Unmatched Dominance/C1866 The Secret Coercion
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Unmatched Dominance/C1866 The Secret Coercion
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C1866 The Secret Coercion

"A different world? A Beast God?"

Shi Jing'er of the Babel Chamber of Commerce was visibly shaken after Yu Yuan briefly outlined the situation in the Dark Wing Starfield.

Fong Zhong, Zhongli, and other experts at the Unrestrained Stage were equally astounded by the revelation. It seemed to be the first time they were aware of another world existing on par with the Abyss.

In contrast, the Divine Soul Sect appeared unfazed, with Taishi and Tianqi maintaining their composure.

"You... You knew about this all along?"

Fong Zhong, visibly frustrated, scratched his head and glared at the Divine Soul Sect's leaders. "We've been allied with your sect for so long, and you've kept such crucial information from us?"

"We didn't conceal anything; we simply didn't know much before," Taishi replied without a hint of embarrassment. "To be precise, it's the Great Demon God Beilstein who has more insight into the world where the Beast Gods reside. Our Divine Soul Sect only learned of its existence through Andrea's intelligence and our own investigations."

Taishi chose not to disclose the nature of Andrea's connection to Beilstein.

Watching the "Rebirth Nest" voraciously consume the starry powers, Taishi quickly regained his composure. He caught Yu Yuan's eye and advised, "Don't be hasty in heading to the Dark Wing Starfield."

Yu Yuan's brow furrowed in concern.

"The Dim Starfield and the Gray Domain are where you should focus your efforts; they are your true battlegrounds and domains. In these realms, the power of your Yang God is boundless. The fact that the Demon Phoenix couldn't gain the upper hand in the Dim Starfield is testament to that."

"Given your account, the Demon Phoenix has become too formidable. If you leave the Gray Domain and the Dim Starfield and rashly enter the Dark Wing Starfield, you won't be able to leverage your formidable powers. I suspect the Demon Phoenix is eager for you to do just that, so she can handle you on her own turf."

"The Secular Bird Queen must have realized this as well, which is why she doesn't want you to go."

"Instead, she has chosen to move this Rebirth Nest from the Dark Elfkind's space into the Gray Domain."

Following Taishi's lead, the Void Divine King and Ann Ziqing also began to counsel caution.


As Yang God Yu sat at the Abyss Gate, he briefed the Abyss Goanna and the Chaos Roc on the state of affairs in the Dark Wing Starfield. The two Starry Behemoths shared Taishi's perspective.

Don't rush headlong into the Dark Wing Starfield.

The two Starry Behemoths were aware of the Extreme Intelligence's strategy, which failed to yield the expected results, making their arrival here now a challenge.

Beneath the colorful sea, the creatures of the Abyss have grown remarkably docile. It's been quite some time since they last assaulted the Abyss Gate, sparing Yu Yuan any additional stress.

Yu Yuan's Yang God, resplendent like a clear red crystal, sat above the vibrant sea, constantly keeping his impulses in check.

He fought the urge to plunder the hidden secrets of the giant beasts' bloodline within the Abyss Gate and assimilate them into his Yang God.

He was acutely aware that by refining the Abyss Gate, he could take a significant shortcut. The bloodlines of the titanic beasts, painstakingly gathered by the venerable Spinosaurus through countless hunts, could instantly become his.

The "source of the Yang Meridian" filled him with vigorous blood energy. With the addition of numerous beast bloodlines, his Yang God would rival the might of the ancient Spinosaurus.

Such power would enable him to break free from the confines of the Dim Starfield and the Gray Domain, facing the Demon Phoenix in the Dark Wing Starfield without fear.


Should the Abyss Gate shatter, the two realms would merge, allowing the Evil Gods of the Abyss to invade our world.

In this realm, the Demon Phoenix has already summoned three Tenth Level Beast Gods, signaling the intrusion of another formidable force from a different world.

With the addition of the Evil Gods from the Abyss, wouldn't we be caught between two formidable foes? And currently, Beilstein is missing.

There are numerous issues to contend with in the Vast Sea as well.

Uncertain of his next move, he once again employed secret arts to forge a river of blood, dispersing strands of his will. He aimed to assess the state of the Vast Sea through the followers of the Blood God Cult, such as Xueyin and Lin Yue.

A sliver of his will had just taken root within Xueyin.

"The Space-time Dragon, Zhong Chichen, has visited; he wishes to meet with you," came the message.

"Moreover, the Desolate God of the Great Swamp has grown restless. Recently, he manifested in the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area as a Demon Shadow. He conveyed through Heixun his desire for your assistance in resurrecting his progeny."

