Unmatched Dominance/C1874 The Evil Gods
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Unmatched Dominance/C1874 The Evil Gods
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C1874 The Evil Gods

"Be silent, Awkwafina."

A colossal prism, spanning thousands of acres, hovered in the void, its ancient bronze edges etched with faint, intricate patterns.

The once blurry figure within the mirror gradually transformed, revealing an exquisitely beautiful female face.

In stark contrast to the grotesque fleshy tumors and hybrid beasts on the giant leaves nearby, the woman's visage in the mirror was infinitely more alluring.

She certainly met the aesthetic standards of Yu Yuan, a visitor from another world.

This was the Evil God whom Awkwafina served—neither the massive prism nor the emerging face were tangible objects, but rather manifestations of a unique kind of soul.

She believed that such a high-level conversation should not be disrupted by Awkwafina.

The Evil God chastised Awkwafina, instructing the Tenth Level elder of the Shadow Clan to remain silent and not overstep her bounds.

"He, he is..."

Awkwafina's spectral form quivered with unease, haunted by her experiences in the Gray Domain, the old Shadow Clan member felt fear.

"Who is he?"

The Evil God within the mirror showed a flicker of interest, but her question was not directed at Awkwafina; instead, she gazed at Extreme Intelligence through the prism.

"Is he well-known in another world?"

Kermaz, noticeably shorter than the other Evil Gods, was puzzled by Awkwafina's outburst and inquired solemnly, "Lord Extreme Intelligence, to what level of power does this individual you've brought with you belong in his world?"

"He's roughly on par with the old lizard that once visited," Extreme Intelligence replied with a smile.


The four Dark Lords who had been standing beside Yu Yuan abruptly widened the space between them, their demeanor turning grave.

Electricity seemed to crackle in Kermaz's vast, pitch-black pupils as he scrutinized Yu Yuan once more, eventually asking, "Is he also a so-called Yin God?"

Extreme Intelligence responded with a nod and a smile.

"How does his physical form in that world compare to the Demon Lord we serve?" Kermaz pressed further.

"As I see it, they're quite evenly matched at present," Extreme Intelligence said with a casual laugh, gesturing for Kermaz to cease his relentless questioning. "Let's first see what Youyu is up to."

Extreme Intelligence peered into the distance, his ethereal soul form slowly lifting a hand.

An ethereal Soul Summoning Flag, formed by the concentration of his soul power, bore intricate and profound soul patterns that he replicated with ease.

Surprisingly, the counterfeit Soul Summoning Flag possessed some of the might inherent to a genuine one upon its creation.

Eyes on the flag's surface opened quietly, resembling the "wisdom eyes" Yu Yuan was familiar with.

These "wisdom eyes" peered into the resplendent sea of dreams, seemingly aiding Ji Hui in discerning the oddities and vistas within the Sea of Hearts, which was gradually eroding and preparing to merge with the Origin Realm's Sea of Hearts.

At that moment, Yu Yuan sensed the Abyss Evil Gods observing him discreetly.

Awkwafina's scream and her words had drawn their attention, and even as a mere Yin God, he had garnered the interest of the Evil Gods.

Yu Yuan was undaunted, meeting the gaze of the colossal Evil Gods with a smile.

He quickly realized that these grotesque beings were merely a fraction of their true souls.

Previously, the Origin Realm was under the dominion of the Origin Realm God, but now it was Ji Hui's reign, and the souls that descended into the Origin Realm were naturally subject to its ruler.

The formidable Abyss Evil Gods, to avoid being extinguished by Ji Hui, would certainly not risk their entire souls.

The formidable and fearsome presences of the Evil Gods were merely aspects of their soul power, akin to an eye within the Origin Realm, facilitating their communication with one another.

Their true forms, perhaps, were separated by infinite realms within the Abyss World.

In the true Abyss World, it was exceedingly difficult for their real forms to interact, hence their reliance on the Origin Realm.

Additionally, there were beings from other worlds brought into the Origin Realm by Ji Hui and the previous Origin Realm God. Through these otherworldly visitors, they could glean insights into the state of affairs in those worlds.

"Fellow denizens of the Abyss, I am Yu Yuan from the vast expanses of that world. May I inquire..."

Yu Yuan spoke with ease, his Yin God form drifting closer to the immense Evil Gods.

"Vast Expanse!"

"Yu Yuan!"

Before he could finish his query, the Evil Gods in the void erupted into strange cries.

Yu Yuan, taken aback, pointed to his own face and expressed his astonishment, "Am I somewhat renowned in your Abyss world?"


A leaf as vast as a continent drifted from the center of the Evil God, its once-yellow foliage gradually taking on a vibrant green hue. "I have heard of you from the Fallen Divine Tree!"

