Unmatched Dominance/C1865 Unable to Hold It in Anymore
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Unmatched Dominance/C1865 Unable to Hold It in Anymore
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C1865 Unable to Hold It in Anymore

The "Rebirth Nest" in the forest acted like a sponge greedily soaking up all the special abilities around it!

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

High above the Tia Main Planet, some of the energy erupting from the colossal energy whirlpools didn't disperse but was instead drawn into the nest.

Each branch that made up the nest shimmered with blinding light, radiating powers of regeneration, destruction, and death.

The intricate natural patterns on the branches emerged, exuding a scent brimming with vitality, as if they could spur the growth of flora and rejuvenate a barren world.

The ancient trees and plants of the forest, rather than being drained by the nest, thrived because of it.

The nest, brought by the Gray Swallow and the Luan Bird from the sacred grounds of the Dark Elfkind, brought an unexpected boon to the Tia Main Planet.

It discovered that the abilities in the starry space around it far surpassed those of the forest's vegetation, prompting it to make a fresh choice—

To draw energy from the heavens!

"The Secular Bird Queen's Rebirth Nest."

Taishi emerged from the depths of the earth, standing before the nest. He watched the torrent of energy cascading from the sky into the nest with a grave expression. "Is this her intention?"

The Gray Domain's wonders and the Tia Main Planet's peculiarities were rooted in the presence of energy surpassing that of other Starfields.

In time, the Tia Main Planet would develop a barrier capable of purifying the thick starry abilities into pure spiritual force, filling the entire world.

This was why the Tia Main Planet was selected to be the cradle of a new expanse.

Yet now, the Secular Bird Queen's "Rebirth Nest" was siphoning off the power from those energy vortexes and occupying a significant amount.

A temporary diversion might be manageable, but if this continued long-term, it would surely impact the Tia Main Planet.

"Please wait a moment, Primordial Divine King."

The Luan Bird, transformed into a beautiful young woman, sensed Taishi's displeasure. She timidly shrank within the nest, looking at Yu Yuan with pleading eyes. "I need time."

Yu Yuan gave a slight nod.

At that moment, Tianqi, Taixu, Ann Ziqing, Shi Jing'er, and Fong Zhong had also gathered around the nest, their curiosity piqued by its activity. To them, the nest appeared like a colossal beast with its maw agape, greedily siphoning all sorts of energy from the Gray Domain.

Aware of Yu Yuan's profound connection with the Secular Bird Queen, they refrained from commenting, trusting him to handle the situation.


After a short pause, the Luan Bird's eyebrows quivered as though it had heard a distant call. Hovering at the heart of the nest, it addressed Yu Yuan, "The Queen requests your permission to harness the starry sky energy from this nest."

"Hasn't she already begun to do so?" Yu Yuan asked, his demeanor unchanged.

Realizing that the Queen was likely struggling against the Demon Phoenix in the Dark Wing Starfield and in need of external aid, Yu Yuan was naturally inclined to offer his support.

He had many questions for the Secular Bird Queen about the vastness of the cosmos and the Demon Phoenix.


Before the Luan Bird could speak again, Yu Yuan ghosted to the edge of the nest.

Resting his left hand on a verdant branch, he said, "There's no need for you to relay her messages. I'll communicate with her directly."

As a sliver of Yu Yuan's blood energy seeped into the branch, his thoughts, empowered by his dominion over the Gray Domain, traversed the infinite expanse of space.

He sensed the presence of the Secular Bird Queen and felt the barriers around her relax, allowing his will to extend further.

Thus, Yu Yuan's consciousness materialized within the Death Nest of the Dark Wing Starfield.

The Dark Wing Starfield had transformed dramatically since his last visit with Blood Devil Qike. Five incandescent suns now bathed the once-dim starfield in brilliant light, leaving all vegetation desiccated and lifeless.

The Hannya Divine Tree, rooted in the Muddy Divine Soil, appeared as though its vitality and moisture had been scorched away by the suns' glare.

A colossal frog, stationed amidst the quintet of suns, had eyes that blazed like two additional suns, igniting anything within its gaze.

The mighty iron-wing bird, with its tempestuous winds, had swept away the Soul Summoning Flag.

The Origin Realm Gate, which was on the verge of being stabilized by the Hannya Divine Tree, was repeatedly extinguished by the tenth-level iron-wing bird before it could fully solidify.

The White Divine Tiger and the Golden Deer, once fierce combatants in the Dim Starfield, now emerged in Tan Xiaotian's Dark Divine Domain, leaving the Demon Lord at a loss for action.

Once upon a time, the Sky Tiger and Tan Xiaotian were the formidable duo of the Vast Expanse, mutually admiring each other and conquering new territories for their realm.