"Loong Jie, the Great Sword Immortal Ji, attempted to enter the Gray Domain but failed."


Xueyin, who had proactively reached out to Yu Yuan, was completely transparent with him, reporting all the information he had.

"I understand. Convey to the Old Ape that I've agreed to resurrect his progeny with blood essence. Inform Zhong Chichen and the Sword Sect that I'm devising a solution to the quandary posed by the Demon Phoenix's threat."

"However, I need time."

Yu Yuan, adept at multitasking, also gathered insights into the evolving situation through Lin Yue, a disciple of the Blood God Cult.

He discovered that the mightiest beings of the Hao Vortex had recently convened at the Sword Sect to strategize on addressing the Demon Phoenix's menacing demand for the blood of all creatures.

He also found out that the rulers of the great empires, their noble families, and the sect practitioners were all in a state of alarm over this crisis.

They all believed that the intransigent Supreme Demon Phoenix was serious this time and could potentially annihilate the Hao Vortex.

No one wants to die or see their lineage extinguished, so they were all desperately seeking help.

Mo Baichuan, representing the Geocentric Fire, had relayed a message that placed all their hopes on their Yang God.

"It feels like being hunted with a knife at my back, forced into making a sacrifice."

Yu Yuan muttered at the Abyss Gate.

Days later.

Old Cash, now affiliated with the Babel Chamber of Commerce, arrived at the Heaven Opening Flare Star from the Oblivion Starfield. In a rush, he made his way to the Tia Main Planet, bringing with him dire news.

A new essence had returned from the Outland Star River, merging into the depths of the earth's core.

This essence belonged to Shehun, who was trapped in the Demon Domain!

"Andrea has encountered trouble!"

"Her newly forged divine seat has shattered!"

Beneath the towering tree, dozens of meters high, Tianqi and Taixu rose abruptly to their feet.

Grasping the Dragon Slash Platform, Yu Yuan's divine consciousness swept across the Gray Domain, monitoring the trajectories of the powerful beings from various realms. His focus intensified suddenly.


The Dragon Slash Platform created a luminescent ring that encircled Taishi, Tianqi, and Taixu.

"I'm here to clear up the confusion you three have had."

A glowing white barrier ensured their privacy. No one else on Tia Main Planet could overhear their conversation or peer through the light to see inside.

"Andrea communicated through Alien Demon Qiyan, instructing my Yang God to avoid returning to the Vast Expanse. She warned that the Vast Expanse's Origin Soul might have been compromised by the Abyss Treasure."

Yu Yuan disclosed the hidden concerns, "She cautioned me to beware of all supreme beings merged with the Origin Soul! She believes I should have noticed this during my first life, which is why I must rebuild the Vast Expanse anew."

"She also mentioned that the fall of the Divine Soul Sect and our own demise are connected to this issue."

Upon hearing this, even Taishi, who was usually the epitome of composure, visibly paled.

The Origin Soul of the Vast Expanse, the mysterious entity that gave rise to the Origin Soul itself, was the spiritual backbone and a source of pride for everyone.

To suddenly learn that this revered Origin Soul might be tainted by the Abyss Treasure was too much for them to bear. They were utterly unable to come to terms with it.

"Could Andrea's shattered divine position be related to this?" Taixu exclaimed, alarmed.

"Losing her divine position won't kill her. She's not bound by a lifespan; she is immortal. My concern is that Han Qi and Han Miaoyuan might exploit her vulnerability now that her divine position is broken," Taishi said, his brow furrowed. "Yu Yuan, we need the ground beetle to reach maturity as soon as possible. We require the Starfield Map on its carapace!"

"Whether it's the Demon Domain or the path to the Beast God's realm, we must have the precise coordinates!"

Taishi's urgency was a rare sight.


As Yu Yuan responded, his divine sense reached out and he saw Duan Yisheng, Jun Chen, Tan Junshan, and others at the meteorite Lau Ying had selected for the ground beetle.

Thousands of miles away, members of the Star Race, including Barol, Leo, and Beru, were also monitoring the situation.

Barol had expressed his eagerness to examine the Starfield Map once the ground beetle reached maturity.

"What? A new Origin?"

Jun Chen clutched a jade stone, his spirits lifted by a message from Shi Jing'er. Turning to Tan Junshan with excitement, he announced, "A new Origin has emerged in the Vast Expanse. Your opportunity has arrived."

"New Origin!" Duan Yisheng exclaimed, his own excitement palpable. "The Divine Soul Sect made us promises—it's time they made good on them!"

Tan Junshan's moon secret arts had not yet been mastered by a deity, but his preparation was more than sufficient.

"We must make haste back to the Vast Expanse!"

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