"How should I address you?" Yu Yuan inquired with a smile.

The Fallen Divine Tree, previously known as the Hannya Divine Tree, had served alongside the Void Spirit Succubus at the Origin Realm Gate in the Lissom Realm. Together, they had drained the Deep Starfield of its cosmic powers.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

From within the immense green leaf, a multitude of shattered meteorites and the ruins of worlds materialized, along with the wreckage of Galaxy Warships and the bones of formidable demons and alien warriors.

Many of these realms had clearly endured brutal conflicts, evoking a sense of familiarity in Yu Yuan.

"Outer Battlefield, Deep Starfield."

Yu Yuan's face took on a somber cast.

The leaf, ambiguously real or illusory, seemed to deliberately showcase the Deep Starfield as it was before its destruction by the Chaos Abyss, as if to imply to Yu Yuan that he was among those involved.

The Deep Starfield, now a void of silence and death, had been consumed by the Chaos Abyss, along with its celestial energy, extraneous matter, and fleeting light. This uniquely shaped Evil God must have partaken in the spoils.

"You may call me the Devourer."

The green leaf let out a low chuckle. "The Deep Starfield wasn't particularly appetizing, given its barren and desolate nature, lacking in both life and abundant energy. I yearn to enter your world, to feast to my heart's content amidst the starry expanse teeming with countless beings."

"That will truly satiate my hunger and usher in my metamorphosis!"

The Devourer made no attempt to conceal his voracious greed and thirst.

"Like the esteemed Master Supreme Wisdom and the Demon Lord, who basks in the favor of darkness, I too hail from the Vast Ocean," the Yin God within the colossal prismatic mirror said, drawing closer to Yin God Yu with a radiant smile. "The Vast Ocean! That is the realm we most desire to reach—the Vast Ocean of that world!"

"Why?" Yu Yuan pressed.



Supreme Wisdom interjected sharply.

The Yin God within the mirror halted at Supreme Wisdom's stern command. After a moment's hesitation and a glance at Supreme Wisdom, she indeed chose to remain silent.

"Should you be defeated by the master of the Sea of Hearts, we will withdraw from the Origin Realm."

To mitigate the tension between them, the repulsive tumor oozing venom, which from a distance resembled a ball of meat in the Stars World, spoke with a raspy voice, "I can sense that it's not just the Sea of Hearts that seeks to connect with the Origin Realm."

"The Sea of Hearts appears to be anchored in an odd place, a place teeming with... powerful Yin Spirits!"

"I'm not entirely convinced this is safe."

The unsightly Evil God exhibited a high degree of caution and concern.

"Awkwafina informed me that the area is known as the Demon Realm. The Demon Realm is a nexus for evil spirits and ghosts, and it also governs the cycle of souls in their world," the Shadow Evil God added, without further discussing Hao Xuan. "The Demon Realm is peculiar, home to numerous vile spirits under the dominion of its ghostly deities."

"The lord of the Sea of Hearts is merely one of these ghostly deities, and the Demon Realm is ruled by more than one."

The Shadow Evil God also seemed troubled.


Within the Soul Summoning Flag, conjured from nothing, myriad souls and ghosts materialized in each eye, bearing a resemblance to the presence Yu Yuan had encountered in Horror Land, albeit in a variety of forms.

There were Asura souls, spirits from the Banshee Clan, and fierce spirits from the Dark Elfkind.

In the Outland Star River, the souls of otherworldly warriors, known as Yin Spirits and Ghosts, lingered after their corporeal demise.

Upon death, the souls of these beings often perished swiftly, with only a rare few enduring.

At this moment, numerous souls and Yin Spirits of these otherworldly beings drifted within Youyu's Sea of Hearts.

They sought to merge the Sea of Hearts with the Origin Realm and step into the Origin Realm via a bridge.

What's become of Youyu?

Yu Yuan had an uneasy feeling. He had set out to the Origin Realm with the intention of seeking out the Abyss Evil God to inquire about the fabled Abyss Treasure.

He was curious about what the Titan spinosaurus had taken from the Abyss and the subsequent changes it might have wrought upon the Origin Soul after sinking into the vastness and merging with it.

Additionally, he sought to understand Beilstein's condition through the Evil Gods that were besieging him.

Unexpectedly, his Yin God arrived just as Youyu was engaging in a fusion with the Origin Realm through the Sea of Hearts.

Given that the spirits and specters within the Sea of Hearts originated from the Abyss World, had Youyu formed an alliance with the Abyss World, or had he been subdued by it, much like Han Qi?

Surely Youyu hadn't begun to serve the Abyss World, had he?

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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