Unmatched Dominance/C1881 The Old Is Gone and the New Is Not Coming
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Unmatched Dominance/C1881 The Old Is Gone and the New Is Not Coming
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C1881 The Old Is Gone and the New Is Not Coming

Standing atop the Dragon Slash Platform, Jee Ningshuang gazed in astonishment toward the Gray Domain. Her eyes, bright as star diamonds, seemed to be carefully verifying something. She first detected the familiar essence of the Gray Domain amidst the tumultuous Galaxy Extraordinary Talent, where a strand of extreme coldness was inexplicably present.

Confused, she pondered, "What's happening? How could the frigid presence from the Dim Starfield sense me and show... kindness? It abandoned me and even drove me from the Origin Blood Continent. Why this sudden change of heart?"

Jee Ningshuang murmured to herself, her beautiful eyes brimming with bewilderment as she involuntarily turned her gaze to Yu Yuan. Her instincts suggested that Yu Yuan might hold the answer.

Yu Yuan felt a jolt in his heart. As the sovereign of both the Gray Domain and the Dim Starfield, he could detect any anomalies in either world once the space-time gate, serving as a bridge, connected them. When the icy aura buried deep beneath the Origin Blood Continent stirred to life, he immediately sensed it.

He knew that this frigid energy had awakened because of Jee Ningshuang! Specifically, it was after she shattered her Yang God and divine seat that the subterranean chill of the Origin Blood Continent unexpectedly warmed.

The Yang God, the Divine Position, the Origin of the Vast—these thoughts raced through Yu Yuan's mind, sparking a sudden epiphany! He realized he could assist Jee Ningshuang in reclaiming her power and breaking free from the shackles of the Vast Will.

What did it matter if the Yang God was shattered? It could be reforged! The previous Yang God, crystallized from spiritual and soul power, could be forsaken for a new one, infused with his own lifeblood, aligning with Ann Ziqing and the Grand Illusionary Divine God.

This reborn Yang God, forged from the power of blood, favored by the extreme cold, could expand the principles of frigidness. Wouldn't it be possible to reach the pinnacle, just like the Great Demon God of the Blood Devil Clan?

There was no need for the Origin of the Vast. By magnifying the Yang God limitlessly, Jee Ningshuang could embark on the path of the Blood Devil Clan.

Yu Yuan's rage and sorrow quickly diminished, and he even felt a sense of relief.

Thankfully, Jee Ningshuang had also gained true freedom!

"It's alright. When one door closes, another opens."

Yu Yuan grasped Jee Ningshuang's hand once more, his lips curving into a reassuring, warm smile. "This is for the best. Freed from the Yang God and its controlling Origin, you can now live unbound and truly be yourself!"

"You're not the first to shatter their Yang God. Andrea from the Demon Domain made the same choice, and she's doing just fine."

After a brief pause, Yu Yuan turned his gaze back to the supreme beings outside the Gray Domain, his eyes reflecting a touch of pity.

"You are tethered to the Vast Ocean Origin, content to follow its commands—that's your choice. But don't try to coerce me into anything!"

With a whoosh, he and the Dragon Slash Platform vanished.

At the entrance of the Gray Domain, a brilliant display of Galaxy Extraordinary Talent coalesced like mist, swiftly forming a barrier.

This membrane, created by Yu Yuan's abrupt departure, sealed the path of the outsiders trying to enter the Gray Domain.

From that point forward, any expert wishing to enter the Gray Domain would have to break through this dazzling barrier first. The moment it was breached, Yu Yuan would be instantly alerted to the identity of the intruder.

"Mr. Zhong!"

Han Miaoyuan, clutching the Profound Dao Flag, materialized before the Space-time Dragon with a piercing look in his eyes. "You can penetrate this barrier and lead us into the Gray Domain, can't you?"

Zhong Chichen's face tensed, and he involuntarily stepped back. "Han Miaoyuan, are you certain you want to proceed with this?"

Loong Jie cried out, "This can't be done!"

Zu Ann and Mo Baichuan were taken aback, puzzled by the Dragon Gods' apparent dread of the Gray Domain.

"And why not?"

Han Miaoyuan let out a cold huff, his face etched with urgency and impatience. "It's not just you two. Lvliu, Qin Luo, and Lin Daoke—I can bring them here as well. With Jee's divine position vacated, four sources of power lie in the depths of the Vast Ocean. If Yu Yuan persists, I'll simply create four new supreme beings!"

"I refuse to believe that a dozen or so powerhouses from the Vast Ocean can't take down a single Gray Domain!"

"If the Soul Divine King is trapped in the Gray Domain, then what chance do Taishi, Tianqi, and the other so-called experts from the Vast Expanse have against us?"

Han Miaoyuan viewed the exalted position within the Vast Expanse as a mere pawn, subject to his whims.

With the tacit consent of the will of the Vast Expanse, he had the power to appoint the next Divine King. Any who refused to submit would be stripped of their divine status.

Should one perish, he would simply create another. The Vast Expanse was rife with eager candidates for the divine mantle, with a surplus of qualified aspirants.

"You can't possibly subdue them all."

Zhong Chichen shook his head, eyeing Han Miaoyuan, who seemed possessed by a demonic force. "You really ought to visit the Gray Domain yourself to see the myriad of supreme beings beyond those few Divine Kings of the Divine Soul Sect you mentioned, not to mention the numerous beasts lurking there."

Han Miaoyuan's brow furrowed. "A few?"

"Among those I'm aware of are Cadorath of the Bright Clan, Barol of the Star Race, Rebecca of the Banshee Clan, Brie of the Dark Elfkind, Reid of the Devaputras, and likely Grec as well. Among the Starry Behemoths, there's the Chaos Roc and the Abyss Goanna, and possibly even the Secular Bird Queen."

As Zhong Chichen continued, Han Miaoyuan's expression darkened and his mood grew heavier.

"What magic does the Divine Soul Sect possess to rally them all and command their obedience?" Zu Ann marveled with a click of his tongue.

"Yu Yuan, or should I say Tai Yin, indeed has the prowess and the power to do so. He's planning something monumental on the Tia Main Planet within the Gray Domain, and he's managed to involve all the extraterrestrial races in his scheme," Zhong Chichen said with a wry smile.

Up to this point, Zhong Chichen had no intention of directly confronting Yu Yuan; he was merely sparring with Han Miaoyuan.

Because he didn't want to risk losing the hard-won Divine Throne.

"He's aiming to forge a new Vast Expanse! He conceived this idea tens of thousands of years ago and has been quietly executing it ever since."

Han Miaoyuan's face was a mask of brooding darkness. Drawing a deep breath, he exclaimed, "He and the Divine Soul Sect perished for this very ambition, and yet, his treacherous heart persists. He's still actively pursuing this agenda!"

"The new Vast Ocean?"

Zu Ann, Mo Baichuan, and the Desolate God looked perplexed.

Zhong Chichen fell silent upon hearing Han Miaoyuan's words, finally realizing that the fall of the Divine Soul Sect and the demise of various Divine Kings were indeed influenced by the will of the Vast Ocean.

"With so many supreme beings perishing in the Divine Soul Sect's downfall, shouldn't it have been easy to strip the Divine Kings of their essence?"

Zhong Chichen harbored doubts, gazing intently at Han Miaoyuan and inquired, "If you're acting on its behalf and caused the Divine Soul Sect to vanish, why was it such a struggle?"

Han Miaoyuan let out a heavy sigh, his eyes reflecting a deep respect as if he were reliving the past.

"The Tai Yin of old was more formidable than today's Demon Phoenix, having delved deeply into the secrets of the soul. He wielded his soul's power to contend with the Vast Ocean's will, safeguarding the divine essence of several Divine Kings from the Divine Soul Sect."

"After all, his initial soul power was derived from the Vast Ocean's will. He achieved what the Demon Phoenix cannot to this day."

Han Miaoyuan spoke after a pause, his voice laden with emotion.

The Demon Phoenix, despite her might, failed to protect the essence of Sky Tiger and Yu Zhu. She could only preserve her own, helplessly watching as Sky Tiger and Yu Zhu's power plummeted after losing their essence.

Her approach was limited to blood.

Yet the Divine King Tai Yin had the strength to challenge the Vast Ocean's will, preventing it from smoothly reclaiming the essence of the other Divine Kings.

And so, it sought out Han Miaoyuan.


"Let's forge your Yang God anew right now!"

At the heart of Tia Main Planet, Yu Yuan gestured to Ji Ningshuang to get ready as the Dragon Slash Platform came to a halt.

"Sword Immortal Ji!"

Jun Chen, Duan Yisheng, Shi Jing'er, and the rest from the Silver Moon Sect were taken aback to see her appear so abruptly, with her realm evidently diminished.

"What has transpired?" Taishi inquired.

"Han Miaoyuan, Mo Baichuan, Zu Ann, Zhong Chichen, Loong Jie, and the Old Ape are just outside the Gray Domain," Yu Yuan briefly explained. The Dragon Slash Platform in his hand slowly turned a deep red. "Step inside!"

Jee Ningshuang, caught off guard and her mind elsewhere, was suddenly drawn into the Dragon Slash Platform as it activated its powerful suction.

She was instantly engulfed by it.

The sky above had turned a deep, blood-red hue, with rolling clouds that appeared to be infused with the overwhelming power of blood from another realm, pouring through the void.


A beam of icy light shot through the spatial gateway, making a beeline for the Dragon Slash Platform.

A frigid offering from the depths of the Origin Blood Continent.

Libre Baskerville
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