird carrying the Rebirth Nest away from the Dragon Slash Platform, seemingly in search of a suitable location.

Before long, an unnamed forest on the Tia Main Planet caught their attention, and they transported the nest there.


As the nest, brimming with verdant radiance, settled onto the forest floor, all the ancient trees and flora appeared to instantly fuse with it.

Streams of plant life began to seep into the Rebirth Nest, endowing the branches with an otherworldly charm.

The Secular Bird Queen's three nests, woven from the branches of the Hannya Divine Tree, inherently possessed the tree's remarkable qualities, enabling them to gather the essence of vegetation.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The stellar energies of the Tia Main Planet were also drawn toward the Rebirth Nest, as if to replenish its depleted powers.

"It will take some time for the nest's myriad wonders to fully manifest."

The Luan Bird, in its spectral form, gazed at Yu Yuan, who had followed, and gradually transformed into a beautiful young woman dressed in a cyan gown. With her finely drawn eyebrows and the poise of a well-bred lady, she spoke with a clear voice, "This place is excellent, surpassing even the sacred land of the Dark Elfkind in its marvels. It's exceptionally well-suited for the Rebirth Nest."

Yu Yuan nodded in agreement, "If it pleases you, that's all that matters."


The Rebirth Nest began to frantically draw in energy from every direction, the colossal energy vortices in the heavens also being fervently tugged at by the nest.

It appeared insatiably thirsty for power.

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