However, they had turned into adversaries. United, the Sky Tiger and the Golden Deer kept Tan Xiaotian so preoccupied that he could not attend to other matters.

Elsewhere, the clash between the purple Phoenix and the green Divine Bird wreaked havoc, obliterating numerous stars in their wake.

The Dark Wing Starfield had become a desolate void.

Vegetation ceased to grow, and the World Barrier encircling the planet ignited. The starry sky's powers appeared to have been utterly drained by the Demon Phoenix and the Secular Bird Queen.

Hovering above the grand Phoenix Shrine in the void, a slender figure watched the Secular Bird Queen with an icy gaze.

The vibrant, toxic luminescence emitted by the Demon Phoenix was diminished by this slight presence.

She refrained from joining the fray, instead aiding the Demon Phoenix by using her insights to curb the Secular Bird's newly acquired toxic powers.

The collective force of the White Divine Tiger, a frog, the Golden Deer, the iron-wing bird, and Yu Zhu, rallying around the Demon Phoenix, had now surpassed the combined might of the Extreme Intelligence, Tan Xiaotian, and the Secular Bird Queen, rendering the Origin Realm Gate impossible to manifest.

Yu Yuan, waiting in vain at the Abyss Gate, failed to see the arrival of the Extreme Intelligence due to his passive stance.

Atop the withered branches of the Hannya Divine Tree lay the Death Nest, through which Yu Yuan observed the conflict in the Dark Wing Starfield.

The once barren power of the Death Nest, now linked with the Rebirth Nest, received an infusion of external starry sky abilities, revitalizing the Nest and the Hannya Divine Tree that sustained it, like parched land blessed with sweet rain.

The Secular Bird Queen, at a disadvantage, finally let out a resounding cry that echoed through the distant cosmos.

It was as though she was signaling to Supreme Wisdom and Tan Xiaotian that she had tapped into a newfound strength.

"You wretch, you've finally lost your composure."

The purple phoenix soaring through the void projected thoughts and will that permeated the entire Dark Wing Starfield.

A torrent of demonic energy abruptly surged into the Death Nest.


Yu Yuan's spiritual consciousness, corroded by the energy from the Supreme Demon Phoenix, was instantly expelled from the nest.

"The Gray Domain! So that's where you hid the Rebirth Nest!"

This was the last shriek Yu Yuan heard.

The inhabitants of Tia Main Planet watched in shock as the verdant Rebirth Nest suddenly shifted to a pale purple hue.

Taishi's expression turned grim. "Demon Phoenix!"

Everyone braced themselves for a formidable threat.

In a mere moment, the pale purple of the Rebirth Nest faded, reverting to its lush green as it continued to draw upon the celestial powers.

Yu Yuan's expression was somber as he pressed his hand against the tree branch, channeling his spiritual consciousness and blood energy. No longer able to reach the Death Nest within the Dark Wing Starfield, he was blind to the events unfolding there.

He was certain of one thing: the combined ambush by Supreme Wisdom, the Secular Bird Queen, and the Demon Phoenix against the Supreme Demon Phoenix had ended in utter failure.

Supreme Wisdom likely hadn't anticipated that the Demon Phoenix, through the Phoenix Shrine, had now mastered the esoteric spatial mysteries.

That enigmatic shrine had transported three Tenth Level Beast Gods from another realm and brought forth the White Divine Tiger.

Moreover, with Yu Zhu emerging from the shrine, five peak Tenth Level beings had suddenly appeared at the Demon Phoenix's side, bolstering her already superior strength and leaving her adversaries in a dire and treacherous predicament.

During Yu Yuan's initial probe, only the golden giant deer had emerged from the shrine.

When Vastmist communicated with the Secular Bird Queen through the "Destruction Den," Her Majesty remained composed, her skirmish with the Demon Phoenix appearing evenly matched.

This time, however, the situation was starkly different.

It was highly probable that the Supreme Demon Phoenix was deliberately escalating the battlefield, sequentially summoning Beast Gods and Sky Tigers.

She had bided her time, allowing the Secular Bird Queen, Supreme Wisdom, and Tan Xiaotian to underestimate her before calling forth Tenth Level Beast Gods and Sky Tigers, continuously springing surprises on them.

Fear and despair also loomed large!

By the time they sensed trouble and decided to evacuate the Dark Wing Starfield, they found that they had already expended far too much of their energy.

The cosmic abilities within the Dark Wing Starfield itself had been nearly exhausted due to the prolonged combat.

They were now in the embarrassing predicament of being unable to leave even though they wished to.

The final words of the Demon Phoenix conveyed that she had been biding her time, waiting for the Secular Bird Queen to draw power from the "Rebirth Nest," thereby revealing its location.

Her intent was clear: to thwart any chance of the queen's resurgence.